z-keeper-of-time · 9 years
@’d by rouge-of-faygo
Twenty-six things about me…
A- Age: 15
B- Biggest fear: Being alone
C- Current time: 10:20 pm est
D- Drink you last had: Iced tea
E- Every day starts with: Pain and a shower
F- Favorite song: Maybe “Take Me To Church” by Hoizer?? I dont really have a favorite lamo
G- Ghosts, are they real: maybe, i really am indifferent
H- Hometown: Florence
I- In love with: A
J- Jealous of: literally fucking everything
K- Killed someone?: i blew up earth once
L- Last time you cried?: like 5 minutes ago
M- Middle name: James
N- Number of siblings: 3
O- One wish: To be happy
P- Person you last called: my mom
Q- Question you’re always asked: “hey did you get this done” or some other form of people asking me for answers lmao
R- Reason to smile: @curana and cats
S- Song last sang: Take Me To Church by hoizer, very badly in the car
T- Time you woke up: around 6:30 ish
U- Underwear color: grey and black
V- Vacation destination: hell, space
W- Worst habit: breathing
Y- Your favorite food: dino chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes
X- X-Rays you’ve had: One of my arms when I was 2 and my right pinkie finger
Z- Zodiac sign: Aquarius
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