#obv no harm bc it wasnt deep but like everyone was just
squishybons · 3 years
Ok I'm dumb af what is goin on in that last video 😅? (If u feel up to explaining, of course!! The notes on it were not helpful 😔)
Ur not dumb anon dw dhdjdbkdndkd the best way i can describe it (unless im incorrectly understanding the follow system on tiktok and insta) is. You hang out someone in ur friend circle. Ur not on bad terms w them but ur not on good terms either. You have a mutual friend ur both chill w but if that mutual friend leaves you two alone to go do something it feels strained and awkward. You dont think anything of it bc how often do you talk to them alone anyway?
That other friend ur on indifferent terms with sees this video. They comment “this is what it feels like to be w anon😔 (you)”. Its one comment in a sea of hundreds. Who would care about this comment save for the exact people she tagged?? One other person apparently. Someone no one in your friend circle knows. They see this comment from a person they dont know about a person they dont know. And they take it upon themselves to tell u, person who has been minding their business, that the girl ur on indifferent terms with feels weird around you. How do u respond to this? Who does this shit? Who takes it upon themselves to message complete strangers about this? My initial OH SHIT reaction to it was that they actually sent the message lmao
But like if u knew all that and was confused about the image attached; its a picture of a panopticon (i think), a cylindrical prison room that has all jail cells facing the center column that contains one warden. Its supposed to give the impression that one is always watched at all times. Its impossible to have the warden watch everyone at once, but the fact that the inmate cannot tell who the warden is watching at any given time makes them unsure of exactly WHEN the warden is looking at them, adding to the illusion that the warden CAN see everyone at all times.
In reference to the video, you would be surprised how many people are watching you. You do not exist in a vacuum; the things you say are there for everyone to see and not to be deep but you do not know whos going to try and use the things you say for evil lmao obv the OP of that video was like Weird for even messaging them but it wasnt actively harmful; they were doing this for views. but u dont know who Would use the exact same path OP did to do something less than favorable. Just food for thought. I thought the video was ridiculous in a “i cannot believe someone went out of their way to be this nosy and invasive” but some people may not see it in a negative light at all :0
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