#obv probably a lot of ppl don't know it (or like my mom don't know the english types) but still.. idk i think its interesting
castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x14 dressed to kill
the fashion designer episode liveblog
dumpster diving my beloved Canon gay characters "I had it first" No you literally didn't
Wedding stuff. Inviting my older bro to watch this w me bc he likes wedding stuff. Something a little less... intense. KB: They are all very girly, with a lot of gauzy photos of love-struck brides looking off into the distance. Love set design btw. RC: Perhaps they’re contemplating the fifty percent divorce rate? MR: Of course it was the 70s so I can't be sure... Those two r so cute & martha is great <3
Hey we've recorded this location before KB: Matilda King JE: ... Ok. .??
LP: a scarf a sash or something. RC: Blue hairs. So she was killed by a little old lady. Or Katy Perry. Or a dr seuss character
speaking of, where IS ryan?
Nice apartment!!! Ryan's outfit. I also liked Esposito's but I didn't like it. Is it legal to be on call 24/7???
Isn't this already their statement?
Ryan tech stuff
u already need to be a hottie? Stare all you want! Actually no. Ew only hiring ppl who.. i'll shut up.
Big bro: oh no it's his mom? his mom is secretly matilda king?
Like Sifu
Recognizes her!?
About 15 minutes lol that's when she did modeling!
Wow bright pink fashion man. So many canon gay characters even tho... I think they ARE canonly gay but they are intended to be gay obv
& she has a business to run!
ella's dead? how? "we're trying to find out" u KNOW how: strangled
Poor serge.
episode title: dressed to kill.
If you're fired by matilda that's a rite of passage.
bro says the fibres could have gotten on her neck & THEN she was strangled
Pretty normal looking guy
btw love the background artists
RC: Oh! I just came up with a new title. “Murder is the New Black”. KB: Does that even make sense? KR, showing up: No it doesn't
is it REALLY bigger than fashion?
bro: i think it's the big lady (matilda) liking ella's design & someone else taking credit so they can make it big Me: I'll write that down. *not telling him he's right*
Yay cordova! house!
Usually exterminators get RID of bugs
Black coral?
"yes that's him but his hair was more like this" Knows what he wore
RC: After a tough negotiation that involved my Knicks tickets and naming a character in my next book after his Nana, my friend came up with a name. Marcus Conway.
the captions <3 "couture chick" "that's "chic"
My man looks young but with grey hair Ooh she's hot, rly tall, I love her
Corporate espionage & that's why she was killed
Bro: her cell doesnt work from home!
probs just an online zine bro
Wow art. Wow wedding dress.
Ryan pretty.
The boys watching caskett be mushy KB: can you go with martha?
U could be a regular ex-military, u don't need to make everyone ex special forces babes
Ella called Marcus on the landline oh dear!
love the murder timeline
WOuld she do it herself? Bro: maybe she was pressed for time, didn't know who she could trust
Bro: I think it's the pink guy who heard the call as she was leaving & went after her to protect matilda or he needs to secure his position or he needs to prove his loyalty or he needs to frame matilda to get her job
She's on a call? Ask her to hang up politely? idk.
Wow she be yelling.
"it;s the clothing that stitches it all together, we are their fantasy!
It...IS temper babe
Matilda king is good at this capitalist evilhood.
Yeah illegal illegal gross illegal technically legal but shitty crappy
"What information? Don't say u don't know, say you cannot share. "the weekEnd" oOOohhhhhh so it's fine if hte COPS listen!
We need more beckett+ryan
That's a lot of audio footage. THey're probably rly good at seeing what is important while listening at 2(to 3)x speed. Bro & I were arguinng if it was audio recording or direct recording. Inane to YOU esposito, probs super interesting to sm1 who know what they're talking abt. KB: This directory lists over a hundred people who work there. JE: (wistfully) Yeah. (pause) Lucky I have crazy good hearing. (I'd like to learn more abt that. The man is p musical after all.) KR: *nods* it's true (when did he learn that?) Ah, take me out to the ballgame money atm from that one movie
He's supposed to be working at a fashion place???
She cryin I don't like this gal at all lol At least she says "excuse me" The model didn't show up :(
fall 2015 not 14 babe Nice wood on the walls
MR: Then don’t. I’m sure there’s another venue out there that the two of you will just fall in love with. Bro: the station
Beckett wedding dress Bro: it's gonna be HER dress? Bro: No it's not. It's so ugly. Bro: that's the worst way to do an overskirt, and the overskirt doesn't even match the rest of the outfit it looks sooooo tacked on after the fact. doesn't meet in the front, same length all the way around no taper, nothing to hide or blend the seam/joining point especially with how bulky it is especially at the top. t looks like they misread the instructions and put the petticoats over the dress instead of under it. it's not even white-white it's a warm offwhite which doesn't go with the silver at all. I am a huge fan of overskirts so believe me when I say it would be 100000x better without the overskirt.
Me: austrian crystal, I had earrings with that. What is is tho? Wiki: A rhinestone, paste or diamante is a diamond simulant originally made from rock crystal but … In the US, these are sometimes called "Austrian crystal".
while she's gone for 5 mins send a pic to castle Bro: I like the top of the dress at least, but it looks like they assembled it wrong
She's gonna say no. At least Castle didn' t put down the stuff before he called her. Oh she just claims she didn't want to rush it. Or maybe you could plan for fall 2015!
JE: Just Yumi. It – I guess if you don’t have a last name you can charge more. (not clipping but good face.) JE: And in addition to the fact that this model is hot – (he studies the photo) – she’s wearing black coral. Bro out of the blue: two ugly guys & a dog JE: I’m probably going to have to call her in for an interrogation. (just so he can look at a pretty girl acab lol)
Yumi: Models. Lack of food makes them so very fraught.
Bro: It's only been ONE day!?!?!? Me: that's what I said!
Bro: that sash looks like the TYPE of thing she'd have, but I didn't see it specifically.
Love his fashion scarf still lol.
Maybe they were both subconsciously getting the ideas from the air. You come up with the same ideas all on your own. Like music.
Ew copaganda.
bro: it's the guy! the assistant guy! who I was suspicious of before!
Love all these people & looking weird.
Turns out mobsters are more ethical. Love the music bwang.
Love her jacket btw. & so this entire thing happened in one day but then at the very end it was boom morning new day get julian skip the facts getting the dumpster stuff, then boom take down the murder board & do paperwork & go home?
Ooh fire on in the background Like how she's talking with her hands KB: I wish my mom knew you Me: Maybe she was the one who first bought kate a richard castle book Bro: "actually I DID bang your mom." Me: !? Bro: "So you don't have to worry, she liked me a lot"
gtg cook supper bai
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fairycosmos · 2 years
i sometimes feel such a blinding uncontrollable rage and hate towards my mom when she does these small things and it makes me feel so guilty but also like. she really did fuck me up so i might be in the right? i dont know. she keeps doing me wrong and refuses to learn and its incredibly frustrating and annoying and god. i wish i hadnt been born lol wish i wasnt in this position
ugh same, i barely even have anything productive to say about it because i'm in the exact same situation and i feel the same guilt and i go through the same relentless arguments/conversations w her. and i can't say a thing about it to anyone because she's grieving and she's hurt and she's mentally ill so that makes me the bad guy right off the bat, i suppose. anyway. ultimately i think mother-child relationships are more often than not, really tense and full of unsaid hurt. this typically gets expressed via anger at smaller things so it's def not unusual or something you need to crucify yourself for, though obv it's good to exercise catharsis of that rage in a healthier way. though i know that's difficult.
i always think to myself like. my mother was the adult, back in the day. and SHE fucked up. and now we have this mess of a life and of a relationship because SHE shouldn't have had kids and SHE doesn't learn and grow like - a lot of people will probably disagree w me on this part. and that's ok. but i honestly think the burden ppl take on when they CHOOSE to become parents is one of total responsibility. acceptance of the knowledge that most of the shit you and your child put each other through IS your fault. you raised them, you failed them, you brought them into this world and you lead them to where they are. so if you're frustrated, and it's because there's been this whole lifetime of your mother not listening, not trying to understand you despite all of that - then who is that a reflection of, really? you know.
it's just annoying. i think to outsiders looking in, they always see this sort of thing as an even playing field, with bratty children disrespecting their parents because they enjoy it. the entitled younger gens or whatever their narrative is. but there is always something deeper underneath that rage, always a sad let-down kid at the heart of it. also, if she keeps fucking you over, then the natural reaction to that is to be angry. it's good that you're angry because it means you know you don't deserve it, it means you know there's more waiting beyond it. i am really sorry you're in this position too, and i'm sorry it's all so hard. i really hope you're able to build a life (and a healthy support circle for yourself) divorced of her shitty influence, even if it takes forever. at a certain point i think you just disconnect and start living on your own terms, even just within yourself and your own head. sending u a huge hug. x
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castle-dominion · 1 year
1x6 always buy retail
Voodoo voudu vodun idk much of anything but whatever it is it's p cool & there are actually some branches which I think are forms of folk catholicism. Haitian Vodou is the one I know, well, nothing about & idk how correct I am but not /nothing/ nothing. From what I know, it is a french voodoo that formed in the americas in the caribbean (yk where p much all the natives were killed & then the europeans sent a ton of african ppl there as slaves, I think this all had smth to do with chocolate, possibly sugar tho) & it is a syncretism with catholicism, originally started out as an ATR. That's probs why the individual at the beginning sounds almost like they are speaking french. My french is rusty tho & I'm hard of hearing & the captions are empty.
My q is, what's up with the fellow's eye? OH WAIT OH GOSH OH WOW THIS IS A LOT lmao I like how he says "yeah why did we ever get divorced except for the reason we got divorced" & then kisses her again. They say your tattoo artist know what you sound like in bed: I can't tell if rick is in pain thinking about meredith or if she has her mouth somewhere.
I'd like to see an episode where they think someone is african-american & then they find out this person is australian. I think that would be nice.
RC, once beckett snaps him out of it: I had sex with my ex-wife this morning. Everyone: ... (this is a murder scene. they kind of stop & look at each other & castle & just... that was random) RC: My first ex-wife, Meredith. Alexis's mom. (girl idk if ppl want to hear) (special hell: for ppl who talk at the theater. Oh firefly.) RC: The hell of a deep-fried Twinkie. KR: A deep-fried Twinkie?? RC: Yeah. The guilty pleasure that you know is bad for you, so you only do it once, maybe twice a year for the novelty. *The boys nod & gesture their understanding.* But a deep-fried Twinkie every day is...
KB: Crime scene. Dead body. A little respect here. RC: I don't think he can hear me. I mean he's right. Once I'm dead y'all can't hear me so yk chill out. idrc. If I die, I'm dead.
Doesn't rigor mortis take two hours to set in & then ages to leave? Would it be hard to move the body then? bc that's one reason zombies can't exist, to move they would need to rip apart their muscles & then they would no longer be able to move.
JE: Vodun? What is that, some kind of Star Trek thing? *smiles at ryan like he cracked a funny joke* KR: No, dude, it's a religion. Practiced primarily in West Africa. *ppl look at him.* What? I read, too.
See? Beckett got Ryan into Castle novels.
KB Have CSU run the pouch. Have an M.E. test the blood. And let's get his fingerprints in the system, see if there's an ID. This ritual - I assume that it was done for a specific purpose? JE That's only if you're assuming that the guy doing this was rational. RC No, no. She's right. It might not make sense to you or me, but, uh, if we found out why he did this, we might find your killer. JE ("duh") Yeah, that's kinda how we do it. *him & ryan smile at him like :| like yeah bro. yeah. sarcastic I think.*
Just reading out loud to her. paris... like new york or did she take alexis to france? Castle is right about crazy ppl & sex. KB: how shallow are you? RC: Very
Obv she's going to be a practitioner. Um, it's fiction? I feel bad. He probably wrote vodun as scary evil bad for derrick storm when she told him a ton of rly cool stuff. Ooh, hardcore nigerian, now that's fun. See? Saints. I love how beckett reacts when Michelle says she is a practitioner. Girl, shut up. See michelle knows what's up. Cow's foot has plenty of gelatin, we used veal knucklebones for stock my first week of culinary school. Braised for a long time or simmered, the connective tissue in the meat would really soften up. I think cow's foot soup sounds delish. Plus, they obviously cleaned it! I like how she is a practitioner & also owns a cool restaurant. I wonder how much research the show producers & writers & ppl actually did for this episode.
Yeah. There are people who do bad things in every religion & lack of religion. Hold the reins on your racism & religious prejudice (which tbh is racially informed too).
Ryan is a first name, why is it his last name?
Sounds like ryan said "his" name is Darcy Cho. Darcy is technically a unisex name, originally a men's name, but then she's a woman. Neat, the cops from the other side of the city called these folks. Cool how we get a murder that's far away today.
Lol ryan really is a castle fan now. But he remembers what chapter that was? I can't even remember what BOOK something is from. (Ryan also looks normal now, the first few episodes they were really floundering to get all the characters down. At least they figured it out by now.)
Mom? I like how alexis is playing along in front of simmons. Fine but promise we're not leaving the city.
RC: There's a lawyer joke there somewhere, I just can't think of it.
Things are coming together <3 eeheehee
Remember japan? penthouse suite 14 floors up? walked it? yeah. Good times. West side story vibes. Just watched "america" bc of that. Good times. Woah gun out already? acab. These boys have the right idea. Keep ur mouth shut.
Ooh a mysteries "he" Yeah. Sounds about right. Weird. I feel like u should be able to be a citizen easier. I mean like. You're living here ain't u? Can anyone do that or do u need to be a priest?
Love the "yo yo" lol. Also I swear ryan has worn espt's exact outfit & esposito has worn ryan's exact outfit. Just a couple episodes ago.
Meredith: Richard! Over here! JE: Deep-fried Twinkie? Ryan just watching w that slight frickin smile RC, eyes closed as if he's getting a headache: 'Fraid so. Oh look at that, Ryan has a castle book. The way the three are standing stacked up like that Kitten? (rysposito laugh) RC: I had this dream once, only I was naked and far less embarrassed. Oh no she's going to end up helping. RC: what'd she do? (I think. my lipreading skills aren't good yet.) AC: shopping.
You got it boss. I love boss. I should call ppl boss more often.
I wish they would actually get a sketch artist to do it when they describe ppl to them. idk if they just get sketches of the actors to make it look accurate but I think it would be cool to see. I got an ai art account back when I saw it as just another tool, a medium for people to use, before I realized that AI need to learn & so it's essentially art theft, but anyway I just put in some prompts & it spat out a few options, one of them looked a little bit like a cartoon version of the person I was trying to get. They had writing on their forehead but other than that... & then I tried to evolve it a few times & at some point it spat out realistic-ish images & none of them looked close.
KB: Someone on Canal Street's got to know this guy. KR: Mmm. KR, eyes moving: Where's Castle? KB: He went home. KR: Deep-fried Twinkie, huh? KB: I didn't ask. KR: *smiles watching leave*
RC: I wonder if she could get arrested in New York. I know people now.
Castle listening graciously to his mom. Apparently Susan Sullivan (MR) was actually a broadway actress & so playing her on TV is kind of like she's playing herself. idrk. I think it's good that they got a theater actor to play the theater mom. She is kinda like martha. Red hair, fiery temper, kinda reckless (getting her kid out of school), tbh probs kinda,, worldly ; ) & also an actor.
Lol who tf cares. RC: You ladies picking out something pretty for yourselves? Alright fine just cut your way in! That's nice! /s Lol the bolt cutters just falling Ooh neat little sigils on the ground
Yeah lol smuggling. KB: Castle? Castle! RC: I'm on TV. KB: Are you having a breakdown? RC: Not a breakdown. A breakthrough. And I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I? XD XD XD. Apparently NF gets ppl coming up to him on the street saying this line. Castle only says it once & Ryan says it once too, but it was in the intro so ppl heard it every time.
Castle & this guy. I like how this guy knows oni, or at least says hi.
Lady. this is an electronics store. I got cameras all over this place.
I like the way espt says his own name. not espozido, but esposito. Their little handshake uwu
Don't say Azi is willing to testify! Let him keep his identity hidden!
Love ryan's green shirt btw, it's been there for a while I just haven't mentioned it. Why does he walk like that tho? He walks from side to side, very... idk. movey. He just sways a lot, but it is a little bit less fluid than a sway. Like he has hip problems almost.
Why is castle taking off his jac-- OH YES THIS SCENE! SO EXCITED! dhkjshfajks bc he's not police, but might as well have a vest! tbh when I first started watching the show, actually when my mom showed me a clip where he was speaking chinese & mentioned a show he used to love (firefly reference? that's y she showed me) I thought that the cops had given him this. Apparently he got it himself lol.
Bro should be careful. If they see him sneaking around behind them he might get shot. Oh no I remember how this goes. I always have my phone on vibrate, & half the time I have it on low-power mode, so it prevents vibrations, so my phone is straight up silent. Except when I get phone calls, then it still vibrates I think, but idk bc I don't usually get calls. Regardless, I always have my phone on vibrate & so should you, at least if you're in a tactical thing like this. Oh no I don't want to hear it I don't want to watch this scene. *watches regardless*
DAD DAD DAD! DAD DAD DAD! DAD DAD DAD! (good ringtone) They just all have their guns pointing at him & somehow they were all silent as they turned to look at him. *just leaves thru the side door* GIRL HE WAS IN A SITUATION! Wow houseing rly is expensive in ny, as bad as toronto. yk the canadian housing crisis is actually worse than the usa even tho we have more space & less ppl here. Co-sign...? *sees the nigerian drug lord* Girl take a pic?
RC: Uh, black. Uh, dark blue. Uh... It's very hard being a witness. I don't know how you guys ever get a conviction. I'm usually really good with the detailed stuff. I just... I got distracted. KB: Yeah. You're rolling calls during a TAC strike. JE: Hmm. Interesting. RC: He was supposed to be inside the building! KR: What about the color of your shirt? What is that right now? Is it black or blue? I couldn't quite tell. The sun was in my eyes.
KR: Hey. Vodun guy's a yoga nut. Drug dealers can have HOBBIES ms panizzon!
Weird mouse.
RC: You ever try doing a half moon pose cranked up on caffeine? Completely throws off your chi. Trust me, she bought her coffee after class.
Don't leave the door open man's gonna come in. I was right. Just having a shootout in her house. Ew broken glass ew broken glass ew broken glass. What if they just give him the passport?
Mirror? Oh, Phone. Hey castle's actually p clever! Casually takes a swig
Casually grabs a glass XD Your first gun battle but you were held at gunpoint recently. Oh that's the s4 reference! This is the champagne bottle! We all know it's implied to be sex but then he just "never EVER call me kitten."
Aww I love rick & alexis. RC: Yeah. That's what moms do. Me & my mom: ilysm
WOAH POOR MARTHA. AC: Raising one parent's hard enough. I don't know what I'd do if I had to raise two. My mom & me: *eyes emoji*
so sweet
I love eveything sm. Surprisingly there was not a lot of a plot b plot relation here.
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