#obvious disclaimer: this is NOT a healthy household and I am not speaking objective truth when I describe the opinions of these characters
Belos & Hunter HCs
because I believe diving into the sad dysfunction is more interesting than just a ‘Belos is an abuser’ post SO- 
Belos raised young Hunter (obvs) without the slightest idea of how to actually do that (OBVS)
To his credit (or not depending on your view) Belos didn’t hand off Hunter to a servant to raise. He aimed to fulfill the child’s needs himself and make himself a familiar presence in his nephews life (needless to say many unfulfilled needs have slipped through the cracks)
Belos does try for what it’s worth (though he’s probably trying in all the wrong ways) he’s aware of his more…unsavoury deeds but tells Hunter it’s in the name of making him a great witch despite his lack of magic (and preparing him for the day of unity) and if he has to be harsh to keep his nephew well away from wild magic then he will do so.  
Hunter first started researching wild magic when his uncle specifically wouldn’t tell him how it worked outside of warning him away from it. Because a: he wants to help him, and b: when an authority figure tells you not to do something it’s practically law that you immediately go do it.
Baby Hunter was a very energetic little fellow who often had trouble sleeping. Fortunately his cryptid uncle does not sleep and would walk the halls with his nephew in his arms until the little guy conked out 
Belos’ ability to see anywhere in the castle got used mostly as a built in baby-monitor in those years. Baby Hunter (and current Hunter tbh) loved climbing all over dangerous stuff
Hunters mechanical staff was a graduation present of sorts. Given to him on the day he joined the Emperor’s Coven. His uncle made it himself.
In a rare idle moment, they like to tinker with machines together (most often their magitech staffs) Like working on an extremely delicate car engine with your dad. -> this one brought to you by Dana’s artwork of them together
Belos is always happier (or at least content) when working with machines cause there’s absolutely no magic involved. Hunter feels much the same until he gets the cardinal palisman 
This sounds sus but Belos was a much better guardian (still not great but def better) when Hunter was younger because the pain of his curse was far less intense and he needed fewer palismen to keep it at bay. Better physical health, better mood, more patience etc. (Look Hunters care for his nightmare uncle has to come from SOMEWHERE ok?)
Regarding wild magic, Belos really does believe that it’s extremely dangerous, seeing himself as living proof of it turning on the user and only bringing pain. He wants it gone. 
Belos attended the Kratos Parenting school of how to talk to your child (‘boy!’ ‘boy…’ ‘boy.’) 
Probably talks to his nephew like Darth Vader talks to Luke (“you have learned much, young one.” : Belos teaching baby Hunter how to spell his name)  
They’ve spent so much time together that they can read each other’s emotions and intents through all those robes and the masks. For better or worse they are attuned to each other 
If Eda’s curse is symbolic of chronic illness, Belos’ affliction is symbolic of addiction
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