#obviously no tags for this fandom. Me and my homies HATE this fandom. 🧍🧍👎👎
howdydopillar · 7 months
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So something in my mind was… telling me to make this. Despite me no longer liking this piece of media (that shall not be named… at all. sadly. but if you know, you know.) anymore due to how uncomfortable it makes me now but I will always adore one thing about it… 
The cute little characters and their designs.
It’s a shame that they all have to go through those… Violent and gruesome deaths, something made me remember an old thing I was going to create back a few years ago,
Which was this;
A fan reboot of… (what’s an alternate name we can call it…… uh…. “Cheerful Evergreen Buddies”… Thanks Thesaurus!) but make it a slice of life, remove the gore, remove the deaths the characters go through, make the characters who had disabilities have better representations and portrayals since it won’t be for humor or for making fun of AT ALL compared to the original media, make the characters have personalities, also tweak the characters design a little (maybe give those without outfits… outfits!), and yeah! All of that stuff that make it really interesting for a slice of life! Backstory! A story in general! Bing! Bam! Boom! 
(of course, it won’t be an official reboot… there won’t be any sorta show or anything… just… idk? I guess whatever we want?)
Separate it completely from the original media because this is its own thing! Different universe! Different things! But we’re not gonna be like “pfft we don’t care about the characters, we’re just gonna do what we want like those weird reboots you see!” BECAUSE NO! despite how unfamiliar and untrusting it may seem to you… we do care about the characters, and we love them! That’s why we’re doing this in the first place! 
Soooo yeah! That’s kinda the gist of it!
Anyways, I’m probs gonna end this whole post here… I was gonna write more BUT while I was writing this (which was… last night) I was having a killer headache going on…
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