#obviously the guy probably usually doesnt even see the scripts before he's in the studio but
kirbyddd · 1 year
i see documentaries these days with "with david attenborough" on them like it's a selling point
every documentary ive ever seen with his voice has been nothing but foley sound effects over footage with the real audio removed and gradeschool level filler narration, zero educational value and pure entertainment, like the documentary equivalent of mcdonalds
seeing a documentary with like "whales with david attenborough" on it is like seeing a billboard that says "fish tacos with ronald mcdonald" like yeahhhh i think I'll pass
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doodledrawsthings · 7 years
Alrighty here’s the masterpost for Hell’s Studio, I guess
So what the heckity heck is this au about?:
This AU spawned from a joke I made with @arsonsara about bendy looking all weird in-game because joey sucks at 3D modeling.
Basically, Joey Drew got the idea in his head that he could potentially bring his original characters to life, and then goes to do that. However, it’s not all that easy, and he ends up bringing Bendy into the real world completely off model as this hulking mess of sentient ink vaguely in the shape of a demon. Obviously Bendy is very frustrated by this. But on top of being off model, he finds even more frustration in the fact that Joey wasted precious time trying to perform a demonic summoning ritual when he could’ve spent it making the actual goddamn cartoon. Seeing how impulsive and distracted the guy can often get, Bendy decides to appoint himself the new head animator and co-producer of the show if they want anything to get done. And it all kicks off from there.
So this AU doesn’t have a big overarching plot or anything, it’s mainly just episodic and things just happen. Think of it like The Office of Parks and Rec. Most of it is goofy comedic shenanigans, but i guess there is some drama-ish stuff in there from time to time, idk it’s a mess. It’s been built off of people sending me cool ideas on Tumbler Dot Com.
I don’t intend on making an organized timeline for things that happen throughout the au because literally anything can happen at almost any time and it’s constantly being added to, so I’m just gonna list a bunch of important points about the characters and how things work.
this is kinda just so y’all have just one big post to reference.
So here we go there’s a whole heckin’ lot:
Bendy was the first character to have been brought to life. Since it was Joey's first time summoning a demon, he did it wrong and messed up the model.
Bendy had to spend the first week or so as this tall, spooky, mass of ink trudging around the studio and yelling at people about animation.
Boris came in next, this time successfully and on model. Boris, the character, had already existed in the show even before HS Bendy was brought into the real world, so the two are already familiar with each other and personally know each other.
He works with the music department with Norman and the rest of the band and also script writing.
Then comes Alice, a much newer character, written into the show about a year after Bendy and Boris are brought to life, and is supposedly Bendy’s female counterpart in the show. Because she was put into the show after Bendy and Boris were summoned, the real-world versions of the boys never had a close relationship with her before she was brought into the real world, whereas she was close to a Bendy and a Boris that don't exist in the real world.
They decided after Alice that Joey should not summon any more characters into reality.
The toons retain their memories from the episodes they were previously in before being summoned, as if they were actual personal experiences. So when Alice comes in, Bendy and Boris don't really have that relationship with her that she may have had with the in-show versions of them. And Bendy and Boris know each other already because they were written as friends in the show, together. Even before both were brought to life.
Alice and Bendy don't get along at all at first but gradually become good friends as the years go by.
Bendy in earlier years often got jealous when something threatened to take his spotlight. 
Alice works closely in the music department, writing music with Sammy and directing voice stuff and working with Susie and the other actors.
Bendy is pretty strict when it comes to the art direction of the show, but he knows his workers’ limits. If he knows they REALLY aren't capable of doing something he won't make them do it, but otherwise he’ll try to push them to do the best they possibly can,no exceptions. He just wants things to look good.
Bendy, despite maintaining a sense of professionalism as an animation director, is still a mischievous prankster when off the clock. He won't deliberately do anything to halt progress, but people still should watch their backs.
Bendy LOVES picking on Sammy because his reactions are always the best. Sammy resents this.
The toons are made of ink, water and acetone hurts them but it won't kill them. I guess it sorta makes them lose form.
Holy objects are the opposite of good for these three.
Joey, in this au, is a pretty hardworking guy and a lot of people respect him for his accomplishments. However, he is incredibly impulsive and often inconsiderate of the consequences of his impulsive actions and often gets dristracted by other things halfway into a project, so he needs someone to keep him in check. He always means well but he doesn't really have a filter for the things he says or does, and often puts himself at risk of being punched by Sammy for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Joey is not super devoted to demon worship or rituals. it's kinda more like a side hobby. He did it cuz he realized he could use that kinda magic to do a thing he wanted to do, so went ahead and did it.
Sammy, despite also having a passion for what he's good at, is exact opposite of Joey: Pessimistic and constantly acting like he hates his job. He does what he does REALLY well, and people respect him for that. But most think he's a kind of jerk,so they leave him alone. He’s good acquaintences with Susie, Alice, and Henry though.
The top three people who piss Sammy off: Joey, Bendy, Wally Franks.
Henry's kind of the voice-of-reason. Very easy going and usually able to keep calm in ridiculous situations and is also good at following directions when given. Y’know that one post about being 85% of Joey’s impulse control.
Colored ink apparently gets the toons drunk. They act differently depending on color.
The toons drink regular ink like humans drink water
Joey has absolutely no interest in raising a family, he's already got one at the studio. He’s metaphorically married to his work.
Despite the crazy shit Joey does, he still means well and is usually one to try to make up for his mistakes. If only he just prevented them from happening in the first place.
Sammy, at some point, kicks the ink machine and becomes an ink-creature for a while. I kind of consider @nollplus’s fic to be AU canon, but honestly anyone can play around with any of these ideas as much as they want to.
I don't know who of the original crew passes away first, but I know for sure that Joey goes last.
Joey teaches bendy how to play piano as a way to relieve stress, it's kind of a thing they do together.
Henry is very close with bendy, and is often one of the people the toon goes to when he needs someone who will listen to his rants and frustrations without complaining about it.
Henry and Bendy often go out together on breaks to draw or walk around the town. It’s their thing.
Boris has the kind of face that is really hard to say no to. Whether he realizes this or not is questionable.
While Boris tends to be more on the naive side, he’s not ignorant. He knows when things are bad, and sometimes knows how to read a room better than Joey can, honestly. He just thinks that having a positive attitude will spread to other people.
@Ka-star’s fic about bendy getting chased into a church by a dog is AU canon and for the longest time it made him kinda scared of leaving the studio. But he’d never admit that.
Alice is very careful when she leaves the studio and is much more sneaky about it. She loves being outside the studio. It gets a bit too stuffy in there for her.
Same goes for Boris, he doesnt have a particular place he likes to go he just likes to run around outside and get out pent-up energy.
The toons get redesigns every now and then, some more permanent than others. Bendy was the first subject of that.
Sammy's office (and much of the rest of the music department) is right by the ink pipes, which often tend to burst and leak. This poor man is in a perpetual state of frustration.
The studio in this au actually becomes very successful over the years (in more of a Disney-ish fashion rather than Fleischer studios)
The toons are kept secret from the rest of society, when they go out into public, they go wearing cheesy disguises.
Bendy is not one to be very open about his emotions. He doesn't like being seen or treated like a kid, either. When he's upset, he often tries to hide it as best he can, which is kind of hard when you visually reveal how upset you are by involuntarily melting whenever you're stressed.
Since people in the studio have known them for so long, the toons are a regular and normal sight in the workers there. So when they get new members who are absolutely blown away by how toons exist in the real world it can be a bit jarring because sometimes even they are forget how unique their situation is.
The ink machine is kind of equivalent to a glorified coffee machine for the toons. It still serves importance though, as being a quick way to heal them if they get hurt.
They very much enjoy video games as they’d probably be around long enough to see technology develop from the 1920′s to what it is today and idk but thats kinda cool.
The toons can shapeshift to an extent, doing it for too long makes them REEEALLY tired. They usually use this ability to become other characters when kids are given tours of the studio. (Or to play pranks. Bendy specifically.)
Wally never really gets outta there, the studio’s become a sort of hectic second home to most of the workers.
Joey gave bendy that sweater after impulsively taking up knitting as a hobby, just because. Bendy wears it as PJ’s.
As much of a stick in the mud as Sammy is, he refuses to be a jerk to kids. Same with Bendy, though the latter is better with kids than the former.
While Joey was out doing his thing, bringing the toons to life, everyone unanimously decided Henry should be in charge when Joey’s off distracted by something else. He was stressed out for the longest time while Joey was working on that project of his. Everyone was. Thanks Joey.
Toon logic applies to the toons in some of the weirdest ways, and has a 50/50 chance of being convenient or inconvenient.
“Thanks, Joey” has become a sort of inside joke throughout the studio.
The summoning ritual is kind of anticlimactic. When done right, it’s kinda like POOF there’s a cartoon here, now. Yay. For the toons themselves, it’s an incredibly weird feeling. One moment they’re in whatever world they came from and now they’re here for some reason.
They do a Haunted House every Halloween that is basically just the canon game, but as a spooky haunted house.
Bendy sleeps in a drawer in his office.
Muppet Bendy. Just. Muppet Bendy. Whether it’s Spud’s idea whre bendy just straight up becomes a puppet at some point for some reason or if it’s just a puppet that bendy happens to have, it’s there. 
Thaaaaat’s all I can think of right now. There is so much stuff that goes on this au and so much still being added to it that it's hard to keep track of it so i’ll probably be constantly adding to this post.
But uh these are most of the ones that stick out to me more.
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