#obviously there'll always be things i gravitate to more than others but even those things are kinda at odds with each other in some ways
marshmellowtea · 2 years
"6: Age you get mistaken for", "9: Got any piercings?", and/or "21: What I love most about myself"? :3
waugh thank you!! <3
6: Age you get mistaken for
so many people think i'm like. a teenager? like i always hear fifteen or sixteen, it's always so funny to see the look of shock on their faces when i tell them i'm 22, haha. in their defense, though, i've had basically the same face since i was a kid, literally if you look at a picture of me as a toddler versus a picture of me now very little has changed so XD
9: Got any piercings?
unfortunately no but GOD do i want them!! my sibling has offered to pierce my ears if i buy a piercing kit off of amazon, which, listen, i understand that's risky, but he's given himself piercings before, so as long as i do all the aftercare i trust him to not give me an infection lmao. i also have some that i want that should probably be done by a professional but that's not what the question is asking so i'll stop there i guess hgldskjflk
21: What I love most about myself
agh, the trick of self love again! this may seem a little superficial but i genuinely love the way i have interest in/am willing to dabble in things that are so, like.....varied? idk, i know it's not super unique ghaldkfj, but looking at my past and current hyperfixations, a lot of them are pretty different from each other, and i think that's kinda neat? it's not just that either--my playlists are comprised of, well, mostly indie lol, but there's a mishmash of other genres too, sometimes ones that feel like they probably shouldn't go together but that i love and wanna share with the world equally anyway, creatively i've had at least a passing interest in wanting to try my hand in creating a lot of different art forms (book writing, webcomics, game design, tv shows....), and hell, my blog is a messy collage of things i like and interest me no matter how much they clash, and i. i don't know, i think that's kinda neat! i think i'm cool for it! or at least i'd like to think so ghldksfjk idk y'all can be the judge of that i guess. i just think it's fun :')
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