#oc : rosalind maxon
countrymusiclover · 9 months
My Genius Prince
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"It's silly. But I'm happy to say you're my Prince Charming"
Rosalind and Spencer have been dating without his team, knowing for almost two years. But after he drops her off at home, she disappears, and it's up to his team and his knowledge to rescue her from someone she hasn't seen since she was a little girl.
1 - An Unexpected Visitor
2 - Call for Help
3 - Beginning the Profile
4 - Who Knows Her Better
5 - I Told You I'd Find You
6 -
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @random000000sblog @aceofspades190
66 notes · View notes
countrymusiclover · 9 months
1 - An Unexpected Visitor
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Part 2
My Genius Prince
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
Walking through the store Islas of Walmart I was hanging out with one of my friends named Malia. We were hanging out at my apartment until we got bored so we decided to run around the store at midnight. “Let’s go raid the toy section.”
Malia and I headed over to the toy section. We found the aisle that had dress up clothes hanging on the walls on either side of us. “Oh hey, try on the blue one.”
“Got it. You need to try on the pink or yellow one.” I pointed at the set hanging behind her head until she turned around and took each one down. Picking out the yellow one to look like Belle.
I chuckled seeing her twirl around in the dress that was made for young girls or that was only worn on Halloween. “You look almost like Belle.” I didn’t care if we were adults in our late 20’s who still mess around as kids every once in a while.
“Oh it is a pleasure to meet you, Cinderella.” Malia teased me with a curtsey once I had slipped the light blue dress over my head and it fell down all the way to the tile floor.
She placed her hands in mine and we began spinning around in circles. Our laughter could be heard through the store but we couldn’t care. My hair that was in a braid was falling apart and in my face so when I tripped over my own feet I didn’t see I tripped myself. “Woah ah!” I was close to hitting the floor but I felt someone holding me up by my forearms.
“Easy, easy. I’ve got you.” I heard a guy’s voice respond in my ear and I felt some of his hair brushing against my cheek.
Glancing over my shoulder I was met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes and brown curly hair. “Oh uh I’m sorry mister. I didn’t mean to be so clumsy.” I apologized, getting to my feet as quickly as I could.
“It’s okay. Glad I was able to catch you. Uh, are you and your friends dressed up like princesses for a party or something?” The stranger tilted his head standing in front of me where I had to lock up at him since he was taller than me.
I lowered my gaze to the ground blushing at how childish this made us both look. “No. To be honest we were bored and decided to just come down random stuff around Walmart. Oh geez that makes me sound so childish.” Smacking a hand to my forehead I groaned.
“Sometimes we all have to embrace our childish behavior every now and then. It doesn’t make me think any less of either of you.” He responded by looking between me and my friend Malia.
Tilting my head to the side I became curious at his words, never seeing any guy embrace my child like wonder. “What’s your name, stranger?”
“Uh, it's Dr. Reid. Spencer Reid…you don’t have to call me Dr…it’s just Spencer.” He cleared his throat, clearly becoming nervous by my question like he was shy about talking to girls. “What’s your name?”
Extending my hand he eyed my hand before briefly shaking it and then we dropped our hands down at our sides. “Rosalind, Rosalind Maxon. It’s nice to meet you, Spencer.”
“Could I buy you two a coffee or something?” He asked shifting his attention to Malia briefly but he held his focus on me the longest now.
Malia looped her arm through mine after we had hung the dresses back up the way we found them. Squeezing her hand in mine I nodded towards the nervous doctor. “Sure. I think we’re down for that.”
“We sure are, Spencie.” I grinned up at him following him when we walked towards the Starbucks inside the grocery store.
2 years later
Coming down the stairs carrying my light brown boots in my left hand and my other hand opens the door revealing my boyfriend of two years as of today. I was wearing a light red lace shirt, some blue jeans with my hair loose except for two strands tied back. “Hey Spencer, what do you think?”
“Hi Rosalind, you look….beautiful.” He hung his mouth open and was frozen in the doorway.
He was wearing a black jacket over one of his blue dress shirts paired with some dark brown pants and his sneakers. He also carried his sachale around like normal. “Come on in. Don’t want you getting cold or someone snatching you off my doorstep.” I moved out of the way and he stepped inside, shutting the door behind himself.
“You know we should probably make a password or get you a security camera. That way you can see the people outside your house before you answer the door.” He suggested sitting his bag by the door.
Grabbing my keys from the kitchen island I raised a brow at him. “Is that really necessary?”
“Studies have shown repeatedly that it is.” He said back.
I nodded. “Guess I should not argue with a genius with an eidetic memory. So am I picking where to eat tonight or you?”
“You pick. But I’m paying for dinner.” He says picking up his bag again and heading towards the door. I shut the door behind me, locking it following behind his one stride to my two strides. We drove to the Arby’s near my house.
Sliding into one side of the booth Spencer slides in on the other side. We both had gotten roast beef sliders with cheese and I got some curly fries. Spencer and I have been together secretly for almost two years. “I know we haven’t had this conversation yet, but why aren’t we telling your team yet?”
“I just don’t want to rush you into it. I told you before about the job that I have. The things that we see day in and day out. I just don’t want to freak you out.” He explained sitting his slider down on the napkin.
Shaking my head at him I smiled. “Spencer, calm down. You won’t freak me out.”
“Yeah but when we met you and Malia were dancing around like princesses. You have an innocence in you that I don’t want to see gone from you.” Spencer replied.
Reaching for a fry I smiled tossing some fries at him. “Oh you mean like this.”
“Roz!” He chuckled, holding his hands up to not get a fry in the eyes.
I picked up some more fries and threw them where some actually ended up in his hair. “Don’t pretend you don’t like it. You freaking love Halloween. This is no different.”
“If I do this right then it should land…right there.” He bent his spoon back with a fry on it. He released it and I scrunched my nose when it hit me dead between the eyes.
Blinking my eyes I glared at him briefly before I giggled back at him. “See you like your inner child, same as me.”
“Yeah we make a good team that way.” He chuckled, staring down at his watch seeing it was almost ten now. “Oh we should probably go. I have to be at work early tomorrow morning.”
He laid down enough money and a tip then we drove on home. Unbuckling my seatbelt Spencer came around opening the car door for me. Putting my hand in his he led me up to the house and I got the door open again looking over my shoulder at him. “Hey I know you said it’s late and you have to work early. So I was thinking you could sleep here for the night if you wanted to, I mean.”
“Uh I appreciate it. I don’t want to intrude though. It’s your house.” Spencer shrugged his shoulders at me, he ran his fingers through his locks.
Throwing my hands up from my sides I tired once more. “Come on, Spencie. I don’t mind one bit. Otherwise I wouldn’t offer.”
“I appreciate the offer. I really do but I don’t want us to move too fast.” He avoided my gaze for a minute and I knew why. He wasn’t used to having a relationship. Even though it’s been two years we have only kissed a couple of times but we never slept the night at the other place.
Walking up to him I smiled, draping my arms over his shoulders, kissing him gently. “Can I still call you if I’m bored later?”
“Yes.” He smiled putting one hand on my waist holding me close to him, but he broke the kiss briefly.
Parting my lips I paused thinking about what I had told him a few months after we had been dating. “If I have nightmares again can I call ya?” Something that I didn’t like talking about after what happened to me. He never judged me over what happened.
“Definitely yes.” He nodded, kissing my forehead where we separated and I walked backwards into the doorway. He turned on his heels reaching into his pocket drawing a necklace from his pocket. “I almost forgot to give you this. I found it at the store one day.”
He dropped it into my hands and I grinned seeing it was a necklace with a tiny silver looking slipper attached to it. “Awe Spencer. It’s my own glass slipper.”
“Yeah I remembered Cinderella was your favorite.” Spencer smiled, clicking his tongue and I saw him get slightly embarrassed.
Clipping the jewelry around my neck I waved bye to him finally going inside and shutting the door behind me. “Night Reid.” Turning around on my feet I moved past the kitchen feeling the cold wind coming in but I knew I didn’t leave the windows open when we left. The wooden floor creaked underneath my boots and I paused when I noticed broken glass from the back door.
The floor creaked in a different room making me whip my head around and I gasped stumbling backwards to see my father Deacon. “Long time no see, Ella.” He stood in front of me holding something behind his back.
“How did you find me?” I questioned him.
He responded back. “It took time after your mother put me in jail. But it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I’m here now and that we can pick up where we left off.”
“I was six when she got you locked up. We can’t go back and change the past.” I attempted to walk away from him and grab my phone from my pocket but I heard a gun cock behind me.
He instructed me to aim the gun at me when I slowly turned around to face him again. “We’ll see about that, princess. You come with me willingly or we have to do this the hard way.”
“Like hell I will!” I ran forward and managed to tackle him to the floor. My father dropped the gun but was stronger than me so he held me down with his body.
He snatched the gun that was by one of my feet, aiming it at me where I froze knowing he meant business now. Wrapping my hands around his wrist he only had the gun barely from pressing my chest. “You’re done fighting now.” He raised the gun and hit me over the head with it where I blacked out.
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countrymusiclover · 9 months
4 - Who Knows Her Better
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Part 5
My Genius Prince
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
Spencer’s pov
It was a rainy evening when we were sitting on the couch inside my apartment. I was sitting more upright on the couch with my feet up on the coffee table in front of us. The team had been working through some long cases the past few weeks so I was finally getting my time with Rosalind. She was laying asleep beside me until her body started sturing. “Ugh! No….no….no!”
“Roz?” I shifted calling her name but I didn’t touch her just watching her mumbling some noises of discomfort.
She turned her hands into fists kicking the blanket she had off her legs. “Get off me…..daddy no!” She cried sniffing through some tears but didn’t open her eyes yet.
“Roz….Rosalind.” I called her name a second time, touching her shoulder, shaking her awake.
She takes a swing where I grunted when she punched me in the stomach. “I said get off me, dad!”
“Uh! Roz.” I grunted holding a hand over the part of my chest that now hurt. But with my freehand I snagged her wrist finally getting her to wake up.
She blinked through some tears croaking out in a labored breath. “Spencer…..did I….I didn’t mean to…”
“Shhh I know. I know you didn’t.” I told her.
She began crying some more tears. “I’m sorry, Spencer. I….I really didn’t mean to….I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey, don’t apologize Roz. I know you didn’t mean to.” Releasing her wrist that I was holding onto I moved that hand through her tousled hair trying to calm her down. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Rosalind hugs her knees to her chest making a noise. “Mmm.”
“Was it a nightmare?” I kept running my fingers through her hair.
She sucked in a breath, closing her eyes for a brief moment. “It was…about my father.”
“What happened with you and your father?” I questioned her, trailing my gaze over her body, being able to tell she was shaking from the nightmare.
She focused her attention back to me, scooting over when I held open my arms for her. “When I was six years old he tried to kiss me when I was playing Cinderella with him. He tried to touch me inappropriately but my mother came in to see what we were doing. Once she found us she called the police and he was arrested.”
“I’m sorry he did that to you. If you get any more nightmares you can call me.” I explained to her that she lay her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck in comfort.
Wrapping my arms around her waist I stared down at her. “Thanks Spence….I’m glad you’re here.”
“I’ll always be here, Roz.” She lifts her head up staring me straight in the eye. She pushed her nose against mine giggling when I finished my sentence. “Just know if you can’t find me don’t worry cause I’ll find you. I’ll always find you.”
I smiled brightly when she leaned up kissing me slowly mumbling into our kiss. “You’ll always find me, huh. Now you’re sounding like Prince Charming.”
“I’m a profiler. I think…I think that’s better.” I chuckled at her feeling her rest her head back where it was and I draped the blanket she had kicked on the floor back over us so we could sleep.
Hotch had split the team up like we did on all our other actual cases. Rossi and Morgan were working on the information Garcia had already presented us with on the plane seeing if we missed anything. JJ was doing what she could to bring in Rosalind’s mother and best friend Malia. Leaning back in my rolling chair I put my face in my hands. “What am I missing here? What is not connecting in my memory right now?”
“Spence, how’s it going?” I heard footsteps come inside and reveal Emily to me.
Gripping my hair in my fingers still I growled under my breath. “I don’t understand this feeling. I’m stressed over this way more than I have been with any of our cases.”
“Well this isn’t like any of our normal cases. This is personal for you with it being about your girlfriend.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
Dropping my hands down on the table scanning over the papers. Reading over these files I now knew more about my girlfriend then I ever thought it would. Everything from her parents history, school social life, medicinal history and all of the above. “Yeah but that should make it easier. Since I know what her response would have been…but all I can think about is if she is alive or dead.”
“This job is hard enough everyday. We just have to have hope that she is strong enough to make it look enough to find her.” Emily told me, sending me a weak smile.
Someone came rushing through the police station and I recognized the girl with tan skin and hair color the same as Emily’s. But she had it up in a ponytail rather than loose like I had seen it the first time we met. “I’m looking for Dr. Reid - Spencer!”
“Malia?” Rising to my feet I sent her a shocked look not prepared to see her this fast since we had only landed an hour ago. Yet here she was already at the police station.
She throws her hands up panicking. “I have tried calling Rosalind all morning and there’s been nothing. She never turns her phone off for anything - and she always answers my texts or calls - I - she’s in trouble.”
“I know, Malia. I asked my team at work to help me find her.” I replied.
Somebody else came running around the corner trying to catch their breath showing it was JJ. “Guys, I just heard that Malia Tames is here - oh you already found her great.”
“Where is my best friend?” Malia spun around her voice croaking in fear.
JJ pointed over her shoulder. “Ms. Tames, if I can ask you some questions about Rosalind in one of the conference rooms-“
“I’ll ask her the questions with you, JJ.” I interrupted her and the three of us went into an empty room.
Malia sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh. “What type of questions are you going to ask me that he can’t already answer for you. He’s her boyfriend after all.”
“You’ve been around here for your whole lives. You may not think about it but there’s something you might know that may actually be useful and you just didn’t know it.” JJ explained to her taking a seat beside her leaving me standing in front of the two women.
Rosalind’s best friend nodded. “Okay I guess you’re right.”
“How was Rosalind’s relationship with her parents growing up?” JJ started the questions off.
Malia shrugged her shoulders. “Normal like any parent and kids would be.”
“Was there anybody that Rosalind didn’t get along with very well?” I asked her.
She paused and mumbled the words we had just started coming to the conclusion with on our plane. “Not really…unless you say her father.”
“Because of the incident when she was six years old.” I answered her question and JJ looked at me. “She told me about it one night after she had a nightmare about what happened.”
Malia parted her lips. “I mean I don’t see how they wouldn’t give someone a nightmare. She was just a kid after all.”
JJ’s phone vibrates and she leaves the room giving us the chance to be alone. She shut the door where I sat down in her spot sighing heavily. “Have you reached out to her mother at all?”
“No I haven’t yet.” She answered me staring at me when I put my face in my hands. “How hard is this for you?”
Throwing my head back I huffed. “Extremely. I just…I need to know if she’s still alive or not.”
“If I know anything about my best friend she won’t go down without a fight. She doesn’t like to lose without giving it everything she’s got. Honestly she’s probably fighting even more to get back to you.” Malia exclaimed, clasping her hands together in her lap.
Glancing in her direction I sniffed through some tears. “Why do you think she'd fight more?”
“Because she’s told me you might be the best thing that happened to her. You technically are her first boyfriend ever. I mean she had crushes in school but never was brave enough to do anything about it until that night we met you.” She responded with a tearful smile hearing some people running around the office room outside.
“What's going on?” Malia questions getting up at the same time as me.
Looking back at her I raised my hand heading towards the door leaving her alone for a second. “I don't know. I'll find out what's happening. Stay here.”
Walking around the corner I saw that JJ and Hotch were talking with each other. They turned their attention over to me seeing I was standing there waiting for an answer or some type of information. “Reid, the local law enforcement. They just found someone parked on the side of the road that matches the description.”
“So you really think it's her. Is she here?” I questioned feeling my heart skipping a beat with excitement.
JJ smiled at me seeing the hope in my eyes. “They transported her to the nearest hospital.”
“Then we have to go now.” Running back to the room I flung the door opened with Malia instantly looking at me. “Let’s go see if it's her or not.”
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countrymusiclover · 9 months
5 - I Told You I'd Find You
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Part 6
My Genius Prince
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @random000000sblog
Spencer’s pov
Me, JJ, Malia and Emily had all piled into one of the vehicles. Leaving the rest of the team back at the station in case we were wrong and she was still missing. Getting out of the car I was the first one through the automatic hospital doors and to the front desk. “Can I help you, sir?”
“I’m with the FBI. We are responding to the call that we got saying someone was brought in.” I explained resting my hands on the countertop.
The nurse at the front desk looked at me. “Are you a friend of the family or actual family?”
“He’s her boyfriend. Now is my best friend here or not?” Malia came to stand right beside me not wanting to waste anymore time.
The nurse moved her mouse across the computer screen. “Okay I see it now. Yes, there was a girl brought in by a random driver.”
“Does she have a room number?” JJ asked her.
The brown haired nurse nodded pointing down the closet hallway. “Yes. Just down the hall two doors down. Room 318.”
“Thank you.” I nodded, feeling a tightness in my chest.
Malia bolted past me, not bothering to wait. “Rosalind!”
“Ms. Tames.” JJ warned her trying to cash after her.
Grabbing her shoulder I followed after her. “I’ll go with her….Malia! You can’t just run…”
“Spencer, she’s…she’s here. It’s her.” She clasped her hands together in front of her where I could see tears welling in her eyes.
Shifting my attention away from her, my whole body froze. My hands dropped to my sides with me keeping my focus on the tiny glass window in front of me. There was a girl laying in the bed clearly passed out from exhaustion. “Malia…”
“Is it her? It’s her right?” Malia tugged on my arm.
Silently staring at the girl it was without a doubt her. Her hair was sticking to her forehead and I could see some bruising. “Yeah it’s her…no doubt about it. She’s alive.” Mumbling under my breath I reached for the door handle slowly turning it and opening the door. I couldn’t describe what I was feeling at that moment. I just knew all the worries I had were now gone forever.
Rosalind’s pov
I could hear a monitor blinking in the background. I slowly opened my eyes but shut them when there was a bright light in my eyes. “Ugh…..Where am I?” I whispered to myself feeling very tired but had very little pain at the moment meaning I must be at the hospital and receiving pain meds.
“Roz!” I winced hearing someone cheer my name and whoever it was flung their arms around my neck hugging me tightly.
I froze for a second before I could register that it was my best friend. “M…Malia.” Wrapping my arms around her neck she sniffed into my hair.
“I can’t believe you’re here. I knew something was wrong when you were avoiding my messages.” She chuckled through happy tears.
Shifting my body weight up higher on the pillow I winced while holding my head and it had to be after I hit my head on the steering wheel of the truck I stole from my father. “Yeah I’d never leave you unread. Hey uh…could you get me some ice for my head?”
“Yeah of course.” She scrambled off the bed and quickly left the room.
Shutting my eyes I sighed, laying my head back further against the pillows. Dropping my hands down into my lap I felt someone watching me from the doorway. “Whoever is staring at me I’d suggest you say something before I start crying for help because there’s a stranger in my room.”
“Uh sorry, Rosalind. I just…” Turning my head in the direction of the voice a smile graced my face seeing Spencer standing in the doorway. His curly hair was a tousled mess and his clothes were slightly messy. I also could see some bags underneath his eyes meaning the search for me had taken a hit on him. “For the first time in my life I think I’m at a loss for words.”
Sniffing through happy tears I wanted nothing more than to jump into his arms. “Spencer….ah!” I winced trying to get out of the bed but I felt a pain in my thigh making me remain there.
“Rosalind…” He crossed the room so quickly I didn’t have the chance to blink. He gently but firmly wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me against his chest.
Moving my fingers up his chest I threaded my fingers through the fabric of his shirt. Feeling tears piling down my face I buried my face into his chest sobbing heavily. “Spence…”
“I should have stayed with you that night.” He mumbled through some tears of his own.
Shaking my head no, I knew he would start blaming himself for what happened to me. “Don’t do that, Spence.”
“But if I had just stayed.” He attempted again.
Breaking the hug slightly I held onto his shoulders staring into his brown eyes. “Spencer, this is not your fault. You couldn't have predicted my father would get an early release and come looking for me.”
“I just wish it didn’t happen to you, Roz.” He admitted lowering his gaze from mine briefly.
Running one hand through his I sent him a half smile. “You found me. That’s all that matters.”
“I did promise you didn’t I. Even though I don’t entirely understand the reference.” Spencer says back to me.
On that note an idea got inside my head. Separating from him I dug around for the tv remote finding it inside the table drawer. Scooting over to make room for him on the bed I pated the empty space beside me. “Let’s fix that then. Come on, sit down.”
“Wouldn’t you rather wait for Malia?” He asked me.
Shaking my head I didn’t care about whatever else was happening outside that room. All that matters is that we were back together. “Come on, Spence.”
“Okay but if one of my team members comes looking for me. I’ll have to talk with her.” He responded to me climbing to sit on the side of the bed.
Nodding in agreement I turned the tv on finding Netflix on there. Hitting play on the show named Once Upon a Time we began watching the intro. Prince Charming rides on a horse along a long stretch of land towards a forest. In the forest, he meets several dwarves gathered around a glass coffin. “You’re too late.”
We got an image of Snow laying in her coffin. “No. No! Open it.” Her prince was in denial.
The dwarf that was named Grumpy spoke. “I’m sorry, she’s gone.”
“At least let me say goodbye.” Charming lowered his head looking down at the love of his life before he put his attention back on the dwarfs.
The dwarfs remove the lid of the coffin letting him kiss Snow White, which causes the spell she was under to be broken. A pulse of magic spreads throughout the land. And with that one kiss of true love they all heard her gasp and open her eyes. “You… You found me.”
“Did you ever doubt I would?” Charming asked her helping her sit upright in the coffin.
She smiled gently, grabbing his forearm. “Truthfully, the glass coffin gave me pause.”
“Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you.” Charming gently cupped her face in his hands declaring lovingly.
She smiled lightly. “Do you promise?”
Charming smiled. “I do.”
“So that’s where the reference comes from.” Spencer replied with his hands in his lap.
Glancing in his direction I nodded, hitting pause on the tv remote. “Yeah. Now if there’s anything you want me to tell you just let me know. I’d have to guess you only know stuff that is in textbooks.”
“According to JJ I don’t know about a lot of things. She had to teach me what the term BFF means. I also didn’t know about this supposed vampire family named Cullen’s.” He rubbed the back of his neck, getting nervous.
Reaching for his hand I enjoyed that my small hand fits in his larger one. “Don’t worry we can teach each other new things all the time.”
“Excuse me, Ms. Mason. I’m sorry to interrupt.” We turned our heads and saw a nurse standing outside my hospital room carrying a clipboard against her chest.
Spencer sat upright more with his legs hanging over the side of the bed. “Is there something we need to do?”
“I was just coming to see if you had another emergency contact person.” She says to me,
Raising a brow at her. “Um no I don’t. My mother’s information should all be there in the file.”
“Oh it is, Ms. Maxon.” She said.
I still didn’t understand what the problem was. “I’m sorry then why are you asking about another emergency contact?”
“We attempted to call your mother but it appears her phone isn’t working. We’d just like to see if maybe she changed her number or something else happened before we tried again.” She explained to me.
Spencer squeezed my hand in his. “I think she would know if her mother changed her contact information.”
“I’ll have the front desk try again then.” The nurse turned on her heels leaving the two of us alone in the hospital room.
Brushing hair from my face I started getting worried at what she had asked us. “Spencer, I don’t like what she just said. My mother wouldn’t change her contact information. She already did that years ago. If she’s not answering her phone then something ain’t good especially since Malia probably told her she thought I was abducted.”
“You don’t have to worry about it. I’ll have our tech analyst back at my work to check it out.” He told me to move some messy hair out of my face.
Laying my head back down against his chest I gripped onto his shirt for comfort. “I just don’t want anything bad to happen to her.”
“If she’s as tough as you are then she should be fine.” He kisses my hair.
Letting myself get lost in my thoughts there was a faint memory that came across my mind. Lifting my head up I got more nervous than I was minutes ago. “Spencer, my dad said he would find my mother if he ever got out. Could that mean he?”
“I’ll have Garcia look into it. See if she gets any information.” He responded to me quickly leaving the room to go make the phone call for me.
Unknown to the pair a truck had pulled up outside the Maxon household. Somebody knocked on the front door causing Amanda Maxon to open the door not thinking anything of it. “Can I help you - Deacon!”
“Hello Mandy. Did you miss me?” He asked his wife standing on the front porch.
She slowly began backing up away from him. “What are you doing here. You’re supposed to be in jail.”
“Good behavior got me out. I paid our daughter a visit and she gave me this…I thought I’d show you that you clearly didn’t discipline her enough while I was gone.” Deacon stepped through the doorway with the limp in his leg and some bleeding from the wound he had.
Amanda reached down for her phone seeing that someone was calling her. “I’m calling the cops, Deacon.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Mandy.” She paused, taking in a sharp breath feeling the cold barrel of a gun pressing against her forehead. She slowly shifted her gaze back towards her ex husband. “You hang up that phone right now. You’re coming with me.”
“Okay.” She whispered knowing it was better not to argue with him. She just prayed that her daughter was safe and that she made it out of this alive if she was lucky.
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countrymusiclover · 9 months
2 - Call for Help
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Part 3
My Genius Prince
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
The next morning - Spencer’s pov
Walking into the FBI building I had been dialing Rosalind for a few hours since it was strange that she hadn't called me on my way into work this morning. Sitting down at my desk I sighed pressing the call button on the phone again but I heard the same response for the fifth time. “This is Rosalind, I can’t answer the phone now. Leave a message and I'll call ya back later.”
“Urgh! That's not right. It's can't be right.” Tossing my phone on the desk I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.
Footsteps came down the hallway and I lifted my head up seeing it was JJ. “Hey Spence, you okay. Something seems to have you pretty upset.” She pointed out standing in front of me.
“Uh.. There’s somebody missing that I care about and she's missing.” I sighed leaning back in my chair.
She tilted her head. “Is she a friend or girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend…” I croaked out feeling my chest tighten with fear.
An office door opened before she could say anything more. Garcia and Hotchner came out of his office. “We have a new case. Everyone in the briefing room now.” JJ and I followed them into the room seeing the rest of the team which included Morgan, Prentas, Hotch, Garcia, JJ and me.
“Okay, so this will sound odd. But the computer system has been blowing up a few minutes ago with a repeated message and now there’s a video that was all sent here. Specifically to Spencer’s email address.” Garcia explained once we were all in the conference room.
Hotch glanced over to her. “What else do you know about whoever sent the emails?”
“I wish I could say I had more to tell you. Sadly I haven’t recovered much. At least until I get to read through the emails and see if anything sticks out to me.” She sighed in disappointment.
I gulped feeling a lump in my throat. “Garcia uh…can I read over the emails with you?”
“I know that you can read them really fast but what do you think you’ll find that she can’t with her computer skills?” Emily asked with her arms crossed over her chest.
JJ sent me a half smile. “He claims that this woman is his girlfriend.”
“Wait a girlfriend. Are you serious? How do we not know about her - how do I not know anything about her?” Garcia put a hand over her heart in awe and somewhat of a betrayal that he didn’t tell them sooner.
Morgan smirked in my direction. “Pretty boy being a player over there. I wish I’d be saying congratulations under different circumstances.”
Clutching my hands into fists at my sides I could feel my whole body shaking while I attempted to get the words out. Thinking back to last night and what would have happened if I had just stayed like she asked. “I have a wealth of knowledge I should be applying to this case. Behavioral patterns of stalkers. Tactical recovery strategies. Victim survival odds. But right now I can't focus on anything more than 4 seconds at a time. Which makes me the dumbest person in the room. So...Please help me. Help me find her.”
“We don't know if we have a case. So we'll be working on personal time. Does anybody want to leave?” Hotch asked the others looking around and nobody said anything against it. “Good. Let's get to work.”
Everybody else had left the room but I felt Garcia reach down for my hand squeezing it gently. “Don’t worry, we’ll find her.”
“Yeah I know…I just hope she remembers what I taught her to buy her time so we can find her.” I sucked in a breath following her down to her office where she opened the door and I pulled in a chair from another desk.
Sitting down beside her she turned on her computer screen grabbing me a set of headphones. “Here, put these on and wait for my cue ... .so care to tell me about this girl before we see some dark things.”
“We’ve been dating for two years. I’m the only person besides her bestie Malia who calls her Roz ... .sorry I don’t really know what would be important until we look through the evidence.” Running a hand through my hair I sighed heavily.
She spun slightly in her chair. “Reid, I know you’re worried about this girl. But you just need to remember that this isn’t all just riding on you. This girl has to fight against the clock in her own way.”
“Yeah…there is one thing that sticks out to me about these photos.” I dropped my attention to the printed photos she had given me when we came into her office. One of the photos showed blood on the floor and a gun bullet laying at the edge of it. “Rosalind has gotten a gun after I taught her how to shoot. But she’d never actually hurt anybody with it.”
Garcia knitted her brows. “What does that have to do with the photo?”
“It means that our unsub has her gun and he’ll most likely use it against her again.” Tapping the fingers of my freehand on the desk I muttered under my breath, getting lost in my thoughts. “Please, please remember what I taught you Roz.”
Rosalind’s pov - One Year Ago
Spencer and I had decided that we would take turns on picking what we did on our next date. I had picked the last one so now it was his turn. He parked the car outside the gun range building that belonged to the FBI. Getting out of the car I gulped slightly nervously. “Are you sure we won’t get arrested with a non-federal agent being here?”
“Typically I would lose my job and you would be charged heavily. But don’t worry I lied and told my boss that it was just me coming to practice here today…uh after you.” He strides past me swinging open the door and gestured for me to go first like a gentleman.
I did a princess curtsey even though I was wearing jeans and sweatshirt going in before him and he showed me the direction we needed to go. “Thank you, sir. So what exactly is it I need to do here Agent Reid?”
“Plant your feet like this…” Spencer began explaining putting his feet slightly apart from each other in a fighting stance position almost. I moved my feet the exact same way he was still watching for his next movement.
He comes behind me handing me the handgun he had clipped to his belt. “So just like this?” I asked him to raise the firearm up with both hands slightly.
“Yeah, just a little higher here. Oh and you should keep this part since it will cock back when you fire.” Spencer moves my thumbnail off the back of the gun and he shows me the part that comes back when he removes a bullet out and returns it back to how it was.
Raising my hands again he moves behind me to my suprise where I could feel his front almost against my back. “Hotch told me when I was doing my practices to not lower your weapon so quickly to see where you hit.”
“Because it takes away your focus on the target at hand.” I added onto his statement.
He nodded. “Yeah, pretty much.”
“Okay. I’m gonna give it a try.” I lifted my gaze up to his chocolate brown eyes where he took a few steps backwards from me. Raising the firearm back up I sucked in a breath slowly pulling the trigger. My whole body shook the first time it fired but I released a breath firing a couple more shots. “Woah…how was that?”
Spencer hit the button and the practice target slid forward showing us that two of the three bullets I had fired ended up almost dead center in the person’s chest. “That’s actually a lot better than I was the first couple of times. I didn’t get good until Hotch and I were held hostage by an unsub that I had to shoot.”
“Dang Reid. One of these days I hope I’ll get to meet your team.” I handed him back his gun hearing the door open meaning somebody else was coming in. “Uh somebody’s coming.”
Spencer grabs my hand and we quickly begin running towards a different door and towards his car. “Get in the car….I didn’t expect anyone to come in here right now.” He ran his hands through his hair sighing against the seat.
“Guess it makes this a weird end to our third date huh?” Glancing over at him I sent him a small smile.
He raised a curious brow. “Is there any way to salvage it, Rosalind?”
“Yeah there is, Spencer.” I smiled brightly before he leaned across the seat and kissed me slowly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back thinking this wasn’t a bad date in my opinion.
Blinking my eyes opened I moaned feeling some dizziness in my head. It took me a second to regain my vision when I started to see that I was in a barely lit room inside of an old wooden cabin. I attempted to move around but I winced feeling something bond to my wrists. “Urgh! What the…why did he bound me?”
A door creaked opened where I quickly lifted my head upright seeing my father coming in carrying something behind his back like earlier back at my house. “Finally you’re awake. I was worried I’d start to have to call you Sleeping Beauty instead of Cinderella.”
“What do you want from me and how did you get released from jail so early?” I questioned him knowing that he had tried to hurt me when I was six years old.
My father Deacon smirked. “I decided to be on my best behavior. All because I knew it would get me back to you.”
“Even though you knew I had no desire to see you. You do realize I’m not six years old anymore.” I spat at him trying to snap the rope restraints that had tied me down to the wooden chair.
He walked forward revealing something behind his back. One object in each hand but the one in his right scared me more since it was the same gun he hit me with before I blacked out. “You might not be able to fit into your old dress so that’s why I found this one. You’re wondering what I want…I want you to go back before she snitched and ruined what we had.” He held a bright blue dress out in front of his chest in his left hand.
“What makes you think that I’ll just go along with what you say?” I questioned him.
He pointed the gun straight at me. “This doesn’t give you much of a choice. So you do what I say or things will get ugly.” I gulped, figuring there was some hope that Spencer and his team would find me. I had to play his game.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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