#oc Aina Rosewood
ainarosewood · 2 years
FFxivWrite2022 Day 27 Prompt Hail
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Aina strode though Radz’at’Han smiling as she wandered.  It was good to see the city as lively as it had been prior to all of the troubles.  Music danced upon the wind along with the cries of merchants hawking their wares.  People were wandering to and fro some overt natives of the island due to their brilliantly colored clothing, others visitors mostly easily identified by their baffled looks at the winding streets and large crowds.
“Oi Warrior,”
Aina paused and turned toward the voice giving a warm smile.  Inwardly she winced she hated how often people called her by her title not her name.  It was even more annoying because she recognized the man who called.  He was a merchant here in Radz’at’Han whom had traded with the Rosewood Caravan many times.  He knew both her and her mother and it wasn’t like Viera didn’t stand out in the crowd.
He was thanking her profusely for her aid during the Final Days.  She responded as she always did that she had done no more than necessary and she appreciated the gratitude.   Also knowing full well he did not know the full extent of what it had taken to save Etheirys from that.  He had only known what happened here in Radz’at’Han.  
As he went on his way she continued on hers outwardly she was the calm and serene Warrior of Light.  Inwardly she was seething she knew it came from all she had done but she hated having the title.
The title, the mantle of the Warrior of Light, felt like a mask.  No different than the ones the Ancients had to wear to be considered acceptable in their society.  The Rava hated it, she wanted to be seen as herself not the famed hero but, unfortunately the hero was what most saw.  She rarely if ever could remove the mask for people had expectations of the Warrior and she didn’t want them to worry if they saw anything but those.
The irony of it all is she suspected it was the same back when Etheirys was whole, when she bore the seat of Azem and as such the title.  The Viera unconsciously pulled out the stone that was Azem’s and looked at it.  The first time she had invoked the magics within she had gotten vague impressions of memory.  Which as she had learned was the point of the stone it was to remind the Convocation members who they had been or at least what their seat had represented.  For her however she suspected it was a bit different.  Especially since unlike the others that Emet and the others had raised she had been per his actual statement seven times rejoined.  
With that knowledge in mind she suspected that some of her memories as the ancient she had been were brought to the fore as was the information that dwelled within the stone.  So she suspected this dislike of being known by a title alone stemmed from back then.
She hadn’t realized where she had ended up walking to until the familiar roar filled her ears and she gave a rueful smile.  No matter what when she was troubled her feet always led her to this spot in Radz’at’Han.  It was a small spot just before the bridge that led to Meghaduta.  A pond fed by a cataract above that then flowed into a second set of falls that flowed down the edge of the city.
It was always a place of comfort for the Rava.  Back when she had been much younger she had found it during her first visit to the city.  The vibrant colors, the boisterous noise of the hustle and bustle of its inhabitants and the heady scents of incense and food had been too much for the young Viera’s sensitive senses and she had run from her ‘aunt’s’ side and found herself here which helped to calm the frightened child.
“I see this is still a place of calm for you,” an amused voice stated and Aina turned to see Vashan standing there with a gentle smile.  
The Viera returned it with a genuine warm smile before asking, “That obvious hmm Vrtra?”
The facsimile of a boy before her shook his head, “No but you usually come here when your heart is troubled Aina, I have seen this many times if you recall even if you didn’t truly know it was well me.”
Aina gave a laugh relieved that the dragon called her by her name instead of a title as so many of his kindred seemed to do.  Then again she had known him, at least in this auri form since that fateful day when she had bolted to escape the bedlam of the city.
Sighing she sat down on the usual rock that she did and it wasn’t long before he joined her.  The Viera then began to tell him exactly what was wrong, the merchant calling her by her title, the memories that she seemed to have recovered and just vented about the burden.  It was funny ever since meeting him back then he had always been someone she never hesitated to speak to about anything.  He had been a friend and confidant and she was one of the few that had known his name was Vrtra for that was how he had introduced himself even though the simulacrum he was in went by a different name back then and now went by Vashan.
He listened through it all and nodded stating, “I apologize for his foolishness.  I believe many who knew you with the Caravan have forgotten who you were.  But ask yourself this my friend, is the Warrior and you so different that you are someone else?  For it seems not to me.”
Aina jerked in surprise then thought for a moment about his words and realized that he was right. The mask she perceived the Warrior of Light as was not really such, it was he,r a helpful person who didn’t often like to be praised for doing what she felt was needed.  
Giving another laugh she turned and grabbed the Auri into a hug startling him and said, “Thank you Vrtra sometimes it takes a friend saying something for me to see what’s right in front of me”
He gave a chuckle then said, “Glad to be of help a suppose,”
She let him go and gave him a grin, “You know one of the really useful thing about this simulacrum?”
He cocked his head curious.
“Its incredibly easy to sweep into a hug, I think I would have significantly more trouble attempting to do something like that to your dragon form.”
He gave a laugh and she joined him in it before standing and giving him a bow and bid him farewell thanking him once more.
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talesfromeorzea · 3 years
First Steps Determination
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“They’re at it again” Ruern rumbled smiling as he watched the little Viera kit push itself up.
“They’ll get it this time surely,” Asmir stated watching it with great interest.
“They will,” Elen murmured watching her kit with knowing eyes, “I know that look. I’ve worn it countless times over the years.
“You can do it Aina” Lelulu encouraged the young Viera.
Elen smiled her kit had become quite the little darling for their band. Almost the entire company of the Talons adored her not to mention the Rosewood Trades Caravan that they guarded.  Ruern the Company’s captain had all but adopted the little kit as his grandchild.  
Said Hrothgar began to get up to assist the little one but stopped as Elen raised her hand, “Aina will never learn if we keep ‘helping’ them.”
Ruern nodded and settled back next to the fire smirking as he saw the tense stance that Asmir had.  That boy had all but claimed the kit as they’re own understandable since he was bedding Elen but it was amusing  to see his own son acting like a father.
Aina,oblivious to their audience, got themselves to their chubby little feet only to flop flat with an indignant squeak.  They then proceeded to roll themselves into a sitting position and grabbed their offending appendages squeaking harshly at them.
“You listen here,” Lelulu said, “Your gonna work for me.”
The gathered quartet then laughed at the mimicry and Aina turned toward the noise cocking their little head at it their ears twitching.
“Oiy were not laughing at you little rabbit Lulu here thought she knew what’cha were tellin yer feet.” Ruern said soothingly to the kit.  
Off a little ways away one of the caravan’s chocobo kwehed in the picket.  Aina then turned toward that sound and again tried to get up.  This time the kit gained their feet an took several wobbly steps toward the sound.
Elen smiled then said softly, “Told you they’d get it.”
The whole group cheered causing the little Viera to look back in their direction and promptly fall again with an annoyed squeak.
Asmir got up from beside the fire and scooped the little kit up saying, “Wanna see the chocobo huh”
Aina bounced excitedly in his arms and squeaked in a way that sounded suspiciously like a kweh.  the Rothgar smirked and said, “Allow me then.  He placed the kit on their feet and then followed behind helping them up each time they fell.
“I think petting a chocobo is a fine reward for managing to get your first steps,” the Helion sated cheerily.
The rest of the assembled laughed at the comment and watched the pair go over to the picket.
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ainarosewood · 2 years
Healer First
FFxivWrite2022 Day 20 Prompt Annon
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As Aina rode Zephyr into Camp Dragonhead it was abuzz with a flurry of activity knights running hither and yon.  It was overt there had been a recent battle for there were wounded everywhere thick furs thrown on stretchers to make sure the wounded knights didn't freeze in the blowing winds.  It was also apparent that the Camps chirurgeons were struggling to keep up with the number of injured.
Behind her she heard Alphinaud murmur, “Seven hells what happened here?”
She dismounted helping the young Elezen down stating, “That matters little now what does is aiding the injured.  You head to Lord Hauchefaunt and let him know we are here. I'll be there as soon as I help the chirurgeons get things under control.  I'm sure this Lord of the Temple Knights would prefer his men be put first no?
With that she unslung her cane and waded into the throng of running knights meeting with the nearest chirurgeon.
Alphinaud signed in annoyance and did as she bade the young Elezen knew there was no changing the Viera’s mind in this.  He only hoped that her assumption was correct and that the Lord of the Temple Knights cared for his knights over proprieties of a meeting.
He strode into the main command building to see Haurchefant speaking with a pair of knights. One dressed in armor of blue, gold and black the other in silver, black and red.  All three turned as he entered and Haurchefant gave a strained smile “Master Alphinaud, pray forgive the disarray there was a recent skirmish with the Horde.  I know you were here to meet with Ser Aymeric but..”
Alphinaud raised a hand, “The knights here of course take precedence Lord Haurchefant.  I was about to apologize for the Warrior of Light has seen fit to offer her aid to the wounded before joining us.  Such is the way of those that wear the Mantle of White Magic, wounded come first I’m afraid,”
“Whatever aid she is willing to offer we will gladly accept it, Master Alphinaud.  I greatly appreciate her willingness to do so.”  The knight in blue stated.
Haurchefant heartily agreed then stated, “Allow me to introduce Ser Aymeric, Lord Commander of the Temple Knights,”
Alphinaud bowed to the man and stated, “A pleasure, Alphinaud Leveilleur at your service.”  
He then stepped to the side as a knight rushed up, bowing to Ser Aymeric and speaking rapidly.   Alphinaud moved to a corner of the room and simply observed the ongoing process attempting to get a slight idea of the man they were about to be dealing with.  
His first impressions were favorable.  It seemed Aymeric was keen to listen to his subordinates and was more concerned with their well being than what they had achieved against this Horde commander.  A surprising thing in Alphinaud’s opinion given that the Ishgardians regarded the war with the dragons as a holy crusade.  He would think the leader of the main force would be a bit more zealous in his efforts against his foes.  But it seemed Ser Aymeric was more concerned for his knights than their glory.  Such a pragmatic attitude would serve well at the negotiation table.
Any thoughts of this sort of negotiation happening shortly were dashed as another knight rushed in to inform them that Svara had appeared near Steel Vigil.  It also seemed from the knights report that Aina had chosen to join the fray to help stop the attack. 
Within moments all those who had been in the Camp were headed north to join the battle and with all hopes bring down the dragon.  Once they arrived the battle was fully raging and Alphinaud could see Aina was the one directly in front of the dragon, the White Mage keeping its attention on herself as the knights moved in positions to bring it down.  
The young Elezen summoned his carbuncle and sent it into the fray next to the Viera hoping to give her as much support as he could while staying back with the casters of the Camp and adding his own spell work.  He could see it wasn’t long before Ser Aymeric himself and the lady knight that had been with him had moved to fight alongside the Viera.  She in turn shifted her efforts from combat to support of the full contingent of knights that sought to bring the dragon down.
Being beleaguered from all sides the dragon sought the sanctuary of the skies only to be denied it by a well placed Holy Cast by Aina blinding the dragon and causing her to crash back down onto the ground beneath her.  The knights wasted no time and set about hitting her in her most vulnerable spots.  In moments their blows met their mark and the dragon's final scream rang out and her body twitched in the death throes.
Knights swiftly scattered so they were not caught by the thrashing beast grabbing wounded comrades and retreating.  Aina herself was last to leave making sure the beast was not tricking them the Lord Commander and his fellow knight also standing with her to ensure the same as far as Alphinaud could tell.
Once satisfied the beast was indeed dead the three of them made their way to were the rest of the knights were heading back to the Camp Aina moving ahead of Aymeric and the lady knight in order to catch up with the wounded and once again offer aid.
Aymeric looked at the young Elezen as he approached and stated, “Once things are settled we shall have our meeting Master Alphinaud.  I am eager to speak with both you and Lady Aina.  Till then,”
Alphinaud nodded in agreement and gave a bow to the older Elezen as he himself began moving amongst his men speaking with as many as he could and as well as the chirugeons.
“Till then indeed, “ the young arcanist murmured to himself before shaking his head and offering what aid he could as well.
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ainarosewood · 2 years
FFxivWrite2022 Day 5 Prompt Cutting Corners
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“You heard that as well Zephyr?” Aina asked, her ears twitching trying to identify the direction the sound came from.
The chocobo bobbed his head and began pulling in a direction Aina let loose the reins, the White Mage trusting in the bird to know the way.  Moments later they heard a louder cry of pain and Aina didn't have to encourage the bird to quicken the pace.  
It wasn't long before they saw the source, a young Hyuran lancer surrounded by Anole the beasts swarming and snapping at him.  Aina dismounted and Zephyr charged in kicking as he went, sending two of them flying, the others then turned to pay attention to the chocobo only for them to have their chests crushed by the stone that Aina conjured.
Once the anole were driven off Aina rushed forward to heal the injured man.  The first thing she did was divest him of the shredded leather armor that should have provided far more protection than it overtly had.  Once the Viera had healed him to a point she felt safe to move him she carefully picked him up and placed him on the chocobo’s saddle and made sure to pick up the ruined armor before together they went back to Gridania proper.
At the gate she simply gave a questioning look to the guard and he nodded and waved her past seeing that there was no other way the Hyur would be able to enter the city without the chocobo’s aid.  She then led the bird past the inn and aetheryte and through the path that led to old Gridania she then took the slightly longer way round to the lancers guild not wanting to try to lead the bird through the bustling market.  
Once to the guild she pulled the lancer from the saddle, the young man groaning and she murmured an apology.  She then turned to Zephyr and said, “Stay here I won't be long”
The bird kwehed in understanding and bobbed his head obediently staying near the guild but out of the way of the normal foot traffic.
She then approached the door opening it with her hip trying desperately not to jostle the injured Hyur any further than she had to.  As she entered she called, “Guildmaster, please come here, one of your lancers is badly injured.”
Within moments Yawain was there and she proceeded to explain how she had found the young man once he had some lancers take the boy away to rest she went back out to Zephyr and retrieved the shredded armor.  She then showed the man and he frowned. Together they went over the shoddy leather shirt looking for some sort of mark to identify who had made it.
It took a little bit but they finally found a makers mark amidst the shreds and Yawain’s frown deepened turning toward the young lady at the guild counter he barked, “Have everyone's gear checked it seems those frauds that Geva warned about are selling more of their supposed wares.”
“So the makers of Angrbotha are getting bolder? Or did the boy decide to just buy his own and not check with the guild?”  Aina asked
“I see you have knowledge of this supposed leatherwork.” Yawain replied, “And I am sure the boy bought it on his own.  None of the guild suppliers would dare by such shoddy work.”
Aina nodded, “Not long ago I made a Toadskin jacket for a retired wailer who had bought some of their work in order to spare a few gil and then realized he got what he paid for.  Something needs to be done about these frauds before they get someone killed like they nearly did today.  Had Zephyr and I not heard the boy he would have died to the anole.”
“Well rest assured no other lancer will leave these halls with their shoddy armor on.  Thank you for saving him.”  Yawain replied
Aina smiled at him and waved a hand, “I did no more than any other adventurer would have.”
He just gave a smile and wave as he returned to the practice floor and she made her way out of the guild to get Zephyr stabled properly.  Once that was settled she decided to pay Geva a visit to let her know of what transpired and to see if there was something more that could be done to prevent people from dying from these fool’s products.
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talesfromeorzea · 3 years
Character Profile-Aina Rosewood
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Name: Aina Rosewood Race: Veena Viera Gender: F Age: 33 Birthplace: Rosewood Trades Caravan on the Isle of Thavnair
Physical Description:  Short for her kindred roughly only 5 Fulms 2 ilms tall.  Lithe and thin everything about this Viera's physic speaks of nimbleness and dexterity.  Dark Wine Red hair cascades down from her head with two parts pulled back with a small flower hairpin and a couple of wisps that escape and get directly in her face.  Her eyes are a pale leaf green full of compassion and care for the most part unless some one harms innocents then they harden with determination.
Personality: Gentle and Kind this woman is not afraid to jump into the fray to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Often self depreciating due to her lack of confidence in herself she sometimes needs her friends to remind her of what she has accomplished.  Also often to ready to take burdens she often blames herself for things by far out of her control. One of her biggest ‘failures’ in her eyes is that she could never restore her mothers aether pathways.  Despite knowing full well that it was well beyond her power. Her greatest fear is losing everyone she loves and being alone so she fights with a normally not seen ferocity to protect her friends.  She is also stubborn to a fault and has a habit of digging in her heels when she probably shouldn’t. Her biggest flaw is bottling up her emotions until literally its to much to bear then she breaks down.
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Normally very level headed in battle due to training in arcanima she is not one to be to brash unless a friend or some one she cares for is hurt then she will hurl herself at the enemy with little regard for her own self preservation.  
Her general guiding force in life is everyone gets at least one chance which a lot of people see as very naive but it is far from it.  She knows full well someone can be beyond redemption but she has to at least try before condemning them to such.  
She is also driven by the ideal of for those we have lost for those we may yet save.  Often blaming herself for the loses suffered by the Scions she has held tight to that ideal ever since Minfillia first voiced it.
Backround: Born in a Traders Caravan on Thavnair due to her mother joining the Mercenary company that guarded it after leaving the wood before she was born to go somewhere safer.  Raised among them the Talons as the called themselves they were really more hired guards than actual mercs protecting the Rosewood Caravan from bandits and beasts.  She was the darling of both the caravan and the company from the day she was born so she never really wanted for love and affection.  She had an adoptive father in a young Rhothgar by the name of Asmir the son of Ruern the leader of the Talons. From a very young age she learned the healing arts and would have trained with her mother in red magic had her mother not damaged her aetheric pathways returning to the caravan on Thavnair after Lamberd nearly drained all of her aether.  Her healing training continued till she left the caravan.  Her mother also decided to at least show her the proper use of a rapier even if she couldn’t show her the magics associated with red magic. When she hit 30 summers she started having the Echo visions they were sporatic at first and not very reliable till roughly three years later.  It was what she saw in them that prompted her to travel to Eorzea.
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Relationships: Mother- Elen Tswarra "Father" Asmir Atolna "Grand Father" Ruern Atolna "Aunt" Lelulu Lulu "Older Sister" Aylis Fulke
Classes:   White Mage Red Mage Dancer Summoner Scholar
Character Tag: Thavnair Rabbit
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Ethereal Vibes -Aina
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Your Result: Shapeshifter
(you adapt to situations and people rather quickly, and you pull it off so effortlessly, how sexy of you. still a little closed off, much to your many admirers' dismay. you could probably carry around a tiny blade strapped to your thigh and nobody would question it. in fact I think the drooling and gawking might increase by 30% at least)
This is quite fitting for her ^.^
Quiz Here 
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ainarosewood · 4 years
OC Update
So...I decided to do a bit of an update to Aina’s appearance.(Finally convinced myself to give the lop ears a serious go) so here it is :) (lets just pretend they’ve always been this way lol)
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(also adorable winter glam)
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ainarosewood · 4 years
SeasWolChallenge Day 3
@seaswolchallenge​ @ffxiv-writers​
Prompt: Falling
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Aina stared at the torches traversing the bridges outside the gleaming city fade in the evening gloom as the chocobo carriage sped away.
In her breast was a whirl of rage, grief and self loathing.  On the bench beside her was an unusually silent Alphinaud the young Elezen's head bowed in shame.
The Viera knew he blamed himself but it wasn't his fault.  The blame laid solely on her shoulders in her eyes.
My stupidity, my foolishness, my blindness, she silently snarled at herself.
Closing her eyes she could still see them each of the Scions, their faces grim, determined to stand so she could escape.
I don't deserve it, she screamed internally tears threatening to well up in her leaf green eyes. Angerly she scrubbed them away knowing that Alphinaud needed to see the unshakable Warrior, the Light in the Dark.
Though that was a laughable description to her at the moment.  The Light too dim to burn away the drawing shadows was more accurate.
Riol had given her all the pieces but she had failed to put it together.  The farce of a weapons seizure, the 'hidden' funds given by the Syndicate.  Hell's before the Braves had been formed Landebert had told her the endeavor had been funded by Syndicate coin.
Yet I ignored it, she growled to herself, let Alphi convince me there was nothing to worry about.
Then, finding poor Wildred gutted, after he had been slandered by his fellows accused of stealing the confiscated weapons.  The poor boy who had only wanted to make the realm better.
Aina stared at her hands both clenched tightly together as the carriage continued.  She had been such a fool all had been there spelled out for her and she missed it.
So Nanamo and the Scions paid the price, she thought sadly once again silently cursing the ancient mages that had warded the Sultana's chambers from magic use.
Had it not been so, though it would have been a strain without Alkatrops, she could have used Ensuna and purged the poison before it took the Lalafell.
Instead I had to watch helpless as the poor woman choked,  The Viera lamented bitterly, Then watch my friends sacrifice themselves, for what?
Her bitter thoughts were interrupted as the carriage came to a halt looking up she saw Cid waving them both to following him.  Alphinaud jumped off as did she.
Bremondt then informed them that he’d keep the carriage circling to distract the Brass Blades.
"Be careful," Aina said softly, "I'd hate for something to happen on account of us..."
"Don’t worry lass it'll all work out." he quipped before encouraging the driver to get the carriage moving
Turning apprehension churning in her gut she climbed aboard the Enterprise as Cid began launching to the sky.
Staring out at the clouds as the floated past Aina made a silent vow.  She would never again allow herself to miss such obvious clues.
Once we get to Dragonhead, I'm going to slip into Limsa and train as an Arcanist.  she told herself,  I'm sure I can find some garb to hide my appearance and its not like there aren’t new adventurers starting their training every day.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
New Glamour
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So really digging how the Hresvelgar set goes with the starvelvet pants of casting.  So heres Aina’s new caster glam :)
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ainarosewood · 4 years
FFXIVWrite2020 Writing Challenge-Day 10
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ @ffxiv-writers​
So this has been inspired by the seventh story in Tales from the Shadows.  So placed beneath the cut for 5.3 spoilers and spoilers for said story.  This is about my WoL Aina as an the Amarotine Elpis (Greek Spirit of Hope.  Fitting imo for the WoL)
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Elpis strode into the Bureau of the Architect heading strait for the secretary that took business for the chief.
As she approached the woman straightened and gave a welcome smile, "What brings you here today Azem?"
"Could I have a word with the Chief please." she responded hiding her annoyance at the woman using her title instead of her given name.  Elpis knew it came with taking the seat but it was tiring how many called her that despite of her insistence otherwise.
The woman got up and disappeared for a moment heading to where Elpis knew was Hythlodaeus's office.
It took but a span of a breath before the woman returned and led Elpis to him.
"Elpis, " he said cheerfully, "Which world shattering concept do you need this time?"
The woman gave him a huge smile, of course he'd remember her preference for address.  She then sobered and said, "Ifrita"
She knew behind his mask Hyth's eyes widened in surprise, "Lahabrea's masterwork....what...."
Elpis removed her mask letting him see her concerned features, "There is an isolated island that is having unusual aetheric activity and an eruption of its volcano is eminent.  I plan to use Ifrita to prevent it."
Hyth touched his chin for a moment contemplating before asking, "Can I ask why?  Incidents like that are a part of the nature of the star...."
"Because some of the islanders would rather it didn't happen and they lose their life’s work to the whims of nature.  There is but one crop on the island an unusual variety of grapes unlike any other and it is the only place they grow.  The villagers have literally cultivated them their entire life to obtain a very rare and tasty variety."  she explained.
He grinned, "Well then of course you can avail yourself to Ifrita.  After all the concepts within these walls are intended for the benefit of this star and its people."
She replaced her mask and gave him a grateful smile, "Thank you Hyth, I'll also need one of my own concepts....one strong enough to defeat Ifrita once it aborbs all of the excess aether."
Hyth nodded then snapped his fingers, "I know just the one, oh and your most current concept has been approved.  I dare say it should aid you in travel  though I still have my doubts on its flight capability."
She gave him an impish grin stating, "Oh it can fly despite its appearances."
Hyth shrugged then motioned for her to follow as the both of them entered the restricted section of the Bureau.  Moments later she exited the building with three of the concept containment crystals in hand.  Two much larger than the other and radiating their respective aethers.
Just before she left he called, "Do bring some of those grapes back with you upon your return. I'd like to give them a try and some for Hades too."
She gave him a laugh and nodded, "Aye, I will for otherwise he'd never let us hear the end of it right."
Elpis knew Hades would probably have some choice words with them anyway when this was all said and done.  Sometimes the man was too dour for his own good.
Once outside she focused on the smaller crystal calling forth the concept inscribed within.  In a burst of aether a avian shaped magic appeared.  
It was taller than her and stood on a pair of three toed feet at the end of long powerful legs.  Yellow feathers coated its entire body and set of stubby wings graced its flanks. The concept had a beak that took up most of its head.  Chocolate colored eyes stared at her and deep down she wished that it could be a living being instead of a simple spell if it was she imagined the eye would be warm and expressive.  On its back was a saddle that held multiple bags which she put each of the other crystals on opposite sides of its flanks.
As she swung astride it she heard, "Azem?"
Turning she saw Elidibus the boy looking at her and the new concept a curious look in his eyes, "Off on another journey I presume and with such an unusual mount....."
She gave the young man a smile and nodded, "Concept of my own design actually.  Just got final approval.  And yes, I am off to save that island from its destruction."
Elidibus's eyes widened in shock and he blurted without thinking, "How?"
"I plan on using Ifrita to syphon away the excess aether and disperse it harmlessly elsewhere sparing the island."
"Why?" the young man asked curious
"Because the grapes grown on that isle are particularly delicious." she responded distractedly her mind swirling with plans and estimations.  
Swinging into the saddle she added, "Now if you'll excuse me I'd best be off there isn't  much time."
With that she urged the bird into a leap its small wings flapping swiftly to keep herself and it airborne.  Once in the air she activated  a teleportation spell and brought herself to said island landing at the base of the smoking volcano.
Reaching into the saddle bag she pulled forth one of the crystals the one containing Ifrita and intoned, "Mighty Ifrita, spirit of fire and destruction come forth."
A gout of flame burst from the crystal and turned into a vortex before her that coalesced into a large shape.  Goat horns swept back gracefully from the brow of the creature.  It was sinewy and scaled resembling an upright salamander in appearance.  Embers glowed in place of its eyes as it turned toward her.
Immense heat radiated off the the spirit and it almost took Elpis's breath away as she commanded it to absorb the surrounding aether.  Her focus was solely on controlling the creature for it was apparent to her that the slightest lapse in concentration would allow it to run rampant.
Once its task was done the mountain ceased to smoke.  It was a struggle but she managed to call the creature back into the crystal.  That  was overtly straining under the pressure of the spirit.  Swiftly she remounted her avian concept and teleported herself and it far out to see in a remote area with a single small island.
Once there she threw Ifrita's crystal down as it was begning to crack under the immense inferno within it.  Once again the spirit rose roaring in defiance as it manifested.  With out hesitation she pulled the other crystal from the bag grateful that Hyth had chosen her most powerful concept.  It was definitely going to be needed given what she currently faced.
"Child of the sea and stream.  Spirit of water, Kelpie come forth."  she called holding the crystal in her palm.
Moments later the sea surrounding the island appeared to take the shape of a colossal scaled horse.  She then willed it to deal with Ifrita.  The two titans clashed on the tiny island at first her concept seeming to not be enough.  She kept channeling aether to her creation in hopes of turning the tide.  Then just when all seemed lost Kelpie surrounded Ifrita in a vortex of water dragging the spirit to the depths snuffing it out.
All was calm for a moment then the island seemed to begin to shake.  Swiftly Elpis urged her mount higher and away just in time as the island split open and magma began spewing forth.  
Holding out her crystal once more and called upon the aether of her Kelpie concept drawing back within containment.  
Once Kelpie was safely stored away Elpis sensed out to see if aught of Ifrita remained.  From what she could sense it was not the case.  Its battle with Kelpie and the birth of the new volcano seemed to have dispersed its aether back into the River of the Underworld.
A good thing too, she thought grimly, Lahabrea needs to temper his creations a bit. That was by far to wild.
Elpis knew it had been a near thing once Ifrita had absorbed all of that aether.  Its power amplified it had sought to escape its containment sooner than she had anticipated fortunately she was always swift to act so it had not ended in disaster as it could have.
Now to return to the village of Baccus and inform them of the good news, and to get the grapes. she said to herself teleporting yet again.
"Join us Hades," Hyth called cheerfully waving him over to where he sat along with Elpis who was leaning against a very odd concept.  In front of them was a basket piled high with grapes.
Shaking his head he strode over and flopped down next to the pair stating sarcastically, "I take it then your plan was a success?"
Elpis nodded, "Worked exactly like I'd hoped, though Lalabrea should learn to put some restraint in his concepts...it was no easy task putting it down.  My concept of a water spirit was almost not enough."
Hades snorted, "This coming from the woman who saved an entire island because the grapes tasted good."  At her confused look he continued, "Least that is what you told Elidibus."
"That was it...." she began, "Hmm I was in a bit of a hurry so I might not have fully explained."
Hyth let out a laugh at that and popped one of said grapes in his mouth, "I for one say if that had been reason alone it would have been enough."
Hades shook his head, "Honestly I swear the two of you don't take your positions nearly as serious as you should."
"Your wrong Hades," Elpis stated looking him square in the eye green catching gold, "I take my seat very serious.  What I had left out was the people of the island had spent their entire lives cultivating these grapes.  It is the only place where you can find them.  And they asked me to save their life’s work from certain doom."
Hades blinked a moment then said, "Forgive me then, my friend.  Though had you explained it like that to Elidibus I never would have said what I said."
She gave a sheepish grin, "I was mentally going over all I needed to do and trying to estimate how much time I had when he asked me that and I must have forgotten to give him the full explanation,"
Hades sighed in exasperation, sometimes the woman was as flightly as her favorite feathered friends.
"Hyth," he stated, "Hand me some of those and let me see if they are actually worth all of the aggravation its going to cause listen to Lahabrea whine about losing his 'masterwork."
As the man obliged him handing him large stem filled with the grapes he turned to Elpis stating, "And I won't be listening to it alone.  You will explain to him the full of why you needed Ifrita."
As he popped one of the grapes in his mouth she sighed and nodded.  He felt a grim sense of sastifaction at that and he did have to admit these were tasty.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
All to 80
Its been a long road but finally Ive gotten all DOW/DOM to 80 on my main Aina Rosewood.  I’m so happy I finally have the Amaro.  And just in case its unknown the music played is the same as the porter music for Shb.
Now Aina has her friend Windsong in actuality ^.^
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ainarosewood · 4 years
So Yay got the three classes that I tend to play and are Aina’s cannon preferred finished for the Relic
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I’m working on Sch next cause I love the glow it has and I’m warming to Shb Sch (still miss the fairy being able to be free to do what ever but it works) and then probably Smn (cause those were two she did for a time per her lore especially during Heavensward) and War cause I like how it glows.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Memoirs of A Hero
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“Um....Master G’raha...er or should it be Tia...?” a gravelly voice tentatively asked.
G’raha gave a warm smile facing the awkward Roegdyn, How like his ancestor he is, he thought before responding, “You can call me G’raha if it makes it easier.  
Biggs the Third scratched his head ruefully before continuing, “Ye see G’rara,” the name came out a bit oddly, “I have something here for you.” He reached into the bag on his hip and pulled out several very worn tomes.
G’raha’s breath caught as he caught sight of one that was all too familiar.  The faded leather still bore some of its former russet that it once had the gilding on the cover worn from constant use.  All of the tomes showed signs of being battered and damaged and he had a strong suspicion as to why.
“These have been passed down to every President of the Ironworks since Master Cid’s day.  Along with the instructions that they are te be handed to the Keeper of the Tower once he has been awoken from his slumber.”
“Did Cid say why,” G’raha asked in a strained voice as emotion threatened to overwhelm him.
The Roegdyn nodded, “Aye, he said that they were an accurate account o history fore the Calamity.  That unlike the stories and songs this is written by somebody who wasn’t blinded by the fame.”
G’raha closed his eyes grief threatening to overwhelm him, “These are her journals aren’t they.  The ones she wrote of her travels...”
Biggs nodded, “Far as I know sir aye.  None o the Presidents have ever opened the tomes.  We’ve just kept them safe till we opened the tower.”
He then placed the tomes on the table before the Miqo’te stacking them gently and carefully as if fearing he’d damage them if he set them down wrong.
G’raha gave him another smile stating, “Thank you rest assured I will look through them.  Any account of events that lead up to the Calamity are helpful not to mention her own viewpoint on Alexander and Omega may have some insights that Cid and the rest of the Ironworks Crew may not have.”
Biggs then nodded in agreement, “Aye that was the thought I believe that Master Cid had.  Especially being looked through by a historian such as yerself...”
G’raha grinned at that doing his best to hid the turmoil within him.  When he had first been woken by the Tower’s alert that Dalamud had contacted it and reported a malfunction he had not expected to find that a Calamity had come and that it was the desperate descendants of his friends trying any means they could to wake him.  Then he had almost collapsed weeping when they had informed him that the Warrior of Light, his dear friend, had been one of the first casualties in said Calamity.
Now here he was in a broken world with the remnants of the Garlond Ironworks. Trying a scheme worked up in the fevered genius mind of Cid nan Garlond to use the Crystal Tower to travel across time and space to avert the catastrophe all together.  By using information gleaned from battling a Primal and a maniacal machine that had chased a dragon across the stars to defeat it.  Staring at the journals his dear friend penned of her journey across the length and breadth of Eorzea.
“I will look them over,” he stated again praying his voice did not betray his emotions at this moment, “If there is anything that might help I will let you know.  Thank you...for bringing them to me.”
Biggs nodded adding, “Aye I’ll leave ya to it an tell the others ta leave ya be.  Do let us know if any o her experiences can help us better understand how Omega an Alexander..er...did what they did.”
With that he left the room letting G’raha be on his own to pursue his research.  When the door closed Raha shakily picked up the familiar volume and opened it.  The small flowing script within caused tears to threaten to well up in his eyes and he gently pushed the book away not wanting to damage the pages though he was sure he’d see quite a bit of abuse in the tomes.  After all she had carried them throughout her journey.
Get a hold of yourself you fool! he told himself angrily, They are counting on you!
His tears continued as his grief overwhelmed him for a moment then he shook himself and pulled a different tome to himself opening it up and forcing himself to read and gasped as he read the entry:
      Grief is something we all need....yet I keep denying myself the time for it.  The last time I let it loose I was alone in the Church. When I broke down from the slaughter at the Waking Sands.  And now...most of my dear friends are missing.   Alphi, Tataru and I are alone in a frozen city that wants naught of our help....And once again I am putting on the hero’s face and acting as if I am made of stone.  I know I need to let this pent up pain free but....not at this time.  Too many people are counting on me.
Once again his own tears threatened as he said, “Me to dear friend.  So lets see if I can find where you wrote about Alexander and Omega...”
Forcing his own grief back he began scouring the tomes convinced that her accounting of events concerning those two entities just might fill in the gaps that they needed to make the plan work.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
FFXIVWrite2020 Writing Challenge Day 30
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ @ffxiv-writers​
*warning 5.3 Spoilers beneath the cut*
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Aina sat one one of the large boughs of a tree in the Greatwood trying to let the voice of the forest calm her.
It had been a trying past few weeks, defeating Elidibus, returning the Scions home and waking G'raha on the Source.
She sat there the Song of the Wood in her ears staring in her palm at Azem's memory crystal.
The Viera now knew, she had once born that title, had once been in that office back before the star shattered into thirteen reflections.
Aina was coming to terms with the knowledge of who she was.  It honestly made sense and she knew from the records they found in Anamesis she had stepped down from her seat prior to the summoning of Zodiark.
While she truly had no full memory of who she had been.  She did understand what she had done.  The more she thought about it the more she realized that it wasn't truly any different than what she was doing as the Warrior of Light or Darkness.
Azem the Traveler, the one who walked amongst the people and defended them from harm.  It was no different than her current role.
At this realization a peace finally settled in her heart.  The Veena accepted that this was to be her role, just as she must of back then.
Its just so much more now, she told herself
She suspected that things with the Ascians were probably going to change, with the Unsudered gone they likely weren't going to have the same drive that those three had once had.  Some may still desire to resurrect Zodiark but, she strongly suspected that most were literally just going to want to cause chaos for the sake of it.
Which means, there will likely be a lot more strife and not just for the Source.
The question was could she feasibly do what she now felt was her responsibility especially with what the memory crystal revealed to her.
Shepherd to the stars in the dark, to her this meant that she was responsible to defend not only the Source but the remaining Shards as well.
Guess I'll have to help Shtola find the way to traverse to shards.  Aina chuckled to herself, She still retained the ability to travel to the First surely if there was a way the both of them would find it.
Closing her hand around the crystal she put it away in a pocket and whistled for Windsong.  Once the Amaro flew into sight she leapt off the branch and landed in the saddle.
"Find the peace you were seeking?" the amaro asked turning to look toward her.
"Yes, and no," she laughed, "More giving myself even more to do, but I wouldn't have it any other way."
The amaro just krrured in response and then asked, "Where to then?"
"To Mor Dhona," the Viera responded reading the teleport spell, "I have some things to discuss with Shtola."
Aina was determined as always to do her duty even if it would be a challenge.  After all she was above all else and adventurer, and challenge was ever what she sought.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
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Aina woke confused, there was a soft pillow neath her head and the unmistakable scents of the florals that the Roost used to freshen their linens.  What happened?   Last she knew she had been battling the voidsent near Amdapor.
The Voidsent! she bolted up right and then croaked in agony as fire lanced through her chest robbing her of her breath.
“Please dear friend, do not move so,” a gentle voice stated as the door to the inn room opened.
Through watery eyes Aina could barely make out the face of the Elder Seedseer.  The gentle woman’s pale green eyes filled with concern.
“My Lady,” the viera gasped, “There is a voidsent....”
“It is dead my friend, you managed to kill it er you succumbed to your wounds.” the Padjal replied, “I’m afraid you will need to rest for some time to recover from its attack.  We cannot use healing magic of any sort on you.”
“A’Ruhn tried and it only succeeded in opening the wounds further,” Raya’O stated from behind her sister carrying a bowl of water with her brother behind his arms full of towels and bandages.
“Much to my frustration I’ll admit,” the boy said setting his burden down upon the desk in the room.  
“Oh..” the Viera said as memories of the battle flooded back.  The beast had charged her slashing with its razor sharp talons.  She had attempted to heal it she recalled only double over in pain as the wounds seemed to get worse.  Zephyr had driven it back long enough for her to get up right.  She had then focused on bringing the beast down with the chocobo’s aid.  She must have passed out from blood loss ere she realized she’d slain the beast.
Kan’E came forward sitting on the bed beside her and helping the Viera carefully sit up so she could reach the blood soaked bandages wrapping most of her torso.  As the bandages pulled Aina hissed in pain but endured, she knew they had to be changed especially if there had been some form of venom, which was likely considering the healing impediment.
As Kan’E continued to remove the bandages then bath the wounds with the herb infused water he sister had carried in Raya’O smiled saying, “That bird of yours is smart he came running to Camp Tranquil making a racket and all but dragging my brother and I with him.  Several Wailers went flying when they tried to get between him and us but none sustained any serious injury”
Aina gave a weak smile, “He knew they were just doing their duty of course he’d try not to hurt them.”
She looked down dispassionately at the wounds as Kan’E was tending realizing how lucky she had actually been.  The flesh was rent nigh to the bone and bleeding profusely.   A bit lower and she would have been dealing with her guts spilling onto the earth before her.
Once she was re-bandaged she gave all three of the Seedseers a grateful smile stating softly, “Pray let me not interfere with your duties I’m sure brother E’Sumi’Yan can send someone to see to this.”
Kan’E shook her head, “Nay dear friend, after all you’ve done for Gridania this is the least I can do.  As far as my duties rest assured they are not being hindered by aiding you.”
“And A’Rhun and I will be returning to Camp Tranquil this evening, we just wanted to make sure you would wake up.”
The Viera smirked as she noted the boy was suspiciously quiet.  She knew ever since she had saved him from the creatures of the forest when the Great One had been angered he had become quite fond her her despite his protests.  He knew Raya”O had been right that she had been A’Towa’s heir.
“Thanks both of you,” Aina murmured softly sparing the boy further discomfort.
“I will be seeing to you until these wounds are healed dear friend so please, rest and allow them to.” Kan’E stated softly
Aina bowed her head to the Elder Seedseer knowing full well that the Padjal was right.  She needed to rest to heal and rushing off would only lead to complications.
“Fear not Kan’E I have no intention of exaserbating these,” she stated motioning to the now bandaged claw marks, “If the slow road it must be then so be it.  I would suggest however a search of records both here and in the Ossuarys records concerning this particular breed of voidsent.  I think it may have been the only one in the ancient city but I’d rather know for certain and spare another from its claws.”
The Seedseer nodded and helped the viera lay down once more, “It would behoove us to check,” she stated, “Rest dear friend I will see to it that we find out as much as we can on the beast.”
Aina nodded as her head hit the pillow fatigue rapidly pulling on her consciousness.  She gave a smirk as she saw a sastified smile play on the features of Raya’O.  The girl had put sedative herbs in the bath.  She chuckled and slurred, “Wasn’t necessary Raya’O but thank you.”
As she drifted off to sleep the Seedseers made their way from the room letting their Champion get the rest she deserved.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
D&D CLASSES ||Aina Rosewood
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𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽   »   toothy grins, stories around the campfire, clothes covered in pet hair, hot temper, old jeans, heartbeat in head, potatoes and steak, beaded jewelry, bruises like galaxies, mementos, backpack stuffed full, craigslist furniture, spontaneous road trips, air ripped from lungs
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙳   »   homemade bread, white lies, easily excited, trying on hats, band geek, pep talks, no impulse control, sunsets, vintage fashion, long showers, selfies, following dreams, rosy cheeks, song mash-ups, pink lemonade with tequila, loves easily, animated storyteller, full of comebacks
𝙲𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲   »   list of wishes, biting their tongue, band-aids and neosporin, shoulder to cry on, morning sun, necklaces, trial and error, homemade quilts, formal clothing, astrology fan, messages in bottles, pleated braids, speaking up for friends, feathers, motivational quotes, vivid dreams
𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙸𝙳   »   bird watching, shy kid, wind chimes, trying to whistle, summer camp, apple orchards, lost in their head, glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, hoodies, thrift shopping, saving worms off the sidewalk, pig latin, bare feet, thunderstorms, numb fingers, braided hair, naming potted plants
𝙵𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁   »   goosebumps, leather jackets, adventure, chewing nails, cares deeply but can’t show it, bronze locks, no sleep, taste of iron, netflix binges, never forgets, combat boots, stories behind scars, table for one, official soundtracks, sore calves, trusts themselves the most
𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙺   »   always trying to be better, wanderlust, meditation, sweat pants, old photographs, yoga, sleeping in hammocks, nostalgia, minimalist design, a breath of fresh air, baby animals, volunteering, perfectionist, doesn’t care about fashion, healthy snacks, noticing the little things
𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽   »   school uniforms, thick jackets, sleeping with the windows open, logical advice, scrapbooking, compasses, i fight for my friends, sculpture gardens, cold morning air, big soul, likes routine, secret romantic, last to get jokes, sunflowers, practical presents, misty weather
𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁   »   herbal tea, smell of rain, blinking away tears, camping trips, collecting bones, swiss army knives, first impressions, anxious thoughts, bobby pins, burnt marshmallows, too competitive, clothes lines, messenger bags, holding grudges, gets along better with animals than people
𝚁𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴   »   flirtatious sarcasm, candid photos, lost phone chargers, adrenaline rush, picking dirt out from beneath their nails, social chameleon, clashing clothes, self-deprecating jokes, claw machines, sits in chairs wrong, smudged eyeliner, has too many sunglasses, eats nothing or everything
𝚂𝙾𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚁   »   infectious laugh, family trees, shivers down their spine, lipstick and roses, mood swings, clumsy, believing in destiny, high expectations, sleeping in darkness, collection of nail polish, passionate, good grades but never studies, poetry books, blowing kisses, not knowing their own strength
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺   »   knowing everyone’s secrets, backpack covered in pins, envy, being in walmart late at night, earl grey, selective memory, conspiracy theories and cryptids, key smashing, need to know basis, can’t cook, bags under eyes, experimental art, flickering bulbs, black clothing all year long
𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳   »   piles of textbooks, cat in lap, keeping a diary, indecision, scented candles, studying alone in a café, lingering touches, museum dates, unanswered questions, taking on too much responsibility, collections, chalk dust, comfy robes, unnecessary apologies, coming home after a long day
Tagged by: @clearsundays @fletchlingfletcher @captainkurosolaire @yuki-yukichan
Tagging: @mai-takeda @autumnslance @dragons-bones @lizard-wanderer And anyone else who wants to do it ^.^
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