#oc Sallee Reinard
ainarosewood · 2 years
FFxivWrite 2022 Day 24 Prompt  Vicissitude
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Below cut due to length and Spoilers for the Shb Role Quests
Cyella could tell something was definitely wrong ere the Warrior of Darkness managed to reach her and ask a word in private.  The Paladin had not looked this wain since she had the Light raging through her aether.
Swiftly the elf finished her rounds with the customers and met the Elezen as she requested at her quarters in the Pendants.
She knocked on the door and shortly after Sallee opened it her leaf green eyes bright with what was overtly a fever.
As the door closed behind Cyella the other woman asked softly, "How long after a bite does it take for an elf to become a warg?"
Cyella's pale blue eyes widened and she asked sharply," When did it happen?"
"This morning when Alphi, Ali and I were exploring Laxen Loft for the guard.  It got a tooth through the underpinning of my vambrace.  Ever since I've been feeling worse."
The elf nodded, "To be expected and since Elves and Elezen are so alike it seems to be affecting the same…" swiftly she did some mental calculations then swore, "It will happen tonight, there's a full moon."
Shivering from the fever Sallee asked,"So what do I need to do?" 
"We need to get somewhere isolated with no one around.  I believe I can guide you through the transformation to retain your mind since well I myself was able to but…I don't know if I will have the ability to restrain you should there be a need…I was not exaggerating when I said I no longer had the strength to wield my blade and armor…"
"You might not but G'raha…sorry the Exarch, would.  He has a spell that can stop a person in their tracks…"
Cyella was filled with anxiety at that suggestion; she well knew how violent the transformation could make someone  But, she couldn't think of another recourse.  “Very well let us go to him that is if you can manage,”
Sallee nodded, “I can,”  She then took a breath and did her best not to look as worn and ill as she was.  Cyella prayed silently that no one thought to waylay them.  Elezen and Elves seemed to be similar enough that the change shouldn’t take her before the moonrise but the elf couldn’t be certain.
Together they made their way to the Dossal Gate and Sallee informed the guard they had urgent business with the Exarch.  The man let them through with nary a word overtly curious as to what the pair would need but trained enough not to ask.  They made their way swiftly up to the Oculus and found the Exarch waiting for them.
“What is wrong,” he asked, concern etched across his face and together the pair explained the situation.
His crimson eyes widened and he asked, “Are you sure this will affect Elezen the same?” turning toward Cyelle.
The Elf nodded, “So far all the signs are the same.  And with the moon rising full this evening, the shift will be upon her then.”
The Exarch nodded in understanding, “Here then, I think, would be best I can seal the Tower and no one would dare challenge that much less get through it.  That way it would be just you and I in any sort of danger.”
Sallee nodded and then fell to her knees choking back a cry.  Instantly the Miqo’te was at her side and she pushed herself up taking several breaths and trying to give him a reassuring smile, then it faded and her eyes widened, “Raha, this may be more complicated than normal for an Elf.”
The Miqo’te cocked his head confused and asked, “Why?”
“Recall I am Ishgardain born…”
Jerking in response to that he exclaimed, "By Thaliak! Do you think that…"
Sallee nodded grimly," From what I've heard a similar sort of change…" she then turned to Cyella, "You used your blood as a catalyst for the first ones…yes?
The elf nodded confused, "Aye..what does that have to do with anything?"
G'raha's crimson eyes filled with sorrow as he explained, "A thousand years ago on the Source, at least by its reckoning Thordain and his knights twelve, the then leaders of Ishgard betrayed, murdered and then consumed the eyes of a dragon of the First Brood Ratoskr.  The short of it is any Ishgardian that takes so much as a sip of dragon's blood can transform into a dragon."
Cyella's eyes widened in shock, her own people's history echoing in her mind as a similar tale but with wolves instead of dragons.  "More similar than you think.  On the Thirteenth shard I could tale you a similar tale of betrayal by Elves and an intelligent race of wolves…your concerned both could happen."
The Elezen nodded then looked at G'raha, "Be ready you of all people here know how to deal with a dragon considering Allags history with them."
The Miqo’te nodded stating, "it shouldn't change how the spell works but I will be prepared."
With that he went into the hallway and informed the guard there to send Lyna to him.  Within moments the Viis appeared and he stated, “Have the guard and any of the citizens within the Crystarium evacuate the Crystal Tower.  I will need to seal it this evening for something and I do not wish for any to be caught within.”
“Is aught amiss my lord?” the Viis asked sharply looking between the trio where they stood her keen eyes overtly not missing the condition Sallee was in.
“Naught that is not easily handled by what I have within Lyna, worry not.  Tis simply a precaution to deal with a situation that the Tower environs themselves are best suited to.”
Giving him a dubious look she simply saluted and stated, “As you will my lord, we will have the Tower clear shortly.”
With that she turned heel and made her way out of the Oculus calling to the guards outside as she went.  True to her word, within less than a few candle marks the entirety of the tower was cleared.  As soon as G’raha verified that the trio was indeed alone  He went into the Umbilicus and activated the terminal.  Within moments there was a brief rumbling and Sallee knew that meant the tower doors were closing.
After that they made their way to one of the large platforms of the tower there G’raha swiftly gathered a few things to make a makeshift bed for it was clear to him that Sallee was reaching the end of being able to be on her feet as the pain wracked her body.
Once the bed was made he had her lay down to wait. They tried to have light conversations  in an attempt to distract the Elezen from her pain when she was actually awake.  The times she wasn’t Cyella reassured the Miqo’te that this was normal for the progression of the shift.
Several uneasy hours passed and finally as the sun began to set Cyella shook awake the Elezen.
The other woman snarled in rage at her but the elf caught her gaze stating firmly, "The main thing you need to do is focus, Sallee keep foremost in your mind who you are what you care about or you will turn into a ravenous beast." 
The Elezen took several breaths and nodded painfully, moving to a more open spot.  A few more hours passed then Sallee who had been sitting trying to stay calm tensed and let out a blood curdling shriek.
“It's happening,” Cyella said, her body tense with worry and she repeated from earlier, “Remember hold on to who you are Sallee.  That is the best thing I can do for you at the moment is remind you of that.”
The other woman nodded grimly before curling over herself crying out again in pain. Shadows seemed to envelope her and both Cyella and G’raha could hear the sickening pops and snaps of bones altering their form.
When the shadows cleared neither G’raha or Cyella were prepared for the form before them.  Its head was wolf-like with scales covering the top of the snout from nose tip to mid forehead.  A pair of graceful horns swept back between the wolf-like ears.  Ceylla had expected a bipedal wolf but instead of forearms the Elezen had a pair of leather wings that she was flapping, sending violent bursts of air toward both the Elf and the Exarch. The rest of the body was very wolf-like with a thick tail that like the snout had scales from base to tip across the top.
A blend of a howl and roar rang out from the newly shifted Elezen and suddenly G’raha’s voice rang out, “Break”
Suddenly swirls of pale colors surrounded the Elezen’s feet and she whirled towards him growling.  He stood his ground stating, “Come back to us Sallee I know you're in there!  Please dear friend,”
A full actual roar rang from her throat and she strained against the restraint he had placed around her.  Alarms sounded within  the Tower and she growled, laying her ears flat and looking  for the source.
“He's right Sallee, remember who you are, or the beast is all you will be!” Cyella snapped.
G’raha then began speaking again, talking about the woman reminding her of all the things she had done and stood for.  Cyella was amazed and listened with  interest as he spoke to the woman of her deeds.  What she had told him was her wants, desires.  
Still annoyed at the restraints and alarms she did not heed him at first and began straining his spell.  Worry etched his features and he said, “This won’t hold much longer…”
No sooner stated and the spell shattered causing the Miqo’te to fall to his knees from the rebound of it.  The changed Elezen began charging straight for him and Cyella shouted, “No!”
Suddenly shadows surrounded her and she felt a surge of her old powers grabbing onto that she used the shadows to reach out and ensnare the other woman preventing her from continuing her charge.
Shock filled the Elf for she had thought this power long lost to her since her defeat at Ardbert’s hands.  But it seemed some of the man’s influence and insistence to do the right thing always rubbed off on her.
At first the warped Elezen roared and strained at the shadows.  G'raha, seeing she would not be able to finish her lunge, once again spoke to her reminding her of who she was.  Slowly the restrained beast stopped struggling and began to listen to the Miqo’te’s words.  After a few moments her eyes went from feral rage to what seemed like an intelligence behind them and a gravelly version of the Elezen’s voice came from the beast's maw.
“Thank you, both of you…Cyella I think I am good now.  Sorry for losing control at first.”  it stated
The Elf nodded and slowly called the shadows back, watching closely in case it was a trick but the warped elezen simply dropped forward onto the “hands” of the wings and looked toward her.
Satisfied that the woman would not lunge again she stated, “To be honest I wasn’t expecting to be of much use had you lost control….”
Sallee dropped the jaw in amusement, “I knew you had it in you.  Even if you were intending to use them you were still friends with Ardbert and the others despite your best intentions.  You were a hero of the Thirteenth before its fall.  Such things are not easily lost.”
Cyella turned away annoyed.  They may have been different people but this woman was all but the spitting image of Ardbert in attitude and it was slightly infuriating even if it was also endearing.  
The Exarch gave a smile at that then sobered asking, “Will she be able to return to her Elezen form?  I think even with the moniker of Warrior of Darkness or Light people might struggle to accept her as their hero like uh this…”
Cyella nodded, grateful that the Miqo’te chose to change the subject, “Aye once the sun rises since she has her senses she can choose to return to her Elezen form.”
Looking at the woman she stated, “All you will have to do is think about what you looked like and the shift will revert.  Now understand this until you master it. strong emotions can cause the change to occur.”
The Elezen nodded settling down and stating, “Then please share with me how to control it,”
For the rest of the night Cyella explained to her the nuances of how to be able to control the shift at will.
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talesfromeorzea · 1 year
Day 4 Prompt: Peace
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Peace for Ishgard, a phrase Sallee never thought she would hear in her lifetime, but here it was.  As she stood amidst the crowd gathered before Saint Reymanaud’s cathedral watching as Aymeric launched skyward upon the wyvern’s back she felt a happiness she never thought she would.
For a thousand years her people had been at war, a thousand years they and dragons both had needlessly shed blood again and again over the greed of her ancestors.  The truth of the war was known and while many still struggled to accept it.  Ishgard at long last found itself at peace.  No more would the children of Ishgard grow to learn to fight and die in the flames of battle against dragons.  No more would dragons grow and be compelled by Nidhogg's roar to enact his vengeance.  No more would Isghardians drink dragon's blood to transform and become a part of his never ending hoard.  
And although she had long since stopped considering herself Ishgardian, Sallee still felt a sense of pride that her kinsman could finally begin to move forward beyond the crushing weight of constant war.   She couldn’t help but smile as she heard an elder near her say, “It's finally over dear, no more will our sons and grandsons die from fire or claws…”
Her husband beside her nodded looking pensive, overtly wanting to voice concerns but not wanting to spoil his wifes elation.  Sallee decided to speak up stating softly, “Aye now our people can move forward from the pains of the past.  Learn from our ancestors' mistakes and not repeat them.”
The man jerked and looked at her. It only took a moment for him to recognize who she was and he nodded, “Aye Warrior, ye have the right of it.  It's just……”
“You find it difficult to forgive and forget,” she responded knowing full well many of her kinsmen were of similar reluctance, “That is not what is being asked sir.  We are simply asking people to learn from the past and look for a brighter morrow.  I know there are many who find it difficult to see dragons as something other than the enemy.  However in my experience with them I have seen first hand they are as many and varied as man is.  The “enemy” were those who could not let go of Nidhogg's hate, his desire for vengeance.  But not all dragons were part of those, the ones you see here chose the path of peace rather than blood.”
He blinked for a moment then slowly nodded, hearing the point she was making overtly by the look in his eyes and judging by the looks she saw on other faces many around him did as well.
“To forget this war, is to repeat it.  We must remember what happened, all of the pain, the suffering and try to prevent it from happening again.  I know all we've been taught is right now being shaken but remember this, we are not the Knights of Eld nor do we need to be, we are ourselves and I believe the Fury would rather see her people live to battle another day instead of throwing the life she gives away.  Instead of clinging to the past let us look to the future and make it as bright and beautiful as we can for those that follow us.”
She saw again many in the crowd near her nodding and looking eager for the future, also those with anger in their eyes and overt hatred.  She expected this and then gave a soft smile stating, “If we let ourselves cling to the hate and anger of the past, we will be the same as Nidhogg.”
This caused many of the naysayers to start and glare at her all the harder and she continued, “I cannot bring myself to hate Nidhogg to be honest.  He chose his path out of grief and self hate,”
Several people blinked and she continued, “His brood sister died because she spoke truly and relayed his feelings to the King and his knights.  He felt responsible and was enraged that over mere words they chose the path of blood.  Nidhogg was a prisoner of his own emotions and driven mad because of it.  So, I don’t hate him even with all the suffering he has caused to our kin, because tell me this and tell me true, if any of you had lost a loved one to similar treachery would you not choose that path as well?”
Some of those who had hatred in their eyes had it fade to become contemplative instead weighing her words and actually considering them.  To which she was grateful, if Ishgard was to move forward her people needed to think more than react.
There was suddenly a rush of air above them and the crowd backed up as Vidofnir hovered a moment before landing and looking at Sallee, “A Warrior, I was hoping to see thee.  I wanted to thank thee for keeping thy word, for ending the war.”
Sallee gave a smile, “I told you then and I meant it I was tired of seeing both our peoples die to bloodshed and hate.  I wanted the cycle to end and now it has, now we can take steps toward a more peaceful future,”
Vidofnir nodded, “Aye, that we can, I look forward to a day when our kindred can work fully together as they did in the days of eld.”  She then looked over the crowd adding, “A day when thou can look upon  a visage such as mine and not feel uncertainty.  Mayhap thy children or thy children's children shall. Till that day my kindred will endeavor to show thee we are not thine enemy.”
With that she took to the sky along with her brood father and brother and together they flew off back to Abalathia’s spine.  Sallee simply smiled and waved as she flew off then turned to those she had been speaking to saying, “I look forward to such a day as well when my kin can let go of the hate of the past.”
And with that she left, setting out into the city proper to join in the celebration that was starting, a celebration of war's end and life beginning anew.
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ainarosewood · 2 years
FFxivWrite2022 Day 19 Prompt Turning a Blind Eye
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Alsenne cursed her luck as the heretic managed to get behind her and hit her in the head with his cudgel causing stars to fill her eyes then her vision to blur as she fell to her knees.
This is it, she thought tears filling Elezen's eyes, I’m going to die alone out here in the snow…
Only for her to suddenly hear the fast crunching of a laden chocobo across the snow followed by the solid thud of a chocobo foot connecting with a human body.  Though her vision was blurred she did see the heretic that had hit her go flying and felt a large warm presence behind her that was Kwehing in warning.  
The other heretics that had surrounded her for their friend to get the upper hand turned toward the new threat and the sounds of steel on steel rang harshly over the keening wind and Alsenne attempted to see who had joined the fray.
Through the swimming vision she could see a figure clad in armor that definitely didn’t come from any of the High Houses of Ishgard.  This was a design from Eorzea which marked her rescuer as an adventurer.  She honestly didn’t care, the fact that someone was there was all that mattered.
Within moments the adventurer cut down the heretics leaving their bodies to cool in the snow as she knelt before the injured knight.
“My thanks,” Alsenne stated, her head still reeling from the blow.
The adventurer started at her voice and then asked, “Can you stand?  I saw as riding up he got you in the back of the head.”
Confusion filled Alsenne at the reaction until she heard the voice, “Sallee? I might have known it would one day be you saving my neck.”
The other Elezen gave a rueful grin, “I should have known the short hair and armor wouldn’t fool you Alse.  And I did only what was needed.”
“Humble as always, and I should be able to stand shortly, rang my bell something fierce he did with that blow.”
“Rose, come here boy give her some support eh?” Sallee stated and the chocobo kwehed in response before settling down in the snow next to her.  Gratefully the Elezen knight leaned against the chocobo’s warm bulk waiting for her vision to stop spinning.
“Would that I had taken up one of the healing arts offered by the guilds in Eorzea. I could be of more help then,” Sallee stated, worry etching her voice.
“I should have suspected what the bastard was up to,” Aslenne retorted, “I will be fine, just need my head to stop spinning.  You already did more than enough saving my hide.”
Sallee just shook her head and stared out into the snow watching for any more heretics.  It didn’t take much longer before Alsenne’s head stopped spinning and her vision to clear.  Slowly she pushed herself to her feet, Rose following, offering the knight support to lean on.
Once she was on her feet she pulled the other Elezen into a warm hug stating, “Good to see you again old friend.  I had heard you had disappeared and your father was less than pleased at it.  I had a feeling that you would be alright but I worried all the same.”
“I…he was going to try to force me to marry one of the House Fortemps sons in order to strengthen our ties with the house.  I just couldn’t do it, I’m not fit to be a noble lady. So..I left. I never expected to come back here to Coerthas but, seems Nymeia had other ideas.”  Sallee explained returning her old friend's hug.
“Hah I suspected it had to be something like that.  He has disowned you completely.  Some of the house knights have even heard him deny he ever had a daughter.”  Alsenne replied releasing the other Elezen and then shook her head, “I never understood why he was so insistent on you being a lady of the house.  It never suited you.”
Sallee sighed as she looked the other woman in the eye, “He was afraid, afraid he would lose me as he did grandmother.  She, as you well know, was a knight of some renown before Svara ended her…”
“So that's why he was so hells bent on you never becoming a knight, I always wondered.” Aslenne once again shook her head grimacing as it began to pound in protest of the movement.
Sallee nodded then stated, “Mount up, you're in no condition to walk back to Camp Dragonhead on your own. And we both are bound to freeze out here if we keep just chatting,”
Aslenne knew better than to protest and climbed into the saddle swaying slightly before actually getting her balance.  She knew Sallee was right, she was definitely worse for wear due to those heretics.
On the way back they both began light chit chat catching up on what each had been up to.  Aslenne was amazed at what she heard.  While she knew her old friend well enough to know she was down playing the importance it was clear that the Wildwood had become an adventurer of some renown in Eorzea.  And in Aslenne’s opinion that suited her far better than either lady of a house or even knight.
For as long as she had known her, Sallee had been very much free spirited. To be able to travel and explore was truly what Sallee had wanted even if she had thought her desires were to simply be a knight.  But as Aslenne well knew a knight was bound to the house they served.  Sallee however as an adventurer was free to go and help whomever she chose no matter where they were or who they were.
And deep down that was what the Wildwood had always wanted to do, help others. Aslenne had seen that from a very early age when the two of them had been starting their friendship.
As they reached Camp Dragonhead Sallee helped her dismount and as they walked together to the infirmary Aslenne stated, “The mantle of Adventurer suits you well old friend, and worry not your family will hear nothing of this.   If asked, an adventure came to my aid, no names, no descriptions.”
The tension that had been in Sallee’s frame since she had recognized her instantly eased and the other Elezen said softly, “Thank you,”
As she went inside Aslenne simply replied, “Take care of yourself and send a letter a time or two will you, I’d love to hear more about your adventures.”
She then went inside and watched as the other Elezen mount up and ride out again into the snows knowing full well she was off somewhere else to aid someone else in need.
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ainarosewood · 2 years
Restoration and Rejuvenation
FFxivWrite2022 Day 11 Prompt Free Write
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Sallee wiped her brow for a moment straightening up from her recent tilling of the soil.  It wasn't as if it was warm.  The Twelve knew the central highlands had never been a tropical paradise even before the seventh umbral calamity.  But it was a comfortably warm day if one isn't working in a field.  The elder elezen gave a smile as her eyes were drawn to the Nail, the towering mountain having embedded in its sides a glowing set of crystals that made this all possible. 
Sallee remembered back when the idea was proposed, even since its success on the first she and Y’shtola had speculated that the same method that restored life to the First, and subsequently the Thirteenth could in theory be used in a smaller degree to restore some of the aetheric imbalances on Etheirys itself.  
The various calamities had wreaked havoc on the various elemental balances but if balancing elements could restore two worlds that were harshly shifted to one element a correction of a small area should have been childs play.  Which it was, using the knowledge they learned with Eden and the Loporrits Ancient ingenuity they managed to shift both Central and Western Coerthas back to balance instead of so far towards ice along with other areas equally affected in such a dramatic shift.
So now the climate of both sections of the highlands were as they had been pre Seventh Umbral Calamity and flourishing with settlements of all peoples.  The Elezen smiled as she resumed her work knowing this field wouldn't till itself.  Her mind drifted back to her companions from back then, how proud they would be if they could see Etheirys now.  People of all races and creeds working together to make the star a better place.  The trade routes that Tataru established were flourishing and continuing to grow.  People were set on learning how to work with each other instead of petty bickering and needless wars.
“Everything we were aiming for, wish you all could see this now,”  Sallee murmured looking down at the land beneath her feet knowing deep below was the aetherial sea where her friends' souls rested. 
It wasn't easy being the last living Scion of the old guard but she managed.  Cylla had warned her after her transformation that she would probably never age any further than she was.  That combined with Ratatoskr’s blood that coursed through her veins adding to oddities that even the Thirteenth native couldn’t foresee.  Fortunately she wasn't completely alone, for the dragons still soared the skies of the world, their numbers flourishing after the Dragonsong War ended.  So it wasn't like she only watched as all peoples she knew were born only to eventually fade and return to the lifestream to begin the cycle anew.
She had long ago set aside the Mantle of the Warrior of Light of the Traveler, choosing another to bear that burden, though it was seldom needed anymore.  Not that there wasn't still conflict and strife occasionally, there always would be so long as people had different views.  But the need of a Champion of champions, a warrior without peer had finally faded into the annals of history and should such need ever come again she’d bear the burden with the same pride she always did not matter how weary it made her.  For she was what she was at her core, a traveler, a meddler, someone who stood when others ran.  She’d never escape it and if she had to be honest she never wanted to.
But for now she was content with tilling her fields, tending to her chocobo and living the simple life watching with pride how much the world had grown from its tumultuous past.
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ainarosewood · 2 years
FFxivWrite2022 Day 14 Prompt Attrition
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Vidofnir all but snorted in amusement as the young Elezen before her made his bold statement.  The child of man was scarcely older than a hatchling for their kind.  She sneered derisively at him then intended as a parting shot “Empty promises will avail thee naught,”
She had been about to take wing when the words of their final companion reached her quiet though they were, “They are not empty,”
Folding her wings she looked directly at the Elezen woman Crimson gaze meeting green and she couldn't help herself by asking, “What?”
The Elezen returned her gaze determination shining in those eyes as she stated louder, “The promise is not empty Lady Vidofnir, be it by words or might the threat the Gnath god poses to your territory will be eliminated.  I swear it, as I do in ending  the Dragon Song War in a similar way.  By word or might,”
Curiosity overcame her and before she could think twice Vidofnir asked, “Why?”
Sorrow filled the Elezens' gaze as she responded, “Too long has this war dragged on, an endless cycle of bloodshed and hate.  Too many children, both man and dragon, have known only its bitter taste.  I would see that end, for both our kinds.”
Vidofnir felt her eyes widen in surprise and she almost snarled as she heard the knight before her all but snort in contempt.
Before she could say a word however the Elezen woman whirled on her companion snapping, “You dismiss it Estinien but I have seen with my own eyes that dragons mourn their fallen same as man. Truly the only difference between us and them is the dearth of age, and the understanding that that entails.  A difference that can be gotten past if one were to just try.”
The knight simply shrugged indifferently and the Elezen turned back to her, “I know words are wind, Lady Vidofnir, so let my actions speak for me, as I stated I will eliminate the threat the Gnath god gives your kindred either by word or might.  It will be their call.  See that and know that I will bring peace for our peoples.  I swear it,”
The dragon nodded to her stating softly, “I will hold thee to that,”  and then she launched into the air her mind drifting back to another time not so long ago and yet seemingly a lifetime even for a dragon.
“But they are thy kindred are they not Rirrert?”  Vidofnir asked her longtime friend before her.
The Elezen looked at her and nodded, “Aye, that they are Vidofnir, but if they threaten the peace between our peoples they needs be delt with.  And I shall either by word or might, one way or the other they will cease their actions.”
The dragon shook her head as she landed bringing herself back to the present. So alike they are, she thought to herself as she laid down at her usual perch, hmm perhaps they are related.
She had noted that the Elezen woman was a child of Thordain; Ratatoskr's scent was unmistakable.  She had also noted that the woman had slain dragons for their blood stench was still upon her; however it was also not nearly as strong as it was on the knight.  
A child of Thordain that desires peace, hmm mayhap the Song will end soon. 
She snorted at the thought and yet, she clearly saw in her mind’s eye the determination that shone in the Elezen woman’s eyes.  So alike to her friend from long ago and he had triumphed.  He had ended the then threat to the peace not knowing that a much larger one would be what would shatter it all together.
I will watch then, Daughter of Thordain as thou bid I do.  Eliminate the Gnath’s god if thou canst then shall see if thou whilst end the War between our kin as well. She thought as she settled down to watch and wait.
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ainarosewood · 2 years
FFxivWrite2022 Day 9 Prompt Yawn
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It was strange this gulf between the stars and part of Sallee felt she made a mistake by picking up that device and trusting in this mysterious voice.  Yet despite how annoyed she had been with his timing and, she suspected, accidental removal of her friends she felt he was speaking truth.  So she did as he bade, sought the beacon and in turn found it.  Now here she was floating through a vast endless expanse, ice crystals floating by all of which seemed to be bearing her memories.
In her mind she heard echoes of snippets of conversations from when she was young in the then warm comfortable Coerthan Central Highlands.  Beginnings of her journey as an adventurer.  The following battles that vaunted her to the position of Warrior of Light and Champion of Eorzea.  All of which came and went and were barely discernible more a babble of sound than true distinct moments.  Then one rang clear, one that had tore at her heart and made her question herself on just how far she would go should there ever be a need. 
“We did everything right, everything that was asked of us and still, still we failed,” Arbert’s anguished voice filled her ears and she reached out toward that shard only to have it float in then completely out of her grasp.  
Suddenly a blinding light appeared ahead of her and she held her hands before her eyes squinting against the glare.  Then before her stood Minifillia as the Word of the Mother her hands held before her stopping a massive wave of glowing liquid before her.  Sallee was confused by the words spoken to her, they seemed meant for her and yet not.  Light blinded her again and then she found herself staring up at a brilliant sky of variant shades of yellow and white all of which seemed off, wrong.
She rolled over onto her side and the Elezen caught the scent of unfamiliar flowers that, judging by the general appearance, should have been more potent than it was.  It seemed muted, much like most of the area around had carpets of these strange flowers and towering trees all of which held a purple hue.  Everything seemed dampened, muted like the vibrancy of life was gone.
It was disturbing to say the least but, she’d get nowhere lounging in the grass.  Shaking her fuzzy head she pushed herself up swaying as blood rushed to her head from the change of position.  Once she was able to stand with confidence she looked around and spotted a familiar figure walking alongside a chocobo. 
 Bremondt she thought hazily, What's he doing in this strange place?
She then made her way toward him and as she got closer she realized while the man resembled the old merchant it wasn't him.  Either way a merchant could direct her to wherever the nearest civilization was.  
He greeted her and asked her what she was doing wandering this time of night and she was confused, it was night time?  But the sky was glowing brighter than midday in the heart of the Sagolii desert.  
He then laughed and told a story about his father and a barkeep.  She was only half listening as her heart began to pound as her hazy mind finally began to put together where she was.  Arbert’s homeland, the First.  The world that was nearly destroyed by the Flood of Light.  Somehow the mysterious cowled man had pulled her across that strange icy abyss to the First.  And with any luck the rest of the Scions were also here.  
Though it was hard to say if they were corporeal or not given their spirits were dragged.  She then wondered if she too back in Mor Dhona shared their fate.  Lying prone unconscious her body showing the barest signs of life.
Well if it is then overtly the others are as solid here as I am cause this man certainly doesnt think I am a ghost. She mused to herself
The merchant must have taken her inattentiveness for confusion and then made a comment about “them” getting to her.  He then directed her to the Crystarium pointing off in a nearby direction and told her to look for the shining tower.  They’d see to her and take care of her.  He then got up, put out his fire and began to lead his chocobo away.
The Wildwood then turned in the direction he pointed and got a shock, and wondered how she had missed it before.  There far above the nearby trees was the unmistakable shape of the Crystal Tower.  She had seen it far too often not to recognize that distinct monument.  But how in seven hells was it here?  How was the vaunted tower of Alag on a completely different world?
The Alagans had many things including star travel but to have a tower in the exact same spot on two worlds?  That defied imagination.  
She then shook herself and began walking, standing in the middle of these odd woods would get her no answers.  Not to mention no telling what sort of creatures lived in this strange, going stagnant existence.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
 This is Part 2 
Hello is part 1 
tomorrow’s prompt Kiss will be part 3
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Aymeric looked pensively out his window for the fifth time at the heavy snowfall.  Beside him he heard the clank of a tray and Lucia’s voice stating, “You worry too much sir,  did she not face Shiva, Nidhogg, even Thordain and his Knights Twelve and still return to us.  I doubt a storm is going to be much of an issue for the Warrior of Light.”
He turned toward her the barest of pink rising on his cheeks and he stammered, “I...no I’ve not forgotten any of those things Lucia but you know as well as I how unpredictable the storms of Coerthas can be....”
The female knight’s lips twitched with mild amusement as she poured his tea adding his preferred amount of birch syrup deftly before asking, “Have you also forgotten that she was born and raised here in Ishgard?  That she was in the Central Highlands post Calamity?  I’m sure she is fully aware of how uncertain Coerthan weather can be,”
She set the tea before him and he gave her a sheepish grin before saying, “Thank you Lucia and no I’d not forgotten she is a daughter of Ishgard I just...”
“Want to worry like a maid swooning for her errant knight,” the Garlean woman teased her eyes dancing waiting to speak until he was taking a sip of the tea.
“Lucia!” he sputtered nearly spitting said tea across his desk, he glared at her the color deepening on his cheeks as he stammered again, “I...there is naught wrong with being concerned for a dear friend.  Especially one that we owe so much too.”
Lucia laughed stating, “And there’s naught wrong if she is more than a ‘dear’ friend to you sir,”
She was about to say more when he raised a hand looking at the door his politician’s mask up as it swung open and a very annoyed Hilda strode in.
“Sorry te darken your door noble sir,” she stated with a ghost of a grin, “But me boy’s and I have made some headway in finding those bastards that claim to be the ‘True’ brothers o the faith,”
“So some escaped the Vault as we suspected that day?” he queried
She nodded her ruby eyes dark as she stated, “Aye at least one known, a good Father by the name o Reginald.  Seems he was a favorite o the swine Charibert’s Inquisitors.  My boy’s found that the man was spotted with a contingent o about ten Knights heading into the Western Highlands.”
“So they’ve been detained at Falcon’s Nest?” he asked dread filling him
Hilda shook her head, “No the snake stopped there briefly but then went on further into the Highlands.  My boy’s don’t know exactly but they’re fairly certain that he and his following have holed up in the old mills out there.  The one’s the Heretic’s used fer a time.”
“Seven Hells!” he swore turning to Lucia, “Gather a contingent of our most trusted knights.  Lucia, have them be ready to move as soon as the storm clears.  And inform the Scions that I wish to speak with them immediately.”
Hilda cocked her head at him stating, “While I admit they shouldn’t be left to their own ideas, good sir, why the sense of urgency and calling on the Scions?”
He closed his eyes in anguish as he stated softly, “Because about six bells ago I sent the Warrior of Light to investigate reports of Dravanian activity in that same area.  Reports that came not from Falcon’s Nest but the Mill’s knights.  I had assumed it was simply from the ones left there to prevent the Heretic’s from returning not the potential of anyone else.”
“So our dear Warrior’s most likely flying into an ambush she knows nothing of...hmm she is more than capable of taken care o herself, Lord Commander.  I’d think you of all people would know that.”
“She is, but she will most likely stay her hand if she suspects the knights are only doing their duty.  And I dare to assume, that you know as well as I, what an Inquisitor is capable of.”
“Hmm, you’ve got me there,” she stated thinking, “Don’t worry bout Ishgard at the moment.  My boy’s and I will keep the peace go and save our friend.”
He nodded, “I leave it to you and the Watch then,  Inform Handeloup if there is aught the Watch needs.”
“Aye ser,” she responded striding out.  Once she made it into the hallway she spoke with said knight then made her way back toward the Brume.
Aymeric paced his office like a caged ceourl awaiting the Scions to come to the Congregation.  His eyes kept staring out the window relieved to see the snow lessening which meant they’d have a chance to arrive swiftly provided they left before the storm started up again.
A knock sounded on his door and he barked, “Enter,” a moment later Alphinaud strode in his young face filled with concern, behind him came Y’shtola, Thancred and finally Krile.  The trio had curious looks on their faces and he wasted no time, “Pray first, allow me to apologize.  I had no intention of sending her into such peril.”
Y’shtola’s ears twitched and he felt her gaze harden as she asked quietly, “What sort of peril and of whom do you speak?”
Aymeric closed his eyes fighting back his anguish as he replied, “Sallee...I had asked her to investigate reports of Dravanian activity near the Gorgagne Mills in the Western Highlands.  With no knowledge that some of the True Brother’s of the Faith had made their way there and was sending a false report.  Please forgive me friends, I had no idea I was sending her to a trap.”
Alphinaud’s face paled and he snapped, “We must do something at once!  I have no doubt that they blame her for all of what they perceive to be Ishgard’s ills.”
Aymeric nodded, “Lucia has already gathered our most trusted knights and I intend on leading them myself.”
“With no knowledge of their numbers or how they have them arrayed, Ser Aymeric?” Thancred asked in an annoyed tone, “Think man, they will have the advantage.”
Aymeric nodded, “I am well aware.  Which was one of two reasons why I sent for you.  One was to inform you of the situation and the other was to ask for your aid in discerning how best to extract her.”
Thancred gave him a relieved smile then stated, “Then I shall head out there and see if I can get a lay of the land.  I will contact you via linkpearl to inform you of their placement and numbers.”
He left and Aymeric turned to Krile and Y’shtola, “I am also informed that the both of you are accomplished healers and I would greatly appreciate you assistance for I have no doubt she will be injured.”
Both healers nodded and Alphinaud stated, “I to have some skill with the healing arts Ser Aymeric and I have fought alongside her many times before.”
Aymeric looked down at the young Elezen stating,  “I am aware of that fact Master Alphinaud, I had no intention of leaving you behind.”
“Calm yourself Alphinaud, you will not be able to help her at all if your not thinking,” Krile stated quietly then she turned to Aymeric asking, “Obvious animosity aside what makes you think she will have injuries?”
Aymeric’s eyes closed a pained expression crossing his features, “Because the one leading them, Father Reginald was one of the foremost Inquisitors...and they are not known for gentle questioning.”
“I see,” the Lalafell murmured softly 
“Come, there are chocobo readied and waiting for us at the stables as soon as we receive Master Thancred’s report we will strike.  I’d rather not gather in Falcon’s Nest for fear of them having eyes there.”
Once they arrived at the stables they were greeted by the sight of a chocobo pacing agitatedly and kwehing in distress.  Its deep burgendy feathers idendtifing it as Swiftwing, Sallee’s chocobo.  Quickly Y’shtola made her way over to the bird and did her best to calm it before leading it forward and handing its reins to Alphinaud.  The boy nodded patting the distressed chocobo and stood there awaiting Thancred’s call.
Within a few bells Alphinaud’s linkshell chimed and Thancred stated flatly, “There seems to be around ten knights gathered around the perimeter.  As well as another ten separated out into two patrols that have irregular intervals.”
Alphinaud relayed this to Aymeric who directed the knights into the air as he  mounted.  Alphinaud mounted along with the other Scions and they launched as well.  “Were on our way Thancred let us know if anything changes.”
It didn’t take long before they arrived all gathered near where the Hyur was observing the Mill.  “I figure I could slip in for a closer look provided there was a distraction made.  That way we can locate her quickly and prevent them from taking any drastic measures.”
“Seems sound enough to me, Lucia take ten of our knights with you toward the western front and lure the patrols to you.  Master Alphinaud, your with me along with the remaining knights to deal with the sentries once Master Thancred has located the Warrior of Light.  Mistress Krile, Y’shtola could I ask you to follow and be ready for the charge on the main entry.”  Aymeric directed
All nodded in understanding and Thancred made his way down to the Mill using the land to his advantage.  It did not take him long to slip past the sentries.  Once he was there Aymeric commanded, “Now!”
Lucia led her knights forward directly toward the patrols who scrambled to meet them. It did not take long for her to lure them away toward the nearby fields.  Meanwhile Aymeric mounted his chocobo and waited for Alphinaud and the others to do the same.  The young Elezen climbed onto the bird’s back and awaited Thancred’s call.
In a few moments the shell chimed and Thancred gritted, “The bastard has her in the basement and seems to be torturing her as we speak.  If you strike the sentries I doubt he will notice, he seems to enjoy his work far too much.”
Alphinaud’s eyes flashed in anger as he relayed this to Ser Aymeric.  The older Elezen felt rage building deep within as he growled, “To arms then, let us go now!”
They charged directly at the Mill and several of the sentries scrambled to meet them.  Aymeric drove his bird straight for the main entry having it kick down the door.  With the grace of long experience he swung off the bird commanding it to guard and he met the blade of the knight still standing with Naegling. He shifted his blade using it to disarm his opponent then used Naegling’s hilt to knock the man unconscious.  
He turned to face the other two knights only to see one drop wretching as a sickly green spell slammed into him from Alphinaud’s tome.  The other cried out in pain as a blast of air began ripping at his face.  From the corner of his eye he could see Y’shtola standing with her cane drawn not far behind him.
Suddenly the air was torn with the sound of a pain filled scream and Aymeric charged forward leaping over the rail and down into the basement charging forward.  Before him he saw Sallee bound to a chair a myriad of wounds seeping blood.  Her face thrown back in agony as a cherry red pole of iron was being stabbed into an empty spot in he abdomen.  Said pole was in the hand of a short balding Hyur in the robes of the vault.
Aymeric snarled in rage and lunged Naegling held before him.  The priest had enough time to turn only to be impaled on the blade.  He stared wide eyed in shock at Aymeric and the Elezen twisted the blade and slashed down.  Reginald fell to the basement floor, his guts spilling out before him.  A pool of his lifesblood pouring from the gaping wound.  Ignoring the mans gasps as he breathed his last Aymeric strode forward shaking the blood from his blade before sheathing it.  He then stepped behind the chair and unbound the Warrior.  Catching her then cradling her gently as he called, “Mistress Y’shtola, Krile to me!”
The two bolted down there seeing him holding the injured Elezen their mouths thinning in anger before Y’shtola stated, “Pray, hold her tightly Ser as we see to closing these wounds.”
The Elezen nodded not trusting his voice as he knelt down holding her close while the two began channeling healing spells into her.  Her scream of pain rang in his ears but he held fast.  Firmly but also feather light fearing that he’d harm her further but knowing that if she thrashed about it would only make things worse.
“Seven Hells,” he heard Alphinaud cry as the young Elezen joined his fellows and aided in the healing.  It did not take long for most of the surfaces of the wounds to close.  Once that had happened the three lowered their hands cutting the spells.
“That is all we can do for now, we must get her back to Ishgard and to proper facilities,” Y’shtola stated wearily.
“I will bear her there my self,” Aymeric murmured softy, “Ser Nathan!”  
At the knights appearance in the door he continued, “Send word to Captain Whitecape he will have a patient brought to him shortly by my own hands.”
The knight saluted then bolted off once he had Aymeric called, “Ser Esseoux”
A few moments later an Elezen knight appeared in the doorway and Aymeric commanded, “See that the knights that were here and survived the battle are detained for questioning.  I will be returning to Ishgard so the field is yours, please had it over to Lucia upon her return.”
“At once Lord Commander,” the knight responded saluting.  Then he turned and began shouting commands to the other knights.  
Aymeric then carefully made his way up the stairs taking care not to jostle Sallee in any way.  Behind him he heard the three Scions follow.  Once he stepped outside he was greeted by Switftwing who began looking over the woman in his arms and whistling agitatedly.
“Would you bear us back to Ishgard?  Tis the best chance she has at the moment.” He asked the bird.
The cocobo kwehed in agreeance then stood still waiting for the Elezen to mount.  As if melting out of the shadows Thancred appeared beside him and Aymeric handed him Sallee long enough to mount before the Hyur handed the unconscious woman back to him his free eye dark with rage at her injuries.
The chocobo launched and unerringly turned toward Ishgard flapping as fast as he could to get his mistress to someone who could help.  Aymeric simply held onto the bird with his legs and grasped the woman close praying that she would be well.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
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“We have received word of Dravanian activity near the Gorgagne Mills.” Aymeric stated quietly looking Sallee in the eye, “I would greatly appreciate it if you would investigate these reports and, if it is entirely possible, bring about a peaceable solution.”
She gave the Lord Commander a warm smile then stated softly, “Fear not Aymeric.  If I can convince it to stop it without harm I shall,”  She gave him a bow and turned to leave.
“One more thing...” he began loudly and she turned raising an eyebrow in question, he cleared his throat then continued, “Please, be careful dear friend, the Skywatcher reports indicate that the Western Highlands are due for a storm very soon.”
She gave him a warm smile and stated, “Your concern is appreciated, Aymeric not to worry though. I will have the situation under control and be back for tea long before the storm comes.”
“I look forward to it then dear friend,” he murmured low and inwardly she felt a shiver at his tone.  Then mentally shook herself, she knew full well that she was reading more into that than there was.
She strode off stopping at the Chocobo Stables to pick up her chocobo Swiftwing then mounted up and launched out.  She stopped at Falcons Nest and spoke with Redwald.
She remounted not long  after frowning, according to the Durendaire knight there had been no sign of any dragons since Vidofnir’s fly over on her way to Ishgard.  If it hadn’t been the knights of Falcon’s Nest to report it then who had?
She flew out a gentle snow began to fall and it wasn’t long before the Mill’s came into view.
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She landed and dismounted to see several knights come forward towards her. She raised a hand in greeting only to be surrounded by them with weapons drawn.  Swiftwing stepped close to her shifting his balance preparing for her commands as she raised an eyebrow at the knights.
“This is not the usual greetings I receive from knights afield.  Be at ease my friends, I have come at the behest of the Lord Commander.”
“It is a greeting you should get wench, heretic scum,” a voice snarled from behind the knights and she turned ever so slight to see a priest from the Vault striding toward them.
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“For what reason to you accuse me of such Father?” she asked her eyes wary as she also looked about her noting the number of knights and their hard expressions.
The Priest barked a laugh, “Reason? Reason?  It is because of you that the Lord Commander had fallen from the righteous path, you who whispered sugared poison in his ear convincing him to have you slaughter his father, to break bread with our mortal enemies.”
“Who slew Nidhogg, bringing and end to a Thousand Year war of pain and suffering.” She stated coldly, “Who brought to light that the Archbishop was concealing the truth of the war and using it for his gain.  Aymeric ordered him slain because he consorted with Ascians and chose to summon a Primal becoming a far greater threat to Ishgard and Eorzea at large than even the dread wyrm.”
The priest raised a hand and she was promptly decked by the knight closest to her his gauntlet slicing her cheek the blood falling down her face.  Swiftwing turned to strike but she snapped, “No!” the chocobo kwehed in annoyance but obeyed.
“Silence wench, you’ll not use your honeyed tongue to lure more away from the righteous path.” the priest snarled
She wiped the blood from her cheek glaring at him and murmured, “So your one of the True Brothers of the Faith, hmm?  I take it you ran with a trail of piss following you as your brothers died.”
This caused the knight to strike her again and as Swiftwing again made to attack she shouted, “No return home!”
The bird kwehed his displeasure then leapt into the air at her command.
“Bring it down!” the priest snarled
Swiftly she bowled through the knights closets to her receiving slashes from their blades as she slammed herself into the nearest archer fouling his shot and causing him to fall into the other two who were taking aim.  The closest arrow hissed through the chocobo’s tail feathers and he sped up to avoid any others.
Once the knights detangled themselves from her and each other they roughly pulled the Elezen to her feet and then dragged her before the priest where the forced her to kneel.
“You will pay for that,” the priest snarled catching her face and pressing a gloved thumb into the slash from ealier., “And unfortunately for you traitor, I was trained by Charibert to be one of the foremost Inquisitors.”
He then let her go and raised his and commanding, “Bring her within and set a guard, if somehow the chocobo survives and makes it to Ishgard we will most likely have more heretics attacking shortly to free her.”
The knights bowed their heads in acknowledgement and dragged her into the abandoned farmhouse.  She set her jaw knowing full well that this bastard was going to do everything he could to break her and she sure as the seven hells not going to allow him the satisfaction.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Yesterdays entry...I...got a little caught up with making a new oc and watching and art stream ^.^’
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Sallee sat a moment deep in thought quill poised in hand ready to write.  Her heart however was not.  She sighed glancing at the newly opened letter on the desk next to her.  She had never wanted, nor expected its arrival however here is was and she knew that ignoring it would do nothing.
After several long quiet moments she sat thinking of how she wanted to word things before finally setting quill to parchment.
I hope this letter finds you well.  I have but received yours only a few bells before penning this. I am sorry to inform you that what you ask, I cannot give.  I am the Warrior of Light now, the Savior of Eorzea.  Though our order, the Scions at the moment suffers under spurious accusations my self most of all, I cannot, nor will I abandon them to this.
The Light of the Dawn must shine for the sake of the realm.  I know you wish only to see your daughter safe and know that I do appreciate it.  Especially considering my prior actions which led me to the road.  You had every right to disown me for the embarrassment of my flight from what you believe to be my responsibilities.
But, I cannot be that which you and father desire of me.  I cannot squander my gift by ignoring it.  I have a power that lets me, despite odds, rise up and protect those whom have need.  Something, as you well know I have desired to be able to do my entire life.
Please understand I do love my family and I wish all of you well.  But, I must continue on my chosen path.  If I do not all that my friends have sacrificed for, given their very lives for, will be for naught.  That I will not allow.  Do not fear for me for Lord Edmont of House Fortemps has seen fit to take my friends and I under his protection as Wards of his house.  So please, forgive me for denying you but as I said I cannot abandon my current cause.  I must go on, for those I have lost, for those I may yet save.
So I ask of you please forgive me and wish me luck in this endeavor.  I pray Halone finds you and Father well.  
Your Loving Daughter, Sallee
Once she signed it she sprinkled sand to dry the ink then folded and placed it within the nearby envelope.  She then sealed said paper with a wax seal and strode out of her appointed rooms in Camp Dragonhead.  It wasn’t long before she found one of the couriers sitting and eating an evening meal.
“Sir,” she called and the young Hyur looked up, “Once you’ve finished your meal could I trouble you to run this letter to House Reinard?”
The courier smiled and stated, “Aye my Lady, T’would be an honor.”
She gave the man a warm smile and handed the letter over to him.  She then went and got food of her own and sat down next to Alphinaud and Tataru who both gave her a quiet greeting.  The three of them ate in silence for on the morrow they knew they would pass through the Gates of Judgement and to the city proper.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
30 Day WoL Writing Challenge-Week 3
Here is week three for the challenge ^.^ {Two are actually NPC points of view but that still counts right ;) }
Day 16-Hello
Day 17-Gentle
Day 18-Kiss
Day 19-Judgement
Day 20-Laugh
Day 21-Memory
Day 22-Salvation
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ainarosewood · 4 years
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“The fool!” Sallee growled, “Fear not I will see that he and his knights survive the ordeal.”
She then whirled whistling for her chocobo as she exited the building.  She suspected she knew why Francel would be so reckless but still.  Steel Vigil had fallen to the Horde just after the Calamity and numerous scalekin were scattered through out the fallen fortress.
The only thing he is going to earn from such an endeavor is an early grave she thought grimly as she mounted her chocobo and spurred him toward the abandoned vigil.
As she crested the hill she saw Francel crouched on one knee crimson staining the snow beneath him from a laceration in his side.  Swiftly she dismounted and rushed up to him.
“Who goes there!?  Sallee!? No stay back the fiend is still here!” he shouted
No sooner said than a massive a aevis came charging from behind a wall lightning arching in its open maw.  Sallee swiftly grabbed Francel and rolled to the side dodging the burst of lightning aether from the beast then  she primed her bow and took aim. 
 Swiftly the arrow sped throw the air and slammed into the soft meat in the roaring scalekins mouth. It thrashed violently then crashed into the snow, its body twitching its last as the arrowhead found its mark in the aevis’s brain.
Once certain the dragon was dead Sallee then turned to once again aid the injured young lord.  “Halone be praised,” the young elezen gasped, “But what of the others?  The three knights who accompanied me, where are they!?”
“I will locate them as soon as I can be sure you will not bleed out here in the snow now hold still!” she snapped at the boy.  
She whistled  for her bird Aya and he moved closer to her allowing for her to retrieve some cloth that she used for makeshift bandages from the saddle bags.  A few moments later she bound the young lords injury and cautiously began searching for the missing knights.
A bit of searching and several dead scalekin later she found the knights and reunited them with their lord.  She then helped him mount Aya and together they made their way back to the Skyfire Locs.
During the trip Francel was looking down at the saddle stating softly, “It was a foolish thing to do, I know, but I had hoped we might demonstrate our devotion by slaying a number of the scalekin”
She simply nodded in understanding it had been exactly as she had suspected but she held her tongue for he seemed to wish to say more.
“Moreover, it was House Hallientarte that yielded the Steel Vigil to the Horde many years ago. One might say that our defeat here heralded the slow decline of our house’s once-great name.  We have been brought even lower by these despicable accusations of heresy. And despite my best efforts, I have done naught to improve the situation.” he lamented defeat in his features.
Sallee stopped walking turning to face the young lord on the chocobo staring him squarely in the eye as she stated, “I understand my lord, lest you forget I am a daughter of Ishgard myself.  I know these accusations have caused no end of misery for you house.  But let me ask you this, how pray tell can you clear you Houses name and regain its honor if you throw your life away in a reckless attempt to prove your piety.  You have but one life Lord Francel honor means little if you are dead.”
The young elezen’s eyes widened at her words then he turn contemplative for a moment before stating, “You...have a point Sallee I can hardly save my House from disgrace if I lose my life in the attempt. The day of my trial approaches. Soon I must accept  the judgement of the inquisitors, whatever it may be.  But even should my protestations fall upon deaf ears.  I will proclaim my innocence until my dying breath!”
“I pray Francel that it does not come to that and know that I will do all I can to aid in proving House Hallientarte’s innocence.” She responded grabbing the reins of Aya once more and resuming their trip.
He gave her a grateful smile before stating softly, “While the aid is appreciated please forget not that you came here to Coerthas for a reason.  Do not let me distract you from that please.”
She smiled back stating, “I have not forgotten.  However it seems we will have little progress in finding said airship until the gossip surrounding your trial dies down so aiding you in the long run shall be aiding in our search.”
Shortly after they arrived at the Locs and the knights rushed ahead to get a chigeoun who aided in getting the injured elezen down from the chocobo and within to be tended.  The three knights once again thanked her for her aid and bid her farewell as they returned to their duties.
She remounted Aya very concerned.  She knew all to well that Francel could indeed need to protest his innocence till literally his last breath.  The weather seemed to reflect her mood as a heavy snow began to fall as she rode through Hadrath’s March the distant glow of Camp Dragonhead’s beacons barely  discernible though the blinding gale.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
30 Day WoL Challenge-Day 6-Masquerade
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Sallee felt her lips twitch in amusement as Emallian read the invitation aloud to them.
"A masquerade ball?" Alphinaud asked incredulously
"Indeed dear boy," Emallenain responded beaming, "It is held once a year hosted by one of the High Houses.  This years event is being held by House Durendarie"
The young Elezen looked aghast stammering, "But surely with the threat of war they would postpone it?"
"Nay Alphinaud they wouldn't," Sallee said quietly causing the boy to turn toward her, "This war has dragged on for a thousand years.  This is the sort of thing the High Houses do to distract themselves from the memories and fears of the war."
Understanding then dawned in the young Elezen's eyes though it was clear he didn't agree with the thought.
"Sometimes people need to forget their troubles," she murmured.
Alphinaud then thought about that for a moment before nodding in acknowledgment of her statement
"Father they have to attend with us," Emallenain stated excitedly looking over at his father who was observing the entire exchange with an amused expression.
"Emallenain!" the older Elezen admonished frowning, "Our esteemed guests are to decide for themselves not have it foist upon them."
"I take no offense Count," Sallee said gently catching the older mans eyes, "While I normally would say you are correct, this is an opportunity for us,"
"What sort of opportunity pray tell?" Alphinaud asked clearly not understanding how this could possibly benefit them.
She gave him a tight smile, "To gain an understanding of the way the game works Alphinaud.  The 'rivalry' as Antorniel so eloquently put it.  Such events show exactly how the posturing goes between the High Houses."
"Meaning Alphinaud," Tataru stated, "We can better learn how to avoid things like that nastiness that lead to our trial."
Sallee nodded, "Exactly, I do believe it would be in our best interests to attend."
Alphinuad sighed, "With your permission of course Count Edmont."
The Count gave Alphinaud a sympathetic smile, "If it is you desire of course Master Alphinaud."
The next few days were filled with preparations.  Gathering materials deciding on costume design and getting them assembled.
On the night of the ball the three of them made their way to Durendarie Manor.  Alphinaud shifted beneath his mask clearly uncomfortable, not from the costume that had been tailored to fit, but the situation.
Sallee gave his shoulder a gentle pat and presented the guard at the door their copies of the invitation.  
Once inside it was apparent that all of Ishgard's nobility was in attendance the quite buzz of conversation coming from all corners of the room barely  discernible above the gentle music that played.
"I’m going to mingle," Tataru stated her grin apparent in her voice.  She then bounded off the enormous tails of her carbuncle costume bouncing behind her.
"We should as well Alphinaud," Sallee stated looking down at the boy, "Fear not  etiquette dictates that you needn't identify yourself to anyone.  No one will be the wiser and you can learn a great deal."
The boy nodded and made his own way through the crowd.  A few conversations later it was overt he was relaxing and beginning to enjoy himself.
Sallee herself began to join the crowd speaking with others around her.  There was only one couple she chose to avoid.  
Just like my father, she thought looking at him and and her mother, Same old 'traditional' costume.
Her face soured beneath her mask he truly was so stuck with the past that he couldn’t even think to try something new. Inwardly she shook herself and continued on making sure that their paths did not cross.
The bard made her way over to the beverage table taking care to pour her own drink and keeping an eye on the serving staff.  She couldn't help it memories of the Sultana's fall were still too fresh in her mind.  
She also felt incredibly tense she hated these parties but she felt if she insisted the others go she should as well.
"Might I have this dance my lady," a warm voice interrupted her grim thoughts.
She turned to see a dark haired Elezen dressed in a costume that resembled an azure chocobo.  The beaked mask obscured his features they only thing visible being a pair of ice blue eyes.  The look within them spoke of complete understanding and she realized she had found a kindred spirit.
She inclined her head in agreeance and took the proffered hand.  The music stuck up in an unmistakable waltz and the mystery man deftly swept her into the sway.
It took her a few moments to remember the proper steps and fortunately he partner was patient with her.  After that though they both gracefully dominated the dance floor drawing all eyes.
Under normal circumstances such scrutiny would have put her on edge.  With him however it did nothing of the sort.  She felt an ease with him that she had never before in Isghardian high society.
When that dance drew to a close he cocked his head expectantly as another began and she nodded.  Once again she had to dredge up the memories of how it went and it didn’t take long to find the steps.
The rest of the evening she danced with him, or simply spent time in his company neither really speaking much.  And for once in her life she actually found herself enjoying one of the soirees.
When the last dance's notes wound to a close and they stopped dancing the mystery man bowed stating, "T’was a truly enjoyable evening my Lady, I hope to find you at another such event?"
She bowed in return murmuring, "T’would be my honor my Lord."
She swore she saw a smile beneath his chocobo mask and he bowed once more taking her hand.  With a free hand he adjusted the mask so that his lips were free and placed a kiss upon the back of her captured hand, "Till then,"
He then released her hand and gracefully turned heading into the throng of guests leaving the Manor.
"Well you certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself this evening," Alphinaud stated amused as he stepped next to her.
"Now then spill it.  Who was the blue chocobo?" Tataru asked excitedly as she stopped next to him.
Sallee gave a rueful smile behind her fox mask stating, "I haven't the slightest idea Tataru,"
The Lalafell’s eyes widened behind her mask, "You mean to tell me you spent the whole evening with the man and didn't even get the slightest hint."
"So it would seem," the Elezen responded her lips twitching beneath her mask, "All I know is he was not fond of this sort of event."
"He seemed popular in spite of that," Alphinaud pointed out, "I confess I was a bit surprised you did not seem to feel the envious eyes upon you."
"Hmm?" she queried looking confused at the young Elezen
Tataru laughed, "Just about every lady in the party was glaring daggers at you for monopolizing his time,"
She blinked in shock, had they really been.  She looked around and sure enough some of the remaining ladies were still casting looks at her their eyes dark with anger.
Strange, normally she was acutely aware of those around her.  Such gazes normally would have had her twitching and reaching for a weapon.  Yet, when she had been with him she had felt completely safe and if she was honest with herself oblivious to everything but him.
"I...do not know what to say." she stated softly, "I had not noticed them at all."
"Oh, his charms that good eh?" Tataru taunted, "Want me to do some digging to see if we can figure out who the mysterious Elezen was?"
Sallee vehemently shook her head, "Absolutely not Tataru, there are by far more important matters that need to be focused on."
The little Lalafell sighed, "While I don't deny that.  You should remember that not everything needs to be about the cause."
"I've not the time for such things Tataru, not to mention the dangers it would pose.  One need only look at recent events to see that."
"Sallee...." Alphinaud began
"We should be going or the staff will be forcing us to shortly," she dodged moving toward the door to join the others leaving.
The young Elezen sighed joined her hearing Tataru say softly, "You deserve happiness Sallee,"
The young Elezen agreed with her and he wondered giving what his duties for House Fortemps had been if he couldn't make some discreet inquires of his own.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
30 Day Wol Challenge-Week 1
Below are the links to all of the stories I have done so far for this since its into the seventh day
Day 1-Omen
Day 2-Unspoken
Day 3-Broken
Day 4-Whimsy
Day 5-Sacrifice
Day 6-Shattered
Day 7-Tomorrow
I will be making one of these each week of it then a full master post at the end of it all.  Thank you for suggesting this it is a lot of fun.
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ainarosewood · 4 years
Sallee Reinard -Childhood
(I will answer this in two parts this first ones a bit long ^.^)
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“My childhood...”she began, “Well it was as one would expect for a daughter of a noble.  I rarely wanted for anything and life was for the most part some would say easy.” 
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“However, I soon came to realize how much my family ‘expected’ of me and how little I wanted anything to do with it.  From a very early age I wanted to protect my people as a knight. My father however would not have it.” she sighed before continuing, “Reinard family tradition dictated that the women of the line become Ladies of the house.  The one exception to that had been my late Aunt Margarette, she had been a Knight of House Fortemps and had fallen in a battle with the dragons.  My father had been close to her and losing her pained him greatly I’d say that more than family tradition was what led him to outright refuse my requests to be a knight myself.”
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“I understood father’s reluctance but I still was determined to do as I wanted.  This led to me in secret learning the bow from my older brother and often had me among the knights and common folk of the house learning how to survive off the land both before and after the Calamity.”
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“These lessons are what made me the woman I am today and led to me maturing in ways I never could in the sheltered life of Nobility.  I will probably never return home. My father has never forgiven me for leaving to search for my brother and become an adventurer.  Suffice to say there is still quite the strain between him and I though I know he still loves me.”
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ainarosewood · 5 years
10. Is your character religious?
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“When I was much younger yes. I was a devote follower of the church’s teachings…Until I was about twelve summers old.”
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Her face fell as she continued, “I was out training in archery in the woods a little ways from our manor.  I had just knocked an arrow ready to loose when a pained roar rang out overhead.  Startled I looked up to see a dragon, it’s body pierced through by several dragon killer, desperately trying to remain aloft.  Dread filled me as it would any Daughter of Ishgard.  Shortly it was replaced with apprehension, as I saw the beast was going to fall near a farmstead that looked to us.  Fearful of their safety I made my way swiftly to where the dragon crashed into the earth, mercifully just shy of the farm.  Cautiously I approached as the beast as it thrashed in its death throes, its life’s blood pouring onto the forest floor.  Once I was sure it was dead I turned to leave.  Only to freeze for the shadow of another dragon passed overhead.  Then shortly landed not far from its dead fellow.”
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Sallee took a breath her face reflecting the fear she had felt then she closed her eyes adding, “Mercifully to my mind the second dragon had not noted my presence.  However the next moments that I witnessed forever changed how I viewed things.”
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“The other dragon’s voice rang out calling brother…brother!!! Followed by an anguished roar.  I was amazed, my whole life I had been told that they were naught more than murderous beasts, incapable of anything else and yet here I clearly saw one grieving for its fallen sibling….That was when I realized they were no different then us.  I watched in silence for a long time as the dragon lowered her head morning her sibling before she launched into the air a sorrowful, mournful song ringing from her throat.  It was then that I first began questioning what I’d been taught.  As I returned home my mind was a whirl, if they were indeed like us, then what truly was it that drove Nidhogg to attack King Thordain and his Knights? Did they have families similar to ours or did they do things differently?  Why did the Church brand them as enemies, did Nidhogg truly attack first or did the king of eld and his knights provoke him into and and if so why?  I of course kept all of these doubts to my self not wanting to risk being branded a heritic.”
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“It was much later that I learned the horrid truth of the Dragonsong War and all of the suffering it caused.  After that day in the woods and subsequently later when I witnessed the pain and anguish caused by the Primals.  I stopped desiring to worship any god.  To do so brings naught but suffering and woe in my opinion.”
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ainarosewood · 5 years
8. If they could name the worst moment of their life, what would it be? Did this change them as a person or change how they perceived the world, themselves, and others?
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The Elezen’s face clouded in sorrow as she murmured softy, “The day my brother left the manor.....”  She closed her eyes a moment and seemed to gather herself before she continued, “He..he was always there for me, he understood me in ways that my father and mother could not.  They wanted me to adhere to family tradition and become a Lady of the House.  I wanted to learn how to protect our people from those that would do them harm and my brother well and truly understood that.  He taught me how to use a bow and was ready to teach me either the blade or spear when he choose to leave.  I do not blame him for it in the least.  Like me our family had expectations of him that he wanted nothing to do with so he chose his path.  It tore my heart but I never begrudged him it.”
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Sallee then gave a warm smile, “It did however do some good.  When I learned of the proposal my father was planning for me the urge to find him and following in his path gave me the courage to leave home when I otherwise might have remained.”
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