#oc sidzla
sootyships · 8 months
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Sidzla be like i may be shorter than Satu but I will not stand for it!
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sootyships · 8 months
1,6 and 9 for the fankid ask game!!
1. how many fankids do you have? if you don’t have any right now, how many do you plan to have?
With Ultron, 2, but there may be yet another on the way... 🤔
6. post a meme/vine/tiktok that reminds u of ur kiddo!
Skip, I'm not much of a meme/vine/tiktok person
9. what’s their favorite holiday? do you have any holiday traditions that you do as a family?
Satu: Easter, bc of my family's traditional mutton curry + the tradition of virvonta (somewhat resembles the foreign Halloween trick or treat tradition). And candy. And pussy willow decorating.
Sidzla: She loves the sweet rolls eaten during Shrove Tuesday and awaits May Day like the rising moon for the spring mead, but she doesn't really have a specific favourite.
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sootyships · 9 months
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smth like this (satu and sidzla)
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sootyships · 11 months
🎂, 👕, and 🪀 for the F/O fanchild ask!
Ask meme
🎂 - When's their birthday, if they have one? If they don't have a canon one, what do you hc their birthday is?
Kast kids:
As far as Cuyan remembered when he became a foundling, he was born 7955.16.3 C.R.C. He was 7 at the time, so his memory is probably accurate.
Feral was born 7961.243.3 C.R.C, Nyn 7964.330.6 C.R.C and Nuhur 7965.253.11 C.R.C.
(Those dates correspond to Jan 16th, Sep 1st, Nov 27th and Sep 11th.)
Sidzla's birthday is Jan 5th.
👕 - What style of clothes do they wear? If they're not old enough to have a specific style, what style do you think they'll have?
Kast kids:
Cuyan, Nyn and Nuhur all kind of wear "whatever", they're more about practicality than style. Cuyan likes earthy colours, Nyn likes dark colours, and Nuhur likes orange and green.
Cuyan wears a heavy style of beskar'gam with a custom helmet to account for his montrals and lekku, painted copper and green.
Nyn's eventual beskar'gam isn't heavily armoured, because she's more about agility than protection. She does keep to her dark colour scheme.
Nuhur sticks to his guns and keeps wearing "whatever", which in this case means a standard pilot beskar'gam, with fewer armour plates. He did make the secondary colour orange, though.
Feral prefers to wear skirts and dresses. Her style remains rather down to earth and practical, but she definitely stands out in this regard compared to her siblings. She likes red and dark purple. Her beskar'gam is a heavier style with those colours, and she has a Nite Owl-style helmet, but she prefers civilian clothing.
Sidzla's fave shoes are something like these:
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She likes yellow and purple. She often asks for a piece of clothing or an accessory specifically because a peer or multiple peers of hers has/have something similar, which makes sense, considering.
🪀 - Do they have a favorite toy? What is it? If it was a gift, who got it for them?
Kast kids:
There's this toy starfighter that Feral and Cuyan used to fight over. Eventually, Cuyan decided Fer'ika could have it, and luckily Nyn and Nuhur didn't care for it...
Sidzla likes the toy replicas of Lady Sif's sword and shield that Thor gave her. Not to sound old, but when I was a kid, I made my toy weapons myself from sticks in the forest! *sniffs*
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sootyships · 11 months
📄 - What's their name? If you and your f/o picked it, how did you pick it? Or if they picked their name, how did they pick it?
For the fanchild ask game!
Ask meme
For the Ultron/Mikitta kid:
Her name is Sidzla. It was my suggestion and one that Ultron liked. It's an old-fashioned nickname of Cecilia, which is also the name of my 2nd great grandmother. We agreed to give her a combination surname as well, for a couple different reasons, using Ultron as a surname. So she's Sidzla Ultron-Karamäki. I was a bit worried that the name wouldn't be approved, but apparently my justifications were sound.
For the Savage Opress/Gi Kast kids:
Cuyan picked his name himself after he was adopted. He never did tell us his original name; we called him "Blue" until he asserted a preference. (He wasn't a big talker at first.) He still uses Blu or Kebiin (blue in Mando'a) as cover names sometimes.
Feral is named in the memory of Savage's deceased brother, the one that the Nightsisters had Savage himself kill while he was brainwashed by them. It was Savage's idea, but it took some convincing to get him to suggest names at all at first.
Nyn's name is basically a Nightbrother name in Mando'a, one we picked together. It means "hit, strike".
Nuhur is more of a hopeful name. It means "laughter, good times". It kind of just happened. Ironically he turned out to be more of a stoic personality as he grew. 😂
If we were to have yet another kid, we've considered the name Kycina, after one of the very few Nightsisters Savage has positive memories of... But we'll see.
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sootyships · 8 months
not me realizing that realistically. both sidzla and satu would have to have lighter hair as kids! like even my mom who has almost black hair (ongoing greying aside) had like, light brown hair as a kid. but oh buoy it is annoying to have to tweak the hair colours for the heroforge toons when i've just gotten them nice XD
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sootyships · 8 months
1, 2, and 3 for the self ship fan kid ask game!
1 ~ How did you and your f/o decide you wanted to start a family together?
I've known I wanted to eventually have kids since my teens, if feasible. Started making kid name lists at 15, haha. Mayhem... Finds human kids interesting. They're so different from symbiote offspring, after all... So it's certainly not against the idea! Just a bit weirded out by pregnancy, which is just a wee little bit ironic. A lot of its scandalised questions, as well. "What do you mean it leeches nutrients from your bones if your diet doesn't have enough!?" And meanwhile Maymay makes me eat chocolate with two hands. As though I didn't already.
But, erm, with Ultron it's... I guess it kind of just started coming up. I mean... Well, when it did start coming up, eventually I grilled him about his level of committment and stuff. Like, should we actually talk about it seriously, or is it more of a thought experiment? And he didn't really have all of his ducks in a row, emotionally, at first, not in a way that was satisfactory to me. So that all is kind of why it took us a good while before we really even started poking at the idea of creating something new together.
But he's definitely, you know, interested in the ideas of creation and development and stuff. Humanity and flesh and metal. You get the gist of it.
2 ~ Was the baby born naturally? Adopted? Created in another way?
Sidzla was "created another way", Satu was born naturally (conceived via sperm donor, for obvious reasons).
Sidzla is a synthezoid like Vision was. Kind of, a further development on the original ideas there. But we meant for her mind to be entirely new, that is, not having any known previous iteration informing its development internally, the same as a human child. If there's something, then it's got to be the ghost in the machine variety. Like, reincarnation, or something. We didn't put it there.
Suddenly it crosses my mind that there's something similar between Klyntar offspring, Ultron, and Vision. They all have the knowledge of previous iterations informing who they are from the get-go. Born ready.
Of course, you can't fully separate any being from the knowledge of its predecessors. If nothing else, instinct and reflexes remain, and when it comes to humans, with the way we're so reliant of others when we're small, of course the lines of our development will be informed by those around us. So there's no absolute blank slate, only a relative one...
3 ~  How did your f/o react the first time they held the baby?
Oh, Sidzla he told not to disappoint him.
... I'm pretty sure he mostly hoped she wouldn't... Fail. Structurally. Mentally. That would have been hellish.
Obviously we'd gotten attched by then. But we'd also put so much active effort in her development in a way no human pregnancy really requires. At least not in the same way. Conscious and intentional.
(I actually know that's what he meant, bc I asked him, but letting people assume the worst about it is a bit funny to me.)
Satu he called ugly.
Which was kinda fair, she was a really wrinkly baby, but, bruh...
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sootyships · 8 months
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sootyships · 10 months
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
For Sidzla?
Sidzla's family consists of Mikitta&Mayhem, Ultron, the family dog Toarie, and Mikitta's extended family. You could maybe consider the Avengers part of Sidzla's family, at least some of them, but that's kind of stretching it. So let's stick to a more contained definition.
Sidzla is on good terms with all members of her family, including the dog and the grandparents on Mikitta's side. Her relationship with her grampa is a bit strained, however, in part because he has difficulty reconciling with how comparatively unusual Sidzla and her family are. Her mummo (=grandma) adores her. They often cook or bake together, and Sidzla will get to ride a pony on the farm and help around at the stable. (Since she's never lived on the farm and had to help, she views it more as "getting" than "having to".)
Mayhem is kind of Sidzla's "fun parent", while Mikitta and Ultron have to try to be the responsible ones. Besides, Mayhem is absolutely the best at playing and goofing off.
Sidzla is close with Toarie. When Sidzla was smaller, they'd race around in the winter with Toarie pulling her on a pulk, kicksled or mini skis, but Sidzla is getting a bit too big for Toarie to play sled dog for her anymore.
Sidzla's main sport hobby is sports shooting. Apparently, she's very good at focusing on the shooting, I wonder why 😂 (hyperfocus). She also likes cross-country and Alpine skiing. It's a bummer that Alpine skiing is so inaccessible here. (Costly, specialized.) At least cross-country skiing is accessible, just slap on ski boots and get on the trail.
(Random fact, the Finnish word for a ski boot is "mono" 😂)
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sootyships · 10 months
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sootyships · 1 year
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made a daughter for ultron and my sona x)
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