#oc tag: pimento
b3ar-arts · 4 months
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b3ar-arts · 4 months
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more pizza tower ocs, this time introducing pizza siblings olive, pimento and cremini
more information and random babble under the cut (though there's some spoilers for the game so be warned)
• the siblings are the result of pizzahead's attempt to 'rebrand' after the collapse of the pizza tower at the end of the game, so using whatever materials he could gather from the tower's remains (and probably peppino's kitchen) the siblings were created
• olive, the youngest of the siblings is easily pizzahead's favorite, being the closest he could achieve to recreating to the pizzaboy mascot. friendly, if not a bit overwhelming, she'd be perfect... if not for her unpredictability and tendency to stir up chaos, but compared to her other siblings, at least she's marketable...?
• pimento, the middle sibling only wants to get pizzahead's approval. often overlooked and ignored by most people, save for his own siblings, pim makes up for this by being as loud and assertive as he can be. a big fan of the noise's work, he aims to be just as loud and as vulgar as his idol.
• lastly, there's cremini, the eldest of the siblings. unlike pim and olive whose personalities are more out there, cremini is mild and prefers to keep to himself. him spending his time more often around machines than people has led him having difficulty when conversing with people, but how can he when there's all this machinery that needs tuning? though... something about his workaholic and overly nervous nature reminds pizzahead of someone. oh well!
it's probably nothing.
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