#oc tag: zoltan pepper
omgkalyppso · 4 months
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might change his name, but meet Zoltan Pepper uwu
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omgkalyppso · 3 months
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From left to right, top to bottom: Satraphine, Jeanne-Thérèse, Sparrow, Lyde, Harrier, Eleonora, Étoile, Namanyla, Zoltan.
I decided that the next chapter of my Étoile x Astarion fic that's been in limbo forever could use some more dialogue / context and that this is why it wasn't feeling right to me. So I'm thinking I'll include Étoile and Shadowheart discussing who they were travelling with before the nautiloid abduction and do my best to use that to give Astarion even more introspection, as I do, for comparison with Szarr family oc's and his siblings and whatever.
This meant giving myself more excuses for more oc's.
Étoile is 166 at the start of bg3 and has been in Baldur's Gate for 30 years. Presumably working in the Adventurer's Guild for much, if not all of that time.
Namanyla is my head of the Adventurer's Guild oc. She and Étoile don't / didn't interact much — she's got shit to do, nobles to petition, factions to moderate, but Étoile wasn't an entirely unknown asset / peer. She would know them to look at them, and their work on paper, if nothing else. I would place her around 462.
Satraphine is about 234 at the start of bg3, she's an archfey warlock and whether because of wanderlust, or because of being incidentally a fugitive for various reasons, or because of requests from her patron, she doesn't spend more than a few weeks at a time in Baldur's Gate, annually or every few years.
She is often, if not always, followed by her partner Jeanne-Thérèse whom she (and Étoile) met through the guild. Jeanne-Thérèse calls Namanyla Auntie and is generally very familiar with authority and the inner workings of the various guilds in the Sword Coast. She's an enchantment wizard and approximately 299 years old, so she says.
Sparrow makes up the last of the four-man party that was Étoile, Satraphine, Jeanne-Thérèse and himself at the time Étoile was taken by the nautiloid. He's the youngest by a large margin at 26 years old, a protector aasimar fighter. He was able to summon his halo and wings in combat, which would reveal his nature to his colleagues, but he used to be able to pass for human as he did not have the facial markings the last time Étoile saw him. Since Étoile's abduction and their reunion in act 3 bg3 there's been An Incident with his brother so that now the facial markings are present and unmistakable.
Sparrow's partner, Lyde (lie-dee), 24, has been a frequent presence at the guild hall since she and Sparrow arrived in town on rumors of his missing twin brother. She makes tea and performs tarot tarokka readings, and gossips up a storm. She worries loudly and loves big and can be a comforting presence to newer adventurers or anyone who's had a hard day.
Corrupted by forces unknown, Sparrow's twin brother Harrier is a fallen aasimar vengeance paladin who is motivated to power and violence for "the greater good." I was playing with the idea of killing him, but instead Sparrow can power-of-friendship him back into society 2+ years post-canon.
Eleonora, 29, is even more naive than Harrier and follows / loves him Despite The Warning Signs. She is based on two characters from something but I'm embarrassed to make it any more obvious than it might be at first glance.
Zoltan, 47, is a receptionist / clerk for the guild. The guy handing out the jobs.
I was struggling previously with the observation that the Chosen Three turned who they needed and exactly who they meant to, with Wyll and Karlach being surprises in Avernus, with many being numbers in Baldur's Gate and at Moonrise, and with Gale, Ulder and Minthara as examples of those being specifically selected. Because I could not conceive of a reason I liked for Étoile to be in their radar. But like this, I think Sparrow would stand out and would have been the nautiloid's target at the start of Étoile's journey.
They were setting camp near a quest objective to be ready for whatever it was that was worth Jeanne-Thérèse's (level 13) time, when late in the night Sparrow (level 6) was out reflecting on his brother and Étoile (level 8) rushed their shield to defend him from an unexpected sky tentacle and is magicked away. Leaving Jeanne-Thérèse with Sparrow and Satraphine (level 8) to make the hard reactionary decision to Teleport them away. It does not go well.
Off Target: You and your group (or the target object) appear a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is 1d10 x 1d10 percent of the distance that was to be travelled. For example, if you tried to travel 120 miles, landed off target, and rolled a 5 and 3 on the two d10s, then you would be off target by 15 percent, or 18 miles. The DM determines the direction off target randomly by rolling a d8 and designating 1 as north, 2 as north-east, 3 as east, and so on around the points of the compass. If you were teleporting to a coastal city and wound up 18 miles out at sea, you could be in trouble.
But it does save them from ceremorphosis the bg3 adventure (sad).
I made Satraphine a warlock entirely because her chest looks amazing in this outfit.
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