#oc: alexandra habchi
spacetrashpile · 1 year
🥭 mango 🍑peach 🍌 banana
gonna do alexandra, elena, and alfred for these ones!
🥭 [MANGO] What colours best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favourites?
alexandra is a yellow and orange color scheme girl through and through. i sometimes add light blue as well but rarely. this is for 1. lightning magic reasons 2. my favorite color reasons and 3. actual reasons. alexandra is a very bright person, she is one of the primary “talking to people” members of the party for just this reason. she knows how to endear people to her and she does it often. i think she certainly likes all of these colors, and yellow finds it’s way into her wardrobe a lot, but her actual favorites are greens and purples. (which are, honest to go coincidentally, the colors i associate with her girlfriend. i picked those as her favorite colors before i even knew who dani WAS.)
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
elena shows kindness through acts of service. this is apart of her pact with the raven queen in some ways, but also something she learned from her parents. her parents were often out of the house, and they would make things for their children or make things happen for them both as a reminder they were still around and to show elena and her sister they were loved. she picked this up, she shows kindness and care to people most often by protecting them in bad situations or helping them get something done. how kind she truly is is a kind of murky question. elena mentally places a lot more of her kindness on “things i’m doing for my pact rather than out of genuine kindness” than i think is accurate. she does genuinely care about people, but she’s very quick to change her mind and act against them as well. she does make genuine efforts to be kind, and i think she is deep down, but a lot of it is also muddled by her pact with the raven queen forcing her into situations where she acts kindly even if she doesn’t want to.
🍌 [BANANA] Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
alfred’s answer to both of these questions is his family. as i mentioned in the tags, alfred’s family is a Literal Cult. they worship the eldritch god the Unnamed, and alfred was raised to be the Unnamed’s next host, so he was kept in the dark most of his life. when he did finally find out, he realized that he had become the perfect host they wanted him to be, he was power hungry and selfish and magical, and he was, for the first time, truly disgusted with himself. in the wake of this (which i can and will explain more deeply) alfred lost almost all of his family members (6 to actual death, most of the others to being disowned). despite this, he feels like he can never truly shake them and they and their expectations for him will always be haunting him, even when the god is dead and he never speaks to them again.
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spacetrashpile · 4 years
please give us a run down on hex and Alexandra and what their hopes and dreams are
Ty for this I’m now going to go off (I’m also gonna link their playlists cause why not)
Alexandra Habchi
Alexandra is a MOTW character with the Spellslinger playbook (specifically lightning/entropy magic). She lives in a small town in Canada called Riverpine where she was born and raised, and a few months prior to the campaign starting she started being able to do magic after getting a talking to from a strange voice. During the campaign, she’s just finished banishing the ghost of a headless Mountie who was trying to kill them and is currently trying to avoid a malicious Fae who’s trying to use her powers against her. As for her hopes and dreams, she sure is just a normal person who would much rather not be involved in all this supernatural nonsense. Like yes the magic is cool but having Fae and cults hunting you down at any term just because you had some weird powers and ancestors is no fun. Before all this she would’ve liked to maybe move out of Riverpine be like a pilot or something along those lines (flying cool) but now it’s mostly just “guess I gotta make sure I don’t die”.
Hex Palethorpe
So Hex was a D&D character in a space campaign that, if you’ve followed me for a bit, you’ve probably seen me talk about a little. Now, she’s a Mechanisms OC who I’m playing in an RP with my friends (some of whom follow me so I have to be ✨vague✨ about her backstory). She is/was a rogue (we’re still using D&D stats for fights and stuff just in a very interesting way) and I love her. She has truly So Much backstory by virtue of having been a D&D character. As for hopes and dreams, she’s been alive for long enough that she a bit disillusioned with those as a concept but I think the best one would be to be redeemed. Like, she doesn’t think she can be redeemed at all because she’s done a Lot of shit that she doesn’t think she can be forgiven for, especially since all the people who were directly affected are dead as far as she knows. But if she could somehow be redeemed she’d want to be, and while she doesn’t make an effort to be a “good” person anymore she does make an effort to not be perceived as one by the people who’s opinions she actually cares about (her current crew), even if she has to lie to keep their opinions like that. This just turned into a rant about her morality but I’ve been having thoughts about that lately anyways.
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