#oc: altair ‘calamity’ aquila
kiroonsmoon · 3 months
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Found a new brush set and I need to get Fate & Calamity some new icons for artfight due to there redesigns so I drew this :)
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kiroonsmoon · 3 months
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Long overdue redesign for Calamity.
Calamity is the older brother of my interceptor oc, Fate. He travelled through dimensions upon learning what really was the cause of her disappearance from their home dimension and world. Unfortunately, upon coming to Aevium the first people to find him was Clear and Kieran who used and manipulated him for their plans. By the end of 13.5v he’s been captured alongside Mosely and Regina to be used against Fate.
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kiroonsmoon · 6 months
Hi Moon!
Mind telling me about your newest rebornverse ocs OvO
This kinda turned into a masterpost ngl. That’s because even the ones you know have changed a lot. The ones you know feel like different characters compared to now so I think some reintroductions are in order too ^^
13.5 spoilers + big oc post below.
Stella “Fate” Aquila (she/her - 16 years old): Interceptor of Forgiveness and the Paragon of Fairytaleverse. Her host is Alain. She’s a fae from a whole another world. She got caught in a dimension portal and was saved by Variya if she agreed to become an interceptor. She had little clue about pokemon when she first arrived but quickly grew. Unknown to her, she’s meant to stop the damages done and left over renegade data by Lucifer after he reset the world. She suffers from visions of renegade but uses these to help her. She can speak to fairy type pokemon.
— important links —
Fate’s Reference Sheet
Why is Fate’s trait ‘Forgiveness’?
Lucifer Nash (he/him - 12 years old): Interceptor of Absolution and Renegade of the Fairytaleverse. His host is Axel. Coming from Aryith and a decesendent of ancient dragon tamers, he was killed by a Sawsbuck when running away from home and picked up as soul by Variya. He is very knowledgeable in dragon type pokemon and runs a dragon sandstorm team. Eventually comes to regret his actions in renegade. Creating Angel, a virus in Zeight, he resets the world and deletes himself. Despite it having not shown up in generations he has the ability to speak to dragon types like his old ancestors could.
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Hero Farrell (they/them - 18-19 years old): Interceptor of Acceptance (paragon) OR Denial (renegade). Their host is Aevis. Hero is an old Gurafan Volunteer and in fact, they were seen as the person who could’ve saved them all. The Archetype gave them the power of ‘debug’ they can do anything you can with debug, provided they have the energy. This didn’t come without consequences as they became HOH and much much physically weaker. Their power was also unstable. They were to be put into a simulation so they could safely explore their powers. However, Variya saw they were being trained to become a mass weapon. So she tampered with Hero’s pod, leading them to get shocked to death. Later, Variya would use Hero’s soul to replace Aevis. Unfortunately, Hero has no memories of their death and believes Aevium to be the simulation. Not apart of Fairytaleverse unlike everyone else. They vibe alone.
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Hero’s reference(s)
Hero’s beliefs on life
Altair “Calamity” Aquila (he/him - 32-33 years old): Fate’s older brother and also a fae from the same world. He came to Aevium purposefully in order to look for Fate once he learned what happened to her. He typically uses his illusion magic to hide his fae features from the public. He ran into Clear and Kieran who promised to help him find and save Fate as long as he helped them. Unfortunately he was played and as of the end of karma files he’s been captured alongside Mosely and Reigna. His wings were torn off too, in order to stop him from being able to fight off his former companions. He doesn’t appear in Renegade of the Fairytaleverse. Also, like Fate, he can speak to fairy type pokemon.
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Sylvester (he/she - unknown age, appears to be in his 30s): A servant of Nymeria and Vitus, created a bit after Kanon. Sylvester was found with Hazuki after the battle under Hiyoshi. However, he had no memories of the events and evacuated Storm 9 with Hazuki and Thomas Sr. Sylvester stayed with Hazuki afterwards, becoming a personal butler to the Blakeory’s. First met in Blacksteeple castle, having also been a victim of Xen’s kidnapping. Though, she’s also apart of the early appearance scene with Hazuki and Lavender. She’s has a Gardevior in Fairytaleverse’s renegade but in Paragon it becomes a Iron Valiant.
— important links —
Sylvester’s Ref
Servant Sylvester (chapter 14)
Rosemary Marsh (they/them - 28 years): Rosemary is the leader of Darchlight Village. They were born in Alamissa Urben and was apart of the friend group with Damien, Alex, Adam, Ryland, Karen and Aurora. However they moved at 13. Their parents are actually the couple who took in Crescent. So they have some history with her, which in turn had gotten them interested in the group upon learning she attacked them from Sylvester. They become the Grass Reserve leader after Flora’s arrest too. They also become the Gym Leader in Fairytaleverse Renegade. Given their role and their relationships with other characters they’re the most aware that something is wrong….In renegade they have a Amonguss and in paragon they have a Brute Bonnet.
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Aurora Vale (she/her - 28 years old): Aurora is a high ranking Deathwing of Xen with a big love for bird pokemon. She is often put into leadership roles, such as leading the Akuwa abduction. She also often takes it upon herself to help struggling members like Shanon and Eli. Nastasia asked for her help during chapter 14 as well. Which ended awkwardly….as Aurora is childhood friends with the Sashila gang….In renegade she has a Delibird but in paragon she has an Iron Bundle.
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Aurora’s Family Tree
Angel (its/it - appearance of a 13 year old): Angel is the virus that was created by Lucifer that infects Zeight. It holds all the data of renegade and is protecting it until it’s time. Angel has a secret rift form for when it is attacked. It’s very existence is the major reason for there being so many inconsistencies within Fairytaleverse. It cannot leave Zeight usually, though it can speak to Fate from it and give her visions. In rare cases it can appear when things get especially fucky within the timeline. It’s goal is to guide Fate onto paragon and keep it like that. Angel doesn’t appear in renegade and in paragon Angel replaces Nancy as the administrator.
— important links —
Fairytaleverse’s Concept.
Fairytaleverse’s interceptors + official saying
Fate and Calamity’s original world
Fae Culture Context (names)
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kiroonsmoon · 1 year
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I wanted to draw something for Calamity’s birthday- even if it isn’t his birthday anymore and I finished it 40 minutes late (shhh I didn’t expect this to take me like 4 hours I forgot how long it takes to do full scenes)
But yeah, Fate struggling to braid flowers into Calamity’s hair as he just SITS THERE and LAUGHS at her how rude!
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kiroonsmoon · 1 year
🍕 🍀 🧠 🍩 fae siblings and luci..
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(This is so fucking LONG)
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Oh god I don’t know. This is honestly something I don’t think a lot of for my ocs. I feel like Fate’s and Calamity’s favorite food would be something that was originally from their homeworld. What is that? I don’t know! I haven’t thought about it much other than fae cuisine has a lot of fruit and vegetables in it and is usually very sweet.
It also something they cant probably ever have again. Aevium is a very different world from their homeworld and have very different plant life that doesn’t exist in the other so yeah. Sad moment there.
Lucifer’s is a lot less deep. He probably likes something simple like Dino Chicken Nuggies lmao.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
For Fate, the ending of V13 lmao. I usually like to play as the canon MC. Yes they’re usually blank slates but I find enjoyment in taking the canon playable character (or one of them) and seeing how I end up perceiving them and creating my own interpretation. It’s why I don’t have MC ocs for Reborn/Desolation and Decibel/Robin with my own interpretations are the canon main characters of Reborn/Deso of my own personal oc verse. Originally I was doing the same with Alain, then the whole Chapter 15 ending came and threw that out the window. I got really really interested and invested in the relationship between the interceptor and the host which slowly led to me creating Fate! So yeah Fate, and by extension Calamity, wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Rejvu’s crazy twist lmao.
Calamity came from the random thought I had. Does the interceptor have any family? Yes I get they’re meant to be a player insert but like, we have our own family. How would they feel if they suddenly disappeared from their family? How would the family members be affected? So yeah, Calamity was inspired by this thought I had lol.
Lucifer was just inspired by the Renegade route existing. I like evil paths, but I can’t really see Fate going down Renegade unless she was physically forced into it. I also wanted to explore a different way canon pokemon games insanely young protags could be shaped by their experiences.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
My favorite thing about Fate is probably the fact she remembers her past along with being a completely different creature from a human and coming from an entirety different world. I absolutely love to explore that part of her and how she interacts with Rejvu’s characters and the world and compares it to her own. She’s adjusted a lot by this point in the story but she will always feel like an outsider. Her in act 1 more focuses on her desire to try to get home to her world and Calamity and reactions to the world but after her death in Valor Mountain she began to believe she was truly stuck and just try to find her way to live in this new world.
Calamity same as above, I like to explore his reactions to a world completely different from his home world. But I also like how extreme his reactions can be when it comes to something he cares about (in the case of the story Fate). He can get very much tunnel-visioned if he sees/perceives her being in danger. When Fate first went missing Calamity instantly was on trying to find her, much to his detriment. He rarely slept, was much more snappy and just wasn’t taking care of himself. Once it was discovered it was most likely she got caught in a portal he goes on to open a dimensional portal despite it being a federal crime in his world, can cause insane amount of damage, and has a very high chance of death on the OFF chance he could find Fate again. This also leaves him extremely susceptible to manipulation from Clear and Kieran. He’s not a bad guy by any means, but he doesn’t see how his actions hurt both himself and the one he’s trying to protect.
Hmmm I don’t really know about Luci? I like a lot about him don’t get me wrong but I have a hard time to pin down a favorite for me to talk about. I like it all, I will vibrate extremely no matter what you ask me about him. He’s a brat, he’s a villain, he wants to destroy the world, he believes life is nothing but suffering, he is in no way kind to those who aren’t his pokemon but he’s also just a 12 year old kid, he loves dragon types, he loves to talk about them, he’s smart, he loves to play and just be a kid, but he can’t do that, he’s the interceptor, he was abused, he had his childhood taken from him, he’ll never get that back, he believes he was betrayed by the only people who cared, he’s scared of opening up because he believes he’ll just be betrayed again, he believes everyone is using him, he’s died multiple times in excruciating ways, he just wants to rest, he genuinely thinks what he’s doing is right for the world. Even after the reset his actions as the Interceptor before will still forever haunt him too his grave. HE MAKES ME SIFNSJBDJEBFJENWA.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Hmm Fate is hard to say, probably at this point Team Xen in general. They are actively trying to do something dangerous that they need to stop. She does got personal beef with Aurora though lmao. Aurora always likes to jump in and absolutely CRUSH Fate with her birds. Along with being the Deathwing to actually kidnapped Fate and Aelita, yeah her and Aurora got a bit of a rivalry going on. I wouldn’t say Fate has an arch-nemesis yet though…well….not yet anyways.
Calamity’s arch-nemesis at this point is just- Fate’s entire friend group in general. Like I said he’s being manipulated by Clear and Kieran to think that they are harmful to Fate, and Calamity is in no mental state to pick out truth through lies, he just wants his sister back. He’s had the most interaction with Ren though, as he joins Kieran in tag teaming Ren when Fate is unconscious at the house in the past. Calamity being unable to get Fate just made him extremely upset and frustrated. So yeah, I’d say at this point Calamity hates Ren the most of everyone which is…ironic given Ren is Fate’s best friend.
For Luci I’d say anyone against his goal in destroying the world. I would’ve said Madame X but after learning Nancy was a black box and created just to love him Luci felt really betrayed and has very complicated feelings in Nancy. He doesn’t like Madame X by any means but he’s willing to work with her right now. Not gonna stop him from being a brat though.
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kiroonsmoon · 5 months
21 and 22 for Calamity.
21. What is more important to them, friends or family?
Family, Stella is the only family he has left.
22. Would they ever betray someone for money?
Depends on the person and if he was really really desperate.
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kiroonsmoon · 5 months
37 and 39 for Fate and Calamity.
1. Are they religious? If so do they have a strong sense of faith, are they uncertain, or are they somewhere in between?
They are! I wouldn’t say it’s a super strong faith, like, going to church every single Sunday and preaching the word it’s more a causal/general faith. They’re followers of the Death Goddess, also known as Mother Death in my ogverse.
2. Would they ever crash a wedding?
Fate yes, Calamity no. Calamity does not want to go to a wedding. Fate would be the one to drag his ass to going to a wedding.
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kiroonsmoon · 5 months
16. And 14. For Altair Calamity, your oc.
I’d say so yeah, especially in Aevium where he doesn’t know how people would react to him being fae. Not to mention, culturally Faefolk are very private people takes a bit for them to trust you.
Stella is basically Altair’s kid. Despite being her brother the relationship between the two is more father and daughter than anything. However, he doesn’t want any bio kids of his own. He’s had enough raising Fate.
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kiroonsmoon · 6 months
I know this response is a little late but... What the fuck faeries vs vampires?! You never said that your OCs fate and Calamity have fought vampires. Could you explain this? Where did both groups come from and shy are they fighting?
Okay, either you misread or I mistyped but Calamity and Fate have never fought vampires! They are PART vampire though! Their father was a blood fae, or a fae/vampire hybrid.
The setting of my ogverse, where Fate and Calamity come from, is a fantasy setting of multiple supernatural races/species living in society/world similar to our own. They are currently going through their own version of the Industrial Revolution. Faeries and Vampires are only two species of the world. Vampires aren’t undead in my ogverse btw, they’re very long lived and their culture heavily revolves around death through!
I won’t say war or battles haven’t happened in my ogverse, however, Calamity and Fate aren’t from a time period where any of that is currently happening. Fate would be too young to enlist in any war/battle anyways being only 16 by the time she disappears. Worse Calamity has gotten is fighting some wild animals as part of his job.
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