#oc: clara mistrun
cogentsummoner · 4 months
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junelezen day one: hello!
"archon clara mistrun, at your service."
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cogentsummoner · 5 months
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Name: Clara Mistrun
Clara de Dzemael
Age: 42
Nameday: 8th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Race: Ishgardian Elezen
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Archon
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Long brown hair, rarely worn up or tied back.
Eyes: Lavender
Skin: White
Tattoos/scars: Archon marks on her neck
Parents: The former Count and Countess of House Dzemael. Clara's father was distant while her mother was controlling and prone to negging. Both are still alive and retired from their roles, though Clara has never really cared to find out their status.
Siblings: The current Count of House Dzemael is Clara's younger brother. Clara wasn't particularly close to him, but regrets leaving him behind when she fled Ishgard.
Grandparents: Former Count Tarreson of House Dzemael and his late wife are her grandparents on her father's side. She liked her grandparents well enough, and is pleased to hear that Tarreson is doing well.
In-laws and Other: Count Charlemend de Durendaire is actually Clara's brother in law, though they've kept no contact since the death of her husband and Clara's flight from Ishgard.
Also Grinnaux is her cousin, but we don't talk about that.
Pets: None, save her various carbuncles!
Arcanima Master: Having studied arcanima for over 20 years, Clara is considered one of the foremost scholars in the field.
Math Nerd: Connected to her arcanima studies, Clara is very adept at math and loves it!
Culinarian: Listen, she immigrated to Sharlayan, pre-Last Stand. She had to learn to cook to survive.
Hobbies: Cooking, baking, reading, swimming, learning magic, exploring old ruins
Most Positive Trait: Boundless curiosity. Even if it's not related to things she's interested in, if you have something new for her to learn, she will eagerly listen to it. It's also easy to get her into investigation mode if you know how to tempt her with a problem to solve.
Most Negative Trait: Holds grudges. Clara doesn't easily form grudges, but once they're there, it'll take divine intervention for her to let it go.
Colors: Greens- especially seafoam and deep green, light blues, and golden yellow
Smells: Vanilla, tea, the sea, bread baking
Textures: Soft fur, smooth marble, rough leather, chalk
Drinks: Tea with too much honey in it. If you gave Clara caramel milk she'd go fucking nuts for it.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Nope.
Drinks: Socially, usually. Will occasionally have a drink or two on her own.
Drugs: Nope.
Mount Issuance: She doesn't really have a mount anymore, but she took very good care of the chocobo that she fled from Ishgard on for the rest of its life.
Been Arrested: Not yet!
Tagged by: @emevergreen
Tagging: uhhh - @praxvidence, @darkxyzdragon, and @verraisemacro
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
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we've got hermes/ingrid, f!varis/clara, and solkgeim/thancred. no one tagged me in the meme but i need NO excuse to make picrews of my ships.
anyways picrew is here
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cogentsummoner · 5 months
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behold, a guide to my ffxiv ocs.
clara, yarrow, ingrid and solkgeim all exist in the same world, however yehn is au only. yehn also is immortal and ate her shard on the source, becoming the dominant shard. do i mean that literally or metaphorically? you decide.
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
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happy maid day from clara!
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
Hiii ok so I only found your cheat sheet but I’m kinda buzzing so I gotta ask-What draws Yehn to Hydaelyn (re; her being in love) aaand!
Does Solkgeim have any plans for her retirement from being Eorzea’s foremost hero?
*also* does Clara have a favorite subject to study?
✨ (the cheat sheet was very useful btw! I love your ocs!!!)
Hi! I'm glad you found the cheat sheet helpful, I had a lot of fun making it!
So, Yehn is functionally immortal. So long as she isn't killed, she doesn't age and die. I explain this away with all the ascian weirdness that folks from other shards go through when they come to the Source, and in addition to that, Yehn's shard on the Source died before her, so she absorbed them and became the dominant shard. But mostly its because I just love the idea of a "backup" Warrior of Light, rising up when none are found in that era.
SO. For all that, the one constant in her life has been Hydaelyn. She fully buys into being Hydaelyn's champion and knows the mechanics of what the Ascians are doing more than your typical wol does out of the gate. I think because Yehn and Hydaelyn have known each for so long, their relationship is much closer, and Yehn is privy to more of what Hydaelyn is planning. She puts her faith in Hydaelyn, as Hydaelyn does with her.
As for Solkgeim! Currently, she's going on her honeymoon with her husbands, Thancred and Urianger (ie, lorewise she'll be in Dawntrail, she's just with Thancred and Urianger). But beyond that, Solkgeim has dedicated herself to writing down and recording everything she can about the civilizations found in Ultima Thule, as well as the Ancients. She considers it her duty, in a way, because these people who died so, SO long ago would have no other way to be remembered. So she's doing what she can to record what she knows about them.
Clara is VERY into arcanima! Mechanically, she's something like an Academician, which is what Alphinaud was until his job change. She's also super invested in the revival of Allagan Summoner techniques! Solkgeim is the "canon" smn, so Clara considers her her peer, and often hops in to help during that questline as well. Clara loves math as a result of being an arcanist, or maybe its the other way around. But yes, math and arcanima are her two FAVORITE subjects.
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
☼  (appearance headcanon) for Ingrid and
♦️ (quirks/hobbies) for Clara
aaaand ♥️ (family headcanon) for Solkgeim OvO
☼ (appearance headcanon) for Ingrid
So! this is what Ingrid looks like pre-endwalker
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And this is what Ingrid looks like post-endwalker!
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Its hard to tell, but his left eye turns purple as well.
Anyways, the reason for the sudden horns is because- he jumped in after Fandaniel and became the new heart of Zodiark. To make a long story short, Ingrid survived the event because she was spat up like Elidibus was before Zodiark died. But now she's got cool horns and heterochromia!
♦️ (quirks/hobbies) for Clara
Clara loves to cook! Having been raised in Ishgardian high society, and then migrating to New Sharlayan, then Old Sharlayan (pre-Last Stand), it was something of a necessity to learn to cook food that actually, you know, tasted good.
Learning to cook and cooking her own food also helped her develop a more healthy relationship with food and she ended up gaining weight. We love weight gain as a sign of healing in this house!!
♥️ (family headcanon) for Solkgeim
Solkgeim's mother, Sterrwyda, is the captain of a pirate crew, and was infamous as the Levinbolt of the Sea in her prime. She doesn't know who Solkgeim's other parent is, and neither she nor Solkgeim really care about that.
Sterrwyda was unwilling to give up her life of piracy on the sea, but also recognized that a pirate ship is not a great place to raise a baby. So Solkgeim was entrusted to Sterrwyda's former first mate, S'onggo, a miqo'te woman who'd retired due to disability. Sterrwyda's distance during Solkgeim's childhood has definitely strained their relationship- Solkgeim resents her mother for not giving up her pirate life to actually be a mother to her.
headcanon meme || accepting!
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
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clara in her natural environment
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
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i think we, as a society, should appreciate clara's thick thighs more-
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
I FUCKING FORGOR TO MENTION THIS but yarrow ends up with gaius. they already had a complicated relationship, but she ends up traveling with estinien during shb and sparks fly
clara is obviously with. f!varis. clara HAS had a threesome with ameliance and fourchenault at some point
ingrid and fandaniel have a very flirty vibe in the sense that i can clearly imagine a hero/villain ballroom dance scene with them. ingrid genuinely wants to help fandaniel back from whatever cliff he's on. fandaniel genuinely wants ingrid to prove him wrong.
one of the last things fandaniel says to ingrid is "we've always been running out of time." its only in elpis, when ingrid has already loved a version of hermes, that she understands. fandaniel loves ingrid and ingrid doesn't know him. ingrid loves hermes and hermes doesn't know her. around and around they go, never having enough time.
yehn is distraught by hydaelyn's increasing weakness and silence over the years, and finds comfort in someone who can surely empathize with her- the crystal exarch. yehn talks him back from his "its over now, i should be dead, im not needed anymore", and he talks her back from that same headspace post-endwalker, helping her adapt to a world without hydaelyn.
vesna has a crush on solkgeim and clara. she will die before she lets that information out.
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
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i LOVE f!elezen's smirk SO much
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cogentsummoner · 6 months
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behold, the lovely clara mistrun! an archon who originally dwelled in the sharlayan colony in dravania, her specialty is arcanima. she's a heavyset woman with an insatiably curious personality, and rumors swirl about her having some connection to ishgard
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
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cogentsummoner · 4 months
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i think im gonna try and make this a writing/oc blog- originally it was going to be ffxiv ocs specifically, but ive really gotten into other stuff since (bnha especially) and am not super into ffxiv at the moment so. we are winging this.
anyways here's what you need to know about me
call me maxie!
he/him & she/her pronouns. please avoid they/them pronouns for me if possible. / nonbinary lesbian / 25 years old
@eachdrop is where i reblog stuff
go read my fics. or ill start biting.
and here's a cursory glance at my ffxiv ocs!
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some notes on each beneath the cut!
solkgeim hyrtfyrwyn (she/her)
smn main and war on the side. went sch for a bit but it didn't stick
post-endwalker, married to thancred and urianger
thancred and solkgeim had the most grueling slow burn in history. the key to the thangeim slow burn is the distance between them.
grew up on an orange orchard in la noscea. mother was a pirate and never home. doesn't know who her father is.
ingrid appleby (she/her & he/him)
drg/drk/mch main. cnj as well, but the elementals don't like him so no whm (until the endwalker tank quests)
just a little guy. who's been isekai'd twice.
ingrid was originally my custom summoner oc for fire emblem heroes, and i've just...wholesale ported him to ffxiv.
this version of ingrid is specifically from the doomed timeline seen in book 3 of fire emblem heroes. she died, was a ghost for a bit, helped her alternate self save the day, and faded away with lif and thrasir.
except she didn't. her soul, along with lif and thrasir's drifted through the veils of existence and found safe harbor on etheirys. hydaelyn revived all three of them, though ingrid wouldn't know why until endwalker. hydaelyn had been waiting for her friend for 14,000 years.
anyways! dealing with being a failed hero and desperately trying to prevent solkgeim from taking on too much and being crushed by the weight of duty.
gentle yarrow (she/her)
"rdm" but in actually is close to actually being half-blm, half-whm. still uses a rapier because i think its rad
comes from a tribe who lived in the sea of clouds, who descended from people who fled the flood of the sixth umbral calamity on griffinback, and found the sea of clouds. as they fled, they brought along whoever they could find- displaced mhachi and amdapori mages included.
yarrow's tribe holds knowledge of both blm and whm techniques, which yarrow has studied extensively.
when dalamud began to fall, people in her tribe slowly became tempered to it a la nael van darnus. yarrow was the only one immune. and given that there's no known cure for tempering at this point... yarrow was the one who had to put down the tempered.
every full moon was a nightmare for yarrow. when her tribe at last fled the sea of clouds, she was a pariah for the blood she had spilled, regardless of its necessity. so she left.
i need to research 1.0 a lot more but long story short she recognized nael's behavior as being tempered and considered it an extension of her duty to put nael down.
post-calamity, she joined the scions, having been part of minfilia's path of the twelve.
clara mistrun (she/her)
arcanist, something close to alphinaud's old class. not really a combatant most of the time, but she is a gifted mage.
born clara de dzamael, she was engaged at a young age to the then durendaire heir. her mother constantly was negging her and her father didn't much care about her.
had a bad relationship with food during her adolescence because of her mother.
she got married at 18. one week after her wedding, her husband died in a dragon attack. once it became clear that she hadn't become pregnant, house durendaire quietly sent her back home.
she overheard her parents talking about what to do with her, who they could marry her off to know that she was no longer a maiden- and it sickened her. so she fled in the middle of the night, still in her heavy funeral clothes, and took only her and her husband's wedding rings with her.
clara rode on chocobo all night- she felt only a numb kind of fear, one that began to subside when she finally reached her destination, sharlayan's dravanian colony.
clara entered the studium and was classmates with fourchenault and ameliance, and quickly became close to both.
she studied arcanima, and fell in love with math. her archon's thesis was based on arcanima.
she fled with everyone else during the exodus of the colony, and only returned to eorzea when she heard from her colleague y'mhitra about a talented arcanist who had revived the lost art of allagan summoning.
yehn molkot (she/her & they/them)
pld. that's it.
was brought to the source very early in it's history. betrayed the ascians almost immediately and went missing.
became the dominant shard when her counterpart on the source died before her.
is functionally immortal due to ascian horseshit
hydaelyn has been the only constant in her very long life. she's very devoted to her. very much considers herself hydaelyn's sword.
plays the role of warrior of light when none rise up when needed.
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