#oc: corellan tao'ven
swtorpadawan · 2 years
The Future Halcyon Legacy
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From left to right: 1. Maykia Ishris Kaarz - daughter of Ulannium Kaarz and Nadia Grell 2. Firaneya Vaiken - daughter of Gahraath Vaiken and Raina Temple 3. Tasiele Beniko - daughter of Lana Beniko and Theron Shan 4. Bela Senya Carsen-Halcyon - daughter of Corellan Halcyon and Kira Carsen 5. Orgus Fideltin Carsen-Halcyon - son of Corellan Halcyon and Kira Carsen 6. Arro Tirall - adopted son of Vette and Arcann 7. Corellan Tao'ven - son of Ranna Tao'ven and Viyo of Kalikori Village 8. Qorit'oksh - son of Kael Nosrol Krannus and Jaesa Willsaam - eventually adopted into the Alliance
Well. That got out of hand. All of them wind up in the Eternal Alliance, with Tasiele acting as “The Alliance Commander” and Bela acting as “The Outlander”.
So - Any questions?
Tagging @raven-of-domain-kwaad​
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
how did you come up with their names?
Oh, thank you for this ask, @actualanxiousswampwitch !
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From left to right - Maykia Ishris Kaarz is named for Nadia's mother (Maykia) and Ulannium's mother (Ishris) (Thank you, Wookiepedia.) Firaneya Vaiken … I think I just pulled that from a name generator or something. Tasiele Beniko is named for Theron's grandmother, who was exiled from the Jedi for going "grey". You briefly hear about her when you find Satele's camp on Odessen. Bela Senya Carsen-Halcyon is named for the two women who became mother like figures to Kira - Bela Kiwiiks from the story, and Senya Tirall, from my head-canon. Orgus Fideltin Carsen-Halcyon is named for Corellan's mentor, Orgus Din, and for his old comrade, Fideltin Rusk. (They couldn't exactly make his middle name "Scourge", could they?) Arro Tirall … same as Firaneya. I think I just created it. Corellan Tao'ven was obviously named for "Corellan Halcyon" Qorit'oksh was named by his mother, Jaesa. His name roughly translates into "Future's End" in the old Sith language. (Jaesa was going through a rough time at that moment. Like, bat-shit insane. Its possible she wanted Qorit'oksh to grow up to destroy everything. Like, the entire galaxy. It was bad. Obviously, there's a long story there in how he wound up joining the Alliance.)
Thank you again for this ask.
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
OC Introductions and Namesakes
This… is Corellan.
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No, no… I didn't make an AU where Corellan Halcyon is a Twi'lek.
This is Corellan Tao'ven. He's the son of Ranna Tao'ven (Matriarch of Kalikori Village, heavily featured in the Jedi Knight story) and Viyo Kobbeth (the Twi'lek who got abducted by the Force-sensitive Flesh Raider).
They (obviously) named him after Corellan Halcyon, having both been left with a lasting impression of my OC.
He was actually briefly mentioned in "Growing Up". He's part of my "future AU" with Bela Senya Carsen-Halcyon, Tasiele Beniko and Orgus Fideltin Carsen-Halcyon. (And a couple of others I'll tell you about later.) He's a few years older than most of them.
So he was born during the five-year gap. He was raised on a Tython that was bereft of Jedi and was still recovering from the Eternal Empire's attack. The Flesh Raiders were still a danger, but with a well-trained militia, the villagers were able to drive them off when they got to close. (More on them later.)
He grew up hearing stories from his parents about the "brave Jedi champion" who saved his parents and their village in its darkest hour.
He grew extraordinarily skilled with a vibroblade. Eventually - years later - he joined the Alliance.
I made him using the Smuggler template, but Trooper might suit him better.
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My character creation addiction is going just fine, thanks.
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
(OC ASK GAME!) 2. which oc has never had their first kiss? 21. which oc is a lightweight? which oc carries them home? 37. which oc has the best handwriting? the worst?
OC ASK GAME! which oc has never had their first kiss? Corellan Tao'ven is asexual. He had a near-miss with a girl back on Kalikori when he was thirteen, which kind of sucked for him because he regarded her as his best friend, and finding out that she actually had a crush on him, and that he literally wasn't "in" to anyone… that was a rough day for him, as a young teenager. He was fine eventually.
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which oc is a lightweight? which oc carries them home? Wavanih is definitely a lightweight drinker (when she rarely drinks). If Nadia is indisposed, Teeanah will probably have Chria carry her home.
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which oc has the best handwriting? the worst? Teeanah Malvern's caligraphy is breath-taking. Treaties are crafted with it. Xadya's chicken scratch is the stuff of nightmares. She's only been self-conscious about this once, and that was when she was on Alderaan and was worried it would be noticed.
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Thanks for the asks!
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
For the 'send me a character and I'll list' thing, aaand Kayeh? :'D
send me a character and i’ll list:
Thank you for the ask, @itstheelvenjedi ! @the-raven-of-highever actually asked about the same OC!
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Favorite Thing About Them
Her sheer force of will. Kayeh's experiences - up to the start of KOTFE - have been even harder than Corellan's or most of my other OCs. But she just
Least Favorite Thing About Them
Kayeh's bad experiences with Ranna Tao'ven on Tython meant it took her awhile to open up to Kira. She'd really grown attached to the young Matriarch, participating in her "adopted sister" ritual. Ranna's betrayal of Kayeh and Orgus Din hurt her intently. So if took her awhile to form a bond with Kira.
(Inevitably, Kira did become a sister to her. 😁 )
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Favorite Line
"Call me 'gorgeous' again, and you're Colicoid dinner." - Said to Doc when they met on Balmorra
Kira is her sister, now. Also Teeseven.
As of the start of KOTFE - Kayeh has most definitely NOT been eyeing Scourge, and anyone who says otherwise is lying. (Kira has noticed. She hasn't said anything.)
Kayeh x Doc will never, ever, ever happen. Like, ever.
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Random Headcanon
Not so random, but Kayeh is actually a product of the Green Jedi of Corellia. She grew up there, and was still in touch with her family. When she arrived on Tython, she was basically an exchange student. (This is also way all of her outfits are green.)
Unpopular Opinion
"We should protect the people who need it. No matter the cost."
Song I Associate With Them
"Warrior" - Beth Crowley  
Favorite Picture Of Them
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Thanks again for the ask!
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swtorpadawan · 5 years
I took the SWTOR OC Hugging Challenge...
Rules: For each of your OCs, rate how cuddle-able they are on a scale of 1-10.  (I have too many, so i'll choose the most defined.)
Tagged by @meatbag-status​ ! Thank you so much!
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Corellan Halcyon - Jedi Knight 2/10 -> 7/10
This one is a bit tricky, since i actually have a huge history laid out for him over the course of the game. At the beginning of the Jedi Knight story, Corellan is definitely a 2, at best. He's a young, devoted Jedi, and the idea of offering comfort to someone through the act of embracing them was probably foreign to him at that point. He probably hasn't been hugged (or hugged someone else) since he was a small child; them's the breaks of being raised by the Order. His experience with Ranna Tao'ven didn't help, either. By the end of Chapter 1, he is definitely comfortable hugging Kira and T7. (He kind of wishes he could hug Orgus, though he died before that was possible.) Rusk and Scourge aren't really huggers, and Doc would probably read it wrong. (cough) But by the end of the JK story, he definitely has a short list of people with whom he would be comfortable exchanging a hug, including Leeha Narezz and even Bengel Morr. The KOTFE and KOTET were complicated for him. He became somewhat emotionally withdrawn, largely because Valkorian was lurking in his head, and then later he went through the traumatic experience of the old bastard dying in his head. After that, he felt Kira's absence keenly, so much so that T7 was basically acting as an emotional support droid. It was only when Kira came back and he started to heal that he realized he was being a jerk and just how much these people (Lana, Theron, Senya, Arcann, Vette, Rusk, etc.) cared about him. After that, he really starts to open up, and he became much more comfortable with displays of physical affection. He's not great at it; for one think, he's got washboard abs and one percent body fat, so hugging him is like hugging a brick wall, but the people in his life appreciate it.    
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Nasashdia - Imperial Agent 6/10
As part of her training for Imperial Intelligence, Nasashdia was trained to regard physical touching (including "hugging") as a tool of manipulation. (Ozi is her long-lost brother. They both have childhood issues.) The same is true of flirting. Eventually, during Chapter 2 of the Agent story, she found comfort in Vector's arms. That gave her the confidence to late give Raina a hug when she was dealing with her father. 
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Illaynah Antilles - Trooper 4/10
Illaynah has issues. Her mother died when she was young. Her father was doting one minute and cold the next, as the result of alcoholism. As a result, she's not much of a hugger. Eventually, she grows comfortable like that with Jorgen and Elara, and when she found Yuun in KOTFE, she unexpectedly hugged him since he was the first of her crew to return. (Since Yuun is even more socially awkward than Illaynah, it was quite a shock.) She started a relationship with Theron, though both have their awkward moments. Post KOTFE, in a private moment, she might exchange a hug with Lana.
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Nosrol - Sith Warrior 0/10
Nope, nope, nope. Do not want. Hugging is something that happens incidentally with one's lover during a kiss or love-play. It does not exist otherwise. Vette tried hugging him once. Nosrol is a terrible monster, but he's relatively nice to her. It was awkward. Really awkward. He cringed up and then said "Let us never do that again."
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Bas'riish - Smuggler 9/10
Bas'riish LOOOOOVES hugging people, either for sincere reasons or less so reasons. As a child, she learned to pick someone's pocket with a hug. As an adult, she understands how much a hug can influence some people. (She actually once hugged Corellan, as they are part of the same legacy; it was awkward and made him blush, which just made her chuckle.) With her crew, she's hugged everyone at least once, though she was wise enough to wait until Akaavi really felt comfortable. Hugging Bowdarr is a delight, hugging Corso makes him flustered, and she is practically sisters with Risha. Guss, however, needs a hug more than anyone, and she obliges.
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Ozibaumnu - Sith Inquisitor 1/10
Ozi... has issues with physical contact. This comes from his experience as a slave growing up, and various abuses that he suffered. This really screwed him up empotionally. It wasn't until he met Ashara and eventually let her into his heart that he found someone he could really be comfortable with that way. He still has issues with touch, but he's doing better since then.
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swtorpadawan · 5 years
Tales from the Eternal Alliance: Growing Up
Author’s Notes: Inspired by @swtor-prompts for 22 March 2019 – One-word prompt – “Us”. The following story involves my main OC, Corellan Halcyon, and takes place sometime between the conclusion of the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and my own Interventions and Awakenings series.
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“Master Ranos and our survey teams have reported in from Tython. They confirm that there are no Jedi residing in the ruins of the old Temple. Likewise, there wasn’t anything of significant value left behind. Whatever survived when the Eternal Empire attacked was probably carried off when the Jedi evacuated. Most notably, the Archives are completely gone.” Theron Shan paused, letting that last point sink in. “There are indications that there have been scavengers in the past, but it seems unlikely they came away anything of real value based on the evidence.”
Another lingering pause. “Likewise, there’s nothing to indicate where the surviving Jedi may have withdrawn to. We know that many of them are serving openly alongside the Republic military, and I have reports that my mother was on Coruscant when the war ended, but there’s no indication of any larger organization, and no efforts to reform the Council.”    
Lana Beniko watched as Theron finished his summary report. It had been more than five years since the Eternal Empire had struck the Jedi at their home world of Tython and finding anything of great importance now had seemed a longshot at best. Still, it was bitterly disappointing to her about the Archives. At her heart, beneath the face of the cool, ruthlessly pragmatic advisor that she showed the rest of the galaxy, Lana Beniko possessed the soul of a scholar. Though the Jedi’s approach to the Force was nominally incompatible with her own Sith philosophy, the loss of all that knowledge still stung. And the irony that she had once coordinated an earlier attack on the Jedi Temple by the forces of the Sith Empire years ago was not lost on her. She could only hope that the surviving Jedi had managed to save most of it when they fled.
She then turned towards Corellan Halcyon, the Alliance Commander. Surely if Theron’s report was disappointing to her, it must weigh heavily on the former Jedi, the man who was once known the galaxy over as the Hero of Tython.  
“Mmm.” Came the rather non-committal sigh from the Outlander.
The Commander, Theron and Lana herself were gathered around the main holo-display in the War Room in the Alliance base on Odessen. They were joined by T7-O1, the small but highly capable Astromech droid who had been the Commander’s companion for years. Lana had the greatest appreciation for the droid, as Tee-Seven had spent several years helping her find Corellan when he’d been captured by the Eternal Empire. However, the droid’s constant presence at the Commander’s side since the Alliance had toppled the Eternal throne sometimes made her wonder.
What horrors had he experienced in that final battle with Valkorian? Lana wondered.
He hadn’t spoken about it with anyone, as far as she could tell. Even Senya and Arcann, who’d been in the Commander’s mind and fighting at his side, had little insight.
Afterwards, the Commander had been restless. He had put on a charismatic face for the celebrations on Zakuul and later back with the Alliance on Odessen. He could still be noble, brave, compassionate, diplomatic and even charming in brief moments, but they felt fleeting. He seemed more himself on missions and in battle, where his finely-honed warrior instincts took over. His daily sparring sessions, particularly against Arcann, seemed to do him much good, but clearly whatever satisfaction he drew from them was unsustainable in the long run. He was, as always, attentive enough during briefings but seemed listless if a clear course of direction was not readily apparent. It was as if his overall sense of direction – the path ahead for himself and the Eternal Alliance – was unclear. Something was clearly bothering him. Theron and others had seen him looking out onto the horizon from the main observation deck outside the Cantina. He was clearly reaching out into the galaxy for something he couldn’t quite grasp.
In every other matter, the Commander had placed his complete trust in Lana and Theron, as his senior advisors. But in this single personal affair, he was silent, only saying that he was fine.    
Lana had the greatest admiration and respect for the Commander. She just wished he had trusted her fully with the truth of this.
And at this very moment, Corellan seemed focused on the datapad with the details of the survey team’s findings, his expression rather grimly detached.
Taking his prolonged silence as a sign that he should continue, Theron pushed on with his report.
“Even though our survey of the temple didn’t produce much in the way of results, we were a bit luckier with the rest of Tython. The Twi’lek Pilgrims at Kalikori village were very welcoming to Master Ranos when she visited them. Their Matriarch has even contacted us directly and is waiting to talk by holo. I can take care of it if you like - ”
Suddenly, the Commander seemed to break out of whatever lethargic fugue he had been trapped in, putting the down the datapad and looking pointedly at Theron.
“You have Ranna Tao'Ven waiting on hold?”
Theron was startled. Lana’s eyes likewise narrowed in surprise. This was the most animated the Commander had been in nearly a week. He hadn’t mentioned having connections to the Pilgrims up until now.
Tee-Seven likewise seemed to come to life, as his top started spinning and the droid emitted a series of beeps and whistles.
“Ranna Tao'Ven = Old friend!” he beeped, happily.  
“Uhm, right.”  The former SIS agent answered dumbly, looking back and forth between the Commander and the droid. “I’m told she wants to exchange pleasantries and discuss possible trade and assistance…”
The Commander waved his hand towards the display terminal.
“Put her through.” He ordered. Corellan’s voice was measured, but the rest of his body language was suddenly animated.  
Theron quickly pressed a button at his terminal, and the holo-projector came to life.
The woman who appeared in the projection appeared to be about thirty-two years of age by Lana’s estimation, though Twi’leks did tend to age more gracefully than other species. Young to be in a position of leadership. Lana initially thought, but then recalled that both the Commander (and Lana herself) were roughly about that age, with Theron just a few years older. Indeed, now observing her at length, this Matriarch carried herself well, as Lana could feel a certain wisdom and a deep-rooted strength even through the projection. Regardless of her age, this was a woman who had seen her people through difficult times and had been left stronger for it.
The Commander smiled, then bowed, using the same form he had back when he had been a member of the Jedi order.
“Matriarch. Thank you for calling.” He paused. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Commander. Thank you for taking my call.” Ranna Tao'Ven returned the Commander’s smile. Her eyes grew softer in relief. It seemed to make her look much younger. “I was worried you wouldn’t want to speak to me.”
The Commander shook his head. “I never blamed you for what happened, Matriarch. And please – you can still call me Corellan.”
The Matriarch’s eyes took on a shine and she practically beamed. “I… thank you, Corellan. And please call me Ranna. I was so relieved to hear that you were still alive. I’ve missed calling you a friend.”
“Thank you, Ranna.” Corellan answered. Lana gave him a sideways glance. The Commander suddenly looked … younger, somehow, just as Ranna did. That haunted look that had been in his eyes since he destroyed Valkorian had eased somewhat. It was as if the weight of leadership had suddenly been lifted off his shoulders. “I like to think we’ll always be able to call each other friends.”
“How are things there?” he continued. “Have the Flesh Raiders been a problem?”
“No, they are contained.” Ranna spoke with a touch of pride in her voice. “Our defenses are much better organized these days, and the Flesh Raiders remain scattered and give us a wide berth. We keep our young people from exploring the Ridge, but there have been no strikes against the village or our farmlands. We aren’t overconfident; we will always have to be wary of them. But a generation of my people are being raised who will know the Flesh Raiders only as tales to frighten children around a fire.”
“That sounds wonderful, Ranna. I wish I could see it.” His expression turned somber. “I’ve always regretted not visiting.”
“You have always been welcome.” she smiled. “Both of us have changed a great deal since we last spoke.”
The Commander’s eyes narrowed, not in suspicion or doubt, but with a scrutinizing eye. Lana had seen that look in battle, usually just before he found a solution to a problem or the key to defeating an enemy.  
And just like that, his eyes widened. “That new band on your headdress… Ranna, you’ve married!”
Ranna’s cheek bones reddened in a pretty blush against her green skin. Her head tilted downward in mild embarrassment.
“You remember Viyo? You rescued him from that Flesh Raider who wanted to become a Jedi.”
“I remember.” The Commander nodded in remembrance. “He seemed very bright and kind.”
“He is, and he’s grown into a fine man. He’s been a wonderful husband and he is very supportive to me.” Her eyes glistened faintly. “I have two children, now. A three-year old daughter who we named Sumari, after my mother. She’s such a handful! She keeps both Viyo and I busy to keep her out of trouble.” She paused, giving a nervous swallow. “And a son born just this past autumn, during the harvest. We named him… Corellan.”  
The Commander’s pale blue-grey eyes blinked hard. He leaned forward, his hands reaching out and taking hold of the display terminal for support.
To her side, Lana heard Theron smothering a laugh at the Outlander’s reaction, covering his mouth with his hand. The Sith shot him a withering look, and Shan raised both hands in surrender, not bothering to repress a smirk.
The Commander, fortunately, appeared oblivious to this exchange.
“Ranna, I don’t know what to say.”
“Viyo agreed with my choice whole-heartedly.” She grinned a bit at his reaction. “My people still remember what you did for us. And we always will. Our children grow up learning the stories, and they will pass those tales down to their children when our time has passed.”  
The Commander let out a sigh, rising from the terminal. “You honor me more than I deserve, Ranna.”
She shook her head. “I don’t think so. You not only saved my people, you also gave me the chance to make up for the mistakes I made.”
The Matriarch collected herself, once again taking on the demeanor of a wise and experienced leader. “I know you’re looking for any surviving Jedi. I want you to know that we sheltered several of them when the Temple fell to the Eternal Empire. We knew there was a risk involved, but we could do no less. They stayed with us a few days, thanked us for offering them sanctuary, then found transport off-planet when it was safe. For our protection, they declined to say where they were headed. The Skytroopers never came our way – the Jedi reasoned that our lack of technology made them discount us as a threat.”  
She paused. “It was the least we could do after all you did for us, and for… what happened.”
Whatever memory Ranna had invoked for the Commander was a powerful one. Lana could feel his emotions bubbling up just beneath the surface. How unlike him. Lana observed. He is normally so collected and reserved, keeping his emotions in check.
“Ranna, that was a long time ago.” Corellan replied, his voice quiet. “I’m very grateful that you helped those Jedi. But since we last spoke, I’ve taken on something of a mantle of leadership myself. To be honest with you, looking back, I understand why you made those hard choices. I’ve only come as far as I have because of the people around me. What you went through in those dark days… considering the losses you had suffered and the pressures you were under, I know you felt scared, alone and overwhelmed.” He exhaled. “Please know that if I was ever at all unkind or… self-righteous towards you, then I’m very sorry.”
Ranna gave the Commander a patient smile.
She looks very much like a mother. Lana thought. Her village’s title of leader – Matriarch – is well suited in her case.
“You’re wrong, Corellan.” She spoke gently. “You showed me nothing but kindness. When you spared Moorint and the others, when you helped us… that showed true character. I learned from my mistakes, and I became a better leader for it. When the chance came to atone for what I had done, I had to take it. Not just out of my memories of you, but because it was the right thing to do.” Ranna’s smile brightened again. “The principles we lead by are what matter most. You taught me that.”
“Today, my people are safe. Our village is thriving, even with a lack of off-planet trade. My children will grow up healthy and free. You made this all possible. Not just with your courage or skill, but your compassion, most of all.”
The Commander, for the second time that day, blinked then exhaled, reflecting on her words. When he finally smiled, it was the warmest expression Lana had seen on his face in months.
“Then maybe both of us needed to grow up.”
Ranna let out a giggle at that, smiling happily. Once again, a younger woman shined through her years. “Maybe we did. But it doesn’t hurt to remember the people we once were, for they made you and I possible.”
“Thank you, Ranna.” Corellan spoke gratefully. “I’ll have Theron contact you about any aid assistance you need and help you re-open trade if you like. And if your people are ever in danger again, please remember you can always call on me.”
“I will.” Ranna spoke confidently as the wise leader again. “Thank you, Corellan. For everything.”
“Thank you again, Ranna. Until we meet again.”
The call ended and the holo-terminal went dark.
The Commander of the Eternal Alliance stepped back, then turned to his advisers with renewed energy.
Theron was slightly amused, giving him a questioning look. Lana herself looked at him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an explanation that she honestly doubted would be forthcoming. Neither senior advisor spoke aloud.
Tee-Seven finally broke up the awkwardness with another series of beeps. “Seeing friend Ranna again = Good?”
The Commander chuckled at his old friend. “Yes, it was, Tee. Yes, it was.”
“So!” he turned back to Lana and Theron, rubbing his hands together like an eager child.
“What’s next on the agenda?”
 Author’s Notes: I always liked the character of Ranna. In a way, she foreshadows so many other NPCs we encounter throughout the Jedi Knight story. So often, we see otherwise respectable characters taking morally questionable or short-sighted actions because they are scared for themselves or for their people. I like to think – assuming we did choose the light-side / Paragon route – that we’ve helped some of those folks to become better versions of themselves.
The state of mind Corellan finds himself in at this point in his story reminds me a lot of the place Ranna was in during the Prologue. Fortunately, he has Lana, Theron, Tee-Seven and others to help see him through.
Finally – No, Corellan did not hook up with Ranna. (He was too dense to comprehend that there were ‘Flirt’ options. Also, Kira is the only woman he’s ever thought about in that way.)
Thank you, and may the Force be with you.
(Image courtesy of Wookiepedia)
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