#viyo kobbeth
queen-scribbles · 2 years
me *Running the Imperial Belsavis arc with the psycho Sith*
*meet these guys*
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Me: huh, Kobbeth, Kobbeth, why is that familiar-
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Me *screeches of pain that I have to kill Viyo’s dad*
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
OC Introductions and Namesakes
This… is Corellan.
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No, no… I didn't make an AU where Corellan Halcyon is a Twi'lek.
This is Corellan Tao'ven. He's the son of Ranna Tao'ven (Matriarch of Kalikori Village, heavily featured in the Jedi Knight story) and Viyo Kobbeth (the Twi'lek who got abducted by the Force-sensitive Flesh Raider).
They (obviously) named him after Corellan Halcyon, having both been left with a lasting impression of my OC.
He was actually briefly mentioned in "Growing Up". He's part of my "future AU" with Bela Senya Carsen-Halcyon, Tasiele Beniko and Orgus Fideltin Carsen-Halcyon. (And a couple of others I'll tell you about later.) He's a few years older than most of them.
So he was born during the five-year gap. He was raised on a Tython that was bereft of Jedi and was still recovering from the Eternal Empire's attack. The Flesh Raiders were still a danger, but with a well-trained militia, the villagers were able to drive them off when they got to close. (More on them later.)
He grew up hearing stories from his parents about the "brave Jedi champion" who saved his parents and their village in its darkest hour.
He grew extraordinarily skilled with a vibroblade. Eventually - years later - he joined the Alliance.
I made him using the Smuggler template, but Trooper might suit him better.
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My character creation addiction is going just fine, thanks.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
How to deal with Hostage Takers in SWTOR
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Gotta love those training sabers on a male Twi’lek.  I have done this side-mission probably 20 times now. This is the first time i’ve taken the DS choice.  For Pol’fenn, who is a Twi’lek all too accustomed to seeing his species spit upon and used as toys, it made sense. The Flesh Raider took an innocent and unarmed adolescent hostage, and intended to hold him to insure the Jedi’s complicity with his demands. (Pol’fenn might have given him a pass if he’d let the kid go.)  Now the LS choice apparently works out well enough. Fashk - our Flesh Raider friend - gets inducted for training. Viyo gets to go home. We never hear how it turns out, but no one dies on our watch.  But for Pol’fenn - who has had a hard life and probably feels more at home in Kalikori Village than the Jedi Temple at the moment - he’s seen far too many dead Twi’leks. The Twi’leks are no great threat to them. This is not Native Americans vs. European invaders.
(I do hate that the dialogue suggests he’s killing him for being a Force-user. That’s not at all what i picked on the dialogue wheel.) I doubt i’ll ever do this again, but i found the final screenshot of the Flesh Raider getting smaller and smaller in the distance hilarious. (He’s so cute!) 
Playing a Jedi Knight who makes (occasional) DS choices is fun after playing so many paragons.    
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