#oc: fuyumi mori
sunstaar · 2 years
This is Home
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Kakashi Hatake x fem!OC
Word Count: 5k art commissioned from the talented @kankuroplease !
Summary: Kakashi now knew that after so many years of yearning for it, he finally found home.
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Underneath Fuyumi’s fingertips, the juice flowing out of the sweet watermelon felt sticky each time her newly sharpened knife cut through its wet flesh. Occasionally, some of the watermelon seeds buried within it fell out of the deep red and right onto her white kitchen counter. By now, the previously pristine white had been stained by variations of the same soft pink and red of the watermelon, leaving behind splotches of it practically everywhere. Even her fingers which were holding the knife steadily had dots of pink and red all over them and grew sticky over time, almost as if they were attached to the handle of the knife by now. With her right hand, she went ahead and placed the neatly cut pieces of watermelon into one of her favorite bowls: one in a soft shade of beige and decorated with small silhouettes of various dogs decorating it (or ninken, as Kakashi liked to refer to them).
Once Fuyumi cut the last piece of the watermelon and made sure that she used up the fruit to its full extent, she first stored away the remainder of the green rind so that later it could land in the compost. Then, she began to thoroughly clean the knife she had just been using and her workspace, the smell of her cleaning products slightly stinging in her nose. In response, she ruffled it and almost let out a sneeze, one she luckily managed to keep in. Lastly, Fuyumi washed her hands and spent most time to get rid of the red staining underneath her fingers, ‘a natural nail polish’, as her friend Anko would comment with a laugh.
At the mere thought of what the purple-haired would say, Fuyumi also had to laugh. A day with Anko would never be a boring one, that was what she had learned after over a decade of friendship with the other woman. Save for the borderline offensive teasing Anko subjected her to, Fuyumi could not remember a single day on which she ever regretted their friendship. There was also the fact that she owed Anko a lot, such as that without her best friend, Fuyumi’s relationship with a certain silver-haired would have most likely remained more of a dream than coming closer to reality.
(Fuyumi theorized that at one point, Anko became fed up with the constant whining of both of her lovesick teammates, which led her to push at least one of them into a relationship with their target of affection. Not that Fuyumi could ever blame her for that.)
With a loud snap, she attached the matching beige lid to her bowl and closed it. Once, she turned it around and onto its head to make sure nothing would fall out, and lucky for her, the lid did not even budge a little. Then Fuyumi repeated the same process for the collection of other bowls placed all over her counter and kitchen table. They were bowls with various animals decorating them, such as mice, turtles, cats, and her personal favorites, small white snakes standing out against the shiny black surface of the bowl filled with cut and washed strawberries.
As she looked at her collection of bowls and the food stored within them, Fuyumi could not help but feel rather proud of herself. With her hands resting on her hips, she took a good look at her work before her gaze traveled over to the clock hanging on her wall, reminding her that there was little time left before Kakashi would come to pick her up for their date.
There was only packing everything left, and that shouldn’t take up much of her time.
On her kitchen table stood a picnic basket, delicately woven out of wicker and decorated with a red and white checkered lining at the lid, waiting to be filled with all the goods she spent so long preparing. It had been a well-thought-out gift of her mother’s, ‘a housewarming gift’, as the elderly woman had called it.
First went into the basket the miso soup Fuyumi had cooked the day before as an extra safety precaution she took, just to make sure that she would not mess this up. While the eggplant did look quite awkward and even miserable swimming in the soup, it couldn’t be denied that she did her best, despite her lack of cooking skill. Just to be sure, she checked the lid of the container once more and also the sides, noting how earlier she had heated it up to a temperature warm enough to be eaten later.
The various fruits she had cut up into bite-size pieces followed within their respective bowls, all sealed off with a matching lid. With the same precision she always dedicated to a round of Jenga, Fuyumi began stacking the many bowls on top of each other within the basket, making sure that none of them would topple over in case she tripped along the way. That also meant that tissues of various colors were stuffed in between the bowls to keep them from clanking against each other. While that made her little construction look messier than it did before, the safety hazard it posed did reduce.
Satisfied with her stacking, Fuyumi closed the lid of the basket and adjusted the cherry red bow attached to the lining of it to give it a fuller appearance. Even more satisfaction began piling up within her at the sight of her finished work, so much so that Fuyumi couldn’t stop herself from smiling widely.
To say she was excited would be a major understatement. She was so much so excited that as soon as the sound of her doorbell echoed through her apartment, she bolted out of her kitchen and toward the front door. Halfway, however, Fuyumi managed to regain most of her composure and slowed down to take the time to adjust the dress she wore and tighten her ponytail nervously. One last time, she checked herself and her appearance in the mirror hanging by the front door and once she confirmed it to be alright, she pulled open the door to see Kakashi standing on her doorstep, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Fuyumi’s smile from before bloomed on her features again. “Kakashi! Hello!”
“You sound like you’re surprised to see me.” Kakashi mused with a smile visible from underneath his mask. Just as visible was the smallest hint of a flush peaking out from underneath it.
“I’m surprised you aren’t late.” She teased.
“To meet up with you? Never.”
Smooth fucker, Fuyumi thought. There was barely anything that could make his wit falter.
“I’m flattered,” Major understatement there, based on how her cheeks were dusted pink. “and happy to see you.”
Kakashi had to clear his throat to regain his faux confident posture, his hands beginning to tremble the slightest bit as he held out the bouquet to his girlfriend. “I bought these for you.”
Carefully, Fuyumi took the stunning bouquet of flowers into her hands, which accidentally brushed his in the process. Both of them were startled at the sudden contact, and she even murmured a quiet apology, immediately moving to cradle the bouquet closer to herself. Her skin felt hotter than it did before, and the bouquet grew heavier in her grasp.
Fuyumi looked down to marvel at the undeniable beauty of the bouquet gifted to her. Heliotropes stood out the most within the bouquet due to the sheer abundance of them to strengthen their meaning, perfectly complimented by thornless dark pink and red roses. Red, white, and pink camellias were sprinkled in between and further tied the work of art together into one message, one solely dedicated to the receiver of it. A message hidden within the language of the flowers, brought together by the soft green paper the bouquet was wrapped in and by a bow almost the exact shade as her eyes were.
“Thank you, Kakashi,” She said, removing her gaze from it to look her boyfriend in his open eye. It was then that she noticed that he wore an eye patch to cover his Sharingan eye when his hitai-ate wouldn’t. With a distinct design of the silhouette of a pug stitched into the right corner of it, she would recognize the handmade work anywhere. “Hey, that’s the eye patch my mom made for you!”
Kakashi nodded with a newfound glint of excitement in his charcoal eye. “You’re right, it is,” With his now free hand, he delicately touched the eye patch to adjust it for it to sit comfortably on his skin. “I like it too much not to wear it, pebbles.”
Fuyumi let out a groan. “I thought we were beyond that name by now.” How he managed to turn a name he used to use to tease her whenever she did something slightly idiotic to something he so smoothly used to refer to her with affection laced in his tone would always remain a mystery to her.
Insult turned term of endearment, as she had once joked. And while she would never admit it to anyone, especially not to Kakashi, it always had her feeling special and loved.
He shook his head with a smile. “I think it’s adorable and it fits you quite well, my pebble.”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” Fuyumi raised her free hand in mock surrender and let out a small laugh as she took a step backward into her apartment. “How about you let me place the beautiful flowers you got me into a vase first, and then I’ll be back with you then. I wouldn’t want them to dry out.”
Kakashi nodded.
Fuyumi was quick to turn around and hurry back into her apartment and right into her kitchen, where she knew several vases were hidden in somewhere in her lower cupboard. She didn’t want to keep Kakashi waiting for too long, which was why in her hurry, she managed to almost knock over one of her vases while trying to grab a specific one.
“Shit.” Fuyumi cursed and breathed out heavily after she grabbed the vases before they could clank against one another loudly. Just her luck.
“Are you alright in there?” Kakashi called out from the doorstep of her apartment, worry lacing his tone.
Her forehead knocked against the cool marble counter for a moment as she took another breath, trying to calm her racing heart. “I’m fine!” She called out to him. “No need to worry!” Regardless of her saying that, she knew, he would worry anyway.
“You sure?” This time his voice came from much closer, and one look behind herself told Fuyumi that he was now standing in the doorway to her kitchen, his brows knitted into a furrow. With his arm, he leaned against the doorway and looked down at her with concern.
Fuyumi shot him a smile and held up both the bouquet of flowers and vase. “Just fine.” As she went to stand up, she almost toppled over, but quickly managed to regain her stability.
Kakashi, however, had been faster and now stood by her side, his hand placed on her arm as worry coursed through him. So clumsy, he thought. If he didn’t already have a mop of silver hair sitting atop his head, he would be growing strands of grey by now already.
“See, I’m fine.” Fuyumi grinned up at him before she wiggled her way out of his grasp.
“Sure you are.” He muttered underneath his breath, his open eye watching her carefully as she moved to fill up the vase with water.
“I always am.” Fuyumi sat as she adjusted the flowers in the vase. The flowers perfectly fit into the vase, so she noticed as she took a step backward. It was impossible for her not to marvel at the sight of them standing on her kitchen counter, highlighted by the rays of the sun shining through the window.
“I chose the flowers myself,” Kakashi confessed. “I wanted them to be more … special.” He hoped that didn’t ruin the bouquet for her.
Fuyumi turned to look at him with metaphorical hearts shining in her blue eyes. “I love them. Thank you.”
The silver-haired felt a bit taken aback, disbelief washing over his features. “You do?”
“Of course, I do. I’m not that superficial, Kakashi,” Fuyumi said with a scrunch of her nose. “You could have chosen the least matching flowers and I would still be happy. You put effort and thought into the bouquet, that matters to me.”
His heart fluttered at her words. “I’m glad you think so,” He extended his hand to her with a smile. “Shall we go, then?”
The smile on Fuyumi’s face left him breathless. “With pleasure,” With one hand she took the picnic basket and with the other his and squeezed it gently. “Lead the way.”
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Even after having held Fuyumi’s hand countless times, Kakashi was sure that he would never get used to the shiver crawling down his spine as soon as their skin made contact with one another. He should expect it every time he intertwines their hands, but for some reason, her low body temperature caught him by surprise time and time again. With the sun shining down upon them, her frigid temperature was something he welcomed with a sigh.
“Using me as your personal freezer again, are you?” Fuyumi asked him with a cheeky smile. “Can’t say I blame you, it is rather hot today, even for me.”
Based on how the few other people roaming the streets wiped their forehead with a cotton cloth or the back of their hand, the heat was evidently affecting everyone in Konoha. For the village to get this warm was quite unusual and unexpected, seeing as barely anyone was prepared for such an increase in temperature.
Kakashi stole a glance at his girlfriend. “I just wanted to hold your hand, really. Your cold skin is just a benefit.”
Fuyumi let out a small giggle and squeezed his hand. “I also wanted your hand. The fact that I can help you cool down is a cool bonus.”
He couldn’t help but playfully roll his eyes at the pun she sneaked into her answer. “Is that so?”
She nodded enthusiastically. “With your mask, it must get hot sometimes.”
Almost shamefully, her eyes raked over his figure, taking in the way sweat was beginning to add a glow to his pale skin, defining the muscles he had gained after years of arduous training. The white shirt he decided to wear only did him and his physique favors, especially when combined with the pair of cotton shorts he wore. They only defined his equally strong legs more and gave them a more appealing look than they usually had.
The breath she sucked wasn’t missed by Kakashi, whose head snapped to fully look at her. “Wait, are you checking me out?”
“Maybe I am,” Fuyumi replied without an ounce of shame in her tone. “And what are you going to do about it, porcupine?”
“Ouch,” Teasingly, Kakashi placed his palm right above where his heart lay and looked at her with mock offense. “I thought you wouldn’t call me that anymore.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s just too great not to use on the occasion,” Fuyumi laughed. “Think about it positively, you are my favorite porcupine of them all.”
He tapped his chin with his finger. “I’ll think about it. If you stop protesting against me calling you ‘pebbles’.”
She should have seen it coming, really. “I’m only agreeing because it’s you asking, Kakashi.”
Kakashi threw his head back in laughter, a sight his girlfriend could only describe as captivating. His visible eyes squeezed shut as he let out a throaty laugh and even wrapped one of his arms around his stomach. As he leaned his head forward again, however, the string of his eye patch snapped all of a sudden and fell onto the ground, right in front of his feet. His laughter stopped at the sight and so did his smile, his hand letting go of Fuyumi’s. He stared at the eye patch unmoving at first, his open eye growing wider with shock while his hand began to tremble. Then he bent down and picked the cloth up, only to stare at it with disappointment flickering in his eye.
“Kakashi …” Fuyumi began, unsure of what to say. Beside herself, she placed down her picnic basket.
“I didn’t mean to …” When Kakashi spoke, he almost sounded like a child who was disappointed in himself. By the furrow of his brow, Fuyumi could tell the incoming wave of blame, followed by the telltale downward tug of his lips.
She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. “Kakashi, it’s okay, it could have happened to anybody,” Gently, Fuyumi took the eye patch out of his hands into her own, removing her hand from his shoulder to pick the dirt off of the soft material. A bit of the pug’s face was covered in dirt as was the light fabric out of which the patch was made, but it was nothing that wasn’t fixable. “It can be fixed, I promise.”
He still appeared disappointed with himself. “But Chizue put so much effort into making it …” The guilt heaved up within him, especially since he could vividly remember how he had promised to take good care of the loving gift given to him.
“And she would do it again, she would be happy to, trust me,” Fuyumi glanced down at the eye patch again, her finger coming to touch the snapped string. “And she won’t mind fixing it, because then she knows that you’ve been wearing it. That will make her very happy to know,” She smiled at him again. “Or I can fix it.”
The worry that crossed his features told her everything she needed to know.
“I can sew, you know!” Fuyumi said with a faux scowl. She knew just how to wave her hand in an exaggerated motion that would cheer him up at least a little. “Just because I messed up a few stitches once, doesn’t mean I am a sewing disaster!”
Kakashi looked at her with a slightly raised brow and a hint of a smile forming on his face.
“I’ll give it to my mom, I swear,” Playfully and again, exaggerated, she rolled her eyes and smiled at him. With much caution, Fuyumi placed the eye patch into the little pocket sewn into her basket before she stood up again, facing him. “but I’m telling you, you are underestimating me and my skill.”
He let out a small laugh, mischief lingering in his gaze. “Sure I am.”
“You’ll see one of these days, Hatake,” She promised with a determined look. Then she bent down again to pick up the picnic basket. “but that day is not today, just so you know. Because first, we picnic.”
The white-haired held her hand out to her boyfriend, waiting for him to intertwine their hands again. Once he did with a small shiver, she tugged at it to lead him down the road and right to their designation.
“I’m joking, you know that I would wear the eye patch again if you repaired it, pebbles.” Kakashi leaned forward and tugged his mask downward within a second, allowing it to pool at his neck for a moment while he quickly pressed a kiss to her cheek before covering his face again. The cheeky grin he wore, however, could not be covered.
The skin he pressed a kiss upon took on a small flush instantly as Fuyumi held her breath in surprise. Then, she breathed out, “You’re too cheeky sometimes, did you know that?”
Mirth made the charcoal of his eye burn brighter. “No, I didn’t. But do tell me more about what you think of me.”
Seeing Kakashi smile was as though she were intoxicated by it. There was something about the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled and his cheeks moved upward that always had Fuyumi staring for a moment too long. His charcoal eyes would take on a new glow, one that made him appear so lively and carefree, especially when his muscles and back relaxed into a slight slouch that had become so familiar to her.
Not that she would ever tell him those things she noticed about him, so, Fuyumi shook her head. “Not in a million years.”
“I’ll wait, then.”
In the distance, Fuyumi could clearly see the destination of their date. On one of the many vast and green landscapes hidden in Konoha stood a large and presumably also a very old tree, one that casts a huge shadow across the landscape. When she had first found the spot, so far away from the constantly packed middle of the village, she had made sure to remember it for sunny days. It had come as no surprise that she had shown the place to Kakashi already, too excited to keep it to herself. To return to it with Kakashi by her side, time and time again, felt almost customary by now.
“You can wait while we eat all the food I prepared.”
A loud rumble came from Kakashi’s stomach as though called upon. Almost instantly, he turned away from his girlfriend with reddening cheeks and murmured an apology. Fuyumi on the other hand found it to be rather adorable.
With an almost exaggerated sigh, Fuyumi set the picnic basket down onto the grass and made sure that the moment she let it go, it wouldn’t tip over with all the food still inside.
“Kakashi, could you help me spread out the blanket, please?” Had her picnic blanket not already been in her basket, Fuyumi might have forgotten it back at home. As she held it one end of it out to her boyfriend, that did not matter much, though.
He was quick to lend a helping hand.
When they worked together, it was much easier to spread out the white and red checkered blanket evenly onto the grass than it was when either of them did the work alone. Neither of them could complain about the slight breeze created as they set it down. A good majority of the blanket lay underneath the shade of the tree, the occasional leaf falling down on it, meanwhile, some parts of it were hit by the harsh rays of the sun.
Next, Fuyumi began taking out all of her animal-themed bowls one by one, telling Kakashi about what she put into each one as she did so. Within the ones decorated with snakes, strawberries could be found, while the one with dogs held watermelon within. Grapes had found their way into the bowl with cats on it earlier that morning and apple she had cut into the bowl with silhouettes of bunnies.
And finally, as though it were a holy grail, Fuyumi held out the last bowl from the basket to Kakashi with a wide grin on her face. When he tilted his head at her in evident confusion, she proudly told him about how she had cooked some miso soup with eggplant specifically for him. “I couldn’t not cook it, it’s your favorite, after all.”
Kakashi carefully took the container, with pugs akin to Pakkun decorating it, into his hands and noted how warm it still was. “Did you cook it today?”
“Not exactly. I prepared it yesterday and heated it up today,” Fuyumi explained. In a quiet voice, she added: “I did my best so I hope it tastes at least decent.”
At the kind gesture, Kakashi could feel his heart beat against his chest from all the excitement he was feeling. With his charcoal eye, he peered down at the bowl before he opened it, careful not to spill any of the soup in the process. What he noticed immediately was the familiar smell of his favorite food intoxicating his sense of smell and almost leaving him drooling.
What he hadn’t noticed was Fuyumi standing up with doubt flashing across her face. When he finally did, the miso soup now put aside, his brows furrowed as he watched her inspect her flower-decorated dress.
“Wearing a white dress wasn’t the best decision,” Fuyumi commented with a nervous laugh, her gaze fixated on the now slightly green-stained ruffle of her long dress. She twirled around once in the dress to show Kakashi the back of it. “Is the back of the dress also stained?”
“A little bit.” Kakashi told her earnestly.
Her smile dropped noticeably, which had Kakashi’s heart aching at the sight of it. Immediately, he stood up from his position kneeling on the checkered blanket and made his way over to his girlfriend. While his one arm went to wrap around her waist to pull her closer, his hand resting on the small of her back, his other hand went to rest on her cheek, right above the scar dragging up from her jaw to the middle of her cheek. With a gentle pull, he pulled her closer to him, which had Fuyumi squealing in surprise.
Kakashi did not have to bend down much to whisper in her ear since their height difference was so minuscule. A shiver ran down her spine as his breath fanned over her ear. “Dirty or not dirty, I think you look gorgeous in it regardless.”
Fuyumi’s cheeks took on a shade of red she had not sported today. Sheepishly, she went to hide her face in the masked crook of his neck, but not without pressing a small kiss to it first. “Stop it, you liar.”
He let out a chuckle and took a step back, forcing her face to reemerge from her hiding spot. Again, he rested his hand on her cheek to have her look at him. “I would never lie to you about that, pebbles,” With his mask still on, he pressed a kiss to her other cheek. “Trust me, I think you’re gorgeous no matter what you wear.”
The embarrassment coursing through her began washing away and left Fuyumi bolder than before. Without having to stand up on her tiptoes, she leaned upward and pressed a kiss to the lower end of the scar where it met his black face mask. Then she pressed another above the spot and another, moving upward with each kiss she pressed to his scar. The last kiss landed right below his eyebrow, where she lingered a bit longer than on the other spots.
When she finally leaned away from the silver-haired beauty, Fuyumi felt entranced by the pair of charcoal and crimson eyes staring at her with so much affection. A large grin stretched across her lips at the sight. “I love you.”
Underneath his mask, Kakashi’s lips, too, spread into a wide grin as he looked down at his girlfriend. His Sharingan eye remained open to capture the sight that was her standing in his arms. To see her standing there sometimes felt like a fever dream to him. But there she was, her curly white hair tied up into a high ponytail with a cerulean hair tie, some strands falling into her face to frame it and her blue eyes perfectly. He couldn’t look away from how her pink lips looked so soft, almost stretching all the way to the scar on her cheek.
At that moment, he knew for sure.
His other arm went to also wrap around her waist, both of his hands intertwining on the small of her back. Similar to before, he tugged her body towards his, resulting in Fuyumi’s chest gently colliding with his, her hands moving to rest on his shoulders to settle comfortably against him. Then, much to her surprise, he tightened his grip around her and began to lift her upward, her feet completely losing contact with the ground.
Fuyumi let out a squeal at the feeling and secured her grip on his shoulders. “What are you doing?” She laughed.
Kakashi moved his face closer to hers and smiled at her as though she were the only one in his world, “Holding the woman I love. Isn’t that obvious?”
Her eyes widened at hearing the words and her grip on him loosed, disbelief washing over her. “You- what?”
He let out a chuckle and leaned even closer to her, their noses almost touching. In a hushed whisper between them, he repeated his statement, “I love you.” His Sharingan eye spun wildly, taking in the changes of her expression to never forget them.
Seeing how she smiled at him with so much affection in her gaze, he knew, was worth to forever remain in his memory. “I love you too.”
Kakashi’s smile only grew wider as he teased, “You might have mentioned that already.”
Fuyumi gently slapped his shoulder before she rested her hand on it again, a defiant glint in her eyes. “And I will mention it another thousand times if I want to.”
“I’m counting on it.” Kami, he could hear her speak those three words again and again for the rest of their lives and never tire of hearing them. Each time she would speak the words would feel like the first time she did, he could already tell.
“So am I,” Fuyumi told him earnestly, her gaze flickering down to his mask as she spoke, “Can I … kiss you?”
Kakashi nodded, feeling as though the right words to say got lost on his tongue.
He could vividly remember when he was younger, Kakashi’s father always used to tell him about how home was not a place, but rather the person who held his heart in their hands. As a child, he used to scoff at the mere idea of it and vehemently denied it, finding it too metaphorical to be true. How could a person be one’s home? That didn’t make sense, he had thought. Though, now, as he held Fuyumi so closely in his arms, her lips pressed against his unmasked ones, he could only confirm what he had been told years ago. Because Kakashi now knew that after so many years of yearning for it, he finally found home.
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tasunomyuzu · 2 years
ooc. finally finished going through my current muse list (there will be new muses coming in, promise). updates under the cut. friendly reminder this is for my canon muses only! will be sorting out my ocs later.
mobile muse list can be found here
this is a rough, rough list and things might not match up with my current mobile muse page (some might be added or deleted over time as I think on it more, but for now... we’ll say this is the final list... until I watch / read more and find more face claims / muses I like)
next project: my threads!
›  the following muses are being removed:
Historia Reiss ( attack on titan )
Bell Hydra ( blood lad )
Sayaka Maizono ( danganronpa )
Cobra / Erik ( fairy tail )
Erza Scarlet ( fairy tail )
Ikumi Mito ( food wars )
Satoshi Isshiki ( food wars )
Shun Ibusaki ( food wars )
Terunori Kuga ( food wars )
Gou Matsuoka ( free )
Kaede Kinjou ( free )
Seijuro Mikoshiba ( free )
Envy ( fma: brotherhood )
Pride ( fma: brotherhood )
Riza Hawkeye ( fma: brotherhood )
Amelie Graham de Vanily ( miraculous )
Tsuyu Asui ( my hero academia )
Kazuma ( noragami )
Takashi “Mori” Morinozuka ( ouran hs host club )
›  the following muses are still in limbo / still deciding if I want to add them or not, some might be on my muse list / listed as test muses on here / discord so feel free to ask about them, but some aren’t on the list at all, but will be added at the bottom as upon request muses:
Marceline Abadeer / Marshall Lee ( adventure time )
Violet / Vi ( arcane )
Eren Yeager ( attack on titan )
Shell Overlord ( blood bank )
Fuyumi Yanagi ( blood lad )
Staz Blood ( blood lad )
Chihiro Fuijsaki ( danganronpa )
Makoto Naegi ( danganronpa )
Sonia Nevermind ( danganronpa )
Sonosuke Izayoi ( danganronpa )
Lawliet ( death note )
Leo / Loke ( fairy tail )
Meredy ( fairy tail )
Mest Gryder ( fairy tail )
Millianna ( fairy tail )
Rogue Cheney ( fairy tail )
Zeref Dragneel ( fairy tail )
Ignis Scientia ( final fantasy xv )
Iris Amicitia ( final fantasy xv )
Kojiro Shinomiya ( food wars )
Bennett ( genshin )
Cyno ( genshin )
Dottore ( genshin )
Ganyu ( genshin )
Iansan ( genshin )
Kazuha Kaedehara ( genshin )
Pavel ( genshin )
Sayu ( genshin )
Sara Kujou ( genshin )
Scaramouche ( genshin )
Shenhe ( genshin )
Yoimiya Naganohara ( genshin )
Daewi Han ( god of high school )
Mori Jin ( god of high school )
Ilpyo Park ( god of high school )
Akane Yanagi ( horimiya )
Remi Ayasaki ( horimiya )
Gin ( hotarubi no mori e )
Aphrodite ( lore olympus / hades )
Hades ( lore olympus / hades )
Nyx ( lore olympus / hades )
Gavin ( mr. love )
Kiro ( mr. love )
Lucien ( mr. love )
Shaw ( mr. love )
Victor ( mr. love )
Eijiro Kirishima ( my hero academia )
Hitoshi Shinso ( my hero acaemia )
Yo Shindo ( my hero academia )
Hyun Ryu ( mystic messenger )
Jumin Han ( mystic messenger )
Kim Jihyn ( mystic messenger )
Kim Yoosung ( mystic messenger )
Saeran Chi ( mystic messenger )
Saeyoung Choi ( mystic messenger )
Kofuku ( noragami )
Yukine ( noragami )
›  the rest of the muses are staying for the time being / might be removed depending on how much traction they get.
›  some other muses have been moved to my oc fc list and will still be seen here but not in their canon verse.
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islcndxmisfits · 3 years
So far here’s the list of muses I’m gonna be keeping / moving over to my new blog... Might add more as I watch, rewatch, or catch up on some... Also need to go through my other shows and movies and such that I love and see if I missed any characters..
i might edit this list as i work on the bios and thiiiings, but....and i know there’s other fandoms i want to rp in ... but for now i think this is a good start!!!!
Characters that will be for sure added to my new blog;
Genshin Impact
Yarichin Bitch Club
Ayato Yuri
Yui Tamura
Yū Kashima
Asahi Shiina
Haruka Nanase
Ikuya Kirishima
Kisumi Shigino 
Natsuya Kirishima
Rin Matsuoka
Seijuro Mikoshiba
Sosuke Yamazaki
Seven Deadly Sins
Elizabeth Liones
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Edward Elric
Alphonse Elric
Roy Mustang
Winry Rockbell
God of High School
Daewi Han
Ilpyo Park
Mori Jin
Atsumu Miya
Daichi Sawamura
Kōshi Sugawara
Shōyō Hinata
Tobio Kageyama
Osamu Miya
Yū Nishinoya
Tetsurō Kuroo
Kenma Kozume
Tōru Oikawa
Fairy Tail
Cana Alberona
Mirajane Strauss
Natsu Dragneel
Zeref Dragneel
Freed Justine
Gajeel Redfox
Gray Fullbuster
Hibiki Lates
Jellal Fernandes
Laxus Dreyar
Lucy Heartfilia
Sting Eucliffe
Lyon Vastia
Cheryl Blossom
Veronica Lodge
Toni Topaz
My Hero Academia
Dabi / Toya Todoroki
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Himiko Toga
Hitoshi Shinso
Izuku Midoriya / Deku
Katsuki Bakugo / Ground Zero
Yo Shindo
Shoto Todoroki
Tamaki Amajiki / Suneater
Tenko Shimura / Tomura Shigaraki
Food Wars!
Alice Nakiri
Kojiro Shinomiya 
Ryo Kurokiba
Satoshi Isshiki
Soma Yukihira
Takumi Aldini
Deadman Wonderland
Ganta Igarashi - with BNHA verse
Tokyo Ghoul
Haise Sasaki / Ken Kaneki
Kuki Urie
Love is Hard for Otaku
Hirotaka Nifuji
Naoya Nifuji
Narumi Momose
Taro Kabakura
Blood Lad
Hydra Bell
Yanagi Fuyumi
Staz Blood
Mystic Messenger
Kim Yoosung
Saeran Choi
Saeyoung Choi
Hajime Hinata / Izuru Kamakura
Kyoko Kirigiri
Kyosuke Munakata
Kamisama Kiss
Kurama Shinjiro
Final Fantasy XV
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prompto Argentum
Yuri on Ice
Yuri Katsuki
Yuri Plisetsky
Victor Nikiforov
Fandomless / Other
Lucy Summers - oc, might change fc
Chloe King
DC / Marvel
Harley Quinn
Tandy Bowen
Dawn Granger
Diana Prince
Dick Grayson
Garfield Logan
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Kiro Okami
Victor Larent
Lucien Page
Gavin Dupont
Should I add these characters?
Tokyo Ghoul
Hinami Fueguchi
Shuu Tsukiyama
Ayato Kirishima
Attack on Titan
Armin Arlert
Eren Jeager
Historia Reiss
Fairy Tail
Bacchus Groh
Erik / Cobra
Rogue Cheney
Erza Scarlet
Haru - from Rave crossover
Musica - from Rave crossover
Sonia Nevermind
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ling Yao / Greed
Riza Hawkeye
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Hajime Iwaizumi
Keiji Akaashi
Kōtarō Bokuto
Satori Tendō
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Shaw Yoshida
Genshin Impact
Klee (might only add her and rp her as Jean and Diluc’s daughter, maybe...)
might add more from the manga .. once i start reading it...
Yarichin Bitch Club
Takashi Tōno
Kyōsuke Yaguchi
Keiichi Akemi
Kōshirō Itome
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Weekly WIP: Love
The Crawler’s Day Off (Koichi & Kazuho; My Hero Academia Illegals: Vigilantes): “Koichi realized that he was the only male in the store, but he didn’t mind; Kazuho’s eyes sparkled with delight as she sampled the bath bombs, so he was content as long as she was. As he waited patiently for her to choose her purchases, he meandered around, flipping open random bottles of shea butter lotions and shower gels to sniff them. He had to admit, quite a few of them smelled very lovely indeed.”
Into the Light (Ichigo & Rukia; Bleach): ““No, sir. It is just a lovely night for a patrol.” She laughed awkwardly and rubbed her neck as she admitted, “But, I would like to get to bed. I don’t know how you can volunteer for all these late-night shifts, sir!”” 
From Time to Time (Kofuku & Daikoku; Noragami): “Kofuku loved it when Daikoku cooked, primarily because he simply worked wonders with food.” 
“Kofuku loved it when Daikoku cooked, but she always felt some sadness too. I can only watch. I can never help.“
Untitled Luffy/Nami (One Piece): “Nami picked up the small branch and spun it between her thumb and forefinger with a satisfied smile. What a lovely day to trim the trees, she thought as she glanced down at the horizon. 
That was when it turned into a not-so-lovely day.”
Untitled Mori/Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club): “Haruhi loved all the horses in the stable, but she would be remiss to deny that Ghislaine was her favorite. The Noriker continued to happily chew on the ends of her hair, layering them in thick, goopy spit.”
Untitled Hawks/Fuyumi (My Hero Academia): “He loved Fuyumi more than he ever thought possible to love someone, so the possibility that she could refuse him never even crossed his mind.”
Daffodils Bloom After Winter Chapter 6 (Shikamaru/OC): “She actually loved the quaint place; it had phenomenal teas and coffees that were imported from all over the world, and its pastries were all family recipes. She was on great terms with the owner and they had even thrown in a free coffee cake with her purchase that afternoon.”
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sunstaar · 2 years
Pinky Promise
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Word Count: 1k
art commissioned from the kind & talented @kankuroplease thank you so much for this beautiful piece of art! it turned out prettier than I could have ever imagined it  🥰  Ao3
Summary: For Fuyumi and Anko, there is nothing better than a day spent together.
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Days off from work was something a Shinobi rarely could ever indulge in, especially when they wished to spend some alone time with their spouse. Depending on their occupation and role in the safety of the village, one could either find it more difficult or easier to acquire a paid vacation day that perfectly lined up with the free day of others. It could be considered a miracle of sorts, considering the wariness the village was submitted under following the war.
So when both Fuyumi and Anko got the same day off from their work, neither had been able to keep their surprise and uncontainable amount of joy to themselves.
A lazy day, as they liked to call it, was their preferred way of spending it together, usually preceded by a visit to their favorite dango shop. After spending an inconsolable amount of money on delicious food that had them feeling overly full, it was usually time to finish up groceries for the week or preferably the next two weeks before they went home to relax together.
With her head resting comfortably on Anko’s lap, Fuyumi was able to let out the exhausted sigh that was long overdue. Each and every muscle in her body made itself noticeable the moment she lay down and stretched out her long limbs, feeling as though they were being pulled on. To add to the incoming wave of tiredness, Anko began running her hands through the curly strands of her white hair, frequently coming to a stop to run her nails across her scalp.
There was just something satisfying about spending time together, relaxing, and basking in the presence of the other.
After what felt like an eternity of calm to her, Fuyumi let out a yawn, one she could barely stifle with her hands. By now, her eyes had grown heavy and came close to fluttering shut at any moment, sending her off to a sound sleep resting on her wife’s lap. The day was still long and there was much left to do, so she couldn’t simply fall asleep now, there was time for that later. So, to counteract that, she rubbed her eyes lazily and went to sit up into a seated position, only to be stopped by a hand pushing her down again.
“Not so fast. You’re legally obligated to stay here with me.” Anko chided happily, her hand resuming its previous place playing with the curly hair.
Fuyumi looked up at Anko with her nose scrunched up in silent laughter. Opposite to her previous intention, she did not move another muscle and instead remained resting. “What did you say? I’m what now?”
Anko pouted, looking down at the white-haired as she continued to her one of her hands through her hair. “You heard me,” She said playfully, smiling wide. “You married me, so now you have to stay with me on our day off.” The ring on her finger was a reminder of their promise, the vows they spoke.
“Oh. I have to now, do I?”
The purple-haired woman hummed in agreement, completely undeterred from her task.
It was Fuyumi’s time to pout, her white brows drawn into a furrow. Then she let out a whine, “Come on, I’m going to fall asleep if I don’t get up. There is still so much to do.”
“And? We can always do it together later. I promise we’ll get it done, but only after we relax for at least a bit. I want to spend some time with you without doing chores.” Despite the above-average amount of jokes the woman always told, Anko was someone who took the promises she made quite seriously. When she made a promise, she swore to complete it, treating it as a fragile pact made of trust.
The same could be said for Fuyumi. As she held out her pinky finger for Anko to intertwine with hers, she asked, “Pinky promise?”
Without any hesitation, Anko intertwined their pinky fingers and pressed a kiss to hers to seal the deal. “Pinky promise.”
As childish as their tradition may appear to others, it always worked for them. Similar to an unspoken promise or a promise written down on paper, with their pinkies intertwined they promised even the smallest things to happen, to never be denied or forgotten. Over the years, it had taken on a sentimental value, something that had their hearts beating faster and a flush dusting their cheeks. Something akin to the rings on their fingers.
Their pinkies lost contact and both couldn’t help but grin at one another.
“You’re lucky, I love you so much.” Fuyumi mused, leaning upward to press a quick kiss to the tip of Anko’s nose before settling into her lap again.
“No, no, no,” Anko denied the statement with a blush tinting her cheeks red as she shook her head teasingly. “You are lucky that I love you so much.”
Fuyumi playfully rolled her eyes, her lips tugging into a smirk as she stared up at her wife. “Keep telling yourself that, my love.”
She could still vividly remember how the nerves had built up dangerously inside her body once the day to confess her feelings had arrived, accompanied by the hectic fluttering butterflies in her stomach making her nauseous from how much doubt had been running through her head. While then regret for convincing herself had been what coursed through her, many years later not an ounce of it could be found in her body. The decision had influenced her life in a way barely anything else had so far, and only made the light of her life shine brighter and more intense than it already did before.
Gently, Fuyumi placed her hand on Anko’s cheek to run her thumb across it, enjoying how hot her smooth skin felt under her calloused touch. The ring she wore on her finger felt cool against Anko’s skin and had her shivering slightly underneath its touch, but she chose not to move away.
Just as they had sealed their marriage and the countless unbroken pinky promises, Fuyumi leaned upward and pressed her lips onto her wife’s for a kiss, only pulling the other woman closer to close the gap between them.
And as Anko reciprocated just as fiercly, the bothersome chores were long forgotten.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Weekly WIP: turn
Hi, Anon! That’s a pretty nondescript word so there were looooooads of examples, so I just included some of the examples to keep from having a mile-long post! 
White Snow, White Ghosts, White Lies (Sokka/Yue; Avatar: The Last Airbender): “As the soldier turned the corner, the torchlight slowly faded from bright yellow to dull orange before melting into the inky blackness of the shadows.
Unexpected Guest (Ken/Chrome; Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): “The skin of Ken’s face prickled as little barbs of ice slammed into his flesh, so he hurriedly turned up the collar of his army-green uniform to shield at least the bottom half of his face from the gale.”
The Crawler’s Day Off (Koichi & Kazuho; My Hero Academia Illegals: Vigilantes): “Kazuho’s cheeks turned the color of her hair as her magenta eyes drifted eastward.” 
Paint Me A Picture (Toph & Sokka; Avatar: The Last Airbender): “The soft, pillowy green stuff and the air pockets bubbling in the loamy soil always eclipsed her sight somewhat, turning the standard crystal-clear vibration images into grainy static.”
From Time to Time (Kofuku & Daikoku; Noragami): “Her fingers hooked behind her back as she impatiently stood behind him. Daikoku grunted, not turning towards her as he was too engrossed in the reading material. Not one to be ignored, she boosted herself onto her tiptoes.”
Cat’s Cradle (Hiyori & Yukiné; Noragami): “Hiyori’s lips curled into a smile, half-amused and half-chastising. Yet, she pushed herself away from her desk and turned her rolling chair towards him. Yukiné wriggled in happiness and straightened up in the bean bag chair, already eagerly anticipating whatever delight Hiyori had in store for him.”
Untitled Roy/Riza (FullMetal Alchemist): “Debris crunched under her boots as she turned in place; a crowd had gathered around the crime scene, but Riza only spied concerned citizens in the immediate vicinity- no potential perpetrators reveling in their vainglory by watching the military examine the destroyed apartment complex.”
Untitled Luffy/Nami (One Piece): “The straw hat-bearing pirate glanced up inquisitively as Nami shot past him to scramble on all fours to the helm, grasping the wheel and wrenching it with all her might. Luffy exclaimed in surprise as the ship keeled to the side in a savage turn.”
Untitled Mori/Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club): “The horse nickered contentedly and turned his head to playfully nip at the short ends of Haruhi’s brunette hair. Haruhi laughed good-naturedly and bumped her head against the horse’s long, angular snout while continuing to brush the dust from his black-dappled creamy white coat.”
Untitled Gintoki/Tae (Gintama): ““Yeah?” he finally addressed Tae, head swiveling from a nearly one-eighty degree turn to look at her. She stood in front of the front door, slipping on her shoes and holding her clutch. Their young children ran in a circle around her, giggling loudly as they tugged insistently at the hem of her cotton kimono.”
Untitled Aizawa/Mrs. Joke (My Hero Academia): ““No,” he refused promptly and turned back to resume typing into his laptop. He hunched his shoulders as Hizashi immediately began to whine into his ear.”
Untitled Hawks/Fuyumi (My Hero Academia): “An elated blush blazed a trail across his cheeks as he compulsively turned the box in his pockets with his fingers.”
Daffodils Bloom After Winter Chapter 6 (Shikamaru/OC; Naruto): “The owner knew her order by heart; the robust brew was sweetened to perfection with a combination of sugar and sweet cream, turning the dark brown liquid a honey-brown color.”
Cherry-Orange Blossoms Chapter 6 (Bakugo/Ochako; My Hero Academia): ““All right, class. You have your homework assignment. Turn it in to me tomorrow morning before class starts,” the dark-haired teacher quipped disinterestedly before grabbing his half-finished cup of coffee and downing it all in one gulp.”
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Weekly WIP: Love
Untitled Haruhi/Mori (Ouran High School Host Club): “Haruhi loved all the horses in the stable, but she would be remiss to deny that Ghislaine was her favorite. The Noriker continued to happily chew on the ends of her hair, layering them in thick, goopy spit.”
Daffodils Bloom After Winter (Shikamaru/OC; Naruto): “She actually loved the quaint place; it had phenomenal teas and coffees that were imported from all over the world, and its pastries were all family recipes.”
Untitled Hawks/Fuyumi (My Hero Academia): “He loved Fuyumi more than he ever thought possible to love someone, so the possibility that she could refuse him never even crossed his mind.”
Into the Light (Rukia & Ichigo; Bleach): ““Plus, Byakuya is a prick. I’d love to see him spin his wheels looking for you,” he cackled. Rukia made a slight face at his mischievousness. Then she sighed and bowed.”
From Time to Time (Kofuku & Daikoku; Noragami): “Kofuku loved it when Daikoku cooked, primarily because he simply worked wonders with food.” 
“Kofuku loved it when Daikoku cooked, but she always felt some sadness too. I can only watch. I can never help.”
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