#oc: kaos
clavicuss-vile · 1 year
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everyone look RIGHT NOW at this GORGEOUS commission @arimabari did for me of my sweetheart dragonborn and his less-so-sweetheart sibling okay just LOOK at it its AMAZING
definitely go check out ari's commissions when they open them because they are very very skilled and lovely!! literally every detail is perfect i cannot comprehend how they did it
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songtocomus · 2 years
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the spam begins, and I'm starting strong! I made this a week or two back for my friend lozzy's birthday.
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emberfriday · 1 month
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and mommy's teaching how to pick the right targets🥰🥰
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garbagechocolate · 2 months
I made a quiz
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find out now on short quiz
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flunky-robots · 6 months
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Brogle Guy funny moments
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reallypheelingit · 3 months
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little drawing of Mimikmaus for @kaos-mass !!
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kawaiigirly21 · 9 days
Is it bad that I wanna be in the middle of Poseidon and Zeus and just.... Let them wreck me? Like is it bad. I think it's bad but they're so hot🥵
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angelbroad · 3 months
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Michi Kao aka Fyodor Urchin in the actual new jjba timeline
Stand: Old Town Road
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merrycherry000 · 3 months
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★Happy Birthday, my boy★
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c0smiccom3t · 2 months
Hi skylanders fandoommmm how've you been :D
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the-writings-of-kaos · 10 months
Criminal digest
“This is an intergalactic criminal conspiracy broadcast! To anyone currently inhabiting the Yatta-Ratta-BimBop Quadrant, this message is for you! A pack of criminals have been spotted in the area, and were spotted conspiring with human terrorists! If you see any humans, report them immediately to your nearest station of-“
*Jim cut the transponder off, rubbing his eyes as he rolled out of bed. Putting on a fresh pair of underwear, some socks, pants, a shirt, and a nice well fitting tie. As he answered the knock on the door, two officers, one a Yittlian and the other a Corbatich.*
“Good morning Officer Grus, Officer Chitic. Would you like to come in for some breakfast? It’s awfully early of you to come to my door before I’ve even dressed, today must be a special occasion.”
*The two officers, the insectoid grasshopper like Yittlian Grus’s antennae twitch excitedly, as the bipedal six armed boar like Borbatich stopped his younger officer.*
“We’re sorry Jim, I don’t think you’ll have time to eat today.” *Chitic said apologetically.*
“Huh? Oh, is it time for my papers to be restored? I coulda swore that was next Friday.”
“No- uhh…”
*The senior officer snorted, an action that Jim recognized whenever Chitic would get lost in how to put this poetically.*
“They want to kill me today don’t they?”
*The younger officer looked surprised, clearly the much less mature junior officer had been kept out of the loop for their own sake. Seeing the sadness in the emote-less insectoid, just from the amazing amount of twitching in his antennae, Jim went inside and grabbed the now half burnt sausages off the stove, aswell as the pot of coffee. Putting the two in air tight containers he went back to the front door, somberly following the two officers to the car as the neighbours watched with prying eyes as the elderly male human was finally ‘dragged off’ as they saw it. But some knew better, some even began to mourn. It was a sad day, the day that a kind soul would be killed for the faultless crimes of his kind halfway across the galaxy.*
*Jim opened the containers, getting the spare cups he always left in the patrol car and offering some of the coffee to the two officers who took it gratefully, the insectoid lapping it up happily.*
“I’m guessing they did something real bad today, did someone die?”
*The officers sigh.*
“Worse.” *Chitic started.* “a human lawyer found a hole in a planetary incarceration contract, and used it to justify the liberation of the planet, now all the humans, or what few are left, are being rounded up in the core worlds to be… ‘uprooted’l
*The old man chuckled.*
“What a bunch of idiots. Want a sausage Grus?”
*The insectoid happily took the artificial meat link, chewing it happily as Jim ate in the car.*
“Hmm… Clarice died of heart attack a year ago, and Stan fell down his stairs last week, is there anyone left besides me?”
*The officers were silent, simply sipping their coffee.*
*He took another sip of his coffee with them.*
“…I’m the last human. The last man alive on this side.”
*The younger officer’s antennae drooped down, the reality of it leaving the air thick from the cursed truth, as Chitic spoke.*
“They said they were going to execute you in a traditional human way, as a show of faith that the humans will see reason.”
“Oh goodie, and knowing them it’s what… a guillotine?”
“Try smaller.”
“A hangman’s noose.”
“…they aren’t nailing me to a dammed cross are they?”
“No! No- they aren’t that idiotic.”
“Then what?”
“They are going to press you between stones, until you admit to being a terrorist.”
*Jim went silent, contemplating.*
“Like the male witch of the Salem trials?”
“The very one.”
“Hah, hehahahahah- oh that’s just rich.”
*The old man couldn’t help but laugh, he laughed as he was wrenched from the patrol car, as he was stripped nude in-front of the galaxy’s cameras. He laughed as he was tied down, and pinned on an old oak wood panel. It smelled like his home, like the cabins of his home on earth, it made him laugh. It made him laugh even as his bones were crushed, as they demanded answers from him, as they beat him even as he lay crushed under stone, until finally his suffering was ended by a human pistol.*
*As blood feel from his mouth, filling his lungs, the old man spoke his last words.*
“Can you feel your heart burning? Can you feel the struggle within?”
*The old man couldn’t help but laugh, as finally they planted another human bullet into him, this time in his brain. The second the bullet spattered the old mind of the defiant human, the sky seemed to shatter with light, human ships dropping out of FTL, as soldiers landed from above.*
“You cannot kill me, in a way that matters.”
*The soldiers were chanting this, the final line to the old man’s speech, as the grip of the federation was cut and uprooted from its hold on the galaxy.*
As always thank you for reading. Dunno what this is but I made it and now I’m tired, sleep well, don’t add or subtract from the population, don’t end up in the paper, news, or jail. If you end up in jail establish dominance quickly.
Have a good weekend!
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clavicuss-vile · 2 years
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Young little Kaos, in his first six months in Skyrim, where he has 0 access to a hairbrush and his method of cutting his hair is with a sharp rock.
Ft. the sketch bc i couldn't tell which i liked better!
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adminthegoat · 6 months
Doll Eye fandom psa
The user Cryptic Pooky is a creep and a danger to minors
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Everything you need to know is in this link
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emberfriday · 4 months
soo I've never created childs for any character cuz I wasn't a shipkid fan before
but lately I've been into kaos so so much and!!!!
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meet their adorable daughter, Voltstream😌❤️‍🔥
and 'course she loves all her nannies sm🤭🤭
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garbagechocolate · 2 years
Happy Valentines Day allos
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momoiro-hime · 1 year
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Look at my kids kissing 🥹
Do not repost or use without permission.
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