#oc: padma bakshi
daughter-of-melpomene · 9 months
Ooooo!! Can you tell us about your three new Wednesday OCs, please?? 👀
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨🖤✨
Anything for you, my beloved Alexandra!! (And I'm also gonna tag @oneirataxia-girl, since she asked about my new babies too, and @luucypevensie since she's my other Wednesday girlie!! <;3)
So, first up is Padma Bakshi, my fairy girl! Fairies are actually pretty rare, so Padma is one of only two fairy students at Nevermore, and she definitely acts like she's rare. She's pretty much the definition of the sterotypical rich bitch, always brutally honest and a bit mean, but always dressed in trendy clothes with her hair, nails, and makeup done to perfection (her family has been around for ages and can literally enchant people so of course they're filthy rich). She's also had both an academic and personal rivalry going on with Bianca since they both started at Nevermore, and despite how much her heart races the few times Bianca's gotten in her face it takes Wednesday arriving and Bianca getting a new rival for Padma to realize she actually has feelings for the girl she's been claiming to hate for ages. They do finally get together, of course, but it isn't without many more bickering sessions between the two of them and Wednesday getting fed up and basically shoving the two of them at each other and demanding that they confess.
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Next we have Gus (short for Agustín) Becerra!! He's a werewolf, a stoner, and also Nevermore's resident plug as a result. Weems has been trying to catch him in the act of dealing for years, but Gus is also an incredibly laid-back and likeable person so no one's ever been willing to rat him out. He's also been in love with Xavier for years, and often hangs around him in attempt to get the other boy to notice him the way he wants to be noticed. The two of them are friends, of course, because Gus is kind of friends with the whole school, but it never turns into anything more until Wednesday comes to Nevermore and Gus decides to tag along in her investigation into the townie-killing monster, while also trying to subtly matchmake for Wednesday and Enid and convince his new friend that the boy he loves isn't the one killing people.
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And finally, we have Holly Millway, my Yoko ship!! Holly is a psychic... at least, that's what everyone at Nevermore believes, due to her ability to make technology short-circuit when she has strong emotions and see people's auras, and that's what Holly allows them to believe. The real answer to the question of what she is is a bit more complicated than that, but it's also information that only Holly and Weems know, and for good reason. Because of this, Holly mainly keeps to herself, never speaking in class and eating in the library every lunchtime, not allowing herself to have friends or let anyone in, to the point where a lot of students at Nevermore genuinely believe she can't talk. She's also ridiculously in love with Yoko and longs more than anything to be close to the gorgeous vampire in all her classes, but it isn't until after Wednesday uncovers the mystery of the Hyde and saves Jericho that she actually gains the courage to start putting herself out there and talking to people, motivated by the fact that a crazy teacher just got close to killing her and all her classmates. She and Yoko do eventually become a super-cute couple, but before that there is a lot of awkwardness and, eventually, Holly finally being brave enough to share the secret of what she is.
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If anyone has any more questions about these babies, feel free to ask!!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 8 months
drop five facts each abt all your Wednesday ocs pls!! (including Esther bc it’s a crime that I don’t know much abt her fr) -🍂
Ahhhh, thank you so much for asking about them, Alvita!! I am also gonna tag @luucypevensie and @dancingsunflowers-ocs since they’re my other Wednesday girlies. <3
We’ll do some facts about Esther first, since she’s my properly-introduced baby:
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Given that I don’t think I’ve properly explained Esther’s outcast type to anyone besides Grace, I’ll explain it now: she’s a nephilim! Her mother, the woman who acted as a surrogate for her fathers when they were having her, was herself the daughter of an angel and a human, and because of this Esther is able to tap into a few different angel powers (if not all of the ones available to a nephilim, because Esther is a quarter angel rather than half).
These powers include being able to manipulate and generate light, being able to calm other people’s mental distress simply by projecting calming energy at them, being able to release powerful blasts of light that can cause physical destruction (which is what lead to the collapsed bell tower that got her transferred from her old school to Nevermore), and being able to wield a glowing angel sword by summoning it from the astral realm which is able to destroy demonic creatures (not that Esther has met any of those yet).
Esther’s family is actually pretty rich, with both of her fathers being lawyers and partners in their respective firms (which are actually rival firms, a fact that Esther and her younger brother Maddox find hilarious). Esther doesn’t like showing off or flaunting her family’s money, but she also doesn’t let it stop her from wearing nice clothes and buying her friends expensive gifts on their birthdays or other special occasions.
The St. Claire family also has a golden retriever, which Esther’s fathers rescued as a puppy when Esther was seven and Maddox was three. Esther was allowed to name her and chose the name Reno, after the main character in the musical Anything Goes, because her obsession with classic musicals had started even at that young age. Reno is an absolute sweetheart who always misses Esther whenever she’s away at school, and the entire family absolutely adores her.
Esther has never officially come out as a lesbian to her dads and Maddox - they’ve all pretty much known since Esther was pretty young, and when Esther finally comes home on a school break holding Wednesday and Enid’s hands, everyone just kind of shrugs and welcomes the two girls into their home.
Next, let’s talk about my beloved bitchy lesbian fairy Padma:
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Every fairy has an affinity for one of the five forms of elemental magic: fire, water, earth, air, and metal. Padma’s affinity is for fire, because of course it is.
Padma is a twin! Her brother Akshat has an affinity for earth, doesn’t attend Nevermore - he is instead homeschooled as the majority of fairy kids are - and is pretty much the exact opposite of Padma in every way. He’s very quiet and passive, and doesn’t have even a hint of her quick temper.
Like Esther, Padma is also a rich girl (I mean, her family has been around for centuries since fairies live a really long time plus they can literally enchant people), but she is a lot less afraid to show it off. She’s always wearing the latest fashions and has her nails and makeup freshly done, and whenever she gets a coffee from the shop in Jericho she always leaves a twenty dollar tip or something even more because she just has no idea of how much thinks cost.
A really big part of the reason Padma is so determined to compete academically with Bianca for so long is because, deep down, she’s really afraid of people seeing her as just a stupid, pretty rich girl, when she’s actually wickedly smart and cunning. She’d rather rip out her own teeth than admit this, though, or at least it takes her a long time after they even start dating for her to admit it to Bianca.
Sometimes when Eugene’s not around and she’s stressed, Padma will go to the spot where he keeps his bees and just chill with them to calm herself down. Fairies, being forest creatures by nature, have an innate connection with all plants and insects, even if they don’t have an earth magic affinity, and Eugene’s bees really like Padma and will often bump against her face to say hello to her.
Now let us talk about Gus, my beloved stoner werewolf:
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Despite werewolves very rarely maintaining canine characteristics when they’re in human form, Gus very much does - he always gets incredibly excited when someone he likes returns after being gone, even if they were only gone for a few minutes, and if you scratch a certain spot behind his ear he will just melt into a happy puddle.
Gus is also insanely clingy and affectionate when he’s high, and it doesn’t even really matter who it is he’s clinging to; if you’re close by and not already hugging or cuddling someone, you can expect a lap full of Gus, burrowing his head into your shoulder and giving you a bunch of compliments in a hazy voice.
Gus has had a bi flag hung up above his bed in his Nevermore dorm since he first arrived at the school. His first roommate, a haughty psychic who came from a super rich family, made a douchey comment about it, and it didn’t even take a whole week for Gus to report the incident to Weems and get his roommate expelled (Nevermore, thankfully, has a very strict no-discrimination policy). He doesn’t really care if people insult him, but he was not about to let the guy think that kind of behavior was okay and risk him repeating it with someone else.
As kind of a surprise given his general sunny disposition, Gus actually really likes true crime podcasts. On most given nights when there’s not some kind of get-together he needs to provide weed for, you can find him sitting on the window seat in his dorm room, smoking a joint with the window open and with his phone playing a podcast beside him.
Gus’s first kiss was actually with Yoko; it was at a little party thrown for Ajax’s birthday freshman year, after Yoko’s spin landed on Gus during a game of Spin the Bottle. The kiss was really quick, but it was also nice, and Gus is pretty proud to say it was his first kiss (and to tease Yoko about her supposedly wanting to kiss him again, which she always rolls her eyes at him for).
Speaking of Yoko, let’s finish these facts off with her new girlfriend, Holly:
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I’m still not going to reveal exactly what Holly is just yet (you know, Alvita, of course, but I’d like to keep it a bit of a secret still), but I can tell you with absolute certainty that she hates it about herself. Despite attending a school full of what most people would consider “monsters,” Holly sees herself as an actual monster, and would give almost anything not to be the way she is.
What she is has also caused a lot of problems between her and her family, and as such, she’s one of only a handful of students who stay at Nevermore year-round, not going home for the holidays or summer break, which only serves to add to the layers of mystery and fear that most Nevermore students have around her.
Holly very nearly gives Xavier a heart attack the first time she speaks to him, after Wednesday defeats the Hyde and she decides to start trying to make friends - which, consequently, is the first time she’s really spoken to another person since coming to Nevermore. He nearly winds up falling off a balcony, she scares him so much, which Holly feels really bad about, but he’s also quick to reassure her about it and strike up a genuine conversation with her.
During the time when she kept to herself and didn’t speak, Holly would usually keep herself busy with embroidering various things, which she learned from her grandmother. She’s incredibly good at it, and even gifts Yoko a handkerchief embroidered with a quote from Dracula for their first anniversary.
Holly’s favorite holiday was always Halloween when she was a kid (coming from a family and a very long line of outcasts, it was kind of inevitable), but due to some very significant reasons from her past she can hardly stand it anymore. She now throws all of the energy she used to put towards Halloween into celebrating Christmas, and though of course everyone around her notices how much she avoids Halloween, they’ve learned by now not to question it.
Thanks again for asking me about my babies!! Love you!! <3
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