#oc: pfat
skyistheground · 5 months
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or: random times random gods screwed themselves over with their own actions
iterators featured: (1) three star songs (mine) (2) lost in the dark @meatcatt (3) old wisdom waltz / pearl for a tale (mine) (4) prismatic dream @meatcatt
thought process behind this below because i am normal
all of them needed halos, because that is honestly one of the most godly looking part of their puppets. i wanted to play around with the positioning and look to display each of their demises
three star songs: She was specially built for bioengineering, and she gave herself the rot by carelessly experimenting on her own cells (swapped some of her cells with a slugcat's-- everything grew out of control and turned into rot). When the rot was small, she ignored it, thinking it would be fine, and take care of itself. It didn't. She dies for her own mistake. her halo is fading away, symbolizing her slow death
lost in the dark: lost once came into contact with a being known as void shattering star, a sort of manifestation of the void. she ended up being coerced into doing experiments with vss, being granted knowledge and incredible power, but having to deal with the attitude of a ravenous, barely conscious void being. her seemingly erratic behavior and self modification terrified her ancients, and they tore her puppet from the structure. lost is now a body without a brain-- unthinkingly preforming its structure functions. her halo bleeds away into the void, taken away by it
old wisdom waltz / pearl for a tale: waltz created pearl for a tale, an iterator virus who was originally indented to dispatch an abusive senior, but grew sentient and turned back on waltz's entire group, then themselves. pearl decided to keep waltz alive, puppeting them to try and infect more iterators. at some point, pearl wanted to be a more permanent part of waltz, to discourage their removal. so pearl took over waltz's living functions (hence the heartbeat sound behind them). the halo belongs to pearl now, because of the takeover
prismatic dream/shard: prismatic is an experimental iterator built with two personalities (prismatic shard, prismatic dream). they primarily made purposed organisms. shard was often the one to make the creatures, while dream took care of the creatures and recorded them. their city begun to think of them as a deity to be worshipped. one of their ancients, known as the administrator, manipulated prismatic in order to climb the power hierarchy in their city. dream is damped by the administrator, deemed too soft to fit his image of a god. at some point, the administrator wants taboos taken from prismatic in order to preform more functions. at a certain point, sick of the abuse, dream kills the administrator. the two then spiral into an actual god complex (along with a different incident, but no time for that), which they feel incredibly pressured to keep up. their halo is very large, radiant, more typically "divine"
divine intervention! gods (iterators) did things. divine retribution! it backfired.
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sevenrs · 7 months
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does a heart need a brain to beat? can you command one to beat backwards?
oc art. feat old wisdom waltz and their computer virus, pearl for a tale, who recently decided to take over the automatic vital functions of her creator to make them inseparable. it's kinda fucked
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sevenrs · 8 months
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hm. ok
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sevenrs · 9 months
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collaboration with @lynxmisnomer - she did the layout and lineart, i colored
ocs featured: BOE, Pearl for a Tale, immunerators (A Perfect Tragedy, Bead from the Branch)
based on roleplay events in sliverist quarantine server
boe and pfat are parasites (in different ways, boe controls plants and pfat is basically a computer virus)
the immunerators are five iterators in one structure, each with a specialized job to keep the structure and ancients living on it free from invaders
unfortunately, the immunerators couldn't have predicted everything. boe and pfat get inside. the parasites are able to pose as other iterators, talking as them using their broadcast signal
the other 4 in the structure fall quickly after that, but bead lasts a bit longer because he specializes in chemistry and was able to ward off the plants with toxic chemicals for a while
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sevenrs · 9 months
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woah (kinda) new ocs just dropped
old wisdom waltz (left)
pearl for a tale (right)
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sevenrs · 9 months
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one day you'll lose yourself
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skyistheground · 6 months
oc map. so it includes rain world ocs...
feat. bead from the branch, BOE (@lynxmisomer), and the slightest hint of pfat
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