#oc: ragnar ryker van lethe
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The High Houses — House Lethe
Before the Gods’ defeat, Tríscéalta was ruled by gods and beings. Humans weren’t treated well, they were the weaker and lower creations of the gods. It was hard to earn respect but exactly that was Vera Lethe’s goal. She wanted to show the talents of humanity.
She was born in one the central towns of legends as a servant of beings. But only a few years after she was born, the beings acknowledged her intelligence and interest in architecture. They sent her to the best teachers and architects they could afford and Vera Lethe grew into the most famous architectress.
Because of her fame, all kinds of beings and gods wanted her to design and build their houses, but she refused to build something which only powerful and glorious livings could enjoy. She was determined to create a magnificent place for everyone. And so she did.
Vera worked on a beautiful metropolis, designed for beings, gods and humans. It took decades to think of and build everything but after half a century the metropolis is finally finished, finally Finscéala was born.
Everyone fell in love with Finscéala’s beauty and idea of peace, so it was chosen to be the capital of the realm of legends. And because all were so grateful to the creator of their new home, Vera Lethe, they made her and her family to the first human high house.
Vera reached her goal. She showed the world the power and worthiness of humans. Only a few years after the capital was finished, she died with a smile on her lips. But the Lethe house didn’t die, her heirs carried her talents with them and gained even more importance in Tríscéalta.
After the gods were finally defeated, the realm of legends needed a new ruler and humans as well as beings chosed one of the best allies they had. The Head of House Lethe, Leopold Damon Lethe, became King of the Legends and so High House Lethe turned into the Royal House.
Known Members (born into):
—⚜️ Vera Lethe (*166 B.G.d — † 113 B.G.d )
—⚜️ Elise I Lethe (*132 B.G.d — † 132 B.G.d)
—⚜️ Elise IV Lethe (*100 B.G.d — † 81 B.G.d)
—⚜️Leopold Damon van Lethe (*30 B.G.d — † 86 A.G.d)
—⚜️Alistair Emory van Lethe (*1404 A.G.d — † 1453 A.G.d)
—⚜️Adara van Lethe (*1405 A.G.d — † 1425 A.G.d)
—⚜️Esmond David van Lethe (*1406 A.G.d — † 1460 A.G.d)
—⚜️Ragnar Ryker van Lethe (*1435)
—⚜️Nesryn van Lethe (*1437)
—⚜️Amora van Lethe (*1439 A.G.d — † 1465 A.G.d)
Coloures and Symbols:
— Gold, grey and Black
— a Wolf howling to a fallen Crescent (symbolism for the Mountains in the realm of legends)
— Architecture, Victory, Conquer, Armor
Usual Looks:
— dark brown hair, mostly straight
— grey eyes
— different kinds of skin colour
Ruled Region:
— whole Realm, mostly center
— The Capital in the center, the principality of the Lethes, Fincéala
House Motto:
“We are legends, born to write history.” —The founder of House Lethe, Lady Vera Lethe
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