#oc: saber laval
toomuchquidditch · 4 years
Saber Laval
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Year of Graduation from Beauxbatons: 1995
Communaute: Papillonlisse
Concentration: Studio Art-Painting
Career Path: Portraitist
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Place of Birth: Brussels, Belgium
Sport: fencing
Likes: peeling paint off a well used palette, listening to the music students practice, people watching, painting his friends, dancing, playing with his owl, befriending all the cats in the school
Dislikes: accidentally drinking paint water, boring books, vultures, bones
Favorite Classes: painting, mural painting, Dueling, dada
Physical Quirks/Scars: missing his middle finger on his right hand
Speech: Slow, Measured, mumbled
School Pet: little owl named Toto
Family: Marie Laval(mother, opera singer), Josun Laval(father,
Friends: Clovis Hulette(OC), Fleur Delacour, Lydie Chopin(OC), Didina Vinet(OC), Florean Beaumont(Oc), Adelie Ricard (OC), Eugenie Alarie(oc)
Love Interest: none
Saber is a very fun person to be around, he kind of marches to the beat of his own drum, and there’s never a dull moment with him. He will pay more attention to any cat in the room, and he has a strong attachment to his little owl. He’s usually somewhere in the castle painting a mural, or sitting in dance classes, sketching. He also made sure his art studio was the closest to the music practice rooms because he loves to hear his classmates play
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toomuchquidditch · 4 years
Eugenie Alarie
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Year of Graduation from Beauxbatons: 1998
Communaute: Bellefeuille
Concentration: Composition-Prose
Career Path: Poet/Author
Blood Status: Both parents non magic
Place of Birth: Brussels, Belgium
Sport: none
Likes: flowers, musicv , vblue, smell of new books, freshly dried ink, sitting in on rehearsals,
Dislikes: creaky floorboards/doors, sleep, decaf, mud, bugs, rain
Favorite Classes: Charms, Poetry
Physical Quirks/Scars: birth mark on side of neck
Speech: a little too fast at times, mumbled, a bit lilty
School Pet: none
Family: Gerald Alarie (father, Carpenter), Gianna Alarie (mother, ballet instructor), Howell Alarie (Brother +3 years, non magic, banker)
Friends: Clovis Hulette (oc), Lydie Chopin (oc), Saber Laval(oc)
Love Interest: no one but they fall ‘in and out of love daily’
Eugenie can be pretty introspective, keeping to themself half the time, jotting things down in the journal they carry with them everywhere. Lydie and Clovis often will have them sit in on rehearsals, needing an extra eye or ear to listen or watch. They’re not the best with emotions towards other people, and probably aren’t the best to come to with a problem, since they might just give you a pat on the back with an awkward smile. They can capture emotions beautifully in their writing, just not outwardly. All their notebooks have been painted by saber and they treasure them greatly. Eugenie can be found writing near the lake usually.
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toomuchquidditch · 4 years
Didina Vinet
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Year of Graduation from Beauxbatons: 1995
Communaute: Ombrelune
Concentration: Finances/Law
Blood Status: Pureblood
Place of Birth: Lille, France
Career Path: Activist
Sport: none
Likes: her friends, rowdy music, pretty people, muggle punk scene, kicking in doors, cigs, black market, draining her parents bank accounts to give to charities, singing, dancing with Florean or Kippi
Dislikes: her family, aristocrats, authority, aurors, government,
Favorite Classes: Dueling, Wizard Law, Charms
Physical Quirks/Scars: she’s got a knife wound from when she got stabbed and yes she will mention it, lots of shitty handpoked tattoos
Speech: gravely, scratchy, swoon worthy
Patronus: Thestral
School Pet: fat grey cat named Calypso
Family: Evangeline Vinet(mother, wizard parliament), Francois Vinet(father, owner of two major banks), Tuleé Vinet(sister +5 years, assistant to french minister of magic)
Friends: Kippi Dixon (v oc), Florean Beaumont(OC), Clovis Huelette(OC), Saber Laval (OC), Alena Foster(v oc)
Love Interest: Eira Nevena (OC)
Although she comes from money, she hates everything about the culture it’s created. She was at first hellbent in getting disowned so she wouldn’t have to be apart of it, but now she just uses it to her advantage. She knows the black market like the back of her hand and can get one p much anything they want. She’s def one of the first people starting a riot and she absolutely hates authority. She’s very much into the muggle punk scene.
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