#oc: seban reyne
writingbylee · 1 year
Run Home, Lion Cub
Rating: Mature
CW/TW: violence, language, guns, Tymon Lannister (cause that man needs his own warning)
lots of love and hugs to @queenopresskenobi for letting me be a part of this world and write for her amazing characters!! if you want to read more from this Western AU, definitely check out her My Dear Elayna series!!
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divider by @samspenandsword
“Howdy.” Lyanna said as she pulled the door open, a smile creeping across her face.
Her black bandana had been pulled under her chin, but her hat blocked her eyes. Tymon Lannister sputtered as he went backwards down the front steps and back with the men he brought with him.
“You’re not…” Lyanna heard someone in the crowd say and she snorted.
“How embarrassing this must be for you, lion cub, to fail so spectacularly.” Lyanna tilted her head up ever so slightly so they could all see the glint in her eyes as she rested a hand on one of her revolvers and started casually tapping her fingers against it.
“We have no quarrel with you, Stark.” Tymon called and Lyanna let out a low chuckle at that. Her off hand was slung on the front of her belt, and she kept her good hand hovering over the revolver.
“You sure about that, lion cub?” She watched as Tymon bristled at being called a cub. “Last I recall, you shot one of my men. Not to mention…” Lyanna trailed off as she looked at the crowd behind Tymon with their torches and pitchforks.
“Where is Elayna, Stark?” Tymon spat it out in the air, as if Lyanna’s last name was an insult.
“Oh, the woman who left your slimy ass at the altar?” Lyanna’s voice was full of mockery. “She’s right where she belongs. Out of your reach. So I suggest you take these men and get off this goddamn property.” Lyanna kept politely smiling, as if this was a conversation she had everyday. Her off hand didn’t move from the front of her belt, but she twitched the fingers of her good hand over her revolver. Some of the men in the crowd took a step back at the motion. Lyanna’s smile curled away from politeness and bent towards cruel.
“You’ll regret this, Stark.” Tymon called and Lyanna laughed.
“Oh I surely doubt that, lion cub.” Lyanna said. After a tense moment of silence, she used her off hand and drew her revolver. Before any of Tymon’s men could react, Lyanna had already fired, shooting Tymon in the shin. He cried out in pain as his leg crumpled beneath him, and one of his men grabbed under his arm to keep him standing. “Now get!” Lyanna raised her voice, gun still pointed at Tymon. “Before I decide to start aiming higher.” Tymon grumbled and motioned for his men to get back on their horses. “Seban!” Lyanna called out, and a man with a dark beard stopped moving and barely turned to face her. “I have a letter for you. From your sister.” Lyanna tossed the letter out into the still night and Seban walked the few steps to pick it up from the ground.
“Thank you.” Seban said it so quietly that Lyanna almost missed it. She gave him a nod and then turned her attention back to the rest of the men.
“Run home, lion cub!” Lyanna called out in Tymon’s direction. “Do me a favor, spit on Tywin’s grave when you get there?” Lyanna smiled again at Tymon’s tense posture on his horse as he whipped his head around to glare at her.
“Lyanna.” She heard Will whisper from the window behind her. “That was uncalled for.” She shrugged and kept her gaze forward.
“Eh. Worth it.”
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divider by @samspenandsword
Follow @princess-lyanna-stark for more about Lyanna Stark!!
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queen--kenobi · 1 year
What if Seban has a scar from Elayna biting him when she was 3 or 4
Like she got into something she shouldn't have because she was a toddler, and Seban grabbed her to get her out of there. Elayna did not like that and told Seban to put her down. Obviously she's still a young kid so, you know, she let him know she didn't like that by biting him as hard as she could
They can laugh about it now, but that incident did not do Elayna any favors
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queen--kenobi · 2 years
Congrats on the Duke win!! 🥰💙🏀 Been very MIA lately, but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. Playing some serious catch up. 😘 I know you've got an OC for HoT/HotD but tell me more!!
Welcome back!!!
Hell yeah!!! I didn't end up watching it because I had to get up way too early for work, but I'm happy with the results sfsgsh
Okay so this might get long, I hope you're okay with that. I have a shit ton of lore. Not even just for Elayna but for the Reynes. They're my OCs now
I've got two because they're stories are intertwined but not in a "we will always find each other way" (romantic) but in a "we will always find each other" (hateful) way
My main one is Elayna Reyne! She's the only daughter and third child of Lord Alon Reyne. She has one surviving older brother, Seban, and a younger brother, Ryman. Her other older brother, Reynard, died in a mine collapse that killed him and Seban's mom. Alon got remarried, so Elayna and Seban are half-siblings (or are they? Dun dun dun). Elayna is absolutely a Daddy's girl and Alon's favorite whoops
Alon gets really sick when she's a preteen, and Seban sends Elayna to be a Ward of the Lannisters. Now, Elayna doesn't necessarily like the Lannisters but it's not full on hate at this point. It's more like "oh. Them"
Enter Tymon Lannister
Tymon is a fuckhead to end all fuckheads. It's canon in a modern AU Tymon is the played lacrosse in high school (probably even competitively in college), khakis and a polo, legacy family at Harvard and Yale, "it's not pink it's Nantucket Red", "I'm a nice guy just give me a chance", top honors frat boy kind of guy
Anyway. Elayna gets warded to the Lannisters, and Tymon sees Elayna and is just like "She's mine. I'm gonna marry her some day, and she's gonna have my kids and be my wife. She was made for me." Elayna doesn't hate him at first, and even gets a tiny bit of a crush on him, because he is legitimately nice to her. It's just when she starts noticing how he treats literally everyone else she's just like "mmmmhhhmmmm. No." Unfortunately Tymon is the only Lannister that's been halfway decent with her, and when Tymon feels like Elayna is pulling away, he starts to get. Unpleasant
Eventually, Alon recovers. Alon asks Elayna is sent home if only for a few weeks because he's missed his daughter. The Lannisters let Elayna go back to Castamere. Alon takes one look at Elayna and realizes oh, she is miserable. It's been about 3 or 4 years of her with the Lannisters, and Elayna is clearly not doing well. Also Elayna ABSOLUTELY hates the Lannisters at this point and has decided her purpose in life is to bring that whole fucking family down to the ground
Alon, being a loving father and the GOAT, says fuck that and instead of sending Elayna back to Casterly Rock, sends Elayna to the Red Keep. Alon was at Court for a bit in his preteen and teenage years and was actually fairly decent friends with Viserys and had friendly rivalry going on with Daemon. Alon knows Viserys will find a place for Elayna, and he does. I'm leaning towards Elayna being one of Helaena's ladies in waiting, but I'm not sure
Elayna ends up befriending Helaena! She and Helaena end up very good friends. Elayna also meets Aemond and phew boy. Elayna falls hard and fast. Thankfully for her, Aemond does too. Unfortunately Aegon also kind of falls for Elayna. Yes Elayna has three of Alicent's children wrapped around her finger ssssshhhhh
Now. Remember how I mentioned Tymon has decided Elayna is his? Yeah, uh, he pops up at Court. He tries to claim it's so he can learn from Tyland blah blah blah, but it's blatantly obvious Tymon has no interest in that. Tymon is just there to persuade Elayna to "come home" and "come to her sense". And Tymon is a Lannister which means he's decided Elayna will be "back where she belongs, with who she belongs", and he will do anything to make that happen
I don't want to say too much more because I don't want to spoil what's coming. I will say this, though. Elayna's story is a tragedy because, ultimately, she is the reason the Reynes are massacred. Obviously she's not the inciting incident, but she sets everything up, if that makes sense? It's obviously not her intention but Elayna's actions ultimately doom future generations and her entire family/bloodline
Canon is not a happy story. I have a bunch of other AUs that are happy but. Canon is an absolute tragedy
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queen--kenobi · 1 year
OC: Tymon Lannister
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(Art by @sleazyjanet)
Name: Tymon Lannister
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Faceclaim: Brandon Sklenar
House: Lannister
Other names: N/A
Family: Jason and Tyland Lannister (Brothers), Regina Lannister (Wife)
Tag for additional info about Tymon is “OC: Tymon Lannister”
I would also recommend reading Elayna Reyne's page as well since their stories are so intertwined.
(Also, want a fun AU? Check out the Western AU I’ve started)
Tymon Lannister, the third son of Ceira Lannister, was born in 110 AC on the 3rd day of the 8th moon. He is much younger than his older brothers, twins Jason and Tyland Lannister.
In 121 AC, Tymon met Elayna Reyne when she was Warded to the Lannisters. He was instantly smitten with her. Over the course of three years, Tymon attempted to court Elayna. At first his efforts were successful but due to unknown reasons, they stopped working. However, this did not deter Tymon, who was convinced he was going to marry Elayna.
In 123, Tymon begged for his older brother, Jason, to write Alon Reyne, Elayna's father, and convince him to betroth him and Elayna. Alon refused the betrothal, much to Jason and Tymon's surprise. No one knows what was said between Jason and Alon. Tymon, angry at being denied what he wanted, began a campaign of convincing Elayna he was her only option and that no one else would love her like he did. This psychological warfare lasted over a year until Elayna was called back to Castamere to be with Alon in his presumed final days.
When Alon recovered, instead of sending Elayna back to Casterly Rock, Alon sent Elayna to the Red Keep to be one of Princess Helaena Targaryen's ladies-in-waiting. Tymon was not informed of this until Elayna had completed the trip to the Red Keep. His older brother Tyland, the then Master of Ships, sent word back to Tymon. It is said in his rage, Tymon made all sorts of threats to House Reyne. It was only when Jason read aloud the final words of Tyland's letter, which encouraged Tymon to come to Court, that Tymon began to calm down.
Tymon Lannister arrived at the Red Keep three months after Elayna. Many noted that Elayna had an air of nervousness about her as soon as Tymon arrived. The nerves only seemed to disappear when she was with Prince Aemond.
Tymon managed to charm most of the people at Court. Most did not believe the rumors of his cruelty to Elayna. It must be noted Tymon often found himself in disagreements with those he deemed to close to Elayna. He even accused his own brother, Tyland, of attempting to seduce Elayna and take her as his own bride. While many dismiss these as Tymon's protective, perhaps obsessive, nature, several accounts do seem to suggest Tymon may not have been wrong.
In 126, Tymon received word from Jason Alon had fallen ill once more. Tymon went back to Casterly Rock with a plan. He would wait until Alon died then ride to Castamere to comfort Elayna. While there, he would ask Seban to betroth him to Elayna. Seban was a good friend of Jason's so he would not think ill of Tymon.
A fortnight after Alon died, Tymon and Elayna were betrothed. Two days after the betrothal, Elayna disappeared. Tymon insisted that Elayna accompany them back to Casterly Rock. While at Casterly Rock, Elayna attempted to escape and get back to the Red Keep. This caused Tymon to move the wedding date up.
On the 12th day of the 6th moon in 126 AC, three days before Tymon and Elayna were to be wed, Prince Aemond arrived at Casterly Rock. Tymon was clearly displeased. He made multiple attempts to find out who told Aemond. Before Princs Aemond left to see Elayna, he informed Tymon that Tyland was the one who him of the upcoming wedding.
The same night, Prince Aemond and Elayna flew from Casterly Rock to the Red Keep where they eloped. Tymon did not need the letter from his brother to figure out what happened. In the field where Vhagar had waited, Tymon found a hair comb made of gold with rubies and pearls on it, a traditional Westerland gift given to brides when they accepted a courtship or betrothal. It was the clip he had given Elayna.
In 127 AC, Tymon attended the wedding festivities of Prince Aemond and Princess Elayna. He took part in the tournament in their honor. Tymon made it to the final round of the tournament where he faced Prince Daemon Targaryen. During the joust, the Rogue Prince not only knocked Tymon Lannister off of his horse, he stabbed Tymon in the shoulder, missing his neck by an inch. Thoroughly embarrassed, Tymon retreated to Casterly Rock until 130 AC
In 128 AC, Tymon married Regina Reyne, Seban Reyne's daughter and Elayna's Targaryen's niece. While it was never acknowledged, it was understood Tymon only married Regina due to her resemblance to Elayna. Many suspect this also played a role in her death. In 130 AC, after the news of Prince Aemond's death reached Casterly Rock, Regina Lannister was found dead in a burnt field. This same field was the one in which Aemond and Elayna left on Vhagar and rumored to be the field they shared their first kiss.
Tymon made his way back to the Red Keep in 130 AC, two months after Regina's death. It is believed he left due to the rumors surrounding his former wife's death. When Tymon reached the Red Keep, King Aegon II and Queen Elayna were there. Tymon was just in time to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elayna and the celebration of their wedding, despite it happening on Dragonston a mere month prior.
Tymon stayed at the Red Keep. After the death of Aegon II, Lord Lannister became more antagonistic of the Dowager Queen Elayna. She would not stay alone with him in a room, often using the new Lord Hand, Tyland Lannister, as a buffer. This did nothing to dissuade the rumors that Tyland had wished to marry Elayna.
In 133 AC, a hired sword attempted to take the eye of Prince Reynard Targaryen. Dowager Queen Elayna blinded the man instead and had him tortured and killed. While she never outright stated it, everyone knew she suspected Tymon of hiring the man.
As the years went on, Lord Tymon Lannister began to sew doubt into people's minds. Oftentimes he used the Dowager Queen's now open history of violence and the actions of her first husband, namely his burning of the Riverlands, to turn people against her. Many stayed loyal to Elayna, but the rumors could not be quelled. Some even accused Elayna of killing Witch Queen Alys Rivers, a supposed mistress of Aemond Targaryen.
In 141 AC, after an argument in the Throne Room, Tymon Lannister stabbed Queen Elayna to death. He stabbed her three times in the gut in rapid succession. Queen Elayna placed her hand upon the wound. She covered her hand in blood and placed it upon his face. She is rumored to have said "Thank you. For proving me right."
After the death of Queen Elayna, Lord Lannister was forced to go into hiding. His family was able to use their gold and influence to hide him. They also attempted to turn the tides against Elayna, even after her death. The common folk were swayed, but many of the lesser and Greater Houses remember both their names.
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queen--kenobi · 1 year
My Dear Elayna, Letter #2
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Summary: In which Tymon Lannister writes a series of letters to his dear friend his Joanna Elayna Reyne
Western AU, HotD/GoT crossover
This is a dark fic!
Pairings: (eventual) Aemond Targaryen x OFC (Elayna Reyne), unrequited OC x OFC (Tymon Lannister x Elayna Reyne)
Author’s note: This is a really heavy letter because of some of the topics touched upon in. The warnings are up top for a reason. Also, this letter is lore heavy. If y’all want explanations, feel free to ask! I throw a lot of backstory and lore into this one.
Warnings: Hi yes. So. Massive tw for talks of death, murder, branding, and drugging. Implied torture too? Elayna isn’t hurt/branded or drugged in this, but it’s there. Also Tymon romanticizes the fuck out of being branded. It’s not DD: DNE territory, but like. Better be safe than sorry on that one. Also tw for possessive behavior, although Tymon keeps in nebulous. General warnings for gaslighting as well and just all around creepy and terrible behavior.
My dear Elayna,
I know it has only been two weeks since my last letter, but a lot has happened since I last wrote you. Most of these things would be better said in person. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be an option at the moment. So I write.
Devron Tarbeck is dead. He was found in one of the fields, almost as if he'd been dumped there. They think some out of towners attacked him. Elayna, it was brutal to see. The family couldn't have an open casket funeral; he was too bloody and beat. His father found the body and said he wasn't even sure it was Devron anymore. A tattoo on his chest was his only proof. I hesitate to tell you the gory details, but you deserve to know. They could not even use the brand, the one meaning he earned a place in our community, to identify if he was one of ours. The attackers partially flayed him and ripped it right off his back. 
I ache for his mother and father, and his sisters. I could not imagine finding my child like that.
I suppose I ache for you too. Seban said the two of you were close. Devron was one of Alon's ranch hands, right? I know he was the one to escort you to the train station so that implies some closeness. I know Seban trusted him.
Everyone at the funeral asked where you were and how you were. It was difficult. I couldn't give them an answer other than you were in King's Landing. I almost felt a fool. I always promised I'd keep you safe, but I don't even know where you are. And as your friend, not knowing how you're doing? Oh, I felt a fool alright. I know you. I know you wouldn't try to make me feel that way on purpose. It doesn't change the fact I did.
Elayna, Devron's death has me so worried for you. You're all alone in an unfamiliar city. Who knows what people plan on doing? You have no one to trust or to turn to if things go wrong. I suppose you're relying on the protection of Viserys and his family, given your father's boyhood friendship with both Viserys and Daemon. But you don't know them well. Alon even admitted it's been some time since he's seen either of the elder Targaryen men. They might not be the men he remembers, especially given Alon's memory slowly seems to be slipping.
It's heartbreaking to watch. More and more I conduct business with Seban. Alon grows steadily sicker by the day. He is in so much pain. It hurts me. I like your father. He is almost family. 
Do you know what exactly ails your father? I ask because I noticed he takes laundnum for his pain. 
It's funny. I only took laundnum once, but I remember how well I slept. It actually touched my pain and let me rest. I've never experienced a sleep like that since. At least, not until the night you left. I know myself and Tywin never stirred once and didn't hear anything. The only thing we had to drink that night, other than water, was the tea your family offered. I got the same kind of tea in an attempt to see if that perhaps was it, but I did not sleep nearly as well.
Alon is an honorable man. He wouldn't do such a thing. I know he loves you. You're his only daughter, and he dotes upon you. I think he would do anything to ensure your safety from real or perceived threats. Drugging someone so you can slip away in the night without being caught seems extreme.
Your absence stays with me. I worry so for you to the point my day to day is affected. My worry bleeds into my regular life. My imagination is consumed with thoughts of all the terrible things that might have befallen you. Perhaps it is my overactive imagination making me suspect Alon.
Alon is an honorable man. Such a thing is beneath him.
Another thing of note. Ryman took the brand this week. Jason, Tyland, Tywin, and myself figured it was time. We also need the help, given what happened to Devron. Your younger brother is a strong man. He did not cry and barely whimpered. He would have made you proud. Besides, it is an honor, especially given he's fourteen. He is not yet a man yet he handled it better than many men do. 
I didn't even take the brand until I was sixteen. It is a life altering experience. I would not be the man I am today had I not done it. 
Do you ever think of taking it? It is unusual but not unheard of for women. Cersei did it. 
I have faith you could handle it. 
I remember the look on your face when I did it. You looked so worried and concerned for me. At one point, I thought you were going to be sick. You weren't, though. 
How sweetly you treated me after. You made sure I did not have a fever or do anything to infect or irritate it. Between your loyalty, caring nature, and smarts, you'll make a perfect wife. 
I hope that is not too forward of me. Marriage can be a sensitive topic. 
Although, I suppose you've grown used to talks of marriage. Alon was trying to find you a suitable husband. I must admit, I don't agree with some of his choices. You would want for the finer things in life, things you've no doubt become accustom to, if you were married off to someone outside of the Westerland territories. Imagine having to slog through life as a Tully, as a fucking trout.
We lions consume fish and birds, not marry them. 
The Tyrells are perhaps the only ones who could give you a life somewhat similar to what you have, but even then. It will always pale in comparison. Besides, Highgarden is boring, and the people pretentious. You would not fit in at all. It would never feel like home.
The Reach would be miserable. It's all conniving people who want power. The Stormlands? Why would you want to spend your life worrying about tornadoes? They’re too proud there, too stuffy. The Riverlands have nothing to do, unless you want to spend your life soggy and wet, worrying if the next rain event will be the one to make the rivers rise over the bank and wash away your house. The Vale is even worse. What good comes from there? What is there even to do in those particular mountains? Dorne might as well be another country, they're so close to the border. The Iron "Islands" are a joke. Being between three lakes does not an island make. And the North? Oh, the people are so plain and boring.
King’s Landing and the Red Keep are out of the question. No matter how close Viserys and Alon are, he would never marry any of his children to you. Why would he? All he would be doing is an old friend a favor. He needs more than that, something of use. Us Lannisters already do business with them; they don’t need the silver and gold from your mines or the oil from your land. They already have that.
No, the only place you could be comfortable and happy is here in the Westerlands.
I could never understand why Alon wanted to send you away. I would think with how close the two of you are, he would want you to stay near. Why not keep you here? You’d be safe. Content and satisfied even. You would not want for anything and live the life you were meant to. You’re not meant to work on some farm in the middle of nowhere; you’re meant to live life to the fullest. You’re meant to live a life of luxury. You’re meant to wear gold and pearls, the finest dresses from London, and silks from Paris. You are meant for the fashion from back East or San Francisco. Not some drab brown or beige smock with no jewelry to your name.
You could travel and see the world. You could sleep on silk sheets and wear satin nightgown to bed. You could drink the best wines imported straight from France and eat foods most would only dare dream of trying. 
So many women would kill to have a life like that. You could have it. All you have to do is come home.
I fear I may have gotten carried away. I recognize I may have overstepped my bounds, and if I made you uncomfortable, I apologize. It’s just that as your friend, I want what’s best for you. I want to see you live a happy and fulfilling life. I know you are destined for more than what you have now. You deserve more. 
Truly, this shows the depth of our friendship. I understand what you need without you telling me. We do not need to speak for me to know what you want and need. Do you know how rare that is, even in marriages? And for it to occur in a friendship is something special.
Elayna, I wish you would come home. I miss my dearest friend. I have not been myself since you left. You ground me, keep me sane. I fear I lose more and more of myself each day you are gone. It must be the same for you. You and I spent years with each other. Being apart from your most treasured friend changes you. It has changed me. I have no doubt it has changed you.
Come home. Come home before you lose yourself too.
Forever yours,
Tymon Lannister
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