#oc: yalla'ra
teeseven-fanclub · 10 months
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my queen deserves everything
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synoxshots · 2 years
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Kelsa had a good time at @shanfamilydrama‘s Life Day party. Thanks so much for putting that together.
Heh, I only made Kelsa today specifically so I could be on Malgus to make the party.
Also there are BIIIIG guys in the back of the estate. Kelsa was a little intimidated.
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kyber-heart · 4 years
What would your OC(s) make of Yalla'ra?
Ayyy thanks Ro!
Aidrien would certainly look at Yalla’ra as a sort of kindred spirit. There’s a lot of similarities there though different in approach. If they met as Padawans, I can totally see Yalla being a bit of a rival to Rien with their ambition causing a clash of who is the best. I think if he met her between Chapter 3 and Rishi, he would try to “save” her by trying to showing her that her path was the same one that lead him to being a servant of evil. If it were a meeting during the era of The Eternal Alliance, I think there would be a lot of relatablity with being Knights that know the pain of The Dark Side. Yet, I like to think there might still be a playful banter of rivalry but in a healthy way! 
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teeseven-fanclub · 11 months
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Looks like Yalla'ra has found herself in one of her famous scrapes again.
Chapter one of what will be the world's slowest KotFE runthrough was interesting, it's actually been a couple years since I played it so it feels pretty fresh in a way.
Yalla'ra and Darth Marr definitely still have a strong mutual respect after Yavin, and so having them fight alongside each other through the corridors of the ship is pretty cool.
Though Yalla'ra has had her big Turning The Corner moment, she is a Jedi who has a Lot of sass and almost everything Arcann says gets some kind of snarky response back. She's not responding with anger, just saying everything she can to undermine him whilst keeping her composure.
And of course being back in the Emperor's presence is absolutely chilling for her, a real gut-wrenching dread that she feels as soon as she joins Marr on the bridge of his ship, and that only gets worse. Hell, she's got a rough few years ahead of her...
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teeseven-fanclub · 11 months
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teeseven-fanclub · 11 months
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teeseven-fanclub · 11 months
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Born: 12 BTC Species: Miraluka Homeworld: Alpheridies Class: Jedi Knight Fighting styles: Focus Guardian
Early life
Yalla’ra was born on Alpheridies, the Miraluka homeworld, in 12 BTC. Her parents, Ashi’ff and Fafae’ra, were crop farmers who had their daughter late in life, and enjoyed a peaceful life on the farm with no desire to leave the planet.
It became clear when Yalla’ra was young that she was particularly gifted with the force, and her parents were proud when she joined the Luka Sene and later the planet’s Jedi academy to learn to use her gifts. She studied there for most of her childhood, before travelling in her teens with the Jedi to other enclaves to expand her learning and face new challenges. Despite her love for her home planet, she was still happy to leave. Though many Miraluka, her parents included, were content with life on Alpheridies, she craved adventure and held a desire to test herself in the wider galaxy. She was confident in her power and wanted to play the hero, qualities that saw her slipping onto a darker path despite her place in the Jedi Order. Her masters recognised this within her, but also saw her great strength in the force and particular talent in combat, and believed that through further training her more rash urges could be tamed. Still, it wasn’t until age 22 that she was advised to travel to Tython to complete her training as a padawan learner, with a view to soon taking the trials.
Hero of Tython
Yalla’ra soon made a name for herself on Tython, repelling the Flesh Raider attacks and rising to prominence as the padawan of Master Orgus Din. However, she was still far from the model Jedi, and recognised this in herself as well – she was too impulsive, too ambitious, never able to control her emotions well enough and prone to acting rashly. The influence of her master, and of her peers such as Kaetos and Ruka’ii Arwo on Tython served to moderate her, though she still succumbed to her anger in killing Bengel Morr during his uprising.
As a Jedi Knight she became ruthless in taking on her enemies, never giving sympathy to any Sith or other imperials. She was never cruel for the sake of it, but tended to kill instead of imprisoning or trying to redeem people, justifying it in thinking they were too dangerous to be kept alive. She believed the only good Sith was a dead Sith, and struggled to control her hate and anger around them. Her attitude led to a complicated relationship with the Jedi Council: a level of mutual respect was shared between them, though she believed they should be more aggressive in the war against the Sith, and they were concerned about the path she was leading.
After being convinced by her old friend Kaetos, she agreed to join Tol Braga’s strike team, though was never convinced that the Emperor could be redeemed. Their failure haunted her, and the months spent under his control made her determined to destroy the Emperor at any cost, and saw her become ruthless against any former allies who had turned to his side. Though she ultimately succeeded in her quest to defeat the Emperor, the Jedi Council were concerned about the darkness within her and did not grant her the rank of master. Upset with their decision and to an extent feeling used, her relationship with the council became further strained, and for a time she doubted whether her future lied within the Order. Encouraged by her relationships with the Republic military, she joined forces with Havoc Squad on Makeb, forming a close friendship with its leader, Keresen Calydin.
Battlemaster of the Jedi Order
Yalla’ra was recruited by Theron Shan to join a strike team to the Sith homeworld of Korriban, though a simultaneous attack by the Sith on Tython quickly arose both of their suspicions. The two formed a close friendship as they investigated the conspiracy, sharing a similar sense of humour and being able to relate to one another’s complicated relationship with the Jedi. Their investigations uncovered a conspiracy on both sides of the war as they also teamed up with the Sith Lana Beniko and smugglers Jakarro and C2-D4, uncovering a Revanite cult ultimately led by Revan himself. Following their discovery on Rakata Prime, Yalla’ra was the only one to escape with her name unblemished, the others forced into hiding until the group could reconvene on Rishi.
Yalla’ra’s outlook began to change after meeting the ghost of Master Orgus Din for the final time whilst on Rishi. Master Orgus re-centred her and gave her a new sense of perspective, helping her realise she had been so caught up in the war that she forgot what being a Jedi should really be about. Master Orgus restored her memories of her time being possessed by the Emperor, horrifying Yalla’ra and filling her with an overwhelming sense of guilt: both for her actions under his control, but also her failure to be a good Jedi both before and after the incident. Working closely with the Sith and Imperials during the Yavin coalition offered her a challenge, and a chance to put this new attitude into practice. She learns a different perspective, understanding that Imperials can be reasoned with, but also forcing her to evaluate her own actions in the past and reaffirming the person that she wants to be. Her actions in defeating Revan and this changed mentality saw her being awarded the title of Jedi Battlemaster by Grandmaster Satele Shan, and trusted as a leader of a cross-faction alliance to seek the revived Emperor.
Alliance Commander
Her new attitude was tested after waking up from five years in carbonite with the Emperor present again in her mind, but his presence served to strengthen her resolve and to prove to him that it was through the light that her strength was held. Though the Jedi Order was seemingly no more, she vowed to uphold their ideals and be the best version of a Jedi she was capable of being, coming to mould her own image of how she could be a Jedi. Though having the role of Alliance Commander and figurehead for the movement against Zakuul foisted upon her, she rose to the challenge and her natural leadership came to the fore. As leader she stayed true to her ideals, whilst her experience of the Yavin coalition also made her more trusting of the Alliance’s imperial recruits, and able to lead by example to unite a diverse movement.
After the discovery of the Order of Zildrog led to the destruction of the Eternal Fleet, the influence of the Alliance on the wider galaxy declined. Yalla’ra lends the resources of the Alliance to the Republic and is reunited with the Jedi Order, taking a seat on the council and putting her efforts into rebuilding the Order and helping the galaxy to recover, even in a time of war.
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teeseven-fanclub · 1 year
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teeseven-fanclub · 1 year
hiiiiii I am back, or maybe only kind of. in short I missed posting pretty pictures of my ocs a bit.
and on that note, here's my best girl kicking some butt.
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teeseven-fanclub · 1 year
Thinking about Yalla'ra seeing Kaetos at the temple for the first time after they've returned to the Jedi, Kaetos who was lost and only wakes when the Emperor has fallen, to a world where their mentor has been killed by one of their peers, one of their friends. And Yalla'ra, who feels guilt about what she's done, about Sedoru and Braga, but also still believes she was right to do it, but seeing Kaetos is a reminder of all of that, and so does her best to pretend not to see them. Because she knows the questions they will ask.
Kaetos will fight on the side that they were Jedi, they were friends and colleagues, if she could make it back, why couldn't she give them that chance.
Yalla'ra will argue that the cost of their actions was too great, that they need to be stopped, and that they both know from their 'visit' to the Emperor that trying to redeem someone is a futile effort.
Kaetos will ask, if it had been me, would she have done the same thing? Would she have killed them too?
Yalla'ra wouldn't be able to answer.
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teeseven-fanclub · 1 year
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teeseven-fanclub · 1 year
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Roll up, roll up, here we go...
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teeseven-fanclub · 1 year
I thought it was time for an oc page, as I have far too many characters (some who are even developed). The ones listed are all who have some backstory attached, some briefer than others. They are split up in to two universes, called Fortiss and Alto. More under the cut.
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Canon Eight:
Yalla'ra | Ruka'ii | Ticcer | Keresen | Emyr | Xianen | Jayma | Ev'aari
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Supporting cast:
Kaetos | Tyrrin | Jadneehi | Jaenda | Azunee | Rodi | Moondust | Jaxci
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Qiren | Adaryn | Rykaeza | Arbutus | Corentyn | Ceirios | Jait'ee | Zayyu | Arthyen
Yalla'ra. A Jedi redeemed. As a young knight lives on the borderline between light and dark, ultimately seeks to atone for her mistakes. Forges her own image of the Jedi as she becomes the Commander of the Alliance.
Ruka'ii. Raised by the Jedi from a young age and makes a rapid ascent to become the order's Barsen'thor. A scholar and negotiator, and powerful force user drawn into the fight. Leads the Jedi to safety on Ossus but ponders the value of hiding.
Ticcer. Orphaned and left to grow up on the streets after the Sacking of Coruscant. Falls into a life of crime and eventually taken in by a group of smugglers. Feels the weight of his losses every day.
Keresen. A cocky young recruit to Havoc Squad who has to grow up fast when taking on the mantle of their leader. Becomes a Republic hero, but dishonourably discharged after going rogue to fight against Zakuul. Injuries mean she can no longer fight on the frontlines, but her leadership becomes important to the Alliance.
Emyr. The son of traitors who rises to the Emperor's Wrath. Turns his back on the Empire at the height of his powers. An unorthodox Sith who finds a home in the Alliance, and a home with four Jedi on his ship.
Xianen. An abandoned padawan who embraces the dark side in its entirety. Sides with Malgus on Ilum, marked as a traitor and defeated by Emyr. Dead in the typical way the Sith are (so not really).
Jayma. No-nonsense bounty hunter from Nar Shaddaa who has been moving in shady circles from the day she was born, making her determined to be the toughest kid in town.
Ev'aari. Slave on Dromund Kaas who leads enough rebellions for Intelligence to take notice of her talent and give her an ultimatum. Hates that she enjoys working for them, until a codex gives her the chance for real freedom.
Kaetos. A Jedi lost. One of the most promising young Knights, becomes disillusioned after training with Jun Seros and then suffers further at the Emperor's hand. Refuses to retreat to Ossus and ends up travelling with a Sith, of all people.
Tyrrin. A teenaged padawan already racked with guilt when his master gives his life to save him. Decides he can no longer flee and joins the resistance against Zakuul. Becomes the padawan of Kaetos to complete his training.
Jadneehi. Jedi who joins the Alliance force enclave, studying under Sana Rae alongside Jedi and Sith alike.
Jaenda. The daughter of soldiers on both sides of the war, who grows up hating the Republic after her father leaves. Sides with Darth Jadus and operates from the shadows thereafter.
Azunee. Sith archaeologist who finds her powers greatly enhanced after an accident on an expedition conveniently rids her of her master, and her rivals. Takes on the title of Darth Imperius and becomes an ally of Darth Marr, though prefers to focus on research over the squabbling of the Dark Council.
Rodi. Independent 'information broker', mercenary, agent. No true allegiance, other than perhaps money, and knowing more than anyone else.
Moondust. Known by a codename. Rogue force user, assassin.
Jaxci. Brother of Jayma, mainly sticks to bartending on Nar Shaddaa. More than useful with blasters in his hands though.
Qiren. Smuggler who becomes the Outlander on account of being the nearest one who could answer the call. Fiercely independent, and moulds the Alliance in her image - a haven for those outside the Republic and the Empire.
Adaryn. Daughter of smugglers turned Jedi hero, but never forgets her roots. Walks away from the Order to help those on her home planet of Rishi.
Rykaeza. A Jedi who strayed. Haunted by the cost of her thirst for knowledge and power, leaves into Wild Space to cut herself off from the force and learn again from scratch.
Arbutus. A disillusioned soldier who loses faith in the Republic and deserts, and makes some credits in the process. Spends his time smuggling artefacts for the highest bidder.
Corentyn. A farm boy who enlists for the Republic army as a means to get off his planet and see the galaxy, ends up shaken by what he finds.
Ceirios. Childhood friend of Adaryn who falls in with the gangs of Rishi, until she crosses path with a Sith. Turned into their weapon, though never made to feel one of them.
Jait'ee. Becomes a bounty hunter to provide for her family who prefer to hide, and also because she enjoys the challenge. Reluctant to tie herself with the Empire too closely.
Zayyu. An escaped Belsavis prisoner who enjoys breaking back in far too much. Determined to discover the planet's mysteries, and the greater mysteries of the light and dark sides of the force.
Arthyen. Joins Imperial Intelligence as it's the proper thing to do. Naturally everything unravels and he ends up serving the other side.
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teeseven-fanclub · 1 year
Whilst I'm busy fiddling about with screenshots, a note on my two canons, in case you notice them cropping up in my tags.
Fortiss is my main universe, or at least the more developed one, with my Jedi Knight Yalla'ra being the Outlander and the Alliance generally aligned with the Republic at the 'present' point in the game. Broadly it follows the game timeline with the canon eight, though some of my OCs have had minds of their own (most notably my warrior Emyr killing my inquisitor Xianen and running off with a bunch of Jedi a few years later).
Alto is the other (and less developed) universe, where my smuggler Qiren becomes the Outlander by virtue of being nearest to answer the call. It's a lot more loose with regards to the game's canon - it has the archetypes of the eight classes though some follow the story, some do a cut and paste job, and some are nowhere near it. All of them tend to be misfits, outsiders, gradually drawn together by the haven of something existing outside the traditonal Republic/Empire dichotomy.
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synoxshots · 3 years
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