#ocula art
hello-there-well-i · 5 months
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guy60660 · 1 year
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shreyaajmani · 8 months
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India Art Fair 2024 Reveals India’s Greatest Power
Commenting on the recent India Art Fair, @JerryGogosian, the alter ego of gallerist Hilde Lynn Helphenstein, remarked: 'The fusion of traditional and modern influences indicates to me that India's soft power, art, will be its greatest power.'
Text by Shreya Ajmani for Ocula.
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yama-bato · 2 years
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1. Hiroshi Senju   Waterfall
2.Waterfall on Colors 2021 Ocula
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Atul Dodiya b 1959, India
Atul Dodiya was born in 1959 in Mumbai where he lives and works. One of the pioneers of contemporary Indian art, he builds bridges between the history of Indian and Western art. His references to popular culture, cinema and literature point to an underlying political analysis of the aspirations of the Indian middle class and the impact of globalisation on their traditions. Atul Dodiya uses a broad spectrum of media, from his early photo-realism to the works on metal shutters that sealed his international reputation.
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[ pt: Arseyeric ]
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[IDs: 2 rectangular flags with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: lightish blue, blue, dark blue, blue, lightish blue. in the center of the first flag is a lightish blue eye outlined in dark blue. End ID]
Arseyeric: an ocularic gender connected to doodles of eyes that blink when you aren’t looking.
Etymology: “ars” latin for art, eye, (ocula)ric
Pronounced: ars eye rick (ars eye ic)
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa
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[ID: a pink line divider with a pink and purple sun in the middle. End ID]
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headmate-ideas · 4 months
🌹 headmate template 👁️
✦ Name(s): Rose, Ocula, Flora ✦ Pronouns: she/her, ze/zir/zirs/zirself, x/xs/xself, weird/weirds/weirdself, odd/odds/oddself, shx/hxr/hxrs/hxrself ✦ Species: object head (rose with an eye in the middle) ✦ Age: adult ✦ Role(s): caretaker, comforter, manager, symptom holder/enjoyer (optional) ✦ Symptoms experienced: unreality, dissociation, psychosis ✦ Labels: gendervoid, luxine, kenochoric, oriented aroace, lesbian, queerplatonic, oddcoric ✦ Xenos: dreams, flowers, liminality ✦ Interests/likes: weirdcore, organization, tea ✦ Dislikes: rigidity in thinking, sour foods, dull colors ✦ Music taste: dream pop, chillwave, psychedelic pop ✦ Aesthetic(s): weirdcore, dreamcore, light academia, acid pixie ✦ Objectum attraction(s): plants, crystals ✦ Kins: angels, moonstone, american white shepherd dogs ✦ Emoji proxy: 🌹👁️ ✦ Details:
Rose is an object head like the kind that appear in weirdcore edits - specifically a rose with an eye in the middle. Ze is very comfortable with that which is seen as strange, surreal, or unsettling. In fact, ze finds such things comforting. X would work well in a system whose members tend to find surreal aesthetics comforting too. However, Rose also takes xs system members' individual comforts into account. X is fond of giving reassurances when the system are worried and seeking out positive distractions for the system, especially art (either creating it or looking at it). However, ze is not just an emotional caretaker but a practical one, and helping the system fulfill their responsibilities is important to x. Ze is fond of organization, especially if ze can make it aesthetic (e.g. through fun containers, planners, etc.) If the system experience dissociation, hallucinations, or other forms of unreality, Rose experiences those symptoms too but finds that shx is much less distressed by them than other members of the system might be. Ze is able to enjoy a certain level of dissociation and finds many hallucinations to be friendly and familiar. Shx encourages the rest of the system to be less afraid of their symptoms, and if they can't be, then shx fronts while the system are experiencing symptoms so they can be experienced by someone who handles them better.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
[If you do not already experience the symptoms described in this template, you are discouraged from trying to introject THOSE PARTS of this headmate.]
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jordi-gali · 9 months
Ryman’s art lives on fervently in the minds of artists painting today and it’s touching to hear the impact he has on their daily joust with the canvas.’ ⁠ ⁠ As the year comes to a close, Ocula Director @rorywlmitchell finds himself in New York at @davidzwirner’s Robert Ryman exhibition, reflecting on the quiet mastery of the influential painter.⁠ ⁠ Read full article on Ocula—link in bio. ⁠
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annisashuzaini · 10 months
Visual Diary #15
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Doodles are basic drawings that can represent something real or just be made up of random lines or shapes. They are usually made without lifting the drawing tool from the paper, and if so, they are called a scribble. Doodling is a form of drawing that doesn't have a set purpose and allows for flexibility and spontaneous creativity.
The above doodles were created by Sam Cox, which is also known as Mr Doodle. I like how the artist decided to add in colours to his arts, which I think is a really good idea as it attracts the viewer's attention more compared to a normal boring black and white doodles. The colours he uses are bright but not striking that can cause strain to the eyes.
Not only that, Mr Doodle also made his own doodle house! Yes, he covered his house with doodle arts.
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Sam Cox spent two years creating a large project using 900 liters of white paint, 401 cans of black spray paint, 286 bottles of drawing paint, and 2,296 pen nibs. He used his cartoonish doodle style to decorate every surface in his home, including walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, and appliances. He calls this project "paradise" and has turned his entire home into a living artwork. Even the sofa has been doodled on and protected with lacquer.
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abwwia · 4 months
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Sanam Sayehafkan
Untitled, 2023
Oil on canvas L, 70 x 50 x 4 cm
27 9/16 x 19 11/16 x 1 9/16 inches
Courtesy Bavan Gallery.
Sanam Sayehafkan (b.1989, Rasht, Iran). her works have been shown in Teer art fair online 2020, Tehran and group exhibitions in Tehran. she will have her first solo exhibition with the gallery in 2021.Sayehafkan creates an atmosphere full of illusions and dreams. It seems that the elements are placed next to each other to convey a concept, element complements the other in an incredibly way but the more accurate you become, you will not come to any definite meaning. It seems the painter with amazing sharp colors and lines wants the audience to travel deep into her artwork and let them decide the end of this journey. Via Ocula
#SanamSayehafkan #artherstory #womensart #palianshow #artbywomen #contemporaryart #contemporary #art #femaleartist
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salonshop · 5 months
Wellington gallery Envy's booth was likewise transporting, thanks largely to Dr P's Breakfast With Broodthaers (2023).
The mixed media installation of fishbones and shellfish on steel and aluminium kitchenware—including a pot of mussel shells trapped mid-explosion and a tray of chemically-fixed bread rolls—painted a portrait of a harbour dweller surviving on kaimoana and copies of the New Zealand Herald.
Sam Gaskin, Aotearoa Art Fair Receipts: Tarot Cards and Mussel Shells (Auckland: Ocula, 19 April, 2024)
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hello-there-well-i · 5 months
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Tiresome Team.
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shreyaajmani · 10 months
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Galleries and Collectors Applaud Inaugural Art Mumbai
India's financial capital welcomed the art fair's arrival, which many saw as long overdue.
Text by Shreya Ajmani for Ocula.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Anna-Eva Bergman (1909, Sweden - 1987 France)
Anna-Eva Bergman was born in Stockholm on May 29, 1909 to a Norwegian mother and a Swedish father. Her parents separated six months after she was born and her mother brought her to Norway where she later studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo (1927) and at the School of Applied Arts in Vienna (1928).
Bergman's writings and drawings show her sense of humor and observation, and demonstrate a virtuosic talent for drawing. Later, she would prove herself as an illustrator and journalist.In April 1929 she moved to Paris and enrolled at the André Lhote Academy where she met Hans Hartung. They got married the same year in Dresden.
From 1933 to 1934, the couple lived on the island of Menorca in the Balearic Islands. The paintings and watercolors of this period show Bergman's interest in the golden ratio and architecture, and foreshadow the simple, constructed forms of her future work.After divorcing Hartung in 1938, Bergman returned to Norway where, up to 1945, she devoted herself mainly to illustration and writing. In 1946, she committed wholeheartedly to painting again and since then she began to paint with a non-figurative approach. Line and rhythm became fundamental. This period marks a major turning point in her artistic creation: she was inventing and building a singular universe little by little. She produced her first painting in gold leaf and definitively abandoned illustration.
During the summer of 1950, Bergman took a boat trip along the Norwegian coast, visiting the Lofoten Islands and Finnmark. This trip was decisive in the evolution of her painting. With the tempera technique, she rediscovered the transparency of the landscapes and the light of the midnight sun. In 1951, following several summers spent in Citadelløya (southern Norway), Bergman produced paintings and drawings depicting the structure of rocks worn by the sea. From this series, which she called Fragments of an Island in Norway, came her first motif: stone (1952). This is a major transition in her work. Her painting then evolved towards the search for a limited number of simple motifs.In 1952, Bergman moved to Paris and found Hans Hartung again.
They remarried in 1957.In 1958, in a series of works on paper of the same format, in tempera and metal leaf, Bergman used for the first time in painting the repertoire of forms that she had developed in her work since 1952: stone, moon, star, planet, mountain, stele, tree, tomb, valley, ship, prow and mirror. These archetypal forms inspired by Scandinavian nature and the powerful Nordic light would become the central elements of Bergman's work.In 1964, Bergman and Hartung traveled by boat along the Norwegian coast, past the North Cape. For several years, Bergman would use the sketches and photographs from this trip to in her work.The couple moved to Antibes in 1973 where together they designed their house and studios which later became the Hartung-Bergman Foundation.
Bergman's work evolved towards increasingly simpler forms and a restricted color palette. She abandoned the construction of her paintings based on the golden ratio and added two themes to her vocabulary of forms: waves and rain.Anna-Eva Bergman died on Friday, July 24, 1987 at the hospital in Grasse.
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shannone25 · 1 year
Week 3: Connecting Practice with Society
I discovered interesting ways on how designers, artists could be an impactful social agent through the influence of coming up with collaborative works that communicate well. It could be utilising the source of the issue to create beauty out of it through art or raising social awareness to the community so that they can be better educated and play a part to contribute. This could be done through the use of visual works,illustrations or simple skits based on a context.
An example of visuals would be the ‘Birds Watching’ by Jenny Kendler featured in London’s contemporary art institutions which addresses the climate change crisis as an active movement to raise awareness to the public. 
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For the activity, my group decided to highlight the recent on-going local issue of people being unwell and not being socially responsible, which is often included in casual conversations. We recreated exaggerated real life scenarios in a skit shown below of people coughing openly onto others which often happens in public transports, followed by adding a message of ‘wear your mask when you’re unwell’. We added some humour through the edits which would convey the message in a different way, hoping that it would create deep impressions while spreading consciousness to the community to be more considerate. 
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I felt that the skit could be better improved in terms of elaboration and dialogue by adding a few more seconds of conversation within the characters. However, I felt that it was overall quite successful in communicating the local issue and conclusion.
[254 words]
Kubrick, Rachel. “What Is the Art World Doing About Climate Change? | News.” Ocula, 16 June 2023, https://ocula.com/magazine/art-news/what-is-the-art-world-doing-about-climate-change/. Accessed 13 September 2023.
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grad604kaede · 1 year
Madeleine Child
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Madeleine Child was born in 1959 in Sydney and moved to New Zealand in 1968 (The National, n.d.). She is based in Dunedin and studied glass and ceramics in New York, London and Lisbon. Her work reminds people of the importance of bright, simple pleasers (gallery thirty three, n.d.).
She studied at Otago Polytechnic, graduated with a Ceramics Certificate in 1978, and continued to study Bachelor of Arts in Ceramics in London (Ocula, n.d.).
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gallery thirty three. (n.d.). Madeleine Child. Gallery 33 New Zealand. Retrieved August 20, 2023, from https://gallery33.co.nz/collections/madeleine-child-artist-works-for-sale
Ocula. (n.d.). Madeleine Child Biography. Ocula. https://ocula.com/artists/madeleine-child/
The National. (n.d.). Madeleine Child. The National. Retrieved August 20, 2023, from https://thenational.co.nz/artists/madeleine-child/
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