#of Catholic Guilt (TM) ever coupled with
troperrific · 10 months
/ekuoto chapter 52 spoilers/
Warning: discussion about sensitive topics, usual ekuoto stuff.
Hahaha, holy shit, hahahaha!!
This chapter was just about as horribly wonderful and wonderfully horrible as I’d expected and hoped it’d be!
First things first, dang Mr. Priest is terrifying this chapter. He turned the tables on Asmodeus in so many ways and there’s so, so much to unpack.
The way Mr. Priest echoes and throws Asmodeus’ words right back at her, the way he aggressively ignores her choice (her “consent”) to retreat/get away from the fight (he slammed the door!!) and forces her to “take” his anger anyway- it all mirrors what Asmodeus put him through in the best and worst way possible.
Mr. Priest’s violence towards Asmodeus isn't sexual (as in, this isn't rape in a literal sense), nor is his enjoyment of getting back at her (as in, this isn't sexual gratification). But the mirrored actions/words and the one-sided “pleasure” of violence should still evoke, in part, the horror of Asmodeus’ attempted rape towards Mr. Priest.
It’s very reminescent of domestic violence too, which, if you remember Mr. Priest's flashbacks and what "Aria" told him, make this even more fucked-up than it already is.
Of course, there is a certain sense of catharsis to be found in this mirrored violence, in seeing Asmodeus get a taste of her own medicine. The reader can see where Mr. Priest is coming from, and after an entire arc of seeing Asmodeus’ manipulation, anticipating the worst AND witnessing the worst in chapter 51, one can appreciate the irony applied here, even while simultaneously feeling horrified.
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Rip Asmodeus' thighs. And she even did her leg days properly too...
I think Arima-sensei manages to achieve a good balance in their writing, when it comes to making “revenge scenes” both cathartic and horrifying/fucked-up. I also like the way they use innuendo and subtext in the narrative- it’s great! I liked how they did those things in the Beelzebub arc/Part 3 and I like how they did it here. And both aspects are enhanced with Fukuyama-sensei’s art- the facial expressions were particularly good in this chapter.
(something something the interplay between violence and sex and hunger, something something primal urges and passion, life and death, something something)
Speaking of expressions…!
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I really love these two in particular.
Just what do they mean, I wonder… the first one takes place between two maniacal, rage-fueled grins. It appears alongside Mr. Priest’s new halo (which I’ll get to in a moment) and it’s such a curious expression.
Is it a sad, resigned smile? Has he come to accept and embrace his role as the “Child of Hope” because he’s “learned” what “wanting a normal life” leads to? Maybe he’s thinking “Well, what did I expect?” regarding the good things that happened to him this past month, all a trap laid by Asmodeus.
Is it a regretful one? Does he regret believing another fake victim? Does he regret his good intentions and well-intentioned actions and trust, as they’ve backfired on him again?
Is it a relived one? Did something click and he’s convinced himself he no longer needs a normal life? Is this relief a future one? Has he gone full-circle into wanting to martyrize himself again?
Whatever that expression means, it looks like whatever Mr. Priest felt or realized at the moment allowed him to (temporarily?) reach new heights regarding his holy powers.
(And right as he’s at his most violent too… Mammon would be proud.)
Also, his halo… that’s one fancy halo. I tried to research a little and found some interesting facts about different artistic depictions of halos.
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From what I can tell, his halo looks a little like a dodecagon (a polygon with 12 sides) or maybe a tridecagon (polygon with 13 sides). It also has multiple rings within it, with little… arrows/rays of light(?) and stars/particles(?) adorning it.
According to these sites, a polygonal halo (usually an hexagon, and sometimes referred to as a Nimbus a Pans) is often used to depict allegorical figures, many times a personification of a Virtue.
The little arrows cutting through the halo could very well be rays of light. In this case, it could also be a rayed halo. This type of halo is apparently often combined with others, and is usually attributed to a member of the Trinity.
Finally, the number twelve and the presence of what appears to be a bunch of little stars could be a reference to the starred halo. This halo is almost solely drawn on the Virgin Mary, depicting the Immaculate Conception or being a reference to Revelation 12:1.
(As if the line about reviving people and Beelzebub mock-crucifying him wasn’t enough lol. Makes me wonder about Mr. Priest’s mom though. Since we’ve only vaguely seen his father.)
But who knows. Maybe it's a reference to a piece of art?
It’s just something to think about. Maybe there’s a deeper meaning. Maybe it’s just rule of cool. Hopefully it’ll be both.
Also, this has nothing to do with this chapter’s commentary, but this small research made realize that Leah’s triangular halo wasn’t just an aesthetic choice to go with her cubes forming circles (lol).
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The triangular halo is also used to indicate a member of the Trinity. She’s invoking their power, so it fits. But y’know, makes me wonder if there’s gonna be a third…
Back to Mr. Priest’s smiles. I wanna talk about this:
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Friendship ended with Mammon, Mr. Priest is the funniest ekuoto character now.
Just what is “beautiful”, Mr. Priest?
Is he marveling at his own strength? Is he glad he’s reached a new height like Mammon did? Is the fact that he’s so strong he could “end up destroying everything” beautiful?
Is this self-acceptance, something similar to Leviathan’s own epiphany back at Part 2?
Or is this a new-found joy in seeing the fragility of life? Maybe he’s seeing beauty in the fact he’s “feeling almighty” as he’s “earned the right to end another’s life” (and promptly give it back if he chose to), something akin to Beelzebub’s thoughts on human nature.
Is it all of the above? Something else?
It’s very worrisome. Even moreso because it’s followed by this:
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It’s okay, guys! Mr. Priest has gathered all seven Dragon Balls, he can just wish Kuririn back to life!!
Coldest line in the story so far. What the actual fuck, Mr. Priest? (No jokes, I love this, please continue to freak me out more, Mr. Priest).
Also, this is quite in line with the way the Demon Lord’s have acted so far, isn't it? Who cares?? He’s gonna do what he wants right now, who cares about casualties? He can just bring everyone back??
Ah, but it also echoes what he probably heard in his memories from his father and from Abbot Nicholas (chapter 31). “So? You will heal anyway” and “So? You won’t starve”.
Mr. Priest is very funny, actually.
And speaking of funny…
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No high-school romcom manga is over without a good ol' kabedon!... Er, doordon...? Gates-of-Hell-don...? Rodindon...! forgive me
Mr. Priest invented a new memetic kabedon.
But really, this has been kinda of a pattern with the Demon Lords so far: they approach Mr. Priest out of their own accord, hurt him (by deceiving/fighting /triggering him) because they want something out of him (a challenge, a friend, a hunt, an answer) and then they usually try to leave, on their terms, once they’re satisfied.
It almost went like this at the end of his second fight against Mammon. It did go like this at the end of his first fight against Beelzebub.
(It also went like this when he fought Leviathan, but considering we don’t know how he feels about her and the fight after the arc, I hesitate to add her in this ‘list’).
You see, I do think that the Demon Lord’s did/do want to help Mr. Priest in some way or another, whether that’s by teaching him their “wisdom” or “freeing” him from his duties/Church-aligned morality. I do! I genuinely do!
But just as they want to help him, they also want something from him. Their motivations do have a certain selfishness to them.
I’ve seen lot of readers joke that the demons want to give Mr. Priest therapy, but I’d argue it’s more accurate to say that the demons are using Mr. Priest for their therapy.
The Demon Lords always seem to want to prove something to themselves while fighting Mr. Priest. They want answers. And it’s because Mr. Priest is the “Child of Hope” (the strongest exorcist, the most righteous, the purest soul) that they seek those answers.
And part of their fondness towards him, to me, seem to hinge on that title and on the expectations and projections that the Demon Lords seem to put on him.
In short: they also have used Mr. Priest for their own benefit, despite whatever good intentions they might’ve had or whatever connection they might’ve felt, and then they dared to refuse him any sort of satisfaction.
Or at least, that’s probably how the boy sees it.
No wonder Mr. Priest is pissed.
On that note, the scene where Mr. Priest goes all creepy between Asmodeus’ (literally) thunder thighs…
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I take it that this can be interpreted both figuratively and literally.
Figuratively, in the sense that the Demon Lords project so much shit on him, they don’t know him as well as they think they do. Yes, even when they’ve been briefly inside his head. But also because he really isn’t in the “right” state of mind.
And literally… well, because he has a head buddy, apparently.
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I’ll just leave these cool theory posts here. Go read them, they’re great.
To finish these very short thoughts about the chapter (sarcasm), about Asmodeus and Sarah…
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I also love this panel. What a great expression. She looks like she’s about cry. She makes me want to cry. And slap her. And cry.
There’s a lot to be said and analyzed about this relationship (which I will do, a bit more throughly, later): about how Asmodeus wanted Sarah to fight back and to defy her fate and her family, about how Asmodeus seemingly couldn’t fathom the idea of having a consensual physical relationship with Sarah (or anyone?), about how Asmodeus equated Sarah retaliating against her first abusive husband to Mr. Priest (and Sarah too) retaliating against her…
But I want to focus on Asmodeus’ “epiphany” about what she wanted to confirm to herself.
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…I really do enjoy how the 7 Deadly Sins are written in this series. It’s not just that the author wants to say something with their portrayal and that they’re thematically consistent and interesting…
They’re… very entertaining and complex characters, I think. There’s always a good balance between all the characteristics one can expect from memorable antagonists. Like, they’re charismatic and fun and charming, they’re scary (in all kinds of ways!!) and awful and really fucking vile at times, and, deep, deep down, they’re… pitiful. Pathetic.
They’re very, very pathetic. And I like that.
And this… this has kinda proved to me what I’ve suspected for a while.
The Demon Lords, against all odds, have very little to no ambition when it comes to a relationship with a human, don’t they?
They’re willing to settle for the barest scraps. I wouldn’t say that they’re completely okay with things never working out… but if there was a bare minimum of love there, then maybe it’s not bad that it didn’t work out…
Even Leviathan, who desperately wants friends and readily admits her loneliness, is okay with ending things with Mr. Priest with a fight.
As a Demon Lord should.
I mean they’re monsters!! They’ve accepted that they’re monsters, and it’s not something they can help anyway, right?! They can’t help their monstrous nature, their monstrous bodies, so it’s better to embrace them!! It’s not something they can help, right, so it’s better to give up, right?!
(It's at this point that you gotta stop and wonder about their incessant babbling about the nature of men/women/humans/demons... they're originally angels- or in Leviathan's case, a being blessed by God- after all...)
It’s a form of comfort, I suppose, to realize that no matter what you did, things wouldn’t have changed for the better. Sometimes, wondering about “what-ifs” can be the greatest torture of all.
Sometimes giving up, specially on yourself, can be the greatest sin of all.
Asmodeus originally wondered if, had she taken those men’s places, had she been the one to rape Sarah (because, again, Asmodeus can’t seem to be able to separate any sort of sexual relationship/act from sexual violence/rape/sin, and likely because, to Asmodeus, if Sarah’s being forced to marry, it’ll be rape anyway, so Asmodeus might as well have been the one to take Sarah) if she could’ve made Sarah happy.
Asmodeus wondered if she could’ve made Sarah chose her over her filial duties.
But she didn’t. She wouldn’t.
It's insane!! Actually, it's not even about Sarah choosing Asmodeus anymore! She can't even imagine that!! I wonder, does Asmodeus think that, because Sarah didn't "fight hard enough", that meant she didn't want her? That it meant Sarah would never have been with her willingly?
Of course she wouldn’t, why would she? Asmodeus is a monster, right? She would’ve hated her anyway, right? Even if Asmodeus had ripped away Sarah's ability to choose, she still woudn't have picked Asmodeus. Sarah would never have been hers, no matter what Asmodeus did or didn't do!! So it’s better that things ended how they did, right?
After all…
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Anyway, with the arc coming to an end real soon, I wonder how things will wrap-up.
…I’m reaaaally dreading the fact that we haven’t gotten “Masses of Trash- Part 2” yet. Is it gonna be in this arc?
…….Is it gonna be in another future arc?
“Erase all with a flick of the wrist”, indeed.
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