#of a LOT of cats (well not rly but like. she sees kits about to be run over but doesnt attempt to save them
kazpurr · 19 days
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waow!!!! here she is my beloved beautiful babygirl. the one who started it all... the oc who i've had the longest... underneath the cut will be some awesome epic loredump info about her if anyone is interested!! there will be a lot of text a lot of long ass paragraphs. teehee. also down there ill be including a neat little timeline of her design because i think its rly important. erm anyways!! thats all!! rbs > likes as always :3
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well. to begin with. here is the timeline as promised! not including this current design, but including her last official design that was basically what ive been using up until this one. shes always always always been a black and white cat up excluding the one time i tried to make her blue for some reason? um. i dont know what i was doing with that . lol
shes an oc who's near and dear to my heart and her story within my warrior cats oc universe is important to me and pretty heavily based off of my own real life, when i first made her and my other oc's i wasn't in a very good um. headspace. bad homelife. she was my escape into a fictional world as something to keep my brain busy from the shitty real world. obviously i made her pretty tragic as a character to cope with my own tragedies but despite that she's still going strong in life (just like me!) so. here it is! (spoiler friendly for the thing that im writing which will be posted soon i promise. one day
mistyleaf was born alongside two siblings, a she-cat and a tom named amberkit and mintkit respectively. their mother was shadeheart, who... didn't want to have kittens. at all. she was essentially coerced by her mate to have them, because he wanted them. and because shadeheart didn't want them, didn't want to raise them, but didn't want to just abandon them (let alone give them to her awful mate), the three were primarily raised by shadeheart's closest friend, who had lost her own mate and kittens a few moons prior, alderstar (who is ALSO the clan leader, if you couldnt tell by her name). she loved the kits dearly, and really loved and cared for shadeheart, too, who was. to put it extremely lightly, struggling. her and her mate did not have a good relationship. and she wanted to keep the kits away from him as much as possible. but she had no choice other than to agree to give her mate one of the kits, the "runt" of the litter as he put it, mintkit. and she had no choice, because he had threatened her about it. she didn't want to put her, her kits, alderstar, or the rest of thunderclan in potential danger, so... she had to give in.
so one night, shadeheart sets out against alderstar's desperate begging for her not to go, to give the tomkit to her mate, for him to take back to his own clan. and that was going to be it. they were going to break up forever, and shadeheart could act like he was never a part of her life. things, presumably, would have gone back to normal. her kits could have been safely raised by alderstar, she could go back to being a warrior, and wouldn't have to live in fear anymore.
fast forward a year later... shadeheart is missing, and mintkit hasn't been seen either.
despite it being a while since it happened, neither amberheart nor mistyleaf have moved on from shadeheart or mintkit's disappearances, and now that they're both getting to be older... mistyleaf in particular wonders if alderstar will ever tell them who their father is. mistyleaf barely remembers the tom, and can barely create an image of him in her mind. amberheart spent the least time around him on the few occasions that he came to visit thunderclan.
there's nothing more that mistyleaf wants than to see shadeheart again. she can't wait to tell her she and amberheart have earned her warrior names, finally, and she can't wait to see mintkit again after so long. she hopes the two of them are safe and sound, and return to the clans at some point.
at this moment, mistyleaf and amberheart are adults now, they've recently earned their warrior names, and are living fairly normal warrior lives. mistyleaf in particular is a bit more shy and soft spoken than her sister, amberheart, who tends to be a bit more out there. she only really has a few close friends, those being sedgepelt and quailfeather, slightly older warriors who she trained alongside during her apprenticeship, but who graduated to warriors before she did. her mentor was dustglow, the clan deputy, who pushed her to her limits, but not enough to overwork her. he was strict, but caring to the young she-cat, and she greatly respects him for it.
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scourge-sympathiser · 3 years
Are there any other leader ocs you have?
a few! in termz of bitd therez only one other- coalcloud leader of sunclan! tho by the end of the main story shez probably dead w/ stonewing taking her place & becoming stonecloud!
whn coalcloud was granted her 9 livez [the only time othr thn whn loosing a life tht thy meet cloud/starclan] she also received a prophecy- beware poison hidden with the smell of sweet berriez- course this was before yew was even born & she misinterpreted it as referring 2 the moonclan deputy berrybrook, who happenz to hav a not so unrequited crush on her,.........she findz thm very funnie & charming but haz 2 keep reminding herself of the prophecy & forcing herself to Not like thm.... berrybrook 4 their part isnt rly pushing for a relationship seeing as they r in different clanz- mainly thy just flirt & enjoy coalz company whn thy can get it- thy find her very poorly maintained fake coldness cute! shez also the mother of weevilface- she was already pretty old at the point whn she had him which is possibly part of why the litter was just a single kit, shortly aftr or possibly evn before he was born she got Cat Divorsed from weevilz dad, who she isnt really friendz with anymore but the breakup was mutual & thy r very cordial about it
also half the clan thinkz tht yewheart haz a crush on her bcuz he flipped OUT whn she got severly sick one time, which seeing him like tht is almost entirely unheard of as hez very composed most of the time, her opinion of this is tht itz like if a kid yr babysitting had a crush on u, kinda funny n cute but absolutely nevr going anywhere [course it nevr would as yew haz no such feelingz- if coalcloud lost a life the many cloudclan memberz dead bcuz of him could hav a chance to tattle]
otherwise in my vvvv rarely mentioned Other fanclanz [gasp] i hav sagestar of pineclan & wolfstar of swampclan [therez also fieldclan but it doesnt hav a named lader lmao]
sagestar is like. a mean jock? his parentz where the former leader & deputy & hez been in the fast track to leaderhood his whole life- though he is also incredibly charismatic & seen as an amazing leader, if thtz true of not well.. in anycase he had a quazi romantic relationship with the younger medicine cat robinthroat well they were apprenticez & taught thm some fighting movez... a lot of pineclan had been whipped out by a disease & he became leader rather young- this also goez 4 his deputy, an incredibly inexperienced & young warrior tht mainly got her role thnkz to sagestarz fondness, course tht isnt exactly gonna do her much good whn robinthroat showz up with sagestarz corpse in his mouth 1 morning
wolfstar is a lykoi & so old tht the great grandkitz of the catz he grew up with r elderz, hez died of old age like 4 timez but still haz 3 of 9 to go so he keepz on trucking somhow, hez outlived like 6 deputiez, the current one is volefur who basically runz the clan
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yarrowleef · 4 years
Read Darkness Within all in one sitting last night and then passed out so here are my scattered thoughts i wrote down as i read, (afterthoughts in parenthesis)
Darkness Within Spoilers, obv
Just remembered Sandynose died and got a small boost of happiness (will Hawkwing and Plumwillow ever be allowed to talk again now? I mean probly not b/c they aren’t protags and non-protags don’t rly have friends but I can hope. Sorry, Hawkwhing and Plumwillow’s short-lived friendship in Hawkwings Journey was one of the last times I felt something)
Ghost fleas lol
Mothwing: i’m rude now. (but more importantly, Fuck Tigerheartstar for forcing his son to be around the cat that hurt him so badly, like he HAS to know how upset everyone is regarding Shadowsight and his accidentally helping the imposter, and he’s making him be the sole one to tend to him??? There is NO REASON Puddleshine couldn’t have done it. You think Puddleshine is going to try and murder someone?? )
Oh no don't make this a traveling book, and a ROOTBRISTLE traveling book this is going to be insufferable
Lightleap Is Good (Hey didn’t Shadowsight have another sister? lets be real we all knew Pouncekit was going to end up as the forgettable 3rd one)
Bristlefrost’s crush continues to feel unnatural to me. It’s like she’s grasping at straws romanticizing the most generic things.....wow....I love how ur just so...bare minimum competent....being polite to the loner we came all this way to ask for help like any somewhat reasonable person would....How admirable...I love the way you just *clenches fist* exhibit some basic traits of loyalty and skill that literally every warrior has (I s2g I’m this close to head canon-ing Bristle as a clueless aromantic who doesn't understand what romance is actually suppose to feel like so she just looks at feelings of low-bar admiration and assumes “oh I guess this is that “romantic attraction” everyone’s always talking about? guess I must be in love???” because both her crushes have felt out of nowhere and like. Idk fake/forced sounding like she’s just telling me that that she’s In Love Now while I continue to not actually feel it at all from her end. I know it’s just that I hate the way Erin’s write female characters in love but this head-canon makes me laugh)
Got scared because I thought they were going to villainize Spotfur for not wanting kits for a minute, but also excited at the concept of maybe exploring a female character that doesn’t want to be a mother, but it turns out she was just pulling a Sparkpelt and actually DID want the kits all along and was only hesitant because she’s sad. Shrug oh well.  (the only female character in warriors that was distinctly upset about pregnancy and motherhood was Lizardstripe and as we all know she was eeeeeevil and abusive and “overly ambitious” because why else would you not come around to being happy about motherhood?? YES I’M STILL SALTY ABOUT YELLOWFANG’S SECRET, BAD BOOK)  Whatever it’s fine so long as Spot doesn’t lose her rebel leader spirit forever and default to “soft mom” personality for the rest of her life, I gotta have hope because I actually like Bristle and Spot’s current relationship. Also I am actually very grateful they never made Bristle resentful at Spot for getting with her crush, as lots of middle grade/YA media has a very bad habit of demonizing female romantic “competition” and its super gross, so I rly do like that Bristlefrost is so protective and caring towards her instead. )
This series is trying to tell me that Rootspring is actually Big but I refuse to accept that. he has dumb scrawny bitch energy and we all know it
Sunrise: “Thunderclan may be better with a new leader” lol go off (i mean........they right tho...It’s unfortunate that the tension in this whole plot is a bit dampened by the fact that i DO in fact want bramble to die v badly. I don’t even have special hatred for him, I’m just bored of him.)
Yes Lionblaze beat the shit out of Ashfur
*HOLY SHIT THAT’S FUCKED!!!! (I wrote this in reference to the ghost summoning scene, this was all I could manage at the time, that scene was WILD and I am VIBING WITH THE HORROR OF IT ALL)
* Brashfur: Oh yeah? Could Ashfur fake THIS? *stands up with slightly better posture* Shadowsight: oh damn you got me there...... (asdfhhfhhgh im sorry that was really funny, how did that prove anything?? ONLY A ~REAL~ WARRIOR COULD STAND UP STRAIGHT WE ALL KNOW ASHFUR IS INCAPABLE OF GOOD POSTURE!)
End of the book: *LAUGHING NERVOUSLY* WHAT THE FUCK??? (I thought he was just gonna kill Squirrelflight right there holy shit can you imagine the RIOTS that would ensue in the wake of all this Squirrel/Bramble discourse I was so scared for a second.  
 But it’s fine, she just....went to super hell instead......Warriors has come so far lmao WHAT IS HAPPENING
Final Notes:
*On Mothwing, I don’t think her behavior struck me as “CHARACTER BUTCHERING” as much as it did for other people? I mean.....Warriors fans will say that literally any time a character does ANYTHING less then perfectly nice I think her actions just seemed that much harsher because we are reading from Shadowsight’s POV, and Shadowsight is taking everything 10x more personally right now (understandably so, but Mothwing isn’t inside his head) she wasn’t trying to hurt him. Also... like... Shadowsight DID get his name too early. It’s not Mothwing’s job to put his feelings above everything else, she’s not even his mentor, Puddleshine on the other hand, as his main mentor, I don’t understand what his deal is ignoring Shadowsight, that’s not how you help an apprentice but I suppose I chalk many of his mistakes up to also not being the most experienced medicine cat (he barely even had his own mentor.) Maybe he’s distant because he feels guilty and actually blames himself for not guiding Shadowsight better?? the two of them haven’t communicated about it yet so idk
 any way I give Mothwing a pass to be a little short tempered right now as a cat who has had her abilities periodically questioned all her life no matter how hard she works or how much experience she has, just because she doesn’t vibe with the spiritual cult side of the clans, I can understand why she’s a bit defensive of being questioned and frustrated watching so much hurt happen Yet Again due to reliance on StarClan visions over common sense, and I for one still stan her for slandering StarClan and refusing to accept Mistystar’s bullshit banishing like everyone else. Sometimes a character is at the end of their rope and can’t manage to be 100% nice 24/7 and that’s maybe not inherently bad writing? idk just my hot take. At a certain point we all gotta reckon with the fact that our perception of most popular supporting characters in heavily colored by fanon and we can’t always get mad at the authors for not adhering to it
*The sisters magic shit is my fav worldbuilding warriors has had in AGES, I love the way it’s described and it actually feels like it adds something to this world. I love this horror imagery with the ghosts, very excited for that. 
*still won’t be thrilled if Ashfur is working alone, because his motive doesn’t make sense right now. I mean the trying to get Squilf thing, sure, whatever, but the “I will make everyone pay for what they did to me”???? cause like?? Who??? they didn’t do anything to him?? Ashfur’s grievance was very specifically JUST Squilf. He has no other cause for revenge, he had no other beef or complaints about the clans to my knowledge? The cat that killed him is dead, and she’s like, the only other one that I could see as having “wronged” him?? I guess he also didn’t like Firestar much according to Graystripe’s Vow (and on account of how willing he was to kill him w/ Hawkfrost) but Firestar is ALSO dead. I don’t understand his angle. Will have to see last 2 books to judge i suppose.
*All in all I am interested to see where this is going!! but also the pacing as I feared is becoming a major issue. It’s better then ending the main conflict on book 3 like Vision of Shadows did, but omg. Hardly anything happened in all these pages. I realized I was over half way through and nothing about the situation had actually CHANGED or advanced at all in all that time. Similar to the past 2 books which I believe could have been combined, this plot felt like it should have been the first half of a book. Discussing whether or not to kill the imposter isn’t much of a standalone plot, it’s just the set up to a plot. Finding the sisters didn’t need to be a whole long thing, the debates about the Imposters fate didn’t need to be repeated 10 times, all those chapters illustrating that “Shadowsight is sad” were also drawn out, repetitive, and interchangeable, we probably only needed 2 or so chapters showing his struggles to get the necessary information across. It felt like a lot of padding, it was really slow and I did a lot of skimming. I am still very interested in the overarching plot and mystery behind the ghosts so that kept me reading but man this “will they won’t they kill him” plot did not justify it’s own whole book. Alas this is a persisting issue that will never be resolved while they continue to force 6 books into 1 series that doesn’t need 6 books. I’m sure the writers are doing the best they can with these unfortunate constraints but still, it’s a wonder this slow padding isn’t more of a detriment to their younger readers that the books are supposed to be marketed to.
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matoitech · 5 years
😻😼😾 for ask game?
😻 - favorite cats? 
ivypool has always been one of my faves!! i dont think i used to like hollyleaf much but she’s become one of my all time favorites as well. brightheart, tawnypelt, sandstorm, leafstar, tallstar. firestar of course, i miss him and wish he was still alive, i trusted him a lot more than bramblestar. foxleap and icecloud for some reason have been my fave bg characters i was so sad when they died. theres so many wc characters i love a lot lol id write a big list and still forget some. these are my main faves tho i think. 
😼 - problematic fave?
hmm i guess it would be bluestar bc a lot of ppl seem to hate her for some reason.. she made a lot of bad decisions but i think shes one of the only wc characters who actually has a lot of depth. even when you dont agree with her you can still see why she reacted to something the way she did. shes been one of my favorite characters since i was a kid 
or mapleshade, problematic cuz shes a villain, but i always liked her. she has more interesting motivations than most wc villains lol. i havent read her novella in a long time but i remember being rly pissed on her behalf. she did some bad shit but her being sent to cat hell while the cats who were basically responsible for the death of her kits.. werent sent to cat hell?? doesnt make a lot of sense. starclans always been unfair abt shit like that. again i havent read the novella for years so my opinion may have changed but i remember liking her. anyway i do like that she just decided to become entirely evil. dedication. manipulating crookedstar was uncool but suitably evil. i understand why people might not like her bc of that specifically tho. 
😾 - unpopular opinions?
hm im not sure.. i only read avos once so my feelings may change about it when i reread, but i didnt like any of the pov characters. it kinda feels the same as the new prophecy to me, everyones vaguely out of character and all the pov characters are frustrating or annoying. i WANTED to like needletail but she felt like squirrelpaw 2.0 to me, maybe ill feel differently when i reread tho cuz ppl say shes a compelling character so maybe i just.. missed that the first time around. idk. luckily tbc has had pov characters i like a LOT more phew.
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lokiarsene · 5 years
like yesterday, here's a bullet list of my thoughts for episodes 18~21
thoughts on episode 18:
oh no, it's the beach episode.
-- i really like how they show the way the PT take care of futaba. ren patiently cleaning up her room in between hours at the florist, them playing vidya with her, or just having lunch together in montage moments is very sweet. it makes me wish the anime had much slower pacing, more slice of life-y kind of drama.
-- watching yusuke, ryuji, and futaba lose their freakin minds over good curry is VERY relatable.
-- i still don't understand why ann and makoto thought that a two piece frilly bathing suit was the way to go with futaba. a one piece that she could wear under a long wrap or a hoodie would've made so much more sense... but >male gaze
-- have i told y'all how fucking tired i am of the sexualization of the teenage girls in p5 yet, and how it is one of the several things that fuckin ruined this game for me
have i?
well here it is again
none of the previous games were as bad as this b t w and p4 had one of the dungeons be a STRIP CLUB.
-- yusuke and his lobsters are wonderful.
-- oh god i forgot COMPLETELY about the whole 'mental shutdowns' thing in this game's plot. i think because it's all so pointlessly convoluted. p3 had something similar but even there it was just people turned catatonic for weeks on end when the monthly boss-shadows drew near.
i think the reason i find this so hard to understand is because from p3 to p4 the rules of shadows didn't really change so much. p3 had the persona users go up against shadow bosses; p4 had people confront the shadows within themselves, either accepting them completely (which then turned into persona), or the shadow 'absorbed' the person and ran rampant as a monster. neither of those rules really contradict each other, but in p5 personal shadows for persona users are gone completely, and how you deal with other people's personal shadows doesn't even involve them being present to complete the merge.
mona says that persona users can't have palaces, but persona users in 4 could and DID have 'dungeons' within the shadows' worlds. these dungeons dealt specifically with what was at the core of the shadows' emergence--a deep secret and a hidden truth that caused the shadow to grow, a place that was a replica and a distortion of reality based upon that suppressed truth. so that sure sounds like a fucking palace to me.
so....................... unless there's like, multiple realities folded into our own, and persona users can only access certain ones.................. i'm just super confused.
like, i know it's because the rules change game to game, but p3 to p4 didn't have any contradictions, and p2 didn't contradict anything in p3, either. it just went from a full party of wild card users to a singular one.
-- i'm glad ann's getting a little screentime here. i was just thinking about how other characters' development was lacking after makoto and futaba got so much focus.
-- mona's so sweet to ann ;-; now that he has a human form in p5r, i hope they become really good friends. she needs a kind guy friend that'll be reliable~ plus he makes her laugh.
-- sojiro talking about the anniversary of wakaba's death is......... really interesting........ considering that screenshot of futaba sitting next to a woman with the exact same haircut as her "deceased" mother.
-- ren reassuring mona that he absolutely has to be human, that he will return to who he used to be once they figure out what's happening in the metaverse is jsut jdfklasd
-- listen i know mona isn't rly a cat but he's the BEST cat
thoughts on episode 19:
oh it's the hawaii episode.
-- man what the hell kinda budget do these school's got that they can just go overseas with dozens of students on a yearly basis? that's impressive.
-- ryuji: "whoa, awesome! ..... i don't really get it, but awesome!" fjdsafds okay that got a laugh outta me. good one, ryuji.
-- ren: "i'm excited, too." (said in a monotone) fjklsadsl BLESS THIS BOY
-- ren's FACE when he learns that futaba installed a spying app on his phone and can hear him/see pictures he takes is...... kind of hilarious. especially if you have the headcanon that he and akechi send dumbass snapchats to each other a lot--which i do. and which you do now, too.
-- mona's depression is ten times more sad because he's a cat okay :c why they gotta make the cat so cute
-- ren, ryuji, and ann's lil sleepover is adorable. especially since ann chastises ryuji for not knowing one of the basic rules of a sleepover: if you start talkin' about your crushes, you gotta start with your own~ thems the rules lads
-- rip principal bloatneck.
-- honestly that truck shoulda at least TRIED to stop.
-- "A LO HA." goddammit that's adorable
-- the PT targeting okumura, who is essentially the dave thomas with political ambitions of the persona 5 world, is far funnier now that i phrase it like that.
-- mona's totally right that ryuji's just concerned with getting popular and his dick wet. like,,, that's why this argument only made me hate ryuji more than i already did. he gets pissy when mona points out the truth.
god he sucks lmao
-- i really like how guarded akechi's face looks in his conversation with sae, and how off his guard he looks when she tells him that she's not going to hold back, especially since the culprit is doing such dire, awful things. he's not exactly surprised, but he's definitely uneasy and shaken by what he hears. which makes me wonder who he’s really concerned for--himself, or for ren (and the PT by extension, but akechi only really seems to care about ren, so).
the reason i like that is because the okumura arc in p5 is really where akechi's mind starts its downward spiral. principal kobayakawa's death obviously rattled him, especially since the only reason the principal died was because shido saw him as useless and disposable, something akechi is desperate NEVER TO BE. and it's that + what happens with okumura that really kicks him over the edge.
i hope p5r will give us the chance to pull him back from it. he deserves a better chance than the game's subpar writing gave to him.
thoughts on episode 20:
-- ren wakes up in a panic because he thinks he sees mona on his bed ;___________;
-- goro snoopin' on the PT's LOUD, TOTALLY CONSPICUOUS conversation in front of okumura foods' HQ is kind of adorable if you remember he clearly loves star wars (HE HAS A LIGHT SABER), and the camera cuts to his face right as they're talking about big bang and outer space lingo.
-- oh, haru. i really wish you were the black mask. that would've been so much cooler--and an actual twist. her total hopeless panic about being a beauty thief could still be a thing (because it is actually endearing), it'd just be an act. but that's me talkin' fix-its again.
-- i really like the scene of haru defending mona to the PT on the rooftop, then cutting to show just how strained her relationship is with her father. she exists to be useful to her father's ambitions and nothing else, and that scene really drove home just how painful that is for her.
-- oh hey remember how the game went through the trouble of showing how haru's fiance is a sexist, violent, animal-hurting piece of shit and then promptly failed to actually separate her from him in game (i think you only can do that in her s-link?? the s-link you can barely finish in your first run of the game??), and in t hEN SHOWED HER IN THE CAR WITH HIM LATER, LOOKING HORRIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE?
-- ryuji running into the attic, all worried about mona, with a first aid kit, is..... very good. very good and endearing. good on you, ryuji.
-- haru gently encouraging mona to tell the truth is also really good. idk if i just missed it in the game or what, but i really like how she's presented in the anime. she's like a counterpart to ren--soft, sincere, observant, patient, yet she's made of pure steel beneath all that.
thoughts on episode 21:
-- haru, the reason your father's heart grew twisted is thanks to capitalism. you gotta change the heart of capitalism.
-- not to be all poochie here but whenever akechi isn't on screen, all i can ask myself is whERE'S AKECHI?
-- okay see this is where i'm thrown completely out of the story or even really liking haru. haru just listened to her dad's shadow saying he would PIMP HER OUT TO HER FIANCE WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. and she still is just like ~no i want him to go back to being kind~
bitch are you nuts
are you NUTS
god. i'm getting so mad again lmao
-- ren approaching haru to point out that if the truth of her father's crimes comes to light, she'll forever be associated with him (and with all the harm and ruined reputation that brings) is, once again, further reminder of just how... damn good ren is. he doesn't hesitate to speak from the heart nor does he ever fail to listen to someone else speak from theirs.
-- also not for nothing but uh
how did the cops not like
figure out how the PT phan-site was set up within the first few months and track it down to mishima? was that ever addressed at all?
-- honestly another reason why i get so fucking mad about this okumura stuff is the game goes SO FAR OUT OF ITS WAY to make you feel BAD that he died, when he was by all rights a fucking shitheel monster, yet when akechi dies it's like 'oh well. that sucked.' fuck off, atlus. the death of a greedy, heartless CEO isn't more sad just because his gaslit daughter is conditioned to be sad about it.
i understand that a large part of the shock after okumura's death is because the PT don't know if they did anything wrong. but okumura was in no way a good person. he was in no way a person whose redemption overruled all the hurt and harm he did. that has been the case for EVERY PT target before this, so why the fuck is okumura suddenly so different? why SHOULD he be?
the difference between him and, say, akechi is that okumura et. al. all made those choices on their own to do terrible things. they delighted in it, they enjoyed it. but akechi, much like futaba, was forced into a cycle of self-destruction--it’s just that in futaba’s case, her self-destruction targeted herself, and akechi’s was quite literally weaponized and used against others. he approached shido as a young teenager and was then used by him for years.
a teenage boy being used as a magical hitman by his shitlord father is far more deserving of sympathy and redemption than grown adults who willingly make the decision to harm, abuse, and prey on others. but no, the game didn’t want to do that.
this is another big problem i have with p5's second and third acts: it's so tonally dissonant and sloppy. it's like they didn't try to actually be as rebellious and hellraiser-y as the first act WANTED to be, and it all ends up being such a limp-dick shriveled mess of "let's fight against this rotten society!! ......... as long as it in no way actually upsets anyone or does any REAL change." fuck off lmao
that's not me even commenting on the "twist" and how it needed to be explained MULTIPLE TIMES to the player for it to make any sense.
and it still doesn't make sense to me btw.
so that's another thing i hope p5r fixes.
-- rip evil dave thomas megamind.
-- akechi floating the idea to sae that the phantom thieves had nothing to do with okmura’s death is............................ interesting.
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Well, yesterday was fucking wild. So my cat's been pregnant for a while and that's been. It's just happened tbh. It's just been a thing. And well, after I got home yesterday and after taking a bath my cat got into my room (I let her in bc she scratched on the door so I'd let her) I noticed she was going into labor. So, long story short, I brought her into our closet and she crawled up on one of the shelves there and went into labor and I stayed w her most of the night. I put my hand on her tummy at some points and she legit wouldn't let me take my hand away there. At around 2 am the first kit came and I got rly worried in the morning bc no other kitten had come and my cat seemed very tired and almost sick so I cried a lot there. In the morning. Yeah. My dad drove me to school and reassured me it'd be okay and. I kept worrying. I told my teacher my cat gave birth during our ensemble class and he was like "oh? How many?" And when I said one he was like wtf and then he told me to talk to DV (the piano dude) bc he's a breeding expert except he specializes in bunnies. That was p funny tbh. Other than that the ensemble went well and was p fun except my cold showed up and spooked me and I worried I didn't sound too good. Idk. During lunch I ate w AN, D and AN's friend who is now her boyfriend. He's rly funny and friendly tbh. We talked during lunch and then went with AN's bf's friend to the train station and then back to school. We sat down in a group room and just hung out there and then me and D went to the store. I got some chocolate. And a soda. And when we came back we met the annoying drummer guy and ended up talking to him a bit 'cause AN and her bf talked to a teacher in the group room. English class was okay. We did some listening exercise that was far too easy and then I wrote a bit before I left early to get home. Now I'm here and. My cat's got two kittens now! Idk if there'll be more but I guess we'll see later. I'm thinking about moving my car and her kittens to this lil makeshift bed I made bc I think that might be better than the closet. I'm so so so worried about touching them though. I'll probably go sleep soon I think. I only slept for about two hours last night bc of the whole situation with my cat. I'm glad she's okay though.
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scourge-sympathiser · 5 years
[1/2] A wild concept 4 ur firelight AU (just for fun) Anyway, what if Firelight does break the code to have kits w/ Sandstorm (scandalous ik, but accidents happen) but they agree not to be mates and keep it hush-hush. Then Greystripe (a good friend™️) agrees to step in and pretend to be her mate since it’ll stop his clanmates from asking details about his own secret love life. So later when Silverstream passes, Greystripe is able to ... (cont.)
[2/2] ... give their kits to Sandstorm (who gives birth around the same time). And boom, now the angst of Greystripe and Firelight is x100 bc their kids are being raised together. Maybe ending in a sandstorm-firelight-greystripe ot3 after they slow burn style work thru their issues? (Ik this idea keeps greystripe in thunderclan, but I can’t bring myself to think of him as a riverclan cat - too much floof lol) Love ur blog, thx for reading all that!
this is a very bery different stroy from the “canon” firelight AU- in which sandstorm & firelight stay pretty strictly platonic- in part due to him being a medicine cat apprentice before their romance evr rly started ? which isnt 2 say it still couldnt happen but tht Unavailability doez sway thingz a little, their relationship also stayz a lot more.. aggressive? for lack of a better word??? like thy r a lot more Rude 2 eachothr a lot like how it waz before fireheart stopped sandpaw from going over a cliff... but itz waaaaaay more good natured
paradoxically i think it would actually lessen the angst- firepaw winding up in his own forbidden love mess & going 2 greystripe for help would begin bridging the gap between thm, & with silverstreamz death it would be enough for greystripe to be able to fully trust tht his friend wouldnt just let her die, like, in canon it waz letting silverstream go in tht fight on the moorz tht started repairing their friendship, in this, thm finding thmselvez in very similar situationz would take tht place.. maybe it would be rough at first bcuz greystripe is kinda a dipshit who shovez his own insecuritiez onto othrz n he would likely interpret firepawz confession as Hypocritical aftr he told greystripe seeing silverstream waz a bad idea but once he getz the beez outta his brain hez able 2 recognize just how much firepaw must trust him 2 make such a request n thy r able to start talking again tentatively n by the time silverstream is in labor their relationship haz been patched up qoute a lot & tht only continuez aftr her death- now being able to share with eachother the guilt thy bith feel over how thingz ended up
hell, u could spin this off into an AU where silverstream is just fine, this this would also end up differently seeing as like. she probably wantz 2 keep her kitz in riverclan, understandably... but thtz like a whole other big spin off thing [silverstream-sandstorm-firelight-greystripe big ole mostly forbidden love pile perhapz]
sandstorm is like fuckin! whoopz i guess!! time to think of a convincing excuse for me & this guy i bairly talk 2 except to insult him getting togther! but thy end up chatting a lot as greystripe spendz a great deal of time in the nursery n figuring out tht he isnt so bad.. seeing how much he adorez his own & how tht love spreadz to herz & firelightz… well it helpz get him on her good side 2 say the least
i think in this case greystripe would nevr leave thunderclan & fight for his kitz 2 stay there 2? idk not much haz changed in the text 2 prompt tht but i think itz more fun 2 change thingz thn keep thm the same so. feather & stone grow up thunderclan with their supposedly-half-siblingz-but-actually-just-adopted-siblingz squrriel & leaf !!! tho maybe leafkit would hav a different name seeing as she waz nammed aftr leafstar who she wouldnt hav met at this point....... yez i just like changing charcterz namez arbitrarily Wht Of It 
also funny about this AU is tht i bet a TON of catz think greystripe is an TOTAL ASSHOLE 4 cheating on his pregnant mate with a cat from another clan… wht a scumbag…….. why is she still with him…………
but the idea of sandstorm & greystripe being Publically Matez well also secret dating firelight is pretty fun… especially bcuz those 2 r usually only paired togther whn firestar is also involved so itz sorta weird to imagine thm togther totally separately lmao
def a very different AU in the end! i think i personally still find the original more engaging but thnk u 4 sharing!!! this is a rly fun way 2 go with it as well!! haz promise as yet another spin off AU of wht is already sort of a spin off AU..... incredible
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