#of course I'm calling Doom!Joanne as the witch
little-demy · 2 years
The Witch of Maguswood
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"Be careful when you walk throught the depth of Maguswood. If you're careless, the Witch might drag you to the depth of darkness."
Crossposted from twitter. Had shared tiny bits about Doom!Joanne in the Book of Lore server too before but I thought I should post here too huhu
This is an AU where Joanne had lost too much. Families and friends had died in her arms. Then Joanne was droven to the edge until finally she snapped
【 Lore 】
The Hero of Falconreach is no more. Lore has no need of someone like her, thus they drove her away. People turned on her, calling her a witch. It was only a matter of time for the Hero of Falconreach to break.
Betrayes by destiny. Thrown away by her people. Alone, while carrying the dying dragon, she accepted doom and watched over from the darkness.
Additional notes:
This is an AU where she lost everyone, which means she lost more than just Serenity and Tomix. Aegis, Ash, Aria, Zhoom, Valencia, and the rest had gone. Some are still alive, maybe like Artix and Victoria, but just a few of them Less and less people trust her, and she ended up droven away by the others.
Arc could be consideres half-dead? He's dying, has no chance of surviving. But with her new power Joanne brought him back. The current Arc that come with her is alive, but he's more of a brainless puppet right now.
Joanne's current base of operation is in Maguswood, hidden in the forest. The chance of meeting her is actually very low ... ... ... Unless you're a Rose soldier.
She often pretending to be a normal adventurer and being friensly to people she met by accident in the wood. Using cryptic power she usually distort other people's eyesight and memory, making sure they won't remember her face and voice clearly after meeting her. Of course unless you're a Rose soldiers, this could change.
This Joanne is more hostile and merciless to Rose soldiers. No Rose soldiers could survive her. None of them ever come back after meeting her.
Though she never attack first. She will provoke them and make sure the other will attack her first so she could claim it as a "self defense".
Despite her new power and the fact that she's now no longer considered a hero, Joanne still watch over Falconreach. Other town could be destroyed for all she cares, but if anyone dare to lay a finger on her used to be hometown, Joanne will make them regret everything.
People treat her like Voldemort, no one dares to mention her name and refer her as "the Witch". Only the last few people who once knew her dares to speak her name.
She's not going around destroying Lore or work with the Darkness though. Just living alone in the woods and now lives as the villain instead of the hero.
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