#also referring this as the fucked up au
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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skywerse · 5 months
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the eepening
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ren-054 · 6 months
Renée Sterling: Oh, they have to find my darling husbands! I’m so worried about them!
Detective Monty: Seriously, what do you see in those two?
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ping-ski · 3 months
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a proper EBY Y/N reference is here! thank god!! (i still have not slept)
obv one is more self indulgent, but this Y/N sheet is there for anyone wanting to draw their self inserts into the AU or prefers a general Y/N for art purposes! im sorry the notes are messy and kind of distracting
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papanowo · 2 years
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tup was a shiny on umbara
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wormie wormie wormie wormi-
#tiny little guy!!! teeny thing!!!#i imagine that wormie acts kinda like a cat mixed with a crow#also she Violently wiggles her whole body when she sees barnaby. thank you for coming to my ted talk#fully convulsing. acting as though she's jello in a centrifuge#and she Does Not Stop until she is held so barnaby has to figure out how to pick her up w/o hurting her#its very amusing in my mind... hes laughing his ass off as she flops all over the place#she doesnt make noise except for very brief quiet squeaks!!#also wormie is not technically female. no one knows what the fuck she is if anything#but barnaby started referring to her with feminine terms and it Stuck#kinda like finding a cool object and going 'oh she's neat'#yeah like that!#wormie lore hidden in the fantasy au...#scribble salad#wh fantasy au#im melting picturing barnaby holding her by the 'handle'#he commissioned the harness himself... made out of the same leather as his gloves! & the same etched design as his boots!#guys im so soft thinking about them.... barnaby and his little pet worm...#i imagine he teaches her tricks... carries her on his hat.... baby talks her cause she's just that tiny how could he not....#im picturing a Scenario where barnaby full speed full force bodyslams eddie who was just walkin along#like Full Force. eddie flies back ten feet and leaves a groove in the dirt when he lands - everyone goes Hey What The Fuck Barn?!#but as soon as he does it barnaby is rushing over like 'omfg im so sorry but i had to - you were about to step on wormie'
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narratively-doomed · 11 months
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cargo shorts scaramouche
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[a cluster of floating islands drifting above a valley. ropes connect the isles together and keeps them bound to the world - recently cleared to explore, the isles are full of mystery and adventure!]
<RAMBLEY is now unavailable for asks.> <LLOYD is now unavailable for asks.> <SALEM is now unavailable for asks.> <THE SERPENT is now unavailable for asks.>
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MOLLIE arrives to the main island of the TETHERED ISLES. She looks around the TETHERED OUTPOST, watching merchants and explorers milling about and interested in a new location to explore. She sees RAMBLEY nearby, assisting in supplying the new Outpost. She spots the TRADER in the crowd; the enigmatic merchant that usually stays in the Snow Line seems to have followed the excitement to the Isles. She spots RUTA in the crowd; an experienced and respected explorer that freely offers ominous but helpful advice.
Clutching her bag of supplies, Mollie is struck by indecision.
also, because i think its funny, heres the original sketch for one that cool sidescroller esque art up there:
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its literally just blobshsjdghsd
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tradingjack · 10 months
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These were the concept pages I drew for my original writer in the @vashwoodbigbang event! Unfortunately they have disappeared on me 😅 and also bc god hates me I guess, the day I was supposed to post these, yesterday, saw me dealing with first a wifi outage and then a whole electricity outage so. That was fun lmao
Details about the drawings below since. I don't know if my writer will ever post the story, unfortunately 😔
So this was originally coined as a stardust au! I believe it was primarily based on the movie that came out in the 2000s (?), though I believe my writer was familiar with both the movie and the book it was based on. Honestly, it doesn't pull much at all from the story itself, just the general concepts of stars.
In this version, Vash is a star, and he decides to try and find his long-lost siblings (Knives and Tessla). In his search, he comes across a planet he hasn't visited before, and while he's descending to it, he's shot down by something mysterious that causes him rather permanent injury (not new; I believe he'd already lost his arm previously and he has all his scarring from travels to previous planets, this specific technology is just new to him).
He manages to crawl some distance from the resulting crater and is rescued by the odd pair of anthropologist Milly and journalist Meryl, who are tracking fallen stars on their planet in order to research them. Vash is horrified to learn that stars on this planet are rather brutally searched for and used for their power, so he tries his best to keep his real identity as a star secret.
In the next town, he learns about Star Cultists, who are the leading experts on stars. Our dear Wolfwood is one of them, and though he's a priest under the head of Chapel, he seems pretty jaded about the whole thing. He also spends some time poking fun at their visitor Vash when he stumbles on the doorstep of the church.
Unbeknownst to all, Chapel is the one who shot Vash down, and he suspects Vash is his target. When Vash, Milly, and Meryl skip town, Wolfwood is ordered to tag along with them against his will, and he begrudgingly forces himself into the group with his usual grace lol.
Through some shenanigans, including an interesting fight with Livio/Razlo who is a martyr (a human who ate at least part of a star and became consumed by it), the group all grows closer to each other. Naturally, Wolfwood and Vash hit it off with their usual ideology clashing and homoerotic team fighting. The tension comes to a head when both of the boys are drunk and attempting to stumble somewhere after getting kicked out of the bar, and with the help of liquid courage, Wolfwood admits to Vash that he's what's known as a "Star Eater:" a human that has consumed part of a star, and by some genetic luck, isn't consumed by it and instead gains some superhuman abilities so long as the magical tattoo (i forget what it's called off the top of my head fuck) that forms around the presenting star isn't broken.
Vash is understandably horrified. Wolfwood is confused by Vash's rejection bc he isn't aware Vash is a star; he's under the impression Vash is just some very talented guy Chapel really wants to feed a star shard in the hopes he becomes part of their superhuman cult.
Vash sobers up and manages to drag a very drunk and eepy Wolfwood to their hotel.
The next day is the turning point; the star cultists, including Chapel, catch up to them and confront Vash. Wolfwood has to learn very quickly that he'd been Wrong and Vash, in his panic, flies to where it feels most safe; the city's Star (storage area?? Idk). He ends up cornered there and, in his panic, accidentally goes nuclear trying to escape and blows up half the city in a column of flame. While he's barreling across the desert in an attempt to get away, he's trapped by a net the star cultists set up, made of the same shit used to shoot him down at the start, and he can't escape it on his own.
Luckily he's found by Wolfwood first, who's decided he owes it to Vash to try and fix his fuck up, and using his superhuman healing, he manages to free Vash. Both are exhausted and ultimately rescued by LR, who's been tailing them.
Tbh my memory's kinda foggy... my writer only managed to share up to that first LR fight, so I don't remember exactly what's supposed to happen between here and the fight at the orphanage?? I remember Vash somehow finds out what happened to his siblings (a hella long time ago, Tessla was consumed by the people of the planet and Knives, in his rage, fuckin just annihilated everything, turning it into a desert planet, and has been laying dormant for the most part since then) and also we learn that martyrs gain better control of themselves, and the crystal growth consuming them stops, when in proximity to enough additional star power. Vash, as a star himself, allows LR to easily think as they did before they ate a star shard when in close enough proximity.
Anyway, fight for the orphanage, Vash shows up in time to see Wolfwood getting his shit rocked and his magical tattoo (I'm so annoyed I can't remember what it's called. My mind is supplying sharingan and i know that aint it) shattered by Chapel, who accomplishes this by running Wolfwood through with his cane. Vash, believing Wolfwood's dead (bc like. Lmao it's pretty hard to live getting impaled, like, fully), loses his temper and basically obliterates Chapel. He moves on from Wolfwood's body to try and dismantle the entire Star church so Wolfwood's orphanage can stay safe. In this process, he confronts a Doctor Conrad, who was behind the whole thing, the remains of Tessla, and somehow Knives?? I think Knives, sensing Vash's anguish, just tried to fuckin nuke everyone, and Vash stops that. I feel like Knives dies in this process somehow... I think it was by saving Vash from something Conrad made??
By the end of it, Vash is wounded and exhausted, and ends up being saved by Milly and Meryl, I think.
When he recovers, it's to find he's lost his ability to leave the planet; while still functionally a star, his power has greatly diminished, his hair is black, and he can't even hide his wings anymore. Last I knew, my writer was actually merciful and let Wolfwood live! Albeit as a martyr (thus the wolf form with the uncontrolled star shard bursting out of the hole in his chest you can see on Wolfwood's page lol). Luckily he's got Vash around, so he gets to keep his mind, if not his human form.
With Knives dead and the star cultists mostly dispersed and no longer able to fuck with the planet, the story ends with our characters getting to experience rainfall on the planet for the first time in centuries.
I like the story :P I imagine it'd be a lot better written out in actual novel form by the person who'd actually thought it up than my shitass, too-long summary lol.
Honestly my writer was communicating up until like, a month ago?? And then they just.... disappeared :/ which is weird bc I checked with my mod for this event (shout out to mod sana, @pushclouds, you're an amazing mod and I appreciate the heck out of you) and they submitted literally every check-in. Honestly I'm more worried for them than anything, if anyone knows what happened to @lohikaar I'd appreciate anything you can tell me. I hope they'll publish this story whenever they can, I'd still love to read it in its entirety.
Additional shout-out to @priellan for beta-ing the story they shared with us, and for overall being a super supportive team member :D
Also they did assign me a pinch hitter writer since we have no idea wtf happened to my original writer, so I'll be doing more drawings :D priellan agreed to beta for them too, which I'm super happy about! And thanks again to mod sana for your hard work and arranging that so quickly!
An admittedly strange first big bang experience, but I don't think it was overall bad, and I'm excited to work on more stuff with my new writer :D if you read this far goddamn. Thanks lol. See you again for sure on January 1st! (I'll try to post other shit between then and now hopefully)
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kirby-souljourney-au · 5 months
Meta time!!!!
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No, I didn’t forget he had a cape until I was almost finished, I knew the entire time I swear. (I definitely forgot.)
Once again, this man takes up too much canvas space for me to put his scar map in the same one as his full ref, so he needs a separate image as well.
All his information and hex codes are under the cut, as usual!
I still can’t draw abs. And I’m sorry this took kinda long, I got distracted… the Taboo rewrite & the planning for the fic itself has a vice grip on my soul.
Full name: Ione Argon
Aliases: Meta Knight, ‘Nene’ (don’t call him that unless you’re his friend)
Species: Earthling Dragon (Fire/Ground) x Dream-Dark-Matter Astral Hybrid
Planet of Origination: Popstar
Age: 231
Height: 6’10”
Gender: Intersex; identifies as non-binary
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Multi-spec lesbian, asexual
S/O: Galacta Iriam (fiancée) (and Ophanim/Morpho EX (girlfriend), in the future)
Family: Hano Agron (biological mother), Ekia Argon (older sister), Vaga Argon (older sister), Sirv Argon (younger brother), Kirby Argon (adopted son) (as well as Athena Iriam (daughter), in the future)
The famous Meta Knight of the Galaxy Soldier Army, well-known for his title and sacred blade, Galaxia.
Engaged to Galacta Iriam — currently has no biological children with him, but adopted 14-year-old Kirby as their son when he was aged 6.
Works as a Knight under Dreamland’s King Dedede, and is head of Castle Dedede’s Royal Guard.
Quiet and seemingly apathetic, though kind-hearted and meaning nothing but well, he finds general difficulty in befriending others due to his somewhat off-putting demeanour. He is very kind, though, just ultimately socially awkward and nervous as an individual.
He joined the GSA the second he turned 19, believing himself to be responsible for the safety of the Galaxy due to his Astral heritage, as well as to get as far away from his mother as possible. He worked with them for the majority of his life since he joined, until an attack by Nightmare wiped out nearly all the GSA’s forces and scattered those that remained. He’s worked for King Dedede as his Knight for about 30 years, and finds genuine enjoyment in his current job.
His weapon of choice is the sacred Master Sword, a sentient enchanted blade named Galaxia. He also uses his natural Fire magic, and on rare occasion, Dream Magic, when necessary. Very well-trained in swordplay, and certainly no easy opponent.
Hex codes
4F3224 — Scars / Palms
311A0F — Skin
101010 — Socks / Gloves
120E1C — Fuzz fade / Cape back
1D1D47 — Hair / Fuzz base
E0BEFF — Inner ears / Wing webbing
FCC66F — Iris 1
FFFFFF — Wing talons
BFBFBF — Ring / Thigh guards (or whatever they’re called) / Arm guards
18122B — Chestplate & Pauldrons 1
2C2240 — Battle shirt (?)
32353E — Pants
6B5B86 — Straps
CCCFFD — ‘M’ symbol
472A77 — Sabatons
E4C69A — Chestplate & Pauldrons 2
000000 — Inner cape (plus multicoloured Nebulae)
1A1A1B — Shirt
343434 — Face mask / Dress pants
D2CDC4 — Iris 2
FFFBF4 — Eye whites
08003D — Base / Fade 1 (using Nebula brush)
00113D — Fade 2 (using Nebula brush)
0046FF — ‘Star’ patterning (using Glimmer brush on Hard Light, with base & fade colours overlaid on top using a clipping-mask Colour layer)
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unknownarmageddon · 1 year
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And I’m not gonna stop till I forget what we had
Cross belongs to Jael Peñaloza Lyrics from I Don’t Wanna Talk (I Just Wanna Dance) by Glass Animals
Got the idea and inspiration from this ask from @psycho-chair!!
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saturnaous · 6 months
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Al is soooo annoying when it comes to Winry having to work on his automail because he screeches the entire time
misc doodles + an amount of speaks under the cut
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uhhhhh. I was figurign out some stuff for Al's outfit and I settled with a partially buttoned shirt over a black tanktop <3 AND. I stumbled upon a better quality version of one of the panels with Ed's armor AND IT HAS COLORS. turns out the things on his chest ARE tassels, AND his fingers are actually mostly connected! which is fun. (WRITHES AROUND ON THE FLOOR)
besides that. I'm still figuring out stuff for the Au. which is fun. One of the major things I'm trying to pin down the!! Damn names! Right now I got. Half Metal alchemist. for obvious reasons. but idk I just don't like it that much; it still has the potential for mixing up Ed and Al. because. yeah. shrugs. second option is Tongued Alchemist. which is ironic as fuck. it also keeps up with Ed and Al mixed up. Because Ed doesn't fucking shut up. other one is the Gold Alchemist but like Ed doesn't really have any reason to be the gold alchemist so. not much reasoning to mix them up. sighs. if you have any suggestions I am very open to listening <3
uhhh. I don't think I have much else to say. idk, if you wanna send me fma art reqs that'd be p sweet! ermmm. yeah. writhes around on the floor before combusting OG POST FOR THIS AU OTHER OTHER POST I DID FOR THIS AU
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
i do love canon amy & rory but god, does some part of me wish they really had gone with the idea of the doctor picking up a child as a companion (and then later, that child’s best friend with a huge crush on her.) with the rest of the season really not changing at all, except now it’s amelia pond with an angel in her head killing her and lost alone in the woods. it’s little rory who dies and is forgotten and becomes a toy soldier. if this is going to be a fairy tale, then let it be one. children have never been safe in fairy tales.
#it wouldn’t have to change any of the actual plot of the season. except MAYBE amy’s choice but even then i think amy’s choice would be the#one episode where they should be adults. if only for the half where they live in a village in that dream.#because that’s the kind of future that children would dream up. they live in a little cottage and nothing ever goes wrong and their best#friend visits them all the time even though they’ve grown up.#they aren’t actually adults there just children with an idea of what they should be as adults and acting accordingly#and it would still end the same way.#but idk its just. rory’s 2000 years waiting for amy inside the pandorica is already tragic. yes.#now imagine its a kid. a kid in a little roman soldier helmet who will never grow up. who will not leave his best friend.#he loves her and she’s more important than the whole universe and that sort of love is supposed to MEAN something in a fairy tale!#its supposed to melt the ice out of hearts and transform people from stone.#and what that love means here. is that he will have to wait 2000 years. a child and a box.#little rory and the amelia who followed the doctor’s letters to the pandorica. and she doesn’t recognize him again.#and amelia in the pandorica… 2000 years a child trapped in a small box waiting to be rescued.#s5 is already fucked for them but it could be worse. it could be so much worse.#and it would make the doctor choosing to take her place in the pandorica to save the universe later even better.#because who else but the doctor would put the fate of the universe on the shoulders of two children and realize much too late what a#monstrous thing he’d done. and still have to hope. have to hope. that amelia would remember him fondly enough to bring him back to reality.#the logistics of all of this would have been a pain lmao. child labor laws in acting and all that.#BUT. hypothetically. it would have slapped.#doctor who#amy pond#rory williams#<- also this entire time ive been referring to him in my head as rory pond so much that i fuckin. forgot his actual last name.#and then like if you want them to be adults in s6 or whatever you can just timeskip to them getting married and still have amelia remember#the doctor there. it would work. it would.#amelia pond au
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scover-va · 7 months
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Whatever. Brooks siblings attack. Leaves again goodbye everyone see yall in like fifty-five business days when i draw smth postable again
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blizzardstarx · 8 months
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you can blame my late night brainrot for this <3
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part 2
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mihrsuri · 5 months
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Dauphine of France. Princess of Scotland. Princess of Albion. Queen Regnant of Scotland. Queen of England. The Half Breed Heathens Whore Of A Wife. My Darling Wise Thistle. Little Wise Eyed. Jeanne.
Though Joan’s father died not six months after her birth his love for her was remarked upon - indeed it was said that he could hardly bear to be apart from her. His death was something her mother Mary never recovered from despite two subsequent marriages and the reminder of him in her black haired and grey eyed daughter seems to have been a mixture of grief and solace to her. Joan proved to be a serious child - interested in books, archery and riding but with a keen talent for music she was included in and educated in rulership from a young age, particularly by her paternal grandmother who remarked that she saw ‘very much of Marguerite of Navarre in her’ she was excellent at politics, at rulership and in her concern and interest in the lives of all her people but she was not warm and nor did she have the charisma and ability to draw the eye of her mother, something that drew unfavourable comparisons. Her marriage was made out of pragmatism on her part and no one was more surprised than Joan when it turned into love.
(inspired in part by this edit by @emilykaldwen (ABBY MY BELOVED))
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