#of course both could get killed if the ocean or seastone is involved
damnprecious · 1 year
do you ever have a fic idea that you have absolutely no idea how to execute?
I keep thinking about Brook and Marco and their devil fruits and whether or not it'd be possible for them to die from natural causes
and I keep coming back to this one scene in which Brook sits on some cliff overlooking the ocean after years and years and years have passed
his nakama is long since gone, fallen in battle, through a challenger's blade, age or sickness
maybe some of them had kids and grandkids and the kid are gone and the grandkids are either gone or on their way out
there's no more Laboon
so the skeleton sits on the cliff and watches on as the sun slowly sink into the sea
and he picks up his violin and starts to pluck the strings and plays a familiar tune
but the version isn't the bright and jovial tune we're used to
it's quiet and slow and full of memories
and then from the sky above a bright trill of a phoenix joins in, circling above the violinist
until the sun vanishes and only the bird's azure flames illuminate the sky
two relics of a bygone era finding a moment of solace in each other's company
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