#of course they're gonna make some jokes at his expense because this is a sitcom and that's true for everyone
senadimell · 1 year
One of the most surprisingly delightful things about BBC Ghosts is just how much of a gem Pat is. Going off of appearances, it would be really easy for the narrative to make a bunch of jokes at his expense and make that the sum total of his character, but no. Yeah, he’s the middle-aged scout leader with an arrow in his neck with an out-of-fashion haircut, but he’s more than that.
He led boy scouts and was genuinely passionate about it, and what does that mean? He’s patient and used to dealing with kids calmly, socially and emotionally aware, generally unselfish, and good at building people up. And the fact that he’s got all of the badges means that he’s got a whole wealth of genuinely interesting competencies that means he’s interesting to be around. And then he also delights in so many things, which sparks life into everyone around him. In life or death, you really want to be around people like Pat!
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