#of course you and i have talked VIVEDLY about Greasy being Poppy's first ex- but ive been thinking about the other guys too
marinerainbow ยท 10 months
Ooh! I have a random fun OC question for you if you want it!
Imagine that Poppy's boyfriends came into her life in a different order. For example Moony was first, then Ben, then Henry was the most recent. How do you think that would change Poppy's character if at all? ๐Ÿค”
If you don't answer, I hope this gives you something interesting to ponder anyway! ^^
Ohhh this is an interesting thought!! Granted, not all of Poppy's issues were caused by her relationship with Henry, but they did play a part in them. Being with the best guy out of the bunch while at her lowest point? Let's see...
Also, since Poppy met Henry in a bar, I'm gonna say she met Moony in that bar, too. It still fits for their characters at that point in time.
Moony, I imagine around this time, was just starting to work on himself. He had been at it for a bit when he met Poppy in the original timeline, so he was a bit better at himself. Here, though, he's only just picked up self-help books, and Cake isn't around yet to be his emotional support animal. He hadn't at all expected to see Poppy here, and neither did she him. I can imagine she already had a drink or two, so her reaction was a bit slow, but she was still scared of Moony. Moony, having no clue what to say to her and seeing she's scared does discourage him, but he sees she came out here alone and offers to call her a cab or something. His way of apologizing to her without overstaying his welcome. Though Poppy... She's not sure why, maybe it's the alcohol impairing her judgment. Or she's really lonely tonight. But she asks Moony to stay with her instead. Moony, caught off guard but not wanting to leave an intoxicated alone in this part of town, does sit with her. And they talk, and they laugh, and Moony drives her home so she can sleep ^^
Sorry, I wanted to type out that wholesome meeting XD anyways- Poppy is still in her miserable acting business and Moony is just starting to work on himself. So there are probably going to be moments between them. Like maybe Moony accidentally snarls at her even though he's angry at someone else, and Poppy is especially sensitive now and clings onto him in a not so healthy way. But they both genuinely love each other, and Moony does his best to treat her right- which he does. And he makes it clear to her that she didn't do anything wrong when he's mad. This allows Poppy to see him as just being a toon who needs help, so she's right beside him while he's figuring out how to handle himself. They both read the same books- which actually start to help Poppy herself, Poppy is understanding, albeit a bit overbearing with trying to make sure Moony is OK, and they even adopt Cake together ^^
So yeah, although it may not be 100% healthy with their struggle with mental and emotional health, they do still love and care for each other. They're just more delicate at these stages in their lives now. In this timeline, I can see Moony breaking things off with Poppy not because he fell out of love, but because he's too scared of hurting her. Despite Poppy's attempts to keep him around and convince him that she knows he won't hurt her, he still leaves, believing it to be the best for her. Which, honestly, probably left them both even more heartbroken, as they still love and yearn for each other. He does want to still be friends though, so Poppy does at least look forward to that (I'm debating on whether or not she'd try to convince him that they can still be together as friends, both for his sake and because she doesn't want to lose him as a boyfriend. She is more clingy and desperate for love at this point in time, but that also sounds too forceful for her. I'll have to think more on it).
And then Ben comes along and fucks up the progress Poppy was making ๐Ÿ™ƒ Poppy is of course left sad and heartbroken after Moony made it clear that he won't get back together with her. Then she meets this asshole in the same, if not similar, way she meets him in the OG timeline. She helps him out, but this time decides to give him her number for him to call her (since Moony didn't take all of Poppy's stuff, she has a nice simple house in Uptown. Meaning that she never lived in Downtown, and learned the dangers of offering your number to complete strangers. To put it in short, Poppy is more trusting of people at this point in time). Which he decides to do in the morning once he sobers up. They talk and meet up, and Poppy finds herself falling for this seemingly nice guy.
She feels bad, though. As she doesn't think she's ready to move on from Moony. Though after he encourages her to go ahead and start dating again (before he met this Ben, I assure you), she decided to give it a try. They seem pretty good together, at first. Ben seems to be a pretty decent fellow, despite his drinking, and Poppy wants to give him a chance like she gave Moony the chance he needed. Things seem to be going OK, until Poppy introduces Ben to her friend and ex, Moony. And doesn't hide the fact that they used to date because she's trying to be 100% honest with her partner ^^
Ben, seeing that he's not the first guy Poppy has been with (and feeling pretty insecure with Moony. He's tall, handsome, and has a nice voice), and the fact that now he knows that Poppy still talks with her ex, starts to grow distaste for her now. And Moony could sniff out that Ben wasn't a good egg from their meeting. Though he was more hesitant to bring this up with Poppy, not wanting her to think he's trying to take back what he said about her dating. Though once Poppy started confiding in him about how distant Ben has been and how he seems angry at her, that's when Moony decides he's had enough and goes to talk to Ben. He does have a better grip on his temper now. Though he's still pretty fucking pissed at Ben so he's probably still a bit intimidating while trying to be calm.
This is what spurs Ben to break up with Poppy here. Moony scared him. He had been thinking about doing it anyway, but Moony unintentionally made him go for it. He still tries to turn this around on Poppy, saying how you can't trust anybody who's friends with their ex, and then leaves Poppy confused and wondering what she did wrong. Moony comforts her as best as she can, and resists hunting down that jerk and tearing him a new one, but Poppy still feels guilty that she somehow made Ben think she couldn't be trusted (my god, baby girl, I'm so sorry you did nothing wrong! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ).
Ah, now we get to the other bastard. Henry. Thanks to Moony, Poppy has been able to recover better from Ben, and just in general have a better well-being. He even helped her out with completely cutting her parents off ^^ she was hoping to spend some time by herself, so when Henry came along, she wasn't easily swayed. Flattered, yes, but she didn't take him home right away. He was just looking for some company, and as such, didn't pursue her further when she made it clear she wasn't interested in that. So unless Poppy somehow made it clear she was from the nice side of town, and he saw easy exploitation, he wouldn't have gone further with her like the OG timeline. So Poppy shouldn't have to worry about him ^^
... Though maybe Henry could steal her wallet/purse. And since that has all of her valuables, maybe Poppy could try filing a report with the local authorities. Which, perhaps at this time, could be a certain weasel patrol? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
I know you didn't involve her, but I wanted to add Shiny since I've been thinking about this. Bonus if Shiny was the one Poppy met that night at the bar.
Shiny is younger, but she does know by now what she likes. So she did try to woo Poppy similarly to Henry. She could see she had some money on her, so she was hoping to get a one night stand and rob the cute bunny while she was asleep. Though Poppy, although very charmed and flustered, was also denying the feelings this woman was invoking within her (that's another woman?? She don't hate, but she's not gay!... Right?). But again, this was while Poppy was at a very low point in her life and was far too easily won over. So, even though she was certain this wasn't going to lead anywhere, Poppy let Shiny come with her back to her house... Just to spend time together as friends! Nothing more!
Except they did take it to the bedroom... So Shiny didn't have to worry about getting a cab home... And they may or may not have gotten up close... And kissed... Aaaaaand it would have led to more, but Poppy decided she was too tired and snuggled into Shiny. Totally not because she was flustered and confused with herself and wanted to pause everything while she was figuring herself out. And since Poppy was holding onto her, Shiny couldn't slip out of the bed. So she had no choice but to cuddle the soft cutie. Oh what a terrible fate it was for the thief.
In the morning, Poppy apologizes for how she acted the night before while cooking up breakfast for them both (she honestly isn't sure what else to do XD), and Shiny assures her she did nothing wrong. Which she was being genuine about. She understands how overwhelming a sexual awakening can be. But she keeps getting distracted from eying the place for valuables because Poppy... Still wants to talk? First she made her food, and now she's trying to chat? What's next? She's gonna call her 'sweet'???... Oh god, Poppy did. Is she a cinnamon roll or just a kiss up? Shiny tries to deny her growing attachment to this little rabbit and decides to leave without taking anything. Well, except Poppy's number after it was offered... What!? Don't you look at her like that!
Eventually, the two fall in love and start dating ^^ it takes longer though, even though Poppy falls completely head over heels in love. Shiny has her own issues, feeling a bit afraid to get close with someone after losing her mother (I'm still ironing out her story, but I've got a better idea for Shiny's family now). But when she lets go and lets Pops in, she too completely falls deeply in love. Might get a bit too attached/protective of Poppy than her older self would, especially when she sees how much Poppy is going through at her job and her family. And Poppy is also very concerned about Shiny's way of life. But unlike with Moony, I don't see these two gals breaking up anytime soon.
Thank you so much for sending this in! It was very fun to imagine ^^ I hope you enjoy!
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