#of learning how to draw ritos X'D
mikaiink · 1 year
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Genli, the caregiver & culinary enthusiast .||
Might be getting better at this? perhaps... [[ !!! Spoilers Ahead !!!]] Genli, is one of Kass & Amalia's daughters; I remember her from BoTW being the one who wasn't that fond of singing but was very enthusiastic about food. Specially the dish known as Salmon Meuniere - which becomes the key of a quest, in order to get the sisters reunited and sing at Warbler's Nest. Later on she finds appreciation for singing with the help of Link (which she roasts and says "You don't look strong as Teba...If you fight that bird monster, you'll probably lose!"- I found this hilarious) and the return of her father, Kass.
During the events of ToTK, similar to her sisters- she is given a role. Luckily for her, is one involved with food. Mostly focused on recollecting and making food for the villagers- in which Link helps acquiring the necessary ingredients. Out of all sisters, I feel she would travel for a bit to different regions- to learn new recipes and techniques when cooking. But will come back home and settled-down, opening her own kitchen to feed not only her own folks but travelers as well.
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