#of those though the most femme. in my mind. is missy.
menlove · 11 months
the twelfth doctor's story is just one butch dealing with no less than 3 batshit femmes who love him very much and would kill someone with varying degrees of hesitation and then 1 lesbian who is neither and would NOT kill anyone but would still die for him in a very Platonic way
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Fic request: Miss Twisted trying desperately to woo Alice Angel and ends up both embarrassing herself and making herself seem endearing.
Summary: Romance is a lot harder than her radio dramas make it out to be, but Miss Twisted won't be deterred from wooing the girl of her dreams. Lucky for her, she has some outside intervention.
It was a little like how one of her dramas began. Though, hard as nails, femme fatale goes into a seedy bar with her buds to scope out the local birds. The three are losing the flirting battle because none of the dames think they're classy enough to get with them for a one night hookup, and then as if by miraculous coincidence an angel steps out into the stage. Literally.
Miss Twisted liked the concept behind a romantic relationship. It drove her absolutely giddy with delight when she kicked back to listen to her afternoon radio soaps. She was just never lucky enough to find the sort of gal that'd fly with her.
Sure, hooking up for some hanky panky filled night was fun and all, but it lacked the emotional depth of a romantic partner to get all sweet with and do all of those cute couple things she saw the folks of Bouillonburg doing to woo their significant others.
Brute and Cameraman were good company sure, but unless they started going around in drag she doubted she'd find either attractive. Also they were more like her brothers so, ew, no... And honestly the idea of Cam in a dress was gag worthy. Brute might make it work, he had the badonkadonks to fill the front of a dress very nicely.
Shaking her head, Missy winced.
"Shoulda started with a few virgins rather than straight up vodka..." She contemplated as she pushed away her last glass.
"Lightweight." Cam teased as he chugged straight out of a whiskey bottle... Somehow. She had no idea how he could drink without a mouth and watching him did little to provide an answer. "Bar's full of snobby wenches tonight. Not even a lady of my caliber in sight..."
"They host ugly nights on Thursdays." She stuck her tongue out at him and yelped when he pulled her stool back, nearly causing her to fall.
"It is Thursday. And just because you 'fleshies' don't think us object toons are pleasing to the eye, doesn't mean we're not beautiful." He seemed cross. "Don't need my own friends being a bunch of obnoxious racists..."
"You know I don't really mean it, you square." She signalled the barman for another round. "You're cute honestly, just not my type."
"Cute? I'm very handsome thank you very much! Back in my home town everyone thought I was quite the catch!" He huffed proudly before looking around. "Not much of your type around either... The ladies here only have eyes for the men."
"And the men only have eyes for the ladies. Poor Bubu, been a while since he's had some fun..." She glanced at the large burly wolf who was collecting olives from the martini glasses he'd been drinking. He looked resigned to a night of zero bedroom fun.
"Hasn't it been for all of us?" He downed the rest of his bottle and covered his faceplate as he belched. "Pardon me."
"You burp like a little girl." The demoness teased again as she picked up her new glass and turned to face the stage. The previous act had finally come to an end, and she was curious to see who else had signed up to entertain the local drunkards.
That's when she came into the stage... The most dazzling vision Miss Twisted did ever lay eyes upon. A beautiful curvy hourglass figure accentuated by a tight black dress, a round heart shaped face that fit plump lips and large doe-like soulfull eyes, ebony locks that framed her face nicely, a pair of stubby curved horns upon her head, and a brilliant halo that cast her in an ethereal glow...
Miss Twisted felt cupid's arrow pierce her heart as this wonderfully beau walked towards the microphone, an angel among sinners.
"Wow mama..." Color flooded her already flushed cheeks as the act began. Eyes glued on sensually swaying hips and kissable lips moving to form syllables... Oh and that voice! That splendurous voice! Like a siren's song to her ears.
Cameraman squinted as he turned to look.
"That little lady looks familiar..." He hummed.
"She's gorgeous..." Missy giggled as she practically drooled watching the angel on the stage. Cameraman looked at his friend and sighed, before turning to look at Brute who was also watching the little demoness with an inquisitive look. The object-headed toon shook his head and simply ordered another bottle. It took a lot to get him drunk, and alcohol was honestly such weak stuff... He sure wished more establishments in Bouillonburg served his kind of drinks.
The wolf shrugged his shoulders and asked for his own refill. Best not get in the way of his female friend's thirsting.
The angel was quite the gal indeed. And, it turns out, a close friend of Missy's old pal! Why, the naughty little Imp was even at the bar to watch his lady friend do her magic on this deplorable crowd of drunkards and bastards. That, the demoness found out when a pained yelp came from her right.
She glanced down and grinned.
"Trying to pickpocket Cameraman doesn't work too good, that belt of his is booby trapped~" she giggled menacingly as she stared down at none other than Bendy. Papa Pluto's most favourite little troublemaker.
"Oh, hey Misty. Didn't see ya there..." The little imp shook off the shock he'd just received, glancing up at the glare of the object-headed toon's lens. "This uh... This your friend?"
"Ah... He can keep his wallet then. Any more buds o' yours around?" He grinned sheepishly.
They both pointed at Brute who was definitely listening in, as he suddenly noticed the absence of weight on his back pocket.
The burly wolf growled at the imp, smirking when he quickly tossed him his wallet back.
"Sheesh... What a bruiser." Bendy turned to look back at Miss Twisted. "So what brings ya to these parts of our lovely little city?"
"Lust." Missy replied. "Gotta scratch that itch sometimes... Been pretty unlucky on that front tho."
"Yeah, the birds here ain't bein' easy... Poor Alice there is as cute as a button, and so far no one went and tried to woo her other than a bunch of slobberin' wolves... Err, not actual wolves mind ya. Just wolf-whistlers." He corrected himself, glancing at Brute very briefly.
"A friend of yours?" Missy asked.
"Yep! The dame on the stage, movin' her butt like there's no tomorrow. Got pipes made o' gold that one." He pointed to the angel, which made Missy gawk.
"You're friends with that gal?!" She stared at the object of her affections, then at the tiny round imp like she couldn't believe his words.
"Yeah we are pretty tight." He grinned wider. "Been tryin' to teach her to loosen up, Boris and I. That's my other bud... He's somewhere around here."
Cameraman and Brute both lost interest in the conversation and went back to drinking. They seemed to be ready to call it quits soon since they weren't going to get any action tonight.
"Bringing an angel to a dump like this sure seems like the way to loosen up..." The demoness remarked sarcastically.
"Hey she's havin' fun, ain't she?" Bendy defended as he motioned to Alice who did seem like she was enjoying herself. "And not many other bars in this town have birds on birds and brutes on brutes... Best place for her to meet a gal that'll want to have some fun with her."
"Oooh..." The demoness's arms coiled tightly with merriment as she took in those words. Available and her type? Lucky lucky day! "I'm down to mingle with your gal pal, if you know what I mean... She seems like more than a one night splendor."
"Hey hey hey!" Bendy hopped onto the stool to the left of her. "My gal Alice ain't some piece o' eye candy you get to slobber on and discard. She's like, a super fine wine. Good with age, refined, quality."
".... Bendz, I just said I wanted more than just some fun. I'm looking for a partner, not just a patty cake one night stand."
"Oh... Hm, still how do I know ya won't corrupt my pal? That's my job!" The imp crossed his arms, brow creased slightly.
"Because she's perfect! Duh?" She rolled her eyes. "I want a girl that I can sweep off her feet and whisper sweet nothings into her ear."
"Uh-huh... And?" Bendy was all ears it seemed, so she was definitely going to sell it. Brute and Cameraman glanced back with renewed interest. This ought to be good entertainment.
"If I dated her, I can guarantee your gal Alice would wake up knowing I'd be there to make her happy. To shower her in love, affection, and fantastic gifts. The next more grand than the very last one..." She carried on. "I'd take her to see the world, sail the seven seas on a cruise ship, traverse the skies in a hot hair balloon, ride across the country side on horseback, and scale the tallest mountains so she could see the stars and awe inspiring views..."
Bendy snickered slightly and Cameraman began to tap her on the shoulder. She swatted his hand away.
"Tell me more of how you'd go about wooing Alice." Bendy smirked.
"After all the grand adventures, I'd go back to do the small things. Wake up besides her, watching her rest before I roused her with more sweet nothings. I'd bring her breakfast in bed, lovingly prepared to her tastes. I'd massage her ankles after they ached from dancing to her heart's delight. I'd make her feel like the most special girl in the whole entire world if just so I could drink in her smile, hear her sweet voice call my name..."
"Aww, Bendy you didn't tell me your friend was so sweet..."
Miss Twisted clamped her mouth shut as she turned to stare at the reason Cameraman was trying to get her attention. The reason why Bendy looked so amused by her gushing... Why that little no good devil...
"I ah..." Face flushed more from embarrassment than the alcohol she'd drank, Missy did not know how to salvage this mess she'd just made, proclaiming an imagined future of romance with the angel that was standing there, smiling at her besides an awfully familiar looking gangly wolf.
"So... Any plans for when you get married?" Cameraman asked. "Need a wedding photographer?"
"Cam, so help me Pluto I will end you..." She hissed, hiding her face in her hands.
"Cameraman try to warn Missy that pretty angel coming over." Brute pointed out, laughing heartily at her misfortune.
"Eheheh! Well Alice, am I or am I not the greatest wingman in history?" Bendy grinned mischievously at his two pals.
"You uh... You didn't need to embarrass this poor lady, Bendy..." The wolf winced in sympathy, despite seeming nervous when looking at the trio. He especially avoided the object-headed toon's scrutiny, messing with the straps of his overalls when the other began to murmur about familiar looking faces.
"Still... All those things you said miss..." Alice smiled "They were very nice. I haven't really found that many other ladies who wanted to actually date. People these days are all about quick thrilling hookups rather than old school romance."
"Yeah, it's a real shame ain't it?" Missy gulped down her shame, smiling back at the beautiful angel. "I mean, just look at you! You deserve all that I said, and more! Who would just discard you like chewed up gum? A madwoman that's who!"
"Such a charmer... I like it." Alice giggled. "I think... I think I'd like to get to know you. I'm Alice. Alice Angel."
"Miss Twisted. I'd definitely like to get to know you."
Cameraman sighed.
"How sweet... At least one of us got something out of this dang bar..."
"Brute got many olives." The large wolf pointed out. Everyone stared at the little bag he'd filled with olives. That was... That sure was a lot.
"That you did big fella... That you did."
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Peace Sells... But Who's Buying
Although I’m not fond of Dave Mustaine (something tells me to go ahead and share this video anyway), here’s why not fond: There’s a lot to the big picture, so I’ll widen it some, and hope I don’t lose you along the way. Feeling real disorganized in thought today. Missy (the friend who was visiting when T’s dad strangled me) was with Raymond for years and had 3 children with him. He died when she was pregnant with their last son who’s a teen now, but at the time he was married to someone else and had a kid with her, too. Missy was 15 when she moved in with Raymond and his mom, Gordie (Aurora), who was paralyzed by a truck driver who fell asleep behind the wheel on the freeway and plowed into her car in the late 70s. She got a big settlement and bought a big house in North Downey where we would have jam parties that James Hetfield, Dave Mustaine the first few times (while still in Metallica), then Kirk Hammett would come to... Kirk had a huge thing for Missy and would always ask me to set them up, even though he was at her boyfriend’s house. Missy never came outside to hang out with us. Gordie was protective and had her go to church, never allowed to go to any gigs. Raymond liked it that way just fine. It gave him a chance to fool around on her. Missy didn’t mind either (not the fooling around part of it, but the staying home). She wasn’t interested in any of it. 
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The little pic was when the first band they formed was called Arrival. Next pic is of Missy and Raymond during those times. 
More fits into the settlement story coming up. I’ll try to condense it. To be continued a little later, bit by bit. Busy.
This is what my storytelling feels like sometimes, lol...
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Here’s another pic I found... my boyfriend for 5 years, Kenny, me, Missy and Raymond. I look terrible in the pic. Oh, well. This was taken at Magic Mountain when we went to see Dokken. Gordie trusted Missy hanging out with me, especially when we did things together as couples. I saw Gordie a year before she died. Missy was in town. Lives in MA now. We went to dinner then over to Gordie’s where she was staying. Gordie looked bad, bedridden. It was hard for me to see her that way, because she was wheelchair bound too and had a bar above her bed like my dad, and I had just lost him. It was too sad to see. And I’m surprised she lived another year. Kenny was my boyfriend from the end of my senior year at Downey High up until the time I started hanging out with Kurt James. If you remember, I was in a bad way after the car accident. Kenny lived in Cerritos and I had moved to Orange, and since I couldn’t go out or do much anymore, he decided it was a good time to start cheating on me. I’m glad. By then he wasn’t right for me anyway. We were in a band together called New Image. We played at clubs and high school dances. It was the band I was in that I did soundcheck for at Woodstock in Buena Park when The Violent Femmes asked me to do soundcheck for them, too. Kenny was also in a band with most of the guys from Arrival, called Force Five, who played on the same bill with Slayer quite often, if you remember those stories. But, they weren’t as heavy as Slayer. Believe it or not, Kenny had girls swooning over him all the time. He was a singer and quite charismatic on stage. But he didn’t cheat until the end of our relationship. I also helped his band and a few others with writing, backups mainly, and just telling them where I heard the music should change... chorus, bridges, instrumental parts. I was so involved with music at the time that it came more naturally than it would now. I gave Kenny my tapes from my lessons with Seth Riggs. He kept them. When we were running around on Sunset Strip all of the time, there were a few heavy metal bands that liked Kenny’s singing, and asked how he could maintain his voice throughout the gig, and he’d point them all in my direction... then I worked with a few singers with their vocals because of it. I have too many stories to tell about my music days, different people, places, studios... a fun & integral part of my life, though! I wasn’t planning on adding this to the story here, but it just kinda happened. I hope you can follow. I have a lot more to add to get to the parts I wanted to share. Slow but steady.
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This pic just popped up on Tumblr. I like it, so sharing...  I wasn’t as sexy as Debbie Harry, but my stage presence  was different, and I had better hairstyles at other times. 
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I think the ghosts are joining in a little now, helping me add more than I planned to. Michael’s presence has come around a few times before. His feel is different. He has a lot of anger. And a few other hang-ups (sorry Michael. don’t be mad. it’s true... nothing to be ashamed of.) But, he’s sweet deep down. What?! I can’t talk about ghosts? Indulge me a little... you! lol
Just something else for now... 
Live with the Big 4! Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax
Maybe I shouldn’t continue... it’s just memory junk, I guess.
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