#ofc im not going to like. ask ppl to ''''''behave''''' or whatever. i just. dont tell them anything i dont want getting back to my mother
piplupod · 1 year
there is a terrible awkwardness to this reconnecting w old friend who we will get to see when we go on this trip and trying to organize plans w them because i am... not sure if they remember or KnowTM that my mother is abusive fhdgjkl
it is just so uncomfortable being like "wow that is a great idea but i just have to run every part of this past my mother first to make sure its okay (even though im an adult and you are too but she is the puppetmaster around here and i am trying to keep myself as safe as possible especially while on the trip and in such close quarters with her :))))) and also i would hate for you to have to be put in an uncomfortable position if she showed her abusive tendencies around you even tho ur outside the family which is rare but when it happens it is really fucked up and uncomfortable for everyone involved except her) !"
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leaughrilke · 8 years
Kara and Lena dealing with any of the kids being bullied?
well kara “fight me” danvers and lena “come at me bro” luthor dont take kindly to anything or anyone threatening their kiddos, let’s just put that out there now like........they are such mama bears, it is ridiculous.  their kiddos are sometimes a lil embarrassed like god moms we have it under control but also they three hundred percent appreciate it, appreciate the security that comes in knowing their moms are always in their corner
SO finn and maia dont rlly get bullied??  finn does once (literally just once) but he handles it himself, is so disarmingly kind and literally befriends his bully.  to be fair, they’re like seven but still.  and maia??  is literally kind of terrifying like no one’s going to fucking mess with her
what im saying is that its stella that gets bullied and she gets bullied kind of a lot??  its through her entire life tbh, or at least her entire time in school and she hides a lot of it tbh??  like there’s stuff that her moms dont find out abt until later, until its too late for them to do anything abt it bc stella has this habit of just internalizing everything and repressing the shit out of it.  but they do know abt most of it and like..........u know that gif of kara throwing down her purse when lena’s getting arrested?  pls picture that when i tell u what happens bc that’s.......that’s what’s happening
but yeah, she’s small and soft and cries easily, is a little weird and v intense and like??  she doesnt benefit from the innate magnetism her siblings have a la kara.  like she’s v sweet and endearing in her own right, but stella is very much not of this world in a way thats entirely different from her siblings.  where maia and finn grow into gods, essentially, the best analogy for stella would probably be like a fae or smth??  smth obviously not of this world, enough so that it makes some ppl uncomfortable
but its elementary school and kids are kids and they dont have the words to explain why they dont like the littlest danvers, so they do the basic kid bullying like excluding stella from stuff and calling her names and at some point it escalates and she starts coming home with the knees or seat of her pants covered in dirt, ripped up palms from getting shoved or tripped and she has friends, she does, but they’re the kids that are also getting bullied so its not as if any of them are going to stick up for each other, they’re all just trying to get by
when kara and lena find out about it 
which they only do bc kara happens to be at the school to drop off maia’s book report that she left on the kitchen counter and decides to swing by the other kiddos to say hi for a minute and she happens to show up during stella’s recess, when the teachers are mediating an incident between stella and this girl and stella’s full sobbing, can hardly catch her breath and kara’s incredibly angry in that moment, like who did this, whose mom does she need to call
and the teachers spot her and one comes over and explains the situation, and like, to be clear, the teachers are kind of just learning abt this too???  like i got picked on a bit when i was little and those kids were always so good at figuring out the best moment to do whatever it was they wanted to do, always the second the teacher looked away, so theyre doing their best, only found out bc one of the teachers had a sobbing stella ask if she could go back to the classroom for the rest of recess
but basically this girl called stella a weirdo, said some shitty stuff abt stella being adopted, was basically the meanest you can be as a kid without like physically hurting stella, and they’re handling it and like kara kind of gets it, she does, they have protocol, but thats her kiddo crying and she’s like what exactly are you doing to handle it
and the teacher’s like well we’ll have a mediation with the school counselor and they’ll sign a contract but like.....and kara’s v rarely like this, she rlly is, she’s usually v understanding and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, but she’s remembering all the times stella’s seemed like she didnt want to go to school, remembering all the times she’s come home covered in dirt, the way she’s been extra clingy recently and she’s like why does stella have to sign a contract and the teachers sort of......like well its to make sure that everyone behaves nicely towards one another and kara’s tempted to argue this point, but stella’s still sobbing and has just caught sight of her, is already running towards her, so instead she just asks politely that she and lena be included in the mediation and informs the teacher that she’ll be taking stella home early today
stella kind of falls asleep in the car, so kara takes the opportunity to call lena and lena’s like Ready 2 Fight tbh, she’s like okay so when are we meeting this kid’s mother to duel (this is paraphrased ofc) and kara’s like i dunno but do you have a meeting this afternoon?  stella’s really upset
technically lena has several meetings this afternoon, but she’s already cancelled abt half of them by this point in the conversation and she’s sure jess is well on her way to cancelling the rest for her, so she packs up and meets kara at home and stella wakes up on the couch, crawls out from her blanket burrito and sprawls across her moms laps and they let her pick the movie so they end up watching princess and the frog and moana and the aristocats while stella dozes, still redfaced from crying
later, lena and kara press her gently for details bc like they’ll fight anyone for her with zero info but information would probably make it a lil easier, so they get names and dates (as accurate as a seven year old can give) and they spend a lot of that afternoon just cuddling stella, asking v gently that she tell them when things like this happen bc they can’t make things better if they dont know whats happening, reminding her that they love her a whole lot, that everything that other girl said is just what a very small, very mean person says when they’re angry that you wont behave like them
so then theres the mediation and its turned more into a mediation between the parents bc this girl went home and told her parents that stella danvers lied, that she was just joking abt what she said but lena sees the immediate flash of disdain in the woman’s eyes when she walks in, kara sees the barely concealed sneer on the dad’s face and wow, yeah, okay, she sees where their daughter gets it
it boils down to this: stella is v much the victim and everyone knows it, so kara and lena throw their collective weight around a little (and they rarely do this, truly, they want their kiddos to learn to handle their own problems without relying on reputation or money or whatever) and get this girl switched into a different class and may or may not start a blood feud between their families
but just a small one 
as stella gets older, it’s different??  like she doesnt want her moms getting involved when she gets picked on (and lbr, its the same girl bullying her, just with different lackeys and lena grumbles under her breath abt a mini veronica sinclair every time stella comes home bearing a different story) but she does as they asked when she was little, she tells them about most of the stuff, usually keeps the really bad stuff quiet tho.  they do end up finding out abt most stuff, no small thanks to maia hearing abt a lot of shit (tbh she’s like.......the final stop in the rumor mill??  she hears it all and shuts that shit down) and reporting it right back to their moms
though sometimes she........handles it before it gets back to them
like this one time there were these boys that were harassing tiny freshmen stella (she went on a date with one of them and told him to fuck off when he tried to feel her up, so he spreads it around school that stella’s several words that make maia’s hands shake with anger), and like??  its not something to involve their moms in, considering they thought stella was at ari’s house when she went on the date and she’d get in some trouble for lying, so maia just quietly ruins their lives.  she punches one of them once, and they’re huge babies who talk a lot of shit and never expect to get called on it so she tells them with no uncertainty that they’ll be apologizing publicly and that if she catches them within ten yards of stella, she’ll make them wish they were never born
but mostly maia tells their moms bc she may not have ever gone through this shit, but she knows that just beating ppl up isnt the answer???  wont actually change anything.  so kara and lena hear abt most of what stella goes through and they keep up their steady reassurances, that stella’s beautiful, smart, different in the best way, that she doesnt have to be like anyone else, that they love her just the way she is while they also fight the pta president, this girl’s mom, three teachers that think stella just needs to toughen up (they actually get one of them........not fired, per se, but she doesnt return the next year), an unsympathetic counselor and just abt anyone else that looks at stella the wrong way
like u know how the kids rally around lena and sort of......diffuse the impact of whatever shit the public’s pulling???  the family does the same for stella
eventually it gets bad enough that kara and lena sit down with stella and ask if its even worth it for her, if she even wants to stay at the school or if she’d rather switch to a smaller school that’s a bit more......understanding??  and stella thinks abt it for a long time, and she appreciates the offer???  she rlly does, but she’s never seen her moms run from a fight and she’s not abt to run from this one
the get stella’s bully’s mom kicked off the pta for unbecoming behavior tho
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personasintro · 3 years
me crying throughout that entire chapter thinking about the lack of sleep jungkook has driving her out like that and coming bUT ALSO GAS!! my heart hurts dear heavens she shouldve jus used a bus or a train or jus sucked it and gone the next day w kiko 😭😭 jus thinking about the gas money 🤕🤕
also yn bringing up the cheating to say "i dont go around saying u cheated to ppl"— yea u do that for jungkook, not for her ?? 😭 she uses every chance she gets to remind kiko about the cheating when she doesnt know jackshit about the concerned rs it's jus so 🥴🥴 im so glad hoseok said something like that to her at the end. bc yes at the end of the day we make decisions that are stupid, but friends are there to have our backs until the end. i cant help but feel like a lot of yn's behaviour prior haneul freak out was just....unwarranted (even tho at the time, i was 100% on her side). like yes kiko hurt jk and she can be protective over him and cautious for him too but the way she was hostile just looks a bit...too much? &knowing behaving like that would hurt jungkook too....like wow it kind of looks a bit selfish? I really understand jk more now, i shouldn't have seen it so one dimensionally. she didnt know kiko that well, and she still doesnt, doesnt know his rs that well either, but she decided to be hostile bc of what exactly? it wasnt like kiko was begging for jk back nor did it look like she was proud of her mistake? her mistake hurt jungkook, &he should be the only one to make a judgement out of it. like honestly, it just looks so immature looking back at it now. acting indifferent, etc whatever ok i can deal but being so cold to her like that almost makes me question why she thought that would be good. I feel soo bad for jungkook, it mustve hurt him sm since yn was so blatant about it too 😭😭 like i know why she did it and that it was bc she felt like it was being protective of jungkook but i wish she could reflect back on it bc she wasnt being protective at all but rather jus making things harder? &im so glad jungkook could explain more about his rs to her because it really looks like he loves kiko a lot and im so happy for him! their relationship is healing really well, i hope their trust rebuilds well too. kiko is a really good person and she's always has been, cheating is a mistake ofc but she's clearly regretful and working to redeem herself, and like i said it's jungkook's stance to make a judgement out of it, not anyone else's. ofc that doesnt mean we cant disagree but it doesnt give anyone the right to be hostile to her on the grounds of doing it for jk?? esp when u know how jk feels & how hard she's trying. i hope u understand me and im so sorry for the long ask!! yn annoyed me when she had jk drive her that far back anf forth jus cuz she cant sit w kiko and then i started thinking about how she was with her and it jus fueled it and thus came this very rare, anti yn take on her character.
[also this is jus a very personal take, i hope no one takes it as me saying yn is a bad friend or anything but rather jus another take on her actions. this isnt hate, i still love yn!!]
Gas money hahahaha you're the first person who's concerned about the gas money! True tho!
y/n did admit she was being selfish, I think in some extent you're right. No one is perfect and they all acted badly at some point in the story!
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