#ofc she's thinking of what would be easier for Hugh ;v;
unovasrose · 1 year
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incoming xtransceiver call from @unovasrage​: 🌿 kiss under the mistletoe
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    Despite her usual apprehension toward cold weather, she can’t deny that this time of year is nothing short of magical.
    They still have about an hour and a half to kill before they head over to the school theatre to catch a showing of The Nutcracker — something that she’d begged him for with the largest puppy dog eyes known to humankind — so they decide to wait it out at the local park in the meantime. In honor of the upcoming Christmas holiday, there are several pop-up stalls and a few food trucks set up near the park square. Everything from the park benches to the shut-off central fountain are all decked out with tinsel, Christmas lights, and other holiday motifs.
    “It’s so pretty,” she mutters, eyes wide in awe.
    The two of them stroll idly down the park in search of a bench, stopping once for Rosa to buy a hot chocolate and another for Hugh to buy a Christmas ornament that reminded him of Vera. Clutching the packaged ornament to her chest, Rosa steers her boyfriend to a nearby gazebo so they can escape the crowd and he can finally rest a bit.
    She picks out a wooden bench in a back corner, away from the bustle and noise from the crowd. Rosa starts to lean against Hugh, intent on using his shoulder as a pillow, when she notices the cluster of mistletoe dangling above them.
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    Giggling, she gives his hand a squeeze. “Can I have a kiss?”
    Nervous info-dumping about the parasitic nature of mistletoe is thankfully a thing of the past. She’s ready and much more confident this time.
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tkwrites · 4 months
I miss you. Quinn Hughes x Sarah Roberts (ofc)
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: I miss you.
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah Roberts (ofc) 
Warnings: Mostly fluff, mentions of smut & p in v, but nothing particularly graphic.
Summary: After their longest separation of the summer, Quinn and Sarah reunite.
Word Count: 3,000
Comments: You all happened to pick the piece I had the most progress on for my next post, so good on you! This is way beyond the timeline I’ve posted so far. I have so much more planned for their summer, so stay tuned. 
Thank you for all the support for this fic. I sometimes have to remind myself it isn’t a dream.  Please let me know what you think, and if there’s anything in this series you’d like to see. Sending all the love.
I miss you.
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
Sarah was at the aquarium, taking samples from the tanks when her watch dinged with a text. 
She knew it would be from Quinn. It was mid day in Michigan, about the time he finished with his morning workouts. He'd be headed home for lunch before whatever plans he had for the evening. She would call him on her break. It was their daily routine while they were in this less than ideal summer situation.
When she finally got the samples set to be tested and out of her gloves and lab coat, she pulled her phone from her bag. 
“I'm taking my break,” she told Joshua, walking outside before he could respond.
Miss you like crazy, Quinn had sent along with a picture of the sun glinting off the water of their lake. Call me when you're free. 
The phone didn't even have a chance to ring before his voice filled her ear, “hi.” 
“Hey, that was quick.”
“I was already on my phone,” he said, “answered as soon as it popped up.”
She giggled. 
“What are you up to today?” he asked. 
She heard a chair scraping against the floor. 
“Working,” she said, leaning against the building, letting the warmth from the brick soak into her back. “I'm testing our tanks for invasive micro algae.”
“That sounds thrilling,” he said. 
She wondered if he was going outside when she heard a door shut. Maybe he was going into his room. 
“It's tedious,” she agreed, “but if we catch it early we don't have to deal with a full on bloom later, which is a bitch to clean up. How about you?”
“Gym this morning,” he said even though she knew that part of his schedule. 
“How’s your stick defending coming along?” she asked. 
“Good,” he said, smiling that she remembered he was focusing on that today. “I finally managed to strip the puck from Jack pretty consistently.” 
“Look at you go,” she praised. “What’s on the calendar for tonight?”
“We're going out for Penn's birthday.”
“That sounds fun.” 
“More fun if you were here.”
“We both know that's not true,” she chastised. “I'm the worst at a party.”
“Well, it would be more fun for me.”
She snorted. 
“Plus it would mean I could leave early.”
“You can still leave early.”
“Yeah, but it's easier when you're there.”
“I'm beginning to think half of this relationship is just the convenience of getting you out of social situations.”
He laughed. 
She smiled at the sound. “God, I miss you so much.”
“I know. Me too. You're sure I can't fly you up for a weekend?” 
“As much as I would love that, I don't want to interfere with family time.”
“You're not interfering with family time,” he insisted, “they'd be here too.”
“I mean,” she bit her lip, even though he couldn't see her, “I'd want you all to myself, and that's not fair when you don't see your family much as it is.”
“You want me all to yourself?” he repeated, his tone light and teasing. 
“I do.” 
“And why would you want that, Sarah Roberts?”
Her cheeks flamed, but she persisted, “so I don't have to just dream about you being inside me anymore.” 
He groaned. “You dream about that?” 
“For the past week,” she admitted. “I dream about it every night and then I wake up and you're not here.” She sighed, “and then I just have to try to figure it out by myself.”
He was booking a ticket to see her. She couldn't say something like that and expect him to just stay in Michigan. If she didn't want to come here, he'd go there. Or they could meet in the middle somewhere. 
“I hear Utah’s beautiful this time of year,” he said.  
She laughed. “Utah?”
“Yeah. We could meet in the middle. You know, see some red rocks.”
She hummed, grinning. 
“Or I could just come back to Van and we could spend the weekend in my apartment.”
“Now that you say it, Utah does sound pretty appealing.”
Her tone was teasing, but he still found himself groaning. 
“Come on," she said, "you could hike in some shorts and I can fantasize about your thighs all day.” 
Quinn felt his face get hot, instantly glad he'd come out to the porch. 
He knew she had a bit of a fetish for his thighs. He didn't understand it, but if it got her hot and bothered for him, he didn't really mind. “I can just do squats in my boxers like that one time.”
A few weeks after they started sleeping together, she was lounging in his bed the night before a game. When he thought she’d fallen asleep, he slipped on his boxers and did a round of squats, trying to keep his legs nimble. It was a routine he'd built in college and he didn't sleep well if he didn't do it, even now. 
“Your thighs are so sexy,” she had said as she watched from the bed. 
They'd had sex again, and she asked for reverse cowgirl, something they hadn't done yet. She rode him gripping his thighs so hard he was surprised he didn't have bruises the next day. He loved watching her back and feeling her at a new angle. Loved that after she came hard - fluttering around him, and milking him dry - she collapsed against him, back to chest, breathing hard. It was one of the hottest things he’d ever experienced.
Sarah often thought and dreamed about that night when they were apart - how his powerful thighs flexed under her grip when she rode him that way. It was a surefire way to get her riled up. The next time she saw him, she was going to lick him from knee to hip. 
Something nagged at the back of her mind. “That's still taking you away from your family,” she said, “and I don’t want to disrupt your training.” 
“Sar, my family gets it. We went from seeing each other every day to living in different countries. They know we miss each other. Besides, it would just be a weekend. I could fly in on Friday night and come back on Monday morning. I'd really only miss one day of training.”
There was a pause before she said, “Friday afternoon.”
“I work a half day on Friday, so you should come in the afternoon.”
“Joshua's giving me the evil eye," she said as he looked at her pointedly through the window even though it had barely been ten minutes. "I have to get back to work.”
“That micro algae doesn’t wait.” 
She laughed.
"I’ll let you know when I book my ticket.”
“I can’t wait to see you.” 
Three days. Only three days. 
Sarah was already in the parking lot when Quinn texted that his flight had landed. She’d come straight from work, not wanting to go home, even if it meant an extra thirty minutes in the cell phone lot.
Relaxing in the reclined drivers seat, she waited for him to tell her he was ready to be picked up. 
After reading the same page four times, she tossed the book into the back seat. The thought of Quinn being by her side for the first time in 24 days was too distracting. 
Closing her eyes, she thought about kissing him. She couldn’t wait to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him, no need to feel rushed, or worry that someone might come home earlier than expected. 
The ache in her belly and the empty feeling in her mouth intensified. 
Walking down now. 
When she pulled up, he threw his bags in the back and threw himself into the passenger seat before she could get out to hug him. 
“Welcome back,” she said with a grin.
He returned it as he leaned over the center console to kiss her cheek, “I missed you so much," he said, catching a whiff of her perfume. 
As much as she wanted to kiss him right there, she knew the airport pickup lane wouldn't be the best place. There were already a few people looking at them. So she put the car in drive and started into the city as they talked about his flight. 
He took her hand, brushing his thumb over her knuckles. The need in her stomach deepened. 
The city slipped by as she drove. She somehow got to his street, though she didn’t remember making any of the turns. 
Just as she was turning into the parking garage, Quinn remembered, “Oh, we can’t go to my place.”. 
Sarah looked over at him, crestfallen. “Why not?” They were so close. 
“They’re doing some kind of roof repair. I told them these dates were fine at the beginning of the summer, but didn’t remember until I got a notice from the building last night,” he said. 
“So we go to mine?”
“I booked us a hotel so we wouldn't make your roommates uncomfortable,” Quinn said. 
A smile melted onto Sarah’s face. He was so thoughtful. He made her feel seen and understood, loved and cared for. It was somehow more evident through their separation. He called every day, and always remembered what she was working on. His attention spelled love to her.
“What hotel?” she asked. 
He pulled it up on his phone. It was a bed and breakfast he’d asked his mom to help him pick out. It was a ways out of the city, along the coast. 
“Oh,” Sarah said, “we’ll have to stop by my place so I can pack.” 
“You didn’t pack already?” 
“None of my skincare and stuff, that’s already at your place." 
Even knowing this was his fault for not telling her last night, Quinn found himself wishing she had somehow known so there wouldn’t be another delay to finally be alone together out of the car. Having her so close, and not kissing her was driving him wild. 
After another twenty minutes that felt more like fourty, he followed her up to her apartment like a lost puppy. 
When the door swung shut behind him, he finally - finally - wrapped his arms around her, sighing when she returned the embrace. He’d been waiting so long, too long. 
“Are your roommates home?” he asked, nuzzling his nose into her neck. 
“Jane might be,” Sarah said, backing into her room. She felt like she would explode if she put off kissing him one second longer. 
The door to her room clicked shut, and Quinn pinned her against it, crushing his mouth to hers. He needed - he needed - God, he needed her. He’d been dreaming about it for too long without having her near enough to satisfy any of his hunger. 
This arrangement wasn’t going to work for another year. Either she’d have to come to Michigan, or he’d have to stay in Vancouver. Maybe they could split the summer between the two.
The kiss was all at once passionate. Falling together into the heat of a moment that had been building for weeks apart and minutes separated by a car console. 
His hands wandered over her body. He knew she wouldn’t be comfortable having sex here, so he brushed it aside and went on kissing her, refilling the Sarah shaped well inside him. He had been surviving on fumes and memories for far too long. 
“I missed you so much.” he said against her mouth. 
She pulled back so she could look into his eyes. They looked hazel in the light filtering through the sheer green curtains. “I’ve missed you too. Thank you for coming.”
“Like you could have stopped me after telling me you were dreaming about me,” he teased, leaning in to skim his lips over hers. 
He often dreamed of her while they were apart, but the night after her admission, his dreams had been so intense that the next day, while they were out on the lake, Jack started teasing him for moaning and crying out in his sleep. 
“Sarah,” he’d mocked, his voice thrown into a dramatic, porn star moan. “Oh, Sarah!”  
Everyone else in the boat laughed.
None of them got it. Some of the guys had girlfriends, but they were all either living together or, at the very least, in the same state for the summer. Quinn was the only one separated from the woman he loved by several thousand miles. 
When he'd told the family he was going to Van for the weekend, Jack had sighed dramatically and said, "finally I can get some sleep."
Quinn had flipped him off. 
Sarah’s hands wove into his hair, and pulled his mouth flush to hers. Kissing him was…
Kissing Quinn was a symphony. Plush lips and warm tongue, the bitter zing of coffee mixed with the tart sweetness of cream in his mouth, the softness of his hair, the very real warmth of his skin, the smell of his cologne. God the smell of him, she’d missed it so much. 
The door to the apartment opened and closed and the moment popped like a delicate soap bubble. Someone was home. 
Quinn pulled away and pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. 
“I should pack,” Sarah said, nearly whispering. 
“Sarah?” Jane asked, “I saw your car. Are you okay? I thought Quinn was coming in today.”
Sarah turned and opened the door, “he did. I’m just packing before we go for the weekend.” 
Quinn leaned around her to smile at Jane. 
“Oh,” she said. “Have fun then.” 
Sarah pulled out her weekender bag and threw some things into it. Truthfully, she did have things packed in the car, but they weren’t things for polite company when they would likely be going out to dinner instead of ordering doordash to his apartment. She needed some more normal clothes and her toiletries for this different weekend that he had suddenly sprung on her. 
“See you Monday,” Sarah said, waving as they left. 
Quinn collapsed onto the bed as soon as they got through the door. His backpack thudded off the side, and he didn’t even care. 
“Tired?” Sarah asked as she crawled on the bed to lay next to him. 
Rolling onto his side, he wrapped his arms around her. “Yeah. Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be raring to go.” 
“It’s fine,” she said, brushing her hand up his forearm.
“But, we’re supposed to…” 
“We’re supposed to be together,” she said gently, leaning in to brush her lips over his. “I’ve missed having sex with you, but I’ve missed cuddling, and talking face to face, and sleeping in the same bed with you too.” 
Her voice was gentle and it put him in a kind of trance, relaxing him all over. 
“You don’t mind?”
“No. We’ve got all weekend, and frankly I don’t want our first time back together to be sloppy tired.”
Letting out a relieved sigh, he pulled her against him. “I love you,” he said into her hair. 
“I love you too, Quinn.” 
When he woke, Sarah wasn’t with him. He looked around and found her on the balcony, reading her book. She looked so beautiful there, with the ocean behind her, and the breeze gently mussing her hair. He dug his phone out to snap a picture before she realized he was awake.
Glancing at the time, he was surprised to find he’d slept for two and a half hours. 
He hauled himself out of bed and walked to the open sliding glass door, “why are you out here?”
She jumped, “Jesus, I didn't even hear you get up.”
He laughed.
She put a marker in her book. “I had to get up to go to the bathroom, and I didn’t want to wake you up getting back in bed, so I came out here.”
“Come back inside,” he said, extending his hand. The hair on the left side of his head was pushed up, and he looked adorable: warm and sleepy. 
She followed him, slipping the book onto the breakfast table as they passed. 
“No more waiting,” Quinn said quietly, pulling her against him. 
“No more waiting,” she agreed before she pressed her lips to his. 
Every time they had been together that summer, it had been rushed, racing to get to the end before anyone walked in on them. This kiss, though, this kiss was slow and passionate. It made Quinn’s knees weak. A small noise escaped his throat. 
Sarah giggled against his mouth. 
“Don't make fun,” he chastised, backing up until his legs hit the bed. 
She pushed on his chest so he fell back. Scooting to the pillows, he tore off his shirt, desperate to have her skin against his.  
“I'm not making fun,” she said, as she straddled his hips, “I'm just glad that it still works.” She reached for the hem of her top and stripped it off. 
His eyes grew wide. The bra she had on was light purple with a lace panel covering the center of each breast. Other than that, it was sheer. 
He gulped. “Have you been wearing that all day?”
She nodded, leaning down to kiss him. 
Thank God he hadn't known that before. He would have certainly done something stupid if he did. 
They took their time, slowly making love in a way that had been taken from them since May. They held eye contact, and touched with reverence. 
When at last, he collapsed on top of her, his face in her neck, Quinn mumbled, “I am never going this long without seeing you again.” 
She laughed and agreed. 
After a few minutes of his weight fully on hers as they caught their breath, Sarah tapped his hip. “I need to get up,” she whispered. 
“No,” he whined teasingly. 
“Yes,” she insisted, wriggling underneath him. 
He rolled to the side with a groan, and watched her pad to the bathroom. 
After cleaning up, she went back to the bed, ready to lay down and be held by him. 
He brought her against him. They were both still a bit flushed, and she relished the feeling of his heated skin against hers. 
“I'm so glad you're here,” she said quietly. 
"I'm so glad you're still mine," he said, pressing a kiss to her temple. 
“It’s not like I threatened to leave.”
“I know.” He paused, adjusting to slot one of his legs between hers. “I just - I know it hasn’t been easy.” 
“Nothing worth having ever is.” 
Bonus scene here.
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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dawniebb · 4 years
You thought this was over but it isn’t lol
Y’all thought @healing-winston-pratt and I were over but no :) and this is my turn to take the wheel again so hello :3
@novadreamer95438 Yo wanted to be tagged so here you go, we’re thrilled to have you here <3
And also @novas-tunnel-of-anxiety you also asked me to be tagged in my stuff so there you go, hon <3
Before you read this new list, you might want to check our previous content about this canon divergence:
Winston and Dawnie’s guide to ignore the canon (Tumblr hates me and won’t show the link so here we go https://dawniebb.tumblr.com/post/624197118868013056/canon-is-an-illusion)
Nova trying to find Callum while refusing to acknowledge she’s in pain
Winston is alive but life sucks (Fic edition)
Same as above but it’s a comic so it hurts more
Callum wakes up from a very violent c-section (Comic)
Thing is 
We have a whole AU (well, it’s more likely just canon divergence)  so let’s see how things turn out for Narcissa and Leroy uwu 
You thought we forgot Leroy but we didn’t lmao and Danna needs a wife so here we goooo
So, as we already know, Narcissa is the one who put The Rejects together, and she promised them a new life.
She basically doomed herself 
yikes :) 
So, obviously, she now has to help them leave Gatlon. And we figured that, then, that would mean Leroy and her would travel together. 
The Rejects leave through the catacombs; they probably stole  some cars once they were outside the dome in order to leave the city.
Cut to Narcissa taking the passenger’s seat in Leroy’s yellow car because we say so.
The Rejects drive together until they feel the wave that drains their powers, and they have to stop to panic because they have no damn clue on what is happening.
Then the Supernova happens and they have their powers back so… They go back to their runaway before anything else happens.
They arrive to the nearest city in around four hours and stop to get supplies, but Narcissa keeps staring back at where Gatlon is supposed to be.
And Leroy tells her that, if there’s a chance Nova outsmarted Ace (and he knows his daughter her so he has faith), he’s taking the risk to going back to Gatlon.
He subtly suggests she can come too, but she says she’s still in debt with the Rejects.
But is she, though?
She has already taken them out of Gatlon and honestly, we don’t think they’ll stick together as a new gang or something.
They’re probably going to split out and take their own ways and Millie tells her so, and that’s how the two of them find themselves driving back to Gatlon like champions.
So then they enter back into Gatlon, empowered, like Dawnie when she failed Math and still went to watch Moana. 
And Narcissa, bc she’s a good person and has common sense, asks Leroy if there’s anything she can do for him bc he’s a war criminal who can’t go outside that much hee hee and the one thing Leroy asks is for her to tell him where he can find Nova. 
Narcissa does it, as it’s easier for her to move through the city without getting arrested af. She tells Leroy Nova is at the hospital with Winston, so Leroy waits until they’re both released to find a way to see Nova. 
And he finds it. We don’t know if any of you have watched Kipo :’) (YOU SHOULD BTW BC IT’S THE BOMB) but Leroy basically pulls a Lio and leaves traces/hints for Nova to find him. Like, very specific things only she could understand bc, even if she didn’t have powers, she would still be considered a prodigy child lmao kiddo was playing with syringes without getting them in her eyes when she was 6. 
Leroy waits….very patiently, btw, for a couple of days (3-4 days?) until one night he sees a tiny af silhouette  walking around the place like a cat and he just knows is her. 
And she is, indeed. 
So when she gets closer, she hugs him. It’s a very uncomfortable hug bc Leroy is not used to touch people, and Nova isn’t either. But yeah, they have a moment :) 
They talk for a while, and when Leroy asks her how she’s doing, as in where she’s living, where she’s getting money from and stuff like that, she answers that she recently rented an apartment where she’s living with Winston because he’s recovering and it’s not like Nova will be willing to leave him alone knowing he was one of the people that raised her and showed her actual love :v 
Leroy starts reconsidering his plan to remain hidden once he’s made sure Nova has it together lmao. 
ofc he doesn’t tell her this, and after promising (indirectly) everything will be alright and that this might not be the last time they talk, they just go into their separates ways. 
Until Simon calls Nova later that night telling her Leroy is at the HQs, surrendering lmao.
And so she goes there to ask him wtf is he doing, and Leroy might not directly tell her this, but he has nothing left to lose. And if he leaves, the only thing he’ll do is separate himself from Nova, who is like...the only family he has left.
So he wants to surrender because, that way, at least, he has a chance to get a sentence that might allow him get out of jail before he dies. 
The thing is that, well, we know the Renegades caused Nova to go through a lot of awful stuff. And we suppose they know that too :v so, what they do while both Nova and Leroy are in the room, is that they get to an agreement. 
Like, they don’t tell them the sentence in that VERY moment, but they do talk about how Leroy was always a very...neutral entity and barely anything he did was illegal :V ...besides being an accomplice ofc 
Even so, Nova is hesitant about this whole thing, but Leroy is an adult and she can’t tell him what to do, so he agrees to go into trial :v 
Given the fact that he didn’t have that many aggravating crimes and, in the end, he DID switch sides in the Second Battle for Gatlon, he’s sentenced to one year in prison and community service.
What we’re trying to say is that the Council basically pulled a Cinder and spared Leroy bc he helped win the battle. 
Before going to prison, Leroy reveals to Nova that, in the end, he did keep a little Agent N as a last resource (just in case, y’ know), and gives it to her. Not to use it on herself, but to use it on Winston, who is evidently miserable with his powers back :’). 
And that was the last sample of Agent N, since the rest (whatever back up the Renegades could have had in labs) was destroyed when Ace lifted the city and there is no way to replicate it without Max’s gifted blood.
Perhaps the formula and data were also destroyed.
During the year Leroy is locked, the Council (mostly Simon and Hugh) provide Winston and Nova with stuff they need to live lmao. Like, a small house :) bc they can :) 
Once Leroy is out, he starts living with them. Like a family. Bc we say so :) 
As for Narcissa, once she’s back at Gatlon, she stays with Danna for a while (omg there was only one bed) before getting a job in a library, y’know :) and moving to an apartment. 
Now, Nova DOES forgive the Renegades. Because, honestly, guys, a big part of the hatred she showed towards them was bc they promised they would come and then they didn’t. 
But turns out they did lmao.
During the Battle, Nova learned that Georgia Rawles died on her way to save her family. 
But anyway, this leads Nova to kinda… consider getting along with the Renegades, because in the end they DID try. Like, she forgives all of the “Bc you promised you would save me” stuff, but she remains firm on the fact that their system can suck it bc it’s horrible 
So said system changes for good, and Nova herself helps the Council establish more laws in order to make this less of a dictatorship lol. 
She even pressures them into making the recruitment process more moderated; now, before attending the trials, aspirants must go through an interview that is, basically, like a job interview to make sure they’re qualified to have a position as important as a Renegade (y’know, Nova wants the Council to s t o p hiring people like Team Frostbitch) and if they don’t pass that interview, they can’t go to the trials; they also have to go through a training process even AFTER they’ve been chosen by a team.
We could talk about all the legal reforms we like to think they made more in depth, but for now, our job here is done :)
*Insert happy ending*
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