#off that. look at tiny wiwi.
flamboyant-king · 2 years
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Im all over with the drawing today nyaha
My friend said draw a majestic Cammy pin up, but theyre just vibing
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remusslove · 2 years
daddy!sirius,daddy!james and daddy!remus having to be in detention and leaving the little!reader with aunt!lily, aunt marlene and uncle!peter who look after her until the boys come back
Pizza~ the marauders
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Includes: age regression, little!reader, cg!james, cg!sirius, cg!remus, and tooth rotting fluff
“Alright tiny, what do you wanna do?” Peter asked you. The boys just left with Remus since they all got detention from planting a stink bomb in class. You didn’t even acknowledge Peter and Marlene since you were too focused on trying to bite the tag off of your stuffy.
“When’s aunty lily coming?” You asked curiously. Remus said lily marlene and Peter would babysit you but lily hasn’t been there since you got there.
“Real soon tiny, she just had to do her homework” Marlene replied with a little nervous laugh.
The truth was, lily wasn’t coming. They only said lily was coming. They lied. They lied so they could prove to Remus James and Sirius that they could take care of you when they need to.
“You hungry tiny?” Marlene asked. You perked up suddenly loosing interest in the tag. You nodded giving them a toothy grin. “Alright. Pizza it is” Peter said grabbing his coat.
You whined holding up the stuffy to Peter. You didn’t want him to leave. You wanted him to play with you. He chuckled at your antic “I’ll be back tiny he replied, I promise.”
“We can play until wormtail comes back if you want tiny” Marlene suggested. You looked at her and smiled placing a tiny elephant stuffy in the palm of her hand.
A half hour later, Peter came back with the pizza and a pumpkin juice for you. Marlene and Peter already had their “special drinks”, meaning two butterbeers with a bit of fire whiskey in them.
“Alright tiny, you want one slice or two?” Peter asked you placing three boxes infront of you and Marlene.
They didn’t notice that you slipped into a smaller headspace. A very, very, very, small headspace.
You tilted your head in confusion. Marlene started to notice your antics. “Peter can I talk to you in private?” “Sure”
“I think tiny’s feeling extra little” Marlene said worriedly. “Well if she is… what do we do?” Peter asked.
“What do you mean What do we do?!?” Marlene McKinnon yelled in a harsh whisper tone.
“Well you the one who told them not to give us bloody instructions!” Peter accused.
“That was you!”
“No it wasn’t!”
The continued to go back in forth while you just happily babbled seeing the pizza.
You crawled towards it before grabbing it hole. “Yummy!” You exclaimed humming at the taste. Giggling you smeared the tomato sauce all over you.
Lily came back from the library and gasped at your figure. “Auntie wiwy!” You squealed. “Hey little one! I’m going to go talk to Petey and marls for a quick second mkay?” Lily said to you in a soft tone.
“Really you guys?!?” Lily said causing peter and Marlene’s attention to fall on you. “Oh, hey lily! You came home early..” Marlene chuckled nervously.
“Why are you so mad? Tiny is perfectly fine… bloody hell tiny what happened!?” Peter tried to argue looking at lily then at you with tomato sauce smeared all over your clothes and mouth.
“Merlin’s beard you guys they can’t leave her alone with you two for one second” lily joked looking back at Peter.
He was currently trying to get you to stop putting you tomato sauce covered hands in your mouth. Marlene on the other hand was trying to clean the sauce of your clothes.
Lily laughed at their behavior causing them to look at her with wide eyes. “You too are bloody idiots sometimes. You know there’s a thing called a cleaning spell right?” She asked them rhetorically.
Much to there dismay, the boys knocked on the door. Lily opened the door revealing the three boys. “Daddies!” You squealed making grabby hands. Sirius let out a small gasp before picking you up. Remus sighed casting a cleaning spell as James chuckled placing a kiss on your cheek.
“You have fun bunny?” James asked already knowing the answer. You nodded instantly while Remus was saying goodbye to the group.
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noisester · 1 year
@emptyzone: Oh yeah, the people weren't kidding. That frog could sure café. 'Tiny' makes direct eye contact with Noise for a moment. It's sort of sitting on the counter, minding it's own buisness. It swings its little legs off the counter, tilting it's head. Well, ok. It isn't doing any obvious harm. Your girlfriend clearly likes it enough to let it hang around, surely it isn't capable of doing anything awf--
--It's little tail casually knocks off a salt shaker from the counter, as it shatters when it hits the ground. Tiny leans in, bemused as it laces its hands together. What? Are you gonna blame me? The baby? For doing that? Do you think she'll believe you? Or are you going to take the L and tell your girlfriend that you accidentally fumbled and broke it. It remembers, Noise. It can now clearly remember every last little thing, casual aggression, everything you've done to or around it while you were working together.
And it's going to make you suffer for it. Where it hurts.
He was staring at it. Staring at it with intense focus. Something you wouldn't expect from the horrid little man named Noise—who internally was on the verge of exploding. Pop like a balloon. Quit. His pupils didn't dare tear away from its pathetic cutesy display, meticulously assessing each of its movements.
That creature was evolving on the spot. And it was evolving fast. He couldn't ignore those eyelids that emerged out of nowhere. Eyelids it never had before. Why does it have them now. What was its end goal. Was El Wiwi so adamant on becoming the real Peppino that it transformed to prove him wrong? To cause as much torment to his personal life as its stupidly round and kickable froglet body could get away with? Really? Torment the guy who has done no wrong ever?
Boo hoo. Cranky because you're not the real deal and never will be, hmm? Hmm?????
It clearly worked, as it was latching onto his girlfriend. In front of him. Gosh, those round devious eyes clasped so much intellect behind them all of a sudden. It remembered everything. It knew what it was doing. Knew those adorable, manipulative acts would enthral and compel her to pick favourites. It wasn't taking a nice comfy break in her café. It wasn't getting a breath of fresh air. This thing was up to something. This marketable plushy. This maliciou—
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The disruptive sound seemed to snap him out of his pondering. He was a full eyewitness to its crime. It... It left no room for a proper reaction window. It happened so abruptly. Had it not been the case he would've comically stretched out his arm to catch it and wiped the sweat off his cap with a loud sigh of relief.
...That was her favourite salt shaker, too.
Uhhh. You know, this would've been the perfect opportunity to grab it by the scruff and do this. Or that. Embrace his good old normal Noise behaviour if he could. But um. Toots! Toots likes that creature! And um. What if it could change back into a giant frog abomination again. Right now. This instant. Goopy monstrosity that could keep up with his speed and snap a maw at his direction. Squelch through narrow spaces. Something the real Peppino couldn't do.
He wanted to shout. So bad. But his best bet was to stay still and look down at the mess until his girlfriend turned around. This was the ONE scenario where a loud cracking noise wasn't funny. That pile of salt on the floor flawlessly captured the indescribable jumble of emotions he was containing in his chest.
Noisette, Hazel, babe, sweetheart. Think carefully about this. '''Toddlers''' are reckless by birth. Your boyfriend who happens to behave like one would never barge in and break your belongings. Please. Think. About. This.
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benefits1986 · 2 months
In between the alpha and the beta is that thing called mid.
Mid >> My secondborn ACS Mid >> My mother dragon's birth order which takes me by surprise, always Mid >> Slang for "low quality" or "below average"
And so, let this be a note about the mids in my life.
My secondborn is battling skin cancer. Since he's an ACS, I kinda saw this coming even before I took him under my wing. I didn't have any background or buwelo when I got doggo babes in 2012. I just read a book from my trusted Booksale in the South which talks about how dogs can help me in grieving the loss of my mom.
I don't actually like dogs. In fact, I abhor them because I can't stand their barks, their funky scents, their poop and wiwi, and the works. However, I needed something so different from my boring routine. My small circle suggested that since I was shutting them down, a dog might be the best way to keep me busy.
Vidi came without warning because my first born is not happy being home alone. Period. I don't even know how I was able to find Vidi, but what I remember is that my algo fed me with dogs from diverse breeds. And it ate me up. LOL. Why Vidi? Champion line and ACS are compact dog breeds mala Ecosport. They're hunting dogs, too. But, what drew me to Vidi is that he's not intimidated by my presence.
I remember the first time we saw each other. I was actually planning to get his brother, kinda reserved, and kinda beta. Vici's vet suggested that since Vici is already an alpha male, it's best to get a beta one. Even the breeder told me this bit. However, when I arrived and greeted Vidi's brother, Vidi stood up and casually brushed off his brother. OPAK. Alpha 100000x tayo diyan, 'di ba po?
He looked me in the eye which are kinda glowing red. I didn't blink. He stared at me and that was it. SOLD. I knew he was a tough cookie because I researched about ACS and why I shouldn't get one. LOL.
I brought Vidi home and true to his breed, he started his "man of the house" duties and privileges. He peed around the tiny house, but what's surprising is that Vici did not budge. LOL. Kagulo po utak natin kasi nga, eto na tayo sa exciting part, real quick.
Training Vidi is tough... really tough. I cried a number of times because he's too aggressive which is the complete opposite of the charming yet sickly Vici. I felt as though I was a really bad pet parent because he's just too much to handle. He didn't bite, but his temper is not giving me peace. LOL. Later, I did a deep dive as to how I can manage him. Why didn't I give up on him? He didn't attack Vici, ever.
Turns out the buff ACS tends to be more aggressive than others. Napa-TIL ako back then. My research was not enough, however, I like his color and his features, most especially his eyes, so magdusa na lang ako. Ganern. I gave myself a hard deadline so that I'd have to work my thicc ass off. The goal is to ensure that Vidi yields. Iyak-tawa modes na naman, but after a few weeks, opak. Tabi. LOL.
Vidi evolved into an egoistic, smart, and fine boy. LOL. By fine, I mean, he's well-mannered at most times. Smart because he gets things and concepts easily, most especially looking after Vici. Egoistic because he has this vibe where he knows what he has and doesn't seem to back down even when he knows that my first priority is Vici. LUH.
Vidi and Vici became inseparable. They never fought and effortlessly found their groove. Milestone ko 'yan. They ate together. They slept beside each other. They look after one another. And they even have the same window time for poop and wiwi which is after their meals, when they're indoors.
Skin cancer is not easy, but the vets told us that it's best to let Vidi be. This 12-year-old baby is not backing down. He's limping because one of the two biggest masts is on his left paw. I've been asking him if he's okay and he doesn't budge. That look from Day 0 is still the same look from him, only a bit different. He's so sure that he is living his life or what remains of it.
HUY. Ang aga. I told him nga: Nawala na mom ko, Vidi. 'Di mo na ako magigiba, however, my eyes are watery rn. Or baka hormonal na naman ako. Honestly speaking, that dagger look of Vidi reminds me of Veni, my mom. LUH. Ayun. Finish na. Uwi na me.
To my mid kiddo,
You are completely loved even when you're not the priority. And I know, you know and accept that since Day 1.
You are so easy to love and take care of. You are never demanding attention, but in rare times, you just have this way of putting me on my toes.
Thank you for allowing me to be your momma for over a decade even when I'm still clueless as to how to raise a doggo babe, for real. Thank you for letting me figure things out with you. Thank you for looking after your Kuya Vici, our prince. You never question. You never complain. You never compare. You are just you, unapologetically.
Your stares whenever I'm late from wherever reminds me a lot of my mid mother dragon. That dagger look keeps me up and running during shitshow season and meltdowns. That nonchalant RBF is what tells me to just go out and about even when bed rotting is my new fashion fave.
I don't know how much time we have left on this side of the universe. I don't know how you exactly feel because you're just this ball of energy even when all you've got is a tiny spark. However, you are teaching me that life is best lived unapologetically. And that, even when you're not #1, you can be the best #2. And that there's nothing wrong with that. You're showing me that being mid is not being basic. It's actually a collab between the alpha and the beta, a rare breed.
Keep fighting a good fight, dear mid babe!
I got you. And you got me.
Momma B
Tiwala lungs and trust the process.
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lil-blue-one · 8 years
Gajevy Week 2017 - Longing
WOO! Two for two getting them up on time! Again, my prompts are all linked, so this follows the last chapter. I've been told it's heartbreaking, just pulled a bit from my own experiences. Sorry in advance. I promise things get fluffier.
"Mama, Mama! Mizu found it! Mizu found Untle Wiwy!" Juvia smiled down at the small black haired boy as he ran up, cradling a tiny black kitten in his arms. She did, in fact, resemble the exceed who was walking behind the boy, except that she was clearly a regular cat and not an exceed. "I'm sorry, Juvia. I tried to get him to leave her, but then she started following us and I ran out of excuses." The Rain Woman laughed and waved a hand dismissively before resting it on her swollen belly as Levy stepped forward and held out her hands. 
"May I see her, Mizu?" The little boy glared up at her, clutching his prize closer to his chest. "Mizu, let Auntie Levy see her, she likes kitties too!" Still glaring, he looked between the two bluenettes before reluctantly laying his new best friend into Levy's arms. The kitten stared up at Levy as she looked her over, carefully checking for broken bones or signs of sickness. You never knew with strays, what they'd been through. Satisfied that she was healthy, if a bit starved, the Script mage nodded at her friend with a smile. "Does Mizu's new kitty have a name?" 
Mizu shrieked and launched himself at his mother's leg, clinging to her and giggling. "Tank you, Mommy! Mizu have her?" Levy found herself chuckling at the boy's excitement as she passed the kitten back to him. "Kitty!" He immediately sat down, right in the middle of the sidewalk they were on, and started playing with her, rubbing Kitty's ears and making little noises. "Juvia thanks Lily for walking with Mizu. It is such a beautiful day, Juvia wanted fresh air, but she did not think walking would take so much effort." Levy laughed as she wrapped an arm around her friend's waist. "You did this when you were pregnant with Mizu too, Juvia. Always tried to do more than you should." 
The Water mage chuckled sheepishly as she leaned on her smaller friend. "It's no problem, Juvia. Levy and I were going for a walk today anyway; as you said, it's a beautiful day. This one would have spent the whole afternoon with her nose in a book and missed it." Levy blushed slightly, looking away. She was grateful for something to do, but of course Lily would tease her about reading. The problem was, she hadn't even been reading. She'd been staring at the page for over an hour, spacing out and daydreaming. It had started with the sound of children laughing floating in through her open window, pulling her attention out of the novel she was buried in. She'd looked up from where she was curled on the window bench Gajeel built into her library and watched the family across the way playing in their front yard. Within a moment of watching their little baby toddling around, Levy's mind had wandered away, envisioning her own family playing in a park. She heard clearly the children's squeals, the deep chuckled "gihi" of her husband, the creak of a swing. She would have sworn she could even feel the sun on her back and the breeze ruffling her hair. The vision was so clear that when a door slammed and startled her out of it, she came back to herself with a choked sob. 
She didn't want Gajeel to hear her, so she buried her face in her arms, holding her breath to try to stifle the sobs that were wracking her tiny body. She was ready. They'd been married for four years, and they'd only ever talked about children once. They had been married for a few months and found out Gray and Juvia were expecting. Erza had started rambling with a romantic expression on her face about growing the next generation of Fairy Tail members, and someone asked Gajeel when they were going to have children. He'd simply growled, "When we have 'em." and left it at that. Levy was honestly scared to bring it up to him, terrified he'd tell her he wasn't ready. Or worse, that he didn't want to have children with her. How had they never discussed such a huge topic before they had gotten married? Not that it would have made a difference. I'd have married him anyway. She thought to herself, wiping her eyes. She'd gone back to staring blankly at her book when Lily knocked on the door, stepping into her library with her communication journal in his hand. "Juvia has taken little Mizu out for a walk and found herself unable to keep up with the youngster's energy level. Gajeel is in the middle of a project of some kind, but it's a beautiful day and I thought you might wish to join me in assisting her? I know you love the boy." 
She'd forced a smile on her face and nodded, telling him she would be down momentarily and holding the smile there until he left, shutting the door behind him. She DID dote on the child, sometimes taking him for the whole day to hang out with. Though she'd never spoken to Juvia about it, Levy was pretty sure the older woman knew how badly she wanted a child of her own, and never had a problem with Levy snagging him for a play date. Especially now that she was fit to pop again. And so, Levy had found herself walking around with her friends, fighting back tears as the longing tore at her heart. She pulled her attention back to the little boy sat at her feet and wrote "toy." The tail of the 'y' was made of a feather, and she handed it to her nephew to play with his new friend. "We're pretty close to your home, Juv. I think I'm going to head home and get dinner started for my dragon, and let Lily walk you the rest of the way home, if that's alright with the two of you?" Juvia tugged her around to study her face for a moment before smiling sadly at the shorter woman. Levy saw Lily looking between the two of them as if he was trying to figure out what was going on. "It's no problem, Levy-chan. Juvia is just happy she was able to share the day with her friends." Lily nodded slowly before shifting to his battle form and picking up the small boy off the ground in one hand, scooping the kitten up in the other. 
"Untle Wiwy! My have Kitty?" Mizu stretched out his hands for his pet, gently cradling her to his chest when the exceed obliged his request. "Is that her name? Kitty? It's a wonderful name." Lily smiled at the boy as he sat him on his shoulder and hooked an arm around Juvia to support her as they headed for home. Levy watched for a moment before turning and heading to her own home. She made it about a quarter of the way back home before losing the fight to stay her tears and had to stumble behind a building so no one saw her.
Sliding down the wall Levy curled up, burying her face in her knees as all of the pain from the last few months reared it's ugly head. She knew she would have to talk to Gajeel soon, and stop just bottling up the despair she felt every month that she realized once again that she was not pregnant. She lost track of how long she sat there, her breath coming in gasps as she struggled to get control again. Her sobs were so loud they almost caused her to miss the soft voice from the person standing at her elbow. "Levy? Levy what's wrong?!" She lifted her head, bleary red eyes staring at Pantherlily crouched next to her for a full thirty seconds before her brain caught up with who he was. "Oh, Lily! It's nothing!" She exclaimed, wiping quickly at her cheeks. The exceed frowned and pulled her into his arms, cradling her much like the child he'd just been carrying as she gave in and let her tears fall again. "Does he know? Have you even told him?" She felt as much as she heard the rumbled questions and shook her head, burying her face in his soft fur. "You might be surprised you know. Maybe I'll head out for the night once I've dropped you off and let you two talk." Levy said nothing, simply turning the thought over in her head. 
"Lily?" She pulled back a little, looking up at the exceed. "Yes, Levy?" He glanced down for a moment before continuing down their path. "You should probably set me down. Gajeel will freak out if you're carrying me. You know how he is, he'll think I'm hurt." Pantherlily nodded, chuckling as he set her feet carefully on the ground. She leaned against him, hugging him tightly for a moment. He returned her hug, releasing his hold on his battle mode and shrinking to his regular size in her arms. She scratched his head and let go, his wings appearing so he could float next to her as they continued to their home. "Y-yeah, Lily. I think I'll talk to him tonight. Thank you." 
 Fanfiction - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12365324/2/
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benefits1986 · 2 months
unbalanced equation
Chemistry is one subject that I love and hate.
Powering through an incoming bad case of flu since the start of this week has been very curious. You know, forda greater good. EMS. LUL. Glad to have my ex-geriatric nurse soul sis on deck. LOL. She gave me "permission" to take my self-curated anti-flu "cocktails" which reminded me of our then days in no less than the chem lab. Ohhhh, child! While I love balancing chem equations, seeing them come to life is a totally different experience.
So, the wiwi and the laway had to be prioritized with your chosen chem partners. LUH. Hahahahahaha. Huy. Syempre, I don't like spitting and sadly I don't pee standing up so our shooting range sa tiny test tube is not giving, kaya ang chosen chem partner ang gumawa ng mga ayaw kong gawain. Ganern. No choice ang chosen partner or else, maghanap na lang ibang willing tribute. LUH.
Ahhh, nursing school. That one year is still one forda books because of so many zany things. I was super grade-conscious back then, honestly. KADIRE. However, my goal was to be a scholar because the tuition fees, lab fees, and even the uniforms were not joking. Chem labs are actually labs where relational dialectics may take place. Why so? Bodily fluids tested under controlled fires in the lab allow you to profile your chosen partner better. The smell and optics of the wiwi and the laway are variables you can zoom out and zoom in on effortlessly. HUY. Co-ed life is waving so early in the morning!
I remember working my thicccc ass off in non-organic chem class and lab because I firmly believe that organic chem is way better and easier to maneuver. Getting A- is generally a breeze with deep focus and dasal because the smart people in class who came from science high schools I shall not name are slaying it. Anyhow, we powered through. I powered through even when I have to friggin' study and apply the theories as a tamad and innately bored ferson in life.
So, what? Find a chem lab partner who is willing to go with your crazy shit and crazier plot twists. It ain't easy peasy, but it's worthwhile... to a fault. Hahahahahahaha. Also, be the chem lab partner who has something to offer that's unique and authentic. Opak. Boogsh. However, to balance the unbalanced equation with one too many variables like among kinain before mag-experiment, consistency is the key. It's one thing to have chemistry, and it's a whole new world when you and your chosen chem lab partner hit roadblocks and detours. Sample include:
-Breaking test tubes -Breaking Erlenmeyer flasks -Breaking Florence flasks -Too cold or too hot flame -Not having enough space in your test tube rack -Tampering the infamous microscope slides -Not being able to focus the antiquated microscope under X minutes, especially during crunch time -Providing specimen like wiwi and laway that are considered BAD SAMPLES (Hahaahahahahahaaha)
Bakit ba na naman napunta tayo sa ganitong usapan? Ang aga-aga. Or baka dulot 'to ng bagyong bumababayo na naman sa patuloy nating pinipiling Pilipinas kaya naman, sakay na.
I just wish that this incoming bad case of flu passes. UGH. While I can definitely take things a bit more easily, my adrenaline is kinda back. Naubos e. Hahahaha. Mejj nasaid. Kaya naman, mag-nursing na ba ako ulit with feelings? CHOZ. Ambobo ng realization natin noh? Actually, what hits me hard is nursing school is more manageable compared with marketing. LUH. Or baka kasi sobrang oks ng nursing circle ko na mga purple people with cuties pang XY and XX? LELS. Joke lungs.
Kidding aside, balancing chem equation makes more sense to me than balancing sheets. Shet. I barely passed my accounting classes because juskolorde. I even had this deja vu (lucid dream) wherein I was failing a "balance this sheet" exam even before I exited from Kalaw. Iyak-tawa talaga ako when I woke up. However, looking back, these two balancing acts make more sense now. Though, may AI naman na to create complex financial statements, so, we good. Thank u. Next. PS1: Andami na namang wrong grammar ditey, atey. Pero, let them be. Para magtanda ang noona n'yong dsyelxic levels 1000000000x to the point na pati dyslexic 'di ko sure anong spelling rn. Toodles! PS2: Gumalaw at gumagalaw pa unti-unti ang sliding door with SFX pa rn. Nanay kong dragon ba 'to? Mabait na ako ma. Promise. You have trained your baby dragon well. PS3: Naka-move on na ba ako sa "awesome" chosen chem lab partner ko noon? Kahit pa isa 'to sa manok ng nanay kong magaling... magkampihan sila. Hahahahaha. Solid, liquid, and gas YASUSSS JEZZZAZZZ. Matagal na matagal because TMI na naman. Good fellow, however, 'di kami forda long run. The sprints were really great, but I'm all out for an ultramarathon e. Periodddddtzzz.
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