#off the top of my head i’m thinking they play roughly ava 1 camila 2 beatrice 3 lilith 4 mary 5
appleciders · 1 year
okay i’m still thinking about that incredible sweater art where i thought beatrice was wearing basketball shorts and. warrior nun basketball au…the sleeveless jerseys…ava as an insufferably talented point guard…beatrice with her hair escaping in sweat slicked fly aways as she drives and spins through three people to put home a marshmallow soft layup…beatrice standing on the sideline watching with a gatorade water bottle…u know lilith has MEAN elbows in the paint…mary as a center 🥺…camila being like small and cute and- fuck did that girl just make a three from all the way out there? them all sitting on top of the picnic tables in an in n out parking lot with their legs kicked up on the seats after a game ragging on each other and laughing…
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