#official eng is 'i'm not here for the stars i'm here for you!' which is also sooo
yume-fanfare · 2 years
top most romantic lines ever
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nohr-and-thirst · 1 year
infodump more about welt suffering and welt in general. please?
I've played quite a bit of HI3 and have been playing HSR, which made me finally interested in welt. the gravitas of his eng VA's voice his chef's kiss - I think he's one of the few characters who doesn't sound like "I'm reading this from a paper in a studio" in english - and I dig his design and powers. but what side material do I actually read to get welt lore? there's so much manga and I've only seen screenshots
Quick side topic about his English VA. I love how it fits Welt so well, in my opinion. I play Impact 3rd with CN dub, but for Star Rail he doesn’t have the same CN voice actor so it threw me off at first, but I gotten use to it after I tried to stop associating with another Impact 3rd VA.
I am putting this here already, this is gonna be very short explanation. Is this post short? No absolutely not, but I’m trying to cut details to try and make it short as I can and have it make sense.
Let us start off with some basic information about Welt Yang and now he inherited the name plus the Herrscher of Reason core.
Before there was Welt Yang, there was Welt Joyce, the first Herrscher of Reason. Sadly Impact 3rd does not explore much of Joyce, and most of the information on him, Otto, Anti-Entropy, and even about Tesla and Einstein is all a Visual Novel that never got a true English translation. However, it did get fan translations and oh goodness it’s a lot there. We will speak only of the information we got about Welt Yang from this Visual Novel.
Around the time this VN takes place Welt Yang is 8 years old since it’s 1955. He is the kiddo in the middle, and man oh man he went through a lot!!!
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Welt’s dad, Elias Nokianvirtanen, really did care for Welt. He would often travel with his dad who was working for Schicksal.
There is important information to note, and if I don’t explain it I feel like so much will be lost and the reason all of this is important. There are two major groups at the time (1955). Schicksal and Anti-Entropy (AE). At first AE was just the Northern American branch, and there was a lot of tension between the two. After a bit of… fighting, they did manage to make Anti-Entropy.
The reason they were with the AE, was because Elias was forced to sabotage AE because Otto was threatening Welt’s life.
Than there is Welt Joyce. Welt Joyce is one of my personal favorite underrated characters, and the way Joyce really wanted to protect humanity tells you everything.
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Now what does these gentlemen have in common-? Their deaths are connected to Otto. Otto killed Elias due to the reason he was there slipped, and Joyce risked his life to protect New York from being nuked by Otto.
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At this time as Welt was trying to help Joyce, Joyce asked him what he thought of the name Welt. Welt mentions he likes it, and Joyce not only passed on the name Welt, but also the Herrchser core.
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If you are curious, and wish to read the VN here is the link! https://zklm.github.io/honkai-vn-antientropy/ as a reminder, this is a fan translation, since we never got an official English translation!
Now, here is where we get to the fun bits. Fun fact: in the manga Second Eruption, Otto was legit like flabbergasted. Cause you know, THE FACT HE KILLED IS SUPPOSEDLY ALIVE. Only than to see it wasn’t Welt Joyce, but someone else and this manga just really shows you how strong Welt can be.
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Now in Second Eruption, their goal at the start was just “hey we need to find this new herrchser.” So guess what? They gotta work together a bit. There was a small comment that I feel gets over looked and that is, Otto never really taught Siegfried or Theresa how to use their divine keys, and Welt made a small jab at this. I don’t hear people really mention this, and I don’t know why it is such a small fact I love to bring up.
There is a really important fight scene that happens among these pages/chapters between Welt and Sirin. Here we get to see more of what Welt can do as the HOR, which is once he learns the structure of a human creation, he can make a cope with honkai energy. Now I don’t wanna go to much detail into this fight cause how I’m typing won’t do it justice, but we get a tiny new conflict pop up! What is this conflict? A clown, more specifically, Otto. That’s Otto Apocalypse himself.
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When I saw Otto has basically made it his personal goal to take down Welt, it being Joyce or Yang, to take down AE, and just do his plans, I mean it. This man goes so far, and I can do a whole essay about Otto, because he is an extremely well written antagonist. However, that will be for later in case anyone wants that just tell me. But Otto could have done more to Welt here, however Siegfried was there! Since Siegfried is key to Otto’s plan he just leaves and they both luckily make it back to safety with VERY bad injuries.
I do not want to go into all the details in the manga, as this manga is my favorite and everyday I hope that HoYoverse will animate it, so https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1005 here is the link! PLEASE IF YOU CAN READ IT! It’s 65 chapters long, it’s amazing, well written and oh my goodness I could do a whole video essay on it.
Now I am gonna throw some fun facts because this post is getting long and I’ll share some links too!
So here is a great video from HoYoverse about Joyce, Welt Yang, and Bronya and the legacy of the Herrchser of Reason! https://youtu.be/eSOYUfnUGZk
Now here I’m gonna send two playlist of A Post Honkai Odyssey. Why? Because Welt is in it, and also one of my all time favorite character is in it too, Void Archives. (This is me hinting that I wanna info dump about him too.)
Here is a playlist of gameplay of APHO on YT: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt0MO_4lG2SEyuMmOywSW02-soMN0PA45
Here is a playlist for APHO 2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIL1w10vWxxolgZxP1Q7KlTPyq2B8JCt3
Also APHO has a certain scene that could be similar to some Star Rail players 👀
Here some random fun facts about Welt Yang that I recall on top of my head cause he gives the brain serotonin!
Welt Yang for the first bit having the core couldn’t sleep tho to the fact that the core houses over 300k people, and he never really complained of any struggles it gave to him, but we learn during the HoD arc when he speaks with Bronya he is concerned about her and ask her all the things she is experiencing.
It’s mention in Second Eruption that Welt would try and ask Einstein to play the piano, also he mentions around that same chapter I believe that if he didn’t inherit the HoR core he thinks/wonders if he would have become a teacher or linguistic like his father.
Facts relating to Arahato is that one his company had a whole copyright issue with Otto’s game company, the Arahato is heavily based of Joyce, and the line “Witness the stars shatter before you!” Comes from Joyce, but Herrchser of Truth Bronya (HI3RD) and Welt (HSR) say this line! Also around the Thus Spoke Apocalypse arc, it is mentioned by Einstein that one morning Welt made breakfast for the crew but it wasn’t much since he made it but implies he knows how to cook!
This is more from Star Rail, but is Serval is in your express she actual mentions Welt cause he asked some questions, but here is the tumblr link for that!
I don’t want to make a too long post that no one possible reads, BUT PLEASE ASK ME ANYTHING! IT CAN BE SILLY OR SERIOUS ABOUT WELT OR ANY OF THE HONKAI IMPACT 3RD GROUP OR STAR RAIL GROUP AS WELL!!! I read the manga’s and I have read the VN and I have spent hours rereading and replaying and explaining to people that ask and I love to do so QVQ
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Wait... you know Hetalia???!!!
I love Hetalia and I'm forever thankful that I was never exposed/encountered the bad side of it, especially since I've been in the Hetalia fandom for a long time. It does make me feel sad that whenever I bring up Hetalia, it's the bad side people only know 😔.
I still follow Himaruya's post (comic strips), if there's a new season, new character song, new theme song, drama cds, new musical, and merch. Atm, I have a mochi England plushie (it's the only one available) and a hetalia jacket. (I'm poor).
I fell inlove with history (I now love historical (even war) movies and known as the weird but smart/nerd and quiet student 🤣😅) and came to appreciate languages and culture of other countries, really fascinating. I also became a yearly viewer of Eurovision 😅. Some songs are in my playlist.
I love the characters cause despite them being based on stereotypes, you can see that they have their own distinct personality. Also the fact that they have human names, it really helps prevent people from thinking I'm crazy XD.
For anyone wondering (since I saw some anons who didn't know about it), Hetalia is a comedy/satire show/comic starring the personification of countries. Every epsiode is only 5 minutes so it's very quick. It can be/seem offensive, depending how you take some moments. It sometimes hits you with emotional damage out of nowhere and that's what I'm focused on in this fandom. Angst and historical aus is my bread and butter. Eng dub is great, it's like an official abridged XD. Be ready for the accents. It also has a movie. Expect silly moments most of the time. The story is not linear, it tackles history from 900-1000's to present time. It sometimes feels like a slice of life anime with historical/cultural trivias/jokes sprinkled in there. It has canon AUs as well like nyotalia, which is basically genderbent version of chars or nekotalia, which is the cast as cats. Advice, take the infos in the show with a grain of salt and maybe don't take everything seriously. It consists of a lot of male characters , so very limited female cast.
Now for the fandom, I can't control what part of it you may run into so uh... goodluck. Lucky for you, it's chill compared to what it's like before, like no joke. It does feel barren sometimes. Just beware ig lol. (I'm not really showing confidence towards the fandom, despite being part of it HAHAHAH XD) Be ready for the weirdness, we have Iceland x Fridge, Gru (yes from despicable me) x lovino (s. italy), sweden x ikea, toris (lithuiana) x therapy/happiness to name a few (crack) ships and a fricking religion called Doitsuism, idk why but it exists. 😂🤣🤣😅😭
If anyone is curious about character songs theres: aiyaa 4000 years (china), Moi moi (Finland), How about me (Estonia), Excuse me I'm sorry (Japan), white flame (Russia), and steady rhythmus (Germany) to name a few. There's a ton more, some have multiple char songs, while others have only one song. There's also group songs (two of which are christmas songs). Every song is sung by their VAs in the anime, including the ending songs. It has multiple versions so if you're tired listening to Italy singing the ed, try to listen to idk England's version, each one has different vibe and unique lyrics fitting for the char. Example, Ed 1 can be orchestral or rock depending which version you listened to, really cool stuff imo.
From a (confused if I should be a proud) Hetalia Veteran 🤣😅
p.s. I love your Arakawa family, Masadai, and Minedai comics. It always makes me smile. Also, sorry for the long ass post 😅. Why can't I write like this whenever I'm tasked with writing an essay. This was made by a sleep deprived individual and unfortunately I'm letting out my zoomies (is this correct idk) through this, sorry. I'm now going to sleep. I'll probably regret all of this when I wake up lol.
well for the mates who kept asking about hetalia. here you are
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Watch - Rewatch Drama List
AIRING Shows ->
• Bed Friend:
I was intrigued by the show, especially since I was promised a high heat office bl and while i have gotten glimpses of it, i absolutely have fallen in love with King's and Uea's characters! While Jade endears me more with every episode (I'm don't easily like hyper characters) and I'm loving his friendship with Uea and I'm endeared and yet worried about his tendency to do like 10 ppls work by himself.
Plus KingUea gives very PrapaiSky vibes so that's always a plus i feel!
And Net and James have sizzling chemistry together and gods Net is so handsome 😍😍
• Destiny Seeker:
I'm so sad that not only is this show NOT available on youtube, but worse, it doesn't even have official eng subs 😭 Fansubbers are gods here and I'm so grateful! I have to go gray for this one
The show has university hostels rivalry, jock vs the beauties dorms, a pining boy! (it might be requited?) and is absolutely a pulp bl that is so nice so far! Plus it gives me lots of Hana Kimi aka To the Beautiful You manga / jdrama vibes with all the hostel stuff which i always love!!!
• Midnight Museum:
Off Attaphan, the things I watch due to you being in it 😭 While i definitely like the show a lot, i REFUSE to see it when the Sun is down especially with all the jumpscares. It's also very sus between Gun's character and the Museum owner right now.
• Love Syndrome III:
I started this because i saw a post where it had the post about the actor who apparently did kick boxing irl and also has some ok fighting scenes.
I'm still confused what exactly this drama is about though as I'm still on ep 1.
• LCK LoL Spring season: I mean it's not a drama so does it count? I mean i sit listening through 2+ hours of league of legends matches each day especially with playoffs so close so it's pretty fun, especially with the eng commentators! Plus watching T1 stomp their competitors with the whole team just cooking, especially Keria and his support picks and Oner with his Lee Sin and Faker with his Azir is just 😍😍 and SO much fun to watch!
None actually, surpringly. I'm saving them for later.
• The King's Avatar:
This isn't a bl, but a really good cdrama with the lovely hot Yang Yang that is based on the hot chinese novel of the same name! Definitely a good watch if you're interested in esports or mmos in general!!
Also if you like gamers romancing each other in an mmorpg (het romance) i highly recommend watching loveo2o it's a pretty sweet watch, also having Yang Yang in the lead role, available on youtube with eng subs! Also has a movie adaptation of the same name.
• My School President:
Ah my beloved. I went in expecting a generic high school bl, but got a new comfort show instead. Which honestly is rare because till now I've only had 2-3 comfort series and movies because I'm VERY particular about me having something as a comfort show.
Plus the ost is a banger and i listen to it everyday. The casts voices are so good!!!! Rock and Star and Healing and Once Upon a Time on spotify WHEN
Gemini and Fourth have absolutely stolen my heart in their roles as TinnGun and LimingHeart and I'll definitely be following their careers for a long while.
• SOTUS the whole saga: It was my first BL so while i may acknowledge it may have it's faults but it's always close to my heart especially Arthrit my tsudere sweet pink milk loving man!
Looking forward to: (in no particular order)
• 23.5: InkPa in Bad Buddy had me cheering for them and MilkLove were the initial reason for my interest in this show, especially since I LOVE the concept of unknown texters to lovers, because of the sheer SCOPE!! And now I'm equally excited to see gem and fourth as north and night!!!
• Only Friends: WHEN WILL I GET MY MESSY GAY DRAMA. I need messy relationship drama and my Forcebook, Firstkhao and Neomark! Get Mark a leading role asap!
• Our Skyy 2: I'm excited for ALL of the couples that will be shown, a nice change from the first season where I only cared for KongArt. Though do have a better script for all of them because the ones in last one were kinda eh, you know.
• Delusions of S2 of MSP and Heartliming focused MLC post ep 8 episodes???
• Enigma: Possibly unhinged and tattooed and leather pants wearing Win Metawin? SIGN ME TF UP
• Double Savage
• Hidden Agenda
• Cooking Crush
• Punk Spy
• Wednesday Club (I know this one is being shot right now, based on mix's ig)
• Last Twilight
• The Jungle
• The Interest
• Love Upon a Time
• Middleman's love
• The Next Prince
• Zomvivor
Yep I'm looking forward to a LOT of thai shows!
Thanks for tagging me @solana-ceae !! It was fun doing this and i had a great time!
Anyone who wishes to do this is free to do so I'm not tagging anyone, just tag me if you do!
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clambuoyance · 2 years
Cool, get ready for my Essays (some of these are reaches I just have brain rot):
Luka Luka Night Fever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScSW9C3DF18 - not very deep of a rec, just a fun song that has a lot of nostalgia for me. The beat n stuff and how it's about just havin a good time remind me of Early Kon.
The Guinea pigs and the Mercenary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqdLgpiX0RM&t=92s - it is about being a Lab Rat, mostly I love the parts about them dreaming about the outside world by looking at the painting ahead (just like kon only had his implanted memories)
Kisaragi Attention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpYkMlyjITE - okay so it technically is about someone with superpowers AND they're famous and that's kinda the extent of the similarities but its a cute song okay
Konoha no Sekai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB0jSbdsmHk - another kagepro song this one is a cover tho bc its a good (official too!) cover. So it's about Konoha who is a created organism made to do... stuff... i don't exactly remember but the song is about him losing his innocence as he realizes the world sucks. (OKAY SO, here's a version with eng subs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBm9HdjaR04)
Nikkori Survey Team! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Fc1x_aeFQ - i have mentally assigned the roles to all of young justice (red tornado is hatsune miku btw)
The burn marks on my E-Piano wont go away: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxVaStXxDK0 - no lyrics, just vibes. idk how to explain it, this song just oozes nostalgia but in a way where you realize the past may have been happy but that doesn't mean it's the best.
Do Better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhm5TSJIKy0 - out of left field, I know but I saw this in a One Punch Man amv and I think it fits kon too. kon does try his best so i think this is more a song at himself where he's chastising himself for not doing more and living up to his legacy.
Starseek Wayfarer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRwkFhsX7Hk&list=PLsT2Dcg75BOWbtiFOlUVG_UpYjvuD5vtG&index=5 - okay, so this is technically the character song for a different guy from an idol game but listen: its about hokuto finding out what he wants to do with his life through the power of friendship. (also i like space/stars theming for kon... space boy..)
Phony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpZLYcJ-Q28 - Cover bc the og doesn't have eng subs. Identity crisis song! I actu ally associate this with Tim and Kon for different lyrics and stuff. for kon its specifically about how love vanishing makes them question humanity: "What am I? Like claws in the night, I vanish, like love"
Bitter Choco Decoration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCyKJD6uQyg&t=49s - Parental Trauma :). All of kons parental figures control him or want him to be a certain way and this song captures that. (although this is the bad ending bc the end of the song the mc gives up living for themself)
https://open.spotify.com/track/79EkGysjP2dL5GdpeQjRxT?si=a90b3f58bffe4fee idk why this one is a spotify link, sorting through my playlists. Anyway this is a TimKon song lol- basic pining bullshit. (the focus on loneliness tho,,, v kon :>)
Hay- *gunshot rings out*
ussewa - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp3b-RXtz4w - a bit weird but also i like to imagine kon screaming, get that emotional catharsis baby! idk this general fed up ness with adults fits in with the kon-lex relationship. like yeah I'm your "genius kid" but also fuck you kinda type beat.
Unfriendly Hater - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr72YrBttvY - early timkon, its cute lol
Changes - https://open.spotify.com/track/1OJg6070T1v5dVZoU8uj0m?si=ac3d0f7a98944da8 "trying to grow in a world that changes" need i say more???
Hitchcock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7MBzMP4OzY - growing up is hard, anyway i haven't settled on which parental figure to put in the other role in this song bc there are so many good choices.
Planet Loop https://open.spotify.com/track/68R4fcBC4aMu14O3ChqtXD?si=40692dcd71de4199 ending with a cute space themed song- spotify bc the lyrics don't really matter it's about this vibes.
HOLY SHIT IM SORRY i blanked out and wrote a fucking dissertation oh my god i had homework today. Anyway here! sorry for writing so much.
ps. Vocaloid is kind of an acquired taste/weird sound so i'd recommend a cover if you don't like it also songs should have eng subs or cc.
im sorry it took me so long to get to this but i want you to know i literally love vocaloid!! its all i used to listen to when i was in middleschool. i was waiting to answer this until i listened to it all but im still slowly making my way thru them😔🙏 BUT THESE ARE ALL REALLY GOOD SO FAR and youve made me revisit my vocaloid phase…
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aoharushiyo · 1 year
sky again / arashi [eng translation]
TITLE: Sky Again ARTIST: 嵐 (Arashi) COMPOSITION: Erik Lidbom LYRICS: Goro. T OFFICIAL UPLOAD: (from youtube)
Beyond the thick layer of clouds, there's a limitless unknown world which seems to draw everything in
When we struggle and fall, we all look up and swear to try again Let's go to where courage and hope are born I'm all ready
We are challengers that go on forever, following a map drawn by our curiosity on a journey with countless routes Far away, can't wait… We're dream seekers who never tire
Take off with a jump towards the shining sun With the sun's rays warm on our backs, there's nothing that can stop us anywhere, so let's ride on freely as we wish If you're together with me, I can get over it We won't be scared by any obstacles The unknown waits where nobody's treaded before, so we'll pave the way to our destination under this brand new sky
Gone are the youthful days when I wished on the vivid lines left behind by airplanes Now my new life is where this new wind blows
To seize the opportunities lying before me, I piled up smiles and tears and learned happiness after overcoming my burdens That's why I'm here
Wherever I go, whatever I do, my days are made of the possibilities I write in my blank-paged notebook So far, so fun… What's precious to us is overflowing
Flying on through the night like a star, we're sparkling brighter than a meteor shower Our unwavering determination accelerates us, so let's hang in there and pierce through If you're together with me, I can get over it While enjoying whatever pressures we face, we'll shine our light into the darkness and even cross the horizon to start a brand new day
We'll find a brand new way
Take off with a jump towards the shining sun With the sun's rays warm on our backs, there's nothing that can stop us anywhere, so let's ride on freely as we wish If you're together with me, I can get over it We won't be scared by any obstacles The unknown waits where nobody's treaded before, so we'll pave the way to our destination under this brand new sky
Let's fly for it together
厚く閉ざした曇り空の向こう すべて吸い込みそうな 際限ない Unknown world
つまずいて挫けそうな時には 誰もが見上げ誓う 'Again' 「勇気」「希望」 生まれる場所へ I'm all ready
We are challengers, go on forever 好奇心で描く地図(マップ) 無数のルートを辿る旅 Far away… Can't wait… 飽くなき Dream seekers
Take off 大きく助走つけて To the shine 照りつける太陽の熱を感じたら 遮るものなんてない360度 自由自在にRide on If there's you together, I can get over it どんな困難も恐れることなく 路なき未知で待つ 目的地はこの手で拓く Brand new sky
鮮やかな一筋の飛行機雲に 願い込めた Youthful days 今は新たな風に吹かれ歩く My new life
巡り巡る機会掴むために 笑顔 涙 積み重ね 痛み背負って喜びを知った That's why I'm here
Wherever I go Whatever I do 可能性を記すノート 真っ白なページに綴る日々 So far… So fun… 溢れる Precious to us
Fly on 夜通し駆け抜ける Like a star きらめく流星群も見降ろすくらい 加速するエンジンは 揺るがぬ決意(ココロ) 貫いて Hang in there If there's you together, I can get over it どんなプレッシャーも愉しみながら 闇の果て照らす 地平線の彼方に出づる Brand new day
We'll find a brand new way… Oh…
Take off 大きく助走つけて To the shine 照りつける太陽の熱を感じたら 遮るものなんてない360度 自由自在にRide on If there's you together, I can get over it どんな困難も恐れることなく 路なき未知で待つ 目的地はこの手で拓 Brand new sky
一緒にFly for it
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keyenuta · 2 years
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I posted 6,244 times in 2022
That's 1,664 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (0%)
6,224 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 113 of my posts in 2022
#twisted wonderland - 34 posts
#twst - 24 posts
#twst spoilers - 15 posts
#disney twisted wonderland - 10 posts
#riddle rosehearts - 9 posts
#kalim al asim - 9 posts
#king amani - 6 posts
#twst oc - 6 posts
#leona kingscholar - 5 posts
#twst english - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#you guys are not gonna make my slav ass have to explain that slavic names aren't weird or wrong or stupid or 'butchering' in the fandom
My Top Posts in 2022:
Riddle x Kalim Headcannons & Fun Scenarios
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Dancing, Dancing Dancing:
I can see one thing both of them love to do is dance together. We know Kalim knows a lotta styles of dance and Riddle knows how to do the waltz. So I can see when Riddle isn't busy, or if Kalim thinks riddle needs a break, they'll simply dance the day away having fun letting their worries ebb away with each twirl and step the other takes. Well that is before Kalim swings the dance in a whole other direction without warning.
Cater being the shipper friend:
With those two being good friends of our favorite magicam boy I can see Cater being thrilled at the two being a couple. Not just for the aesthetic but because also because they just look great together, picking up for what the other lacks, and
in turn helping them get better at what they need to work on. Plus you know cater will be taking pictures of the pictures of the two, starting two hashtags in the process. Ridkali and Royal court(basically since Kalim reminds him of a sultan and Riddle reminds him of a queen its like a royal courtship)
Nickname Headcannon:
Kalim to Riddle: Ruby(cause i can see Kalim seeing riddle like a prescious ruby he could never part with. A true treasure for him in a way
Riddle to Kalim: My Rose (I see this one coming from how red kalim's eyes are reminding riddle of a scarlet rose. A pure love without any thorns to wound.)
Ridding lessons:
Unless we learn Kalim was taught how to ride a horse, I can see Riddle repaying Kalim whenever he gives him a flying carpet ride may take Kalim to ride vorpal with him. Enjoying Kalim being happy alongside him I can see the queen wanting to show off hus hard earned skill to his rose. And may even offer to teach Kalim how to ride one himself
Pure love:
Knowing Kalim I can see how much he's into PDA being a large thing fir riddle to adjust to. Heck even receiving a constant string of love and affection may take some getting used to, but i do think besides chastising kalim at times, riddle would enjoy it as well. It's a nice change of pace for him. Now if only kalim wouldn't do so in public he'd be even more happy for it.
32 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
Eng Twst translation opinions
Alrighty, I think after seeing this I think we can all breath a sigh of relief at the quality of the translations. From the snippet at 12:28-15:27 everything seems like its a pretty good translation.
But now this puts my already high respect to our fan translators on an even higher tier. Because from what little i remember from seeing translations of the prologue this was a near one to one translation of that scene minus a few additions here and there.
Which again I cannot give enough props to our translators.
So yeah, thankfully Disney didn't go cheap on us so far.
40 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
Kalim...did you just
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Omg Riddle accepted it, ok, i have officially become a Ridkali shipper, this is so adorable
Now I'm just picturing after the feast you just see Riddle either sitting besides kalim, or at least hold his waist as they both soar above the clouds looking at a jewelry filled sky of stars on a cool desert night. As for once in riddle's case, his worries of being a dorm leader crawl to the back of his mind as he's seen a whole new world.
41 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
Twisted Wonderland: Dorm leaders in Genshin Impact Au
This is a ramble about how I can imagine and see the twst Housewardens/Dorm Leaders if they were in genshin. Hope y'all like my ideas, so anyway on with the show!
🌹Riddle Rosehearts:
The rule bound rose of the Lawrence clan~
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For our prescious strawberry I can imagine Riddle being another poor child who was born into the Lawrence clan. A to be redeemer of the clan's fall from power, trained to harness his vision to strike back against the Knights of Mondstadt. An ever useful obedient child who has only grown up hearing the rules and misguided arrogance of elder clan members. Forcing him to be their perfect rose, a better heir than Eula could ever be. Especially after she left her family behind, Riddle's lessons and pressure was doubled from then on. But even as he suffered he gave no objection, these were the rules, and he was a Lawrence above all else and had to uphold their "honor."
As for his relationship with Eula, there is an edge of rivalry between the two mixed with an air of empathy. Riddle sometimes looks to Eula with envy at being so free in his eyes, but a part of him also deems it as foolish and a mockery of the clan. But even if he's so bound up in his lessons, maybe all the withered rose needs is a little push to finally grow free from those who would use him as no more than a tool.
Rarity: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Weapon: Catalyst
Vision: Pyro🔥
Region: Mondstadt
🦁Leona Kingscholar:
The overlooked warrior of Natlan~
See the full post
86 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Twst English release opinions
Alright then, after playing twst eng for two days I gotta say, I love it. Like no joke I love this game and it's dragging me even deeper into twst again! But if y'all wanna see my opinion on the changes in translation and localization it's this.
Overall good, but tried too hard sometimes
Even as someone who loves the uniqueness i do have like a couple
Trey's unique magic/signature spell name change, it just felt unnecessary but even with what they changed it too I don't hate it cause it's still a cool name either way.
Hornton, I don't hate it at all but I feel it could've been better as well. But I can also understand why they'd be less likely to do a direct translation as well. Cause horn/horny can be interpreted as well sexual themes
Other than that it's not that bad, and not nearly as bad as I've seen older fans act.
Like guys. I love the community but y'all are out of pocket for this. You're being overdramatic at worst and are giving small moments to other fans which makes the problem even worse because without seeing the rest of the product people will think it's 4kids even though most of the basic translations are good.
Honestly this will be my only time saying this(i hope) but I wouldn't say the Japanese version is the "true" version of the story because from what I've seen everything has its same feeling and vibe as to its original form. If you came into English twst you will still get hit by the emotional moments and will still enjoy yourself.
All in all, can you guys stop treating this like it's a plague of the earth, let's be civil and if we really have a problem just put your concerns to the devs as best you can. Hopefully they'll listen, but fir now I'm staying out if the twisted wonderland tag fir my own enjoyment.
92 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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pendwelling · 3 years
hi i came across ur fanart of 섭남파업 (v cute btw) when i searched tumblr, but i noticed u wrote the title as 'what happens when the second male lead powers up'. the title is actually 'what happens when the second male lead goes on a strike'. not sure who the translator is, but i think maybe they mistook 파업 as some konglish slang for 'power up'? but 파업 is a real korean word that means 'go on a strike'. which makes sense since the mc is trying to stop being the 2nd male lead. anyways nice art!!
Oof im really relieved to know there's more people on here who know 섭남파업 haha. I'm glad you found my art nice, that makes me really happy to hear TvT♡
Oh and regarding the title, I just used what was written on NU since I sorta figured it would be the easiest way to make sure it could be found on this platform (through either tags or search) besides searching with <서브 남주가 파업하면 생기는 일> / <섭남파업> 🤔 And as for the translation, from what I know after asking, the person who tl'ed debated between using "going in strike" and "powering up" before deciding that the kongrish might be better fitting since, quote, "(Jesse) stops his so-called strike pretty quickly when he decides to tag along with the protagonists" xD — they did make sure to mention that their choice of interpretation could also be wrong, however!
Hopefully that explains a bit haha, tho in hindsight it might be better to wait for an official tl before using any eng tags, huh.. But for now I suppose I'll stick to the name they used till that possible day 🤔
(Ah, and again— im happy to know you like the fanart!! Tysm🙏)
((( EDIT!! As of Chapter 234 : Curtain Call (6), the author has confirmed the English title of 섭남파업, which is "When the Third Wheel Strikes Back"! Sookym confirmed that it's inspired by Star Wars: When the Empire Strikes Back, which is a very Sookym thing to do 😂 )))
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weilongfu · 3 years
Wei reads 2Moons + The Ambassador (DOUBLE BILL)
Written by chiffon_cake The translations I read have been removed for obvious copyright issues. But if you dig, perhaps you might find someone else attempting the task.
It's been a long time coming. 2Moons Season 1 was literally one of my first forays into the Thai BL sphere, the other first introductions being Make It Right and SOTUS. With a spread like this, it makes you wonder how I stuck with it. Anyway, I had read someone's translations of 2Moons a few years ago, but didn't want to do this write up because I was hoping for official translations. It looks like that's never going to happen, despite chiffon_cake wanting it to happen at one point. Same with WHY R U (originally the official Eng version was supposed to be out last year) and Love By Chance (still salty that the fucking KlaNo book got translated to Eng over the other books but whatever, who cares about MAME anymore). As such, I do just want to give a fair warning that the summary after the cut will not be all encompassing and comprehensive. But I will do my best to remember the major story beats.
Weilongfu synopsis: Ever since high school, Wayo Panitchayasawad (Yo) has had a secret. He has loved Phana Kongthanin (Pha) with his entire heart. So much so, that he has even chosen to go to the same university! So when Yo is chosen to be the Moon of the Science Faculty, it's a chance to get close to the handsome and talented Pha who was made the University Moon last year! The rest of the novel also follows the love story of Yo's best friend Ming as he chases Pha's friend Kit and the tumultuous love story between Pha's other two friends Forth and Beam.
The Ambassador is a story which follows the love story of Suthee, the Medical Faculty Moon picked the same year as Yo, and how in his second year, he is constantly flirted with by the Moon of the Dentistry Faculty, Nic. (At least, if I remember correctly, the translation I read said Nic is a Dental Faculty, despite how Google Translate says Faculty of Agriculture?)
Official synopsis on Meb (Google Translate): 2Moons Book 1: Do you see that man A person with a handsome face with a strong aura, holding a dark eyebrow, but always likes to look sick all the time. It was that person who made me choose to study at this university. And made me stand here at this time to participate in the Moon Stars contest to want to be close to him. Because he is a senior that I have been secretly crushed on since high school - Wayo Phanichsawat (Yo) Do you see that boy? A person with a simple, thin and tall look doesn't look very charming. That person who I am extremely annoyed. Look at it and know that it is the young mistress. As well as a child without etiquette But I'm standing here right now because I was last year's university month. So he had to become a mentor for the next generation of contestants, and that kid was also one of them. - Phana Kongthanin (Pa)
The Ambassador: Do you see that man Handsome guy Wear a lot of silver jewelry if asked how handsome I can say that my relatives 'Pee Pa' class handsome. But it had just appeared when the month of the contest had ended. If that guy came faster I would not have to put my face to sell to the name of the group with the position of vice plum ... This year's ambassador contest, I have to make it a representative to compete - cold wind, do you see that man? People who look cute The owner of the month of the Faculty of Agriculture this year looks like that side is a little bit offensive to me. But the point is, I don't like how he looks down on himself and forces me to go to the ambassador contest. What do I have to do? Since the person who represents it should be a month like him ... Even if the other party will use the lure of the ball collide. I would definitely not fall into the noose to represent the contest.
Overall Plot Assessment and Summary: As my frame of reference for having read these books was a while back, I'm going to just break down what happens for each couple, including the couple from The Ambassador. Gentle reminder that I'm obviously going to forget some key events. But this is the best I can do.
PhaYo: Yo had a crush on Pha since high school. He always followed him around to look at him. When Pha was going to graduate, being a year ahead of him, Yo planned to confess. However, Pha had been confronted by Kit and Beam and said that he wasn't gay or ever interested in boys. Yo ran away after that and Pha did not meet him again. Yo was then admitted to the same university as Pha. Pha, Kit, and Beam were in the Med Faculty while Yo was in Science. Yo's best friend Ming is in Engineering along with another friend that Pha, Kit, and Beam made, Forth. Over the course of practicing for the Moon and Star competition, Yo keeps interacting with Pha, but it's all antagonistic! Pha keeps picking on him and Yo gets more and more sad that maybe he'll never confess to Pha. Forth also starts hitting on Yo and making it clear that he intends to date Yo. Things take a turn when Pha comes in one day to observe the juniors practicing and sees Yo in GLASSES. Suddenly he realizes he is a dumbass and that Yo is his little Wayo that he had a crush on back in high school. Pha decides to really pursue Yo in earnest. He offers to help Yo find a place to practice playing the piano for his talent and makes things happen so that he can stay with Yo in the same room during a beach trip to take photos for the competition. However, at the same time, Pring, last year's university Star, also comes along and flirts with Pha. Pha does not push her away which upsets Yo. Yo pushes Pha away and Pha ends up with no choice but to confess on the way home that he remembers Yo and sends him a picture of a note. Back in high school, Pha found a note that Yo had dropped as he ran, confessing that "P'Pha is the best for me." Yo and Pha start their relationship in earnest from there, with Yo giving Pha the gift he intended with his confession, a bracelet. Yo sings a special song just for Pha as part of his performance. Voting for popularity is done by giving roses. Pha buys a hundred roses just for Yo and even more in his car. Yo wins Most Popular, but comes in 2nd Place. Ming wins as University Moon. Pha gives Yo a matching bracelet after the competition. Over the course of Books 2 and 3, Pha and Yo work on their relationship. Both are exceptionally jealous. Yo gets mad that Pha isn't paying as much attention to him and still being nice to Pring and so he goes out with a guy from Chemistry named Park. Yo at another point comes to see Pha as he's studying, but is told to go away via text. However, it appears someone else is using Pha's phone. Pha takes the opportunity to introduce Yo as his boyfriend to all the people he's studying with. Somewhere in the middle, the two have their first time and Pha is apparently very ravenous because he goes multiple rounds in one night. Yo's room is often their love nest for such activities, much to the annoyance of his neighbor until his neighbor gets a girlfriend who finds the sounds of Yo and Pha having sex hot. Towards the end of Book 3, after one such night, Pha goes out to help Pring because she's drunk under Yo's insistence to be a good person. When Pha comes back, nothing seems amiss, but the next morning, photos of Yo naked and in compromising positions are spread all over campus. No one is able to contact Yo and Pha finds out that the person who spread the pictures everywhere is Park. Pha kicks his ass along with Forth. Pha then finds out Yo has gone back home to his father, one of the richest men in Thailand. Pha waits outside Yo's house until late and is let in by Yo's father. Yo's father gives Pha his blessing and lets Pha into Yo's room for the two to work things out.
MingKit: While Pha is wooing Yo, Kit wonders if Ming and Yo are actually dating. He intends to check if they are. Ming starts to talk to Kit and Beam, joking about, and particularly poking at Kit before they leave for the beach. At the beach, Ming bugs Kit some more to buy ice with him for a drinking party held by Forth. Ming uses this opportunity to trick Kit into giving him his phone number. Kit gets so mad, he tells Ming to stay on the beach and never talk to him again. Ming stays out there until another senior that came to the beach spots him and makes him come to the drinking party. (Pha was supposed to attend the party as well but claimed to stay behind with Yo because he suddenly didn't feel like going.) Kit and Ming have a bit of an awkward and stilted conversation during the drinking party, but Kit leaves to answer his phone. Ming follows and apologizes for his actions. When everyone returns to the university, Ming continues to bother Kit. Especially at the gym as Ming practices his martial arts demonstration. After his workout, Kit finds his car won't start and Ming calls for people to come fix it and asks if Kit wants to eat something while they wait. Ming takes Kit to a noodle place. Ming asks Kit to cheer for him at the Moon and Star competition as well as to eat with him again. Kit initially refuses, but finally is worn down into agreeing to cheer for Ming, but not as much as he'll cheer for Suthee (his faculty Moon) and Yo (because you have to support the boss's bae). In order to get Ming to shut up, Kit also agrees to have a meal with Ming again if Ming wins the competition. Ming does win and takes Kit for the meal, despite how Kit tries to hide or run away. As they drive to the meal, Ming gets a call from his ex, Moowan. Kit is put off by the way Ming talks to her because it sounds like Ming is still dating her but trying to pursue Kit. Ming clarifies what the situation is between him and Moowan before calling her and telling her that they can't talk the way they do anymore because Ming is chasing someone (Kit). Ming also accidentally leaves his University Moon sash with Kit after that dinner. The next day, Ming actually needs to go to a photoshoot as the winner, and needs the sash. Kit brings it but also finds that Moowan came to surprise Ming and is currently doting on him plenty. Ming eventually drags Kit away to explain that Moowan came to surprise him and that nothing is going on. Things accelerate from there as after exams, Ming finds Kit about to go home for his father's birthday. Ming bugs Kit until Kit agrees to let him drive him home. They stop at a mall to buy Kit's father a present and wind up meeting Kit's ex girlfriend. Ming gets worried for a second, but then gets along with her fine and she entrusts Kit to him. When they get to Kit's home, Ming pushes for a kiss, and the two are caught by Kit's older brother Kieng. Kieng tries to test them, and in the end, after dinner, says that its fine for Kit to date Ming, but they must not tell their parents about it yet. Afterwards, Kit asks if Ming really does love him and accepts all of him. Ming replies that he does and the two officially are boyfriends.
ForthBeam: Somewhere between Book 2 and 3, Kit pretends to date Beam during the whole fiasco with Moowan coming to visit. After that all gets worked out, Beam gets upset and goes drinking because he doesn't want Kit to date Ming and contemplates if he really has feelings for Kit. At some point, Beam and Forth end up drinking at a common friend's place. Forth carries Beam up to a bedroom to sleep and Beam refuses to let go of Forth, not wanting to lose another friend. In their drunken state, the two have sex. Beam is understandably not feeling so well from a rough night of not very well prepared anal sex. Forth realizes he likes Beam and runs after him. Forth then spends a lot of time trying to get Beam to open up to him, acknowledge Forth's feelings, and to accept them. At one point, Forth finds Beam drinking again and takes him away from a woman trying to take advantage of him and saying Beam is his "wife." Forth drives Beam home dangerously on his bike until Beam agrees to be his boyfriend, but it doesn't really click until Forth goes on a service trip with other Engineering students. Beam decides to come along as well to keep an eye on him. Forth tries to tell Beam not to exert himself too much during the trip, but Beam doesn't listen. He ends up doing a slightly poor job and Forth gets hurt keeping the junior students safe. Beam feels bad and goes to keep an eye on Forth at the hospital, where the two finally come to a better understanding and become actual boyfriends. Later that night, Forth and Beam share a sleeping space after Forth plays a trick on Beam to get him a little upset. All of this does happen before the final PhaYo confrontation about Park.
The Ambassador featuring Suthee and Nic: The following year, we find out more about Suthee, the previously well mannered and nice Medical Moon. Turns out, he's smart and all that, but he's surprisingly foul mouthed and likes to sleep in. He gets a call from a number he doesn't know and gets annoyed that they keep waking him up to ask for his name and such. Suthee also finds out that he's been roped into helping with this year's Moon and Star competition. There, he meets Nic, the Moon of the Dental Faculty. Yo and Kit tease their boyfriends about finding Nic handsome. However, Nic appears to only have eyes for Suthee and sticks to him like glue. More and more, Nic keeps on flirting and trying to get Suthee to like him. We also find out Suthee was in what he calls an abusive relationship with his ex boyfriend and Nic goes with him to confront him for the last time. We also find out that Nic has his own issues with a (famous) ex girlfriend who claims Nic made her pregnant. Nic denies it and eventually comes up with proof that he's not the father, although I believe it's just that he'd broken up with her and never had sex with her without a condom. I don't think a genetic test was done. Eventually, Suthee agrees to date Nic and accepts that he's got feelings for him after the competition ends. Towards the end, we find out Nic never wanted to be his faculty Moon. In fact, the only reason why he agreed was that during orientation, they showed a slide show of all the cute boys on campus, most of which were previous Moons. PhaYo, Ming, and Forth were on the list and marked as unapproachable due to being attached to someone already. Nic immediately is interested when Suthee's picture shows up on screen and he agrees to be his Faculty Moon just to get his number.
Bonus chapters and books are primarily either post 2Moons books epilogues about their life after graduating (very cute) to a bonus scene where the med students have to go on a trip to Japan for a conference with one of their professors. They're very sad to leave behind their boyfriends and plan on skipping to see them or take them out, but then they get caught by the boyfriends who came to visit and get punished.
Unsurprisingly, 2Moons has a large amount of stuff going on, lots of characters you have to keep your eyes on (Park and Pring show up as obstacles to PhaYo several times), and lots of lead up to each couple. The Ambassador is probably the weakest link in terms of story and plot, the overall arc for it seeming kind of weak, but we'll get into that. I definitely do wonder if chiffon_cake's other novels are quite so long and full of couples.
The Gripes: So during the airing of 2Moons1 and 2Moons2, people would complain about PhaYo being boring and dismissing them in favor of MingKit or ForthBeam. Or they'd bring up the fact that PhaYo actually have rather toxic obsession and jealousy issues.
I'm here to say that while PhaYo aren't boring, yes, they have issues. I'm already on record saying NONE of the 2Moons couples are free of sin, and if that's really a gripe FANDOM has, then okay, let's talk about it.
So are Pha and Yo unhealthily obsessed with each other? Yeah. Kinda. They're also very bad jealous monsters. They're also supposed to be the, "I loved you from first sight and I'll always love you," couple. So showing that level of possession, jealousy, and obsession is kind of par for the course. Is it right? Well it's an ancient trope that hasn't aged well. I am not sure when 2Moons was written, but I am sure that this level of jealousy and possessiveness is not well taken these days. So we'll just put that on the list for now.
MingKit's problem is communication. The two are just fucking awful at it. Ming doesn't take things seriously enough and then has to run his mouth like crazy when he finds out Kit is mad, see Moowan. Kit likes to bottle things up inside and not say things until he's about to explode. I do think they get better at it later on, so at least they improve.
ForthBeam have the issue with the fact that they had a drunken hook up and maybe Forth coerced Beam into agreeing to date him until finally Beam accepted of his own volition at some point. I will say, Forth at least worked his ass off to make it up to Beam and show he could be a good boyfriend.
With NicSuthee, I would say their book suffers from being the weakest. The plot arc is not well constructed. Suthee seems so WILDLY different from the way he is portrayed in the original books, but perhaps we can excuse that because of the trauma he's gone through dating an asshole. And I just did not feel the chemistry between him and Nic. Do I think it's great that Suthee got himself a nice boyfriend that's rich and handsome? Yeah. But that's par for the course for these things. Give me something new chiffon_cake! Everyone always ends up dating someone rich and handsome!
No, I'm not jealous, shut up!
Pros? Cons? Would you recommend? For the pros, I'd definitely say that although it's your usual college story, there is enough interesting happenings within the framework as you watch three couples dance around each other.
A good example is one of my favorite scenes is from a special chapter in the books where the Wild Doctors (Pha, Kit, and Beam) have to go collect donations. This occurs shortly after Bean and Forth had their wild drunken night of sex. All the doctors are tired from collecting donations. Yo, Ming, and Forth show up to see them. Yo feeds Pha fish balls very cutely and Pha is proud that he's the one with no relationship problems. Ming tries to get Kit to accept his donation, but Kit refuses to face him because he "accidentally" sent a cute love related sticker to Ming. Pha gets him to accept the donation. Meanwhile, Beam is getting donations from some one and every time they donate, Forth donates more money. Beam collapses though from not feeling well and Forth tries to give him water, but Beam refuses. Pha intervenes to get Beam to drink the water, but only after confirming that Forth is serious in his pursuit of Beam. Ming then tries to trick Pha into leaving without Kit and Beam so he can whisk Kit away, but finds out it's a lie since Ming lured him in with the idea of a date with Yo and Yo didn't even make the plan in the first place. Pha then pulls his friends behind him to protect them from the advances of Ming and Forth, but Yo hits him and calls him a bully, causing him to lose his chance as while he placates Yo, the other two boys whisk their love interests away. It's very cute and funny and shows just how whipped each boy is for the other.
In The Ambassador, I guess one of the better scenes is Suthee confronting his ex and being able to fall back on Nic to help him when his ex gets rough. I think it was good to show Suthee standing up for himself, especially after an abusive relationship.
As to cons, I would say it's a bit dated. But many of the novels that have become dramas are dated. They're popular because of how long they've been around. And that means they come with tropes that are not looked at as fondly anymore. These include very large amounts of jealousy, drunk sex without previously discussed consent, presumed sexual assault (there are pictures of Yo and a picture of a bruise on his neck, but it's unclear if Park ever actually did anything to him), and straight girl that interferes with boys.
Do I recommend 2Moons? I wouldn't say it's required reading, but it is an overall, mostly fun novel series. The few issues it does have are not terribly distracting unless they're things that really are not for you. I would even chance to say that even The Ambassador isn't awful, but I just wouldn't put it up high on the priority list either unless you wanted MORE 2Moons but just not about the actual 2Moons boys. If you can find a translation, give it a shot. At least you're not paying for it at the moment. If an official translation ever does get released for sale, I'll definitely consider it because I always feel like the fan translations skipped something!
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