#offload all of the actual psychological work onto overzealous Christians and bill them and call it a day.
galaxywarp · 6 months
I like and appreciate using NA as a tool for my recovery but I’ll resent anyone trying to force me to make it mean something to me that it doesn’t.
I go to meetings once in awhile when I need the community and to share about how im feeling with other addicts. And There was a point in time where I went to a meeting every single day for months because during that time, that’s what I needed.
But I’ve always been very angry about how much 12 step programs get railroaded onto everyone with an attitude of “you must do it this way. This is the only way and if you don’t do it right you’ll die”.
Like any addict ever is a bad horrible person if they don’t make AA or NA into their whole lives.
If you were sick with some disease and the medicine the doctor gave you to treat it didn’t work for you, it would be crazy and cruel to say it’s YOUR fault that it doesn’t work.
Yes it worked for some other people. But it not working for you isn’t some moral failing
You just find another treatment.
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