heartofmany-blog1 · 7 years
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      she comes tromping through the trees upon her horse, pulling the reigns to halt allie from trampling too far into camp. quickly the woman dismounts and ties off the leather straps to a nearby tree before allowing the large bag from her back to fall to the ground. “got some food and supplies.” athala announces, hands gradually pulling out various items. some potions, ingredients, meat, a new knife, and even a brand new spellbook for zeva. all it cost her was, well, nothing. that’s why athala was considered to be one of the best tradesmen in the theives guild. the woman could talk skin off a cat, plus some.
    “ you wanna come eat somethin’? ”   she takes a seat upon one of the logs that lays near a fire, using just a slight bit of magic to start it up. spells and such were never her thing but, little spells here and there, proved to be helpful.   “ got you something from the khajiit’s, too. ”   athala grabs the spellbook and tosses it over to zeva, lips even slightly cracking into a smile.
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ofxavalonarchive · 7 years
@ofxmuse have some lyrics
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          “They make it sound so easy. They say just do what your heart tells you to. But sometimes you cannot feel it, sometimes you cannot hear it, sometimes it won’t talk back to you.”
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ofccrnwall-blog · 7 years
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          she was a hard woman, not known for kindness. with gorlois, though, rough edges were smoothed, hard lines softened. instead of hands curling around a bow, her arms encircled him, wishing she could keep him here, away from the fighting. “the girls will miss you.” perhaps morgause and elaine would, but morgan was still far too young to notice her father’s absence. “as will i. come back to us.”
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astravaars-blog · 8 years
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          he wasn’t even sure why he had taken the coat off in the first place, but this place was unusually warm when compared to london. he’d only set it down for a moment before the other had taken it up and commenced turning it about, the fabric taking on a new shape and color with each turn. ‘ no no stop that! i’ll lose things if you keep that up! ‘
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cursivebloodlines · 6 years
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Before I continue I must say: excuse the awful graphic. Lmao. Anyway! I’ve realised that I have never done a Follow Forever or anything like this in my life?? So I decided that now I should hop on the bandwagon and spread some of the love. Not because I’ve reached a follower milestone but so I can give you all a quick thanks for putting up with me really. I know I have never been the best in replying to drafts at a reasonable speed, that I ramble too much and take twenty-odd years to reply to a single message and yet you guys still talk, follow me and want to interact with me and my muses? Honestly, I’m blessed. :’) Just know I love you all and wish you the Happiest of New Years. Alright let’s go --
☼ @floires​ ;; Becky, oh Becky. You’re my sister so I guess you have to be on top of this list?? lmao. You don’t realise what an amazing writer you are. Like so good that Tumblr made us both unfollow each other? Like what was that all about? Haha! We have stupid arguments over nothing and over everything but know that I love you regardless of those. We need to write together also! Your muses are the cutest and I could honestly go on forever but I don’t want to make your head bigger than it already is. You’re the best sister anyone could ever ask for or want etc etc and no matter the idiotic things that leave my mouth sometimes, you just so happen to be one of my favourite people on this planet. Ew, I’m getting cheesy now. How gross is that. And one day I will persuade you with my almighty powers to edit a theme because you always end up making the finished product so good and like SHARE YOUR TALENT PLEASE.  ALSO THIS IS RANDOM BUT JUST KNOW YOU CAN SING GREAT. (If you E V E R say you sound like Celine Dion though...I may just start laughing. You know exactly what I’m talking about here.) Never change for anyone or anything and I sincerely hope that 2019 is kind to us because 2018 was the most Evil. And besides, 2018 was so last year lmfao. All my love to you sis. P.S: you smell. xx
☼ @brokenbcys​  ☼  @dreamxcatchcr​ ;; Emma and Dani! I’ve put you both here because I know I’ll end up repeating myself lmao. Where do I start with you both? You’re two of the best friends anyone could ever ask for; both on the internet and in real life. You’ve been there for me for so many years and you know -- I think this year it will be like...9 or 10 years since we’ve been friends? That’s gone so fast! We’ve had many laughs together and honestly I never would have survived the hell that is school if it weren’t for you two. Thanks for putting up with me when I take ten years to reply to a simple message dkjlsdgsd. And I also love how no matter which characters we throw at each other, they all end up being bezzie mates. I have such a good writing chemistry with you two it’s just so easy :’) Our friendship must have been reflected on our characters haha. We’ve been in some hilarious RPs together though -- like the twins one! Our TMR RP (groupc) will always be one of my favourite rps (Not because we ran it pfft) because I’ll always treasure our Glader Trio. One day I will persuade you both to watch all of AOS and not just the first episode hehe. Here’s to many more years of friendship! I love you both sm and I know I can come to you about anything and yeah :-) xx
☼ @wckdfortressx​ ;; Hannah! I know you’re not really on the RP scene anymore but I couldn’t do a Follow Forever without including you! We’ve been friends for goodness knows how long now -- it’s definitely been a good few years. And I love that you love Agents of SHIELD as much as I do :’) AND ULTIMATES IS THIS YEAR!!! So the fact I might finally get the chance to meet you irl is so exciting! You’re a lovely person and you’re always fun to talk to even if I take a billion years to reply to a simple message lmao. I’ve always loved every single one of your characters and I think you’re an amazing writer. And if you ever decide to return to RP know that I’m always willing to throw any and every one of my muses at you. <33 You’re an awesome person and I hope this year treats you well!
☼ @ravenousdiaster​ ;; Your URL popped up before I even typed ‘r’! I think Tumblr knows how much I lav you hehe. :’) I’m so happy that we started writing together! I always get so happy when I see you’ve replied to a thing or tagged me in something. And we can spend ages and ages just headcanoning and it’s beautiful <3 You’re an absolute pleasure to write with and Dougie/Dahlia are precious babies who I love sososooo much. We love putting them through Shit because we are angst fiends ;) but I wouldn’t have it any other way because I’m terrible. I always love when I see I have a message from you and you’re so lovely to talk to OOC as well. Thank you for being you and carry on being your amazing self. I lav youuu. <3
☼ @strawberryxwrites​ ;; You have legit got to be one of the most patient people I know, omg. When I always take a lifetime to reply to a single message or poof randomly in the middle of a conversation, you’re still more than happy to have a chat and??? I am ever so grateful for that. I know I can be a pain in the arse when it comes to reply speeds but I’m so glad to have the chance to write with you :) I love your characters dearly and I love writing our threads as well. I hope you have a fab year in general and just know I enjoy writing with you and talking to you and thanks so much for your awesome self and wanting to write with me.
☼ @valplum​ ;; Every time you reply to our thread or I see you on the dash I am honestly just???? floored by your writing because it’s just beautiful and HOW DO YOU ENGLISH??? Every time I have a notification from you I’m like !!!!!!! I know I’ve had trouble with my muse for Logan recently but know that I love Logan and Bardot so much and I’m also excited to write with your other muses at some point to :) And you’re such a wonderful person to talk to I’m <3 I don’t know how to English so just know I love you okay ♥
☼ @heroxwithxdreams​ ;; remember that time we tried plotting and I ended up completely forgetting to reply to the message? ahh. I’m so happy that the second time around worked out. Because I always did want to reach out because I thought ‘ahh they seem so nice! I’d love to write with them’ and then I got lucky :) You’re so sweet to talk to even if we haven’t spoke for a while but I know that’s because you’ve had a break from Tumblr which I completely understand since I’m technically I’m on a semi hiatus haha! but just know when you’re back I’m ready to love you. <3
☼ @faerietaled​ ;; My motivational fairy! I’m so sorry I tend to forget to reply to my messages ah but you always seem to appear in my messages at just the right time :) Whenever I’m not feeling so great or stuck in a pickle you always reach out and say hey. Honestly you have no idea how much that means to me. <3 The fact you take some time out of your day and listen to my rambles; you’re an awesome bean. I hope this year treats you brilliantly because you deserve nothing less than the best. ♥
Whether you’ve been following me for months or for hours, whether we’ve written 500 threads together or only one or even not at all yet, whether we’ve spoke to each other or haven’t interacted yet, thank you all for ever giving me a second glance, for being so patient and understanding when I forget to reply to messages or my snail’s pace of reply speeds. You’re all such lovely people and without you my indie rping experience wouldn’t be what it’s like today :) Thanks for lighting up my dashboard with your greatness every day! Keep on doing you and know that if you ever need anything I’m here for you. And if you ever wanna start a new thing then I would be completely down with that!! Happy New Year! xx
☼ @domuslux  ☼  @finalisms  ☼  @heartonanoose ☼ @merryxchaos  ☼  @ferociousrex  ☼  @disapprcve  ☼ @inechoingsilence  ☼  @thefangedman  ☼  @ofbookshelves  ☼  @ofxmuse  ☼  @caringspirit  ☼ @evcrlasting  ☼ @mnemxsyne-writes  ☼ @darkwinterwinds  ☼  @dramaqxeenbitch  ☼  @thexnyctophiliacs  ☼  @the-red-red-rose  ☼  @anatcmies  ☼ @swordsandmagic  ☼  @kingxfmischief  ☼ @pseudonyist  ☼ @poignantisms  ☼  @novusorbus  ☼  @futureofnothing  ☼  @svimmingfools  ☼  @shewritcsx  ☼  @ofstrangevariety  ☼  @lavenderrpages  ☼  @cheapxseats  ☼  @scinglives  ☼  
(If I’ve missed you please do not take offence and know it was not my intention. My brain never remembers to reply to my messages let alone remember everyone for my first follow forever. I don’t love you any less so please don’t think that. )
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ofxavalonarchive · 8 years
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           She had become accustomed to the reincarnation of Albion’s knights and ladies. Never, though, had she witnesses a Civil War soldier so far from his war. Over two hundred years removed, and not a day older than last she’d seen him. “How are you alive?”
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ofxavalonarchive · 8 years
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        It had been some time since she had been confined to the apple isle. As the world expanded, she had taken to exploring. This, however, was her first visit to the colonies. No. They weren’t colonies anymore, were they? Unrest was brewing between the newly developed states, and, well, it had been quite some time since she’d seen a war. And yet it wasn’t the soldiers she noticed. 
            “Do the women of this country never smile?”
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