#og a gift for a dear friend but i post it because the grind comes first
girlcreature · 4 months
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i shine only with the light you gave me
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snickiebear · 3 years
My bby 🖤 3, 7, 10, 16, 17!
mittens!!!!!! :)))))))))))
3. Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
i try my best to have one big project going at a time, with maybe some small ones on the side. it would stress me the fuck out if i had like more than one major serious project open at a time cause i’d have to split myself and i dont think thats fair for readers, who won’t get the best quality, and to me because i’m pretty busy in real life (highschool and college kid here folks lmao, i am,,, swamped with so much work, but grind now, earn the fruits of labor later. at least, that’s the theory.)
as for the small ones, ill write self indulgent (well,,, most of the things i write are self indulgent) one-shots just to give myself a break or get something out of my head, which is always nice after making a milestone on a longfic >:)))
7. Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
oh goodness..... it all depends to be honest. i think the hardest part is being in the right mindset for that particular project? for ol&w that fic is particularly dark and severely complex in the sense of the theme, the tone, how the world is built and such, so i have to be in the right mood and mindset to be able to give it justice. 
also, editing. i fucking hate editing. but im also a worrier and have posting anxiety and YET i always have mistakes. at this point i’m like whateva, ill go back and fix it at one point or another, as long as its digestible, you know? i’m just lucky i have a dear friend who loves me enough to read through my brain dump of half coherent thoughts. (fun fact! most of the things i post are the first drafts, i don’t usually rewrite unless i have to or i plain hate it, which isn’t common tbh... which might reflect in my writing but meh)
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
its definitely a toss up. writing the intricate nature of the plot is so much fun, all the layers, all the thought, the foreshadowing, the blink and you’ll miss it moments. its so much fun and i definitely rub my hands and laugh evilly whenever i write something so deliciously good.
WORLD BUILDING. that is something i pride myself in. if you ever read ol&w you’ll be able to see it clear cut and shining, or if you read my og work (that i’ll hopefully begin posting in july or so) you’ll see it there. world building is my favorite THING EVER. i LOVE IT. especially fantasy world building because i can make shit up and it be this itty bitty thing and suddenly its HUGE later. god i love it. 
but also, the words that come from the mouth are so precious for the fic. honestly, i wish i was funnier to where i could write witty dialogue, but alas, i’ve always been the “much too serious mom friend” so i always end up with a bit darker dialogue, though i do love it. 
my favorite thing is writing light hearted dialogue and fluffy plotlines and having underlying tension and down right ugliness to it. blink, my loves, and you’ll miss it. ;))
16.  What is your most underrated fic?
ooo hmm, let me think tbh 
in my opinion, it would be a cocoon in the heart, a spark in the brain because i love leesaku. so much. and here i got to write them in my fav little way, a little sad and a bit raw. 
OR god’s pity (also, any fic in so come meet me in the garden (where the angels sing),,, i love those fics so much). GOD’S PITY WAS MY FAV from shikasaku week. i was so excited to share that one, its my favorite. any and all subs in that shikasaku series im super proud of and really love and i really do wish more people would read them :’’’’)
17. What fic are you most proud of?
most definitely of love and war (for now at least lmao) because of the amount of planning and world building and what im doing to the characters. im having so much fun driving everyone insane... corruption arcs are my favorite.
the intimacy of being understood, my first fic on here! took me like a good month and a half to write that sucka, my first child. i really love it tbh, my first dip into the naruto pool ;))
a drop of power (there is an ocean), something i wrote for ks month and through writer’s block that i love with all my heart. its funky and messy and i love my word play and phrasing in this one. its a lil serious, its a lil fluffy, its a lil sad. 
OR you taught me how to miss behave; a birthday gift for @elenorie, the actual love of my life. i love the stark contrast between the “poetry” and then the actual fic, that combo of sickly fluff and looming seriousness. 
MITTENS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING!!! you know i absolutely LOVE hearing from you and picking your brain!!!! 
pick my brain, lets see what we find
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