#oh also it wouldn't work now as seasons have already gone by but robots in different roles would've been nice too.
space-arts · 10 months
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Yes I love the robot fellas, they're a bit sassy which I find cute. The idea of them playing cards is kinda adorable I must admit, especially if it's like just go fish or something plain instead of the Chaotic card game. They see enough of the game during the day!
Though I like the idea of Codemasters having the robots stand in as therapists of sorts, I must admit a thought of 'the robots can hear about the going ons from all sorts of players all around and use that information to send back to Codemasters' popped up which was quite interesting I think… which made me think about all the robots casually flying around and catering to everyone and just caaaaaaasually being able to record/feed all that info back to Codemasters. Do I think Codemasters need random tidbits from Chaotic players? Nah. Do I think it's a funny idea regardless? Yah. I suppose most info would be useless, but it could help subtly catch kids who are trying to do something bad, like… well… blowing up rare locations perhaps??? The thought as well giving robots more personalities and even letting kids trust them enough to talk to them if they're going through troubling things, would that not help more info to spill over that they can send to Code Masters ??? Heck yea…
I like the sassiness of the robots, and I think that if the show had a reoccurring robot (say one who always happens to serve food to the main four) it could've been very cute and funny. Because the Port Court has different hubs for each Code Master and their dromes, the idea of having robots from each area having different personalities corresponding to the hub they are in could've been interesting too (perhaps they could be colour coded to the area/CM hub they're in to further indicate where in the Port Court you are?). And although it wouldn't work forever as the audience would catch on, I like the idea of subtly showing the personality type of the Code Master Tom/co could face later on by showing the robots acting out in similar but smaller ways. Crellen for example is a bit more mild and a role model type, so the robots being more mild in personality and maybe even giving advice would be a hint as to how Crellen might act in a CM match. The 'air' of a certain hub might help prep you for how you should prepare for a CM match too. Even if it's a subtle difference I think it would help to make each hub more unique and would give a good understanding of where you are in the Port Court when the animation budget doesn't allow you to have a bunch of really unique areas to show off lol. Give me more train rides when this show comes back in 13293 years!!! Sorry I got carried away but I digress! I love the robots so much… they are just little guys…
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newmoneytrash · 3 years
i finished all of the New star trek shows and here are my big brained thoughts about them
Star Trek: Discovery (Season 1 to 3) - i have such complex feelings about this show because i don't know that i like it but i *do* like some of the characters, but liking the characters just ends up being frustrating because it's not an ensemble show like it should be. this is just the michael burnham show: a star trek adventure, which is not what i really want. i used to be a lot more harsh towards this show (especially just after the first season finished) but i'm trying to just accept things more for what they are and not what i want them to be, but even then there are so many ways the show is just annoying. it's like they consciously choose to write themselves into corners to find creative solutions out of them but those solutions are never, ever good or even really make sense. if this was just a generic sci-fi show and not a star trek show it would probably be better because it wouldn't have all of that baggage that it completely fails to carry, but if it was a random sci-fi show i can't say that i would be interested at all to watch it. also it's very funny that they killed off the robot bridge crew lady and at the end of the episode they were like 'oh here is her replacement' and it's just the same actor except now she doesn't have to wear all of that robot stuff all of the time
Star Trek: Short Trek (Seasons 1 and 2) - this is maybe the secret best new star trek show. not every episode is good, but it succeeds in just being little short stories into random crew members' lives which is what i want the most. i hope they start making them again when strange new worlds comes out because it has so much potential for really fun storytelling
Star Trek: Lower Decks (Seasons 1 and 2) - i maybe had the lowest expectations for lower decks than any other star trek thing ever and i wasn't sure i was even going to watch it, but someone convinced me to and i'm glad i did because it's easily my favourite new star trek show. it gives a terrible, horrible, awful first impression and it's easy to write it off as rick and morty but star trek, but the whole first season has such a good arc that kind of snuck up on me and by the end of it i was shocked how much i cared. the second season kind of does a lot of work to undo a lot of the character growth that was done in the first season, but keeping things status quo is a very star trek thing to do so it feels extremely deliberate. it's really good and you can tell it's made by people who love star trek a lot, especially TNG
Star Trek: Picard (Season 1) - this is doo doo out of a giant space butt. i think a show with an elderly picard has so much potential, but making it a space thriller with this one billion year old man diving around in gun fights is not at all the direction they should have gone. all of the new characters they added feel soulless and bad, i really don't like it at all! and i love picard, i would die for this fictional man from outside space, but this show can eat shit. i'll still watch the next season because i'm already on this path anyway so it feels weird not to and i genuinely hope it's a lot better, but it would be extremely hard to disappoint me more than i've already been disappointed
anyway i just finished the last episode of discovery today just in time for prodigy this week. i'm truly a little star trek boy
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