#oh also thanks kind asker!! It makes me really happy if my art can inspire at all!!
tubbytarchia · 8 months
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(I don't know what happened, this ask is completely absent from my askbox though I received an email for it, so I screenshotted from there! I'll answer it just in case you're still interested kind asker!)
Assuming you've never done art before to any notable degree, UH, I'm not sure!! I think most artists start with traditional tools and I would definitely recommend that as well. Just get a notebook and start doodling stuff! Digital art is really convenient, but the ability to change things around endlessly is both a blessing and a curse, for beginning artists probably mostly a curse, cause you'll likely start to overstress about it and start trying to make changes till perfection (I get stuck with that constantly and it's awful). With traditional, it's 90% yolo and that's the beauty of it! You work around it, or you start again, a little wiser!
But if you do want to do digital, it's dependant on available tools and preference (eg do you prefer drawing with fingers on mobile or with a tablet on desktop, etc, you just have to test different options). And I honestly don't have a lot to suggest here because I've stuck with the free version of FireAlpaca for most of my life and don't use a pen/tablet, so unfortunately suitable software and the like is up to you to figure out, or you can ask someone wiser than me! Art software with simpler interface is probably the way to go at least in the beginning, heck, I used to draw using "aggie.io" just on my lonesome. But regardless I'm always here to propagate free or easily-acquirable tools if nothing else. You most definitely don't need anything expensive or complex to create something awesome, and you don't need to "upgrade" either if you ever feel that you're being limited by your tools. Just changing things up in other ways can be a huge help, but every artist is very different and the journey of any skill is one that never ends!
For general advice.... again, don't overstress, hence my recommendation to start with traditional art or with software with simple interface. Creation starts with you fucking around and putting some lines on paper, and just keep going from there. It's not going to look anything like what you want it to look like for awhile and that's okay, that's how obtaining a new skill starts for everyone. As much of a nice sentiment as it is to call someone talented, I firmly believe that no one is born with that shit. Some people just pick some things up quicker than others, but we all start somewhere and we struggle but struggle is proof that you're doing it right, so don't ever beat yourself up for partaking in art and creating something, because god knows that's the biggest problem among artists lol
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2aceofspades · 10 months
Hi, I'm the anon who asked if you were okay with all of this chaos. I have many things to say!
First off, your many thank yous made me very very (two verys) happy. So thank YOU.
Second, you absolutely deserve all of the attention you're getting. You're seriously an incredible artist, and I love the fact that a lot of your art is on paper. I especially love how Donnie looks in your style (which is funny, because I remember you saying that you DIDN'T like it). Ahem. Getting off track a bit there. Anyways. You're an incredible artist, and all of the attention is well earned, AND it's okay to feel overwhelmed. I hope you know that we don't expect you to answer everything right away. You're popular, and lots of people are asking you to do things. You can choose to not do something, and you SHOULD. Do what inspires you, and we'll love it!
Third, and hopefully finally. I play with character AIs a lot, just to kind of see how characters would react to certain things. I AM an author, and I can imagine these things myself, but I like seeing it from external sources more. It almost seems more believable. When a human comes up with it, it just feels more raw and expressive. Or something. I have no clue what I'm saying; hopefully it's not too muddled. Then, when someone DRAWS it. It's a thousand times better. I just love it so much!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love how we can give you prompts and questions, and you'll go somewhere amazing with it. I loved the thing with Leo, Donnie, and the coffee. My thanks goes out to you and the asker. It's a huge gift to us when you respond. Literally, it's like a present, I love it.
So, just to clarify because I'm paranoid and words don't really work sometimes, are you okay with super random prompt-asks? Like earlier I saw a post where so-and-so asked so-and-so what the turtles night-time routines would be. Stuff like that?
Thank you so much for everything you do for us! You're amazing, and we all appreciate you.
Thank you so much!!! Gah- I hope I can articulate an even somewhat intelligent response to literally ALL of this. Okay!
First off, I see what you did there and I frickin’ loved it ohmigosh best response ever!! 🙌✨
Secondly, I really really appreciate all your kind words. You seriously had me smiling the whole way through oh stars you’re too kind 🥹 Also, I’m very glad there are some of y’all out there that like the way I draw Donnie…especially traditionally, cuz I won’t lie…I get a bit over-critical of how I draw him hehe. Glossing over that teehee~ But seriously, I also really appreciate your respect of my time cuz I feel much less pressured and more seen as just a lil human doing art things, so thank you! 🌟
And lastly, I totally understand ya and I couldn’t agree more. It’s honestly better when I see other artists capture emotions cuz I just eat that up aaughh yes!! Ahem..I just hope that I can capture at least some emotional accuracy in my art, especially considering how dialogue is not my strong suit by a long shot hehe…
Awwwee! Thank you so much!! It was really fun sketching a silly lil moment like that, so I couldn’t be more grateful for the idea that inspired me 🤗
And finally, that’s where it gets complicated cuz…it’s honestly just complicated for me and my lil gremlin brain. I really do enjoy answering lil prompts and putting my own spin on them, but I can’t make it like…an official thing…? If that makes any sense. Like, I think I’ve seen a few artists on Tumblr put out a post for prompt asks, but that idea, for me, makes me very nervous. I naturally try not to think too much while I draw, I just feel my emotions, really. I dunno…maybe that’s a lame excuse gah..- but, as it stands, for now, I’m ~okay~ with answering the occasional prompt ask, but I won’t be making a post about it or anything. I’m just a little um..paranoid..?..after the whole spontaneous sticker war thing heh…
One last big thank you to you, anon 🙌🙌 I seriously appreciate it so much 💙✨
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seddm · 7 years
 I summed up the most interesting things Adam said during this interview.
During his first auditions for the role Daron was impressed by how good Adam was at making “fighting sounds”. He thanked his years of martial arts for that.
- When Adam had to come up with a voice for Marco, having seen his pictures, he thought that he looked like a “kid with a sweet demeanor who sort of wants to be a bad boy”, and he essentially used what’s his normal voice, with a higher pitch.
- Adam sometimes feels like he’s reliving his teenage years by voicing Marco, and said that when he read the script for Sleepover he was shocked to see the piano scene, since he essentially did the same to impress the girls over at his house for his sister’s sleepovers. 
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- Adam had to audition to voice adult Marco in Running With Scissors, and Daron and the voice director wanted a madmax-like voice, for a Marco worn out by the land.
- Adam liked how
Running With Scissors
ending got the viewers wondering about Marco, what being mentally 30 but back in his old body and life meant to him. He says that he knows something about that
"because I recorded something..."
- Adam asked Daron, about Running With Scissors, “What the heck what is going to happen to my poor little cinnamon roll, is he 30 what is happening to this guy?!", to which she answered that “I like to think that he has like, you know, maybe he- it's almost like a dream you know, you wake up from a dream, but the further away from a dream like the harder it is to remember, but something can happen and you are like 'Oh, remember that dream I had?'”. [Along with the confirmation from the SDCC panel that Adult Marco is going to be seen again in S3, and what Adam said in the previous point, it’s possible that, at some point, something is going to trigger in Marco’s memories of what he learned during his years of questing? Or remember something that happened, flashback style? Ride Nachos again?]
- Adam is still doing ADR [re-recording lines over the final animation of the episode, either to change or fix the timing, or to improve them] for S3 episodes, but they already recorded the animatic lines for the first S4 episodes
- They usually record episodes twice, the first time with the animatic, or even just the storyboards; the second time once the animation is done, to change lines and improve others, during the ADR process. 
- He feels like the show started changing, getting deeper with a overarching plot, in S2, and it just gets “even more insane” from there.
- Adam feels like Daron is extremely good at being objective when writing the show, not giving in to “fanservice” but exploring different routes to better explore the characters, and that in the end she’s going to make everyone happy. But he’s not a writer, so he doesn’t care and he just ships Starco all he wants. “They deserve eachother”.
- Daron and the voice director encourage Adam in improvising lines, and they know that he knows Marco’s character well. But they still occasionally asks him to redo lines “sticking to the script, this time”.
- (talking about Star and Marco watching a horror movie together)
Oh my gosh, Star would be totally into it, she'd be like:
"What's the big deal, why is this guy scared, why don't they just hit him with I don't know, a cupcake blast!" 
and Marco would be like:
"Uuh Star, uuuh... I think we need to turn this off. Did you hear something in the kitchen? Oh no, what are we gonna do!"
- He has a easy time staying in character for the livechats, and being live is not difficult, as he already did that while S1 aired, when he did the Periscope commentaries to episodes.
- If Adam were a writer he’d like to see Marco and Star being put in more tight spot and difficult situations that would force them to grow, and allow the viewers to know more about them. He made the example of a situation that’d test his loyalty for Star.
- Adam feels like the hardest episodes to record were either the S2 finale, or the S3 premiere, since there were a lot of emotional moments and there was a lot of pressure to do those right.
- He loved doing the meet up with fans at the boba tea shop in San Diego, with Daron, this July, before the Comicon
- Adam would love to see a Dìa de los Muertos themed holiday episode.
- Adam started martial arts at 11, and started studying acting at 16. According to his parents he always asked them for two things: to do martial arts, and to have an agent. 
- He feels like he’s a “physical” voice actor, he finds the characters he needs to voice in “his body”.
- His favorite boba tea, and the one he almost always takes, is honey green tea.
- He can’t say anything about the character(s) he voiced in Far Cry 5, just that “the part that I play is the part in the videogame that when I play videogames I'm always not very nice to.”
NOTE: there are tons of typos and some missing parts, and I skipped some of the least interesting (for SVTFOE fans) parts. If you want to know more about Adam and his job, watch the video!
Q - Martial arts in common with Marco, you kind of implanted in the character? A - Would be totally  awesome if I could take credit of that on the creator side, but I absolutely can't. That's how Marco was written from the very beginning. Daron Nefcy, the creator of the show, who is phenomenal, she- yeah, that was just how Marco was written. There was a moment during muy very early audtions before I officially got the part where I had to go in with Eden Sher, who voices Star, and we had to read some stuff together, and there were some fighting scenes and I just had to do what I've done my whole life, make fight sounds and stuff, and Daron was like "Wow you are like really goo at that!" and I was like "I hope so I've been doing martial arts like my whole life". I can't take any credit but it was definitely awesome.
Q - Techniques to create voices (impressions...) A - I feel like I'm a very physical voice actor, I like to find a character in my body and kind of embody them, so I think that's my go to.
Q - How did you find Marco's voice? A- I saw a picture of Marco very early on, and he just had this sort of like -- really sweet demeanor, but he sort wanted to be like a bad boy. It just felt like - it was very easy to find Marco's voice, it just felt right at home, like a little bit higher than my normal voice range, and yeah, it's- it's so weird Marco and I have so much in common. It's like I'm reliving my life as a 14 years old through the show, I'm like- I mean Star, they're like [does quote unquote sign] "best friends" when the Sleepover episode happens, when she has all her girl friends over but- I have siblings, my lil' sister would have her friends sleep over and I'd like [mimics Marco playing the piano in Sleepover] "Hey ladies" you know, trying to play it cool, and it's totally Marco, I looked at Daron and I was like "Are you kidding me?"
Q - Did you also do the voice for grown up Marco [in Running With Scissors]? A - I totally did, yeah. I walked in one day, and I already read the script at the time, so I was like "Oh my gosh we're going to see 30 years Marco" and it never occurred to me that maybe I wouldn't voice adult Marco. I got in there and we read through the script, and I recorded all of regular age Marco's stuff, and then they were like "Ok so, we wanna see if you maybe can do adult Marco also", and at that moment I was like "Oh my gosh, I have to auction to be me!" I can't let someone else voice me! [missing] so they described what they wanted adult Marco to sound like, they wanted him to sound sort of like Madmax, this madmax inspired adult Marco who has been worn out by the land, just had all this rough experience [does adult Marco voice] and it was cool from my side of the glass watching Daron and Kelly Ward, who is the voice director who is amazing, that guy speaks actor, he's so cool, watching their faces, "Who was that?!" and I'm like "I don't know where that came from, came from deep down but I had to pull it from somewhere 'cause there can only be one Marco", so yeah, that episode, Running With Scissors, it's probably one of my favorite episodes I've recorded for Star, because it's just- you know, getting to do all that in one episode, it's just like.
Q - There's a little bit of Rick & Morty nihilims thrown there at the end A - yeah what I liked about it is that it raises the stakes without being like- I don't know, you're left not knowing, "so does that mean he's back in his 14 years old body, but he's actually 30, and you've seen the bit with the password where we are just kinda "Wait he forgot his password what does that mean", like "oh my gosh!", but at the same time in episodes after that like you only see maybe little glimpses of it, so you don't really know, but I know, 'cause I've recorded something, so... [asker compares it to the ending of Jumanj i] Yeah yeah, and I think that like, actually, you know... when I record episodes I usually record each episode twice, I'll go in and I'll record to an animatic, sometimes there's not even an animatic yet, or just drawn pictures, and then I'll go a second time and I'll do ADR, but besides those two- so ADR I've seen some of the episodes, but not a lot of the script has changed, then I don't actually get to see a lot of the animated episodes until it airs, so there are times when the vision that ends up being created, like what I see on TV versus what I recorded, is so different that I'm like "Oh my- I can't believe", and with that episodes specifically I asked Daron "what the heck what is going to happen to my poor little cinnamon roll, is he 30 what is happening to this guy!" and she was like "I like to think that he has like, you know, maybe he- it's almost like a dream you know, you wake up from a dream, but the further away from a dream like the harder it is to remember, but something can happen and you are like 'Oh, remember that dream I had?'" and I was like "Yeah that is a great way to describe that, I like that."
Q - For you as a voice actor when was the point that there's something more going on in the show, that this is not all just shenanigans and like there's something deeper to the show? A - I think that when we started recording Season 2 of the show I was like oh, we're getting to see something that it's not normally done, it's not like the norm for animation - I mean we are seeing some shows now that are kinda moving toward a throughline plot and we're getting to go deeper with the characters and the story and it's not like just crazy one off episodes, but I'd say S2 is when the over series arc started forming for Star, and that's how you get all ages watching. Is you have those deep nuggets that make people wanna come back and keep watching and root for characters, "do they get together or not, get together, do this thing or that thing", you know. So yeah, S2. Definitely the turning point. And it's all getting crazier, it's just like- it's insane we- I'm still doing ADR on S3, but I've started already recording the first couple of episodes in S4, so I know all of it, all the secrets, and I'm not saying nothing!
Q - [joking, talking about spoilers] Tell me about Starco Adam! You have to tell me! A - Never! But I'd say that the question I get on social media more often than any other else is "Is Starco canon?"... and I'll never tell you, you have to wait and find out.
Q - It's kind of obligatory, I was going to ask- you've kinda said in the past that you do ship Starco. Now has that changed, because with the beginning of S3 we are in a very different place that we were in S2, and all of the character have grown and evolved and they're not the same people that they were when the show started. So do you still feel the same? A - I do. Actually I'm like die hard Starco, everyone is going to freak out. Yeah, no no, I think that these two characters just like... deserve to have eachother you know, it's so cute, I'll hold on to that until the end. I mean you know look, Daron is the best at not committing one way or the other, and for the creator of the show I think that's absolutely important 'cause she's willing to explore all avenues, and not just, you know, do a bunch of fan service, but actually service the story properly, and in the end I think that's going to make everyone happy, but I'm not doing that, I ship Starco all I want. I don't write the show!
Q - talking about the process of recording during animatics, and the ADR, for the most part people have to stick with the script, but some writers and voice directors are open to their actors contributing, do they let you improv? A - I am a rule follower, see me and Marco have a lot in common, I listen to my director and to the people I get to work with creatively, I want to help them create their vision, with this show specifically they totally encourage improv, at this point they know that I know Marco, and I throw in lines, usually- we kinda talked about it earlier with the ensamble, Star we actually record alone, so a lot of times in the early stages I'll, I'll give them three in a row of the line, but I'll usually throw in a fourth [missing part] but yeah they encourage and they totally let me play, sometimes they are like "Ok that's good but, let's do this again and this stick stick- stick with the script", you know, sometimes they're like "Oh my gosh, why didn't we write it like that!"
Q - Disney has been doing quite a bet with SVTFOE, they actually have to do quite a few live events in character! Is it kind of difficult to just stay in the character for an extended period of time? A - It's really not! It's something like, since the beginning of Star, even before Disney started doing livechats, I would basically go after an episode and do a Periscope where I'd watch an episode with fans, I wasn't doing it as Marco, I was just doing it as myself, but the live thing doesn't- I'm totally fine, I feel very close to the fans of the show, I love it, I have a lot of fun in livechats. The software that goes into making those livechats is incredible, I'm essentially sitting behind a computer, and the facetime camera is tracking my face, and I'm basically controlling Marco like a videogame, and every time we go in the promo department of Disney XD, who are all amazing, are like "Oh we added a new thing he has karate chop action this time!" and I'm like "Yes! I want to play the karate chop!"
Q - You've got the opportunity to talk with fans at conventions, do you have like a favorite fan interaction moment? A - Yeah, I'm super grateful any interaction I get with fans, I feel so fortunate that people gravitate so heavily toward the show and want to talk to me- yes, this past comicon I actually planned a- you need to know this about me, I love Boba Tea, I'm obsessed with boba tea, so I decided that this year at Comicon, I was getting a lot of messages about, you know, Comicon's insane, people can't get tickets, and you know, the fans of the show some of them are younger, their parents can't get them out to Comicon, I talked to Daron and I was like "How about we do an unofficial fan meet up at a boba shop in San Diego", we do like, you know, a hundred people, cap it, we'll take some RSVP, and we'll just buy everyone a boba. So we did that, in July, and it was amazing, it was super awesome. We wanted to make sure everyone was prepped, we wanted everyone to know that no pressure, we're just hanging out. I was nervous that no one was going to come, then in like 10 15 minutes all the RSVP were gone, so I was like "I guess I should call the boba shop and let them know that it's official".
Q - Best Boba they have on the menu? A - I'm a creature of habit so honeygreen tea is my favorite, I always go for honeygreen tea.
[They talk about Boba tea]
Q - Are you planning to do another meet up when next year's comicon rolls around? A - I think so, why not. I'm like such a long term planner, I think so far ahead, that I have like this vision, of doing a boba meet up tour across the United States, where boba shops have me come and we do fan meet ups in cities across the world. Like how cool would that be, let's do this, boba places!
Q - [ask about Adam voicing an evil gingerbread man in Krampus] A - That was one of those wild audition where they literally give you no direction, they are like "German jibberish in high pitched voice", I'm like "...okay". So I gave it a go, [missing part] and the boot director at my agency was like "Yeah, you did it, I don't know" and I was like "Yeah... I'll never hear anything for this" while I walk out of the room, and then like a week later it's like "oh you are booked for this movie" and I'm like all right. [they keep talking about the movie]
Q - You've got quite a few things coming up in the future, but one of the big ones is Far Cry 5, coming out in 2018. Is there anything you can tell us about your character? A - I'm so sorry, I cannot. I feel like I signed an NDA that I signed an NDA, I'm just not allowed to talk about it, literally all we're allowed to say is that I'm part of it. I can tell you that the part that I play is the part in the videogame that when I play videogames I'm always not very nice to. So I'm very excited to get Far Cry 5 and just mess with me, so that's all I'll say, no specific information has been given out, Ubisoft.
Q - with videogames they actually have the voice actors doing the motion capture for the character, were you able to do any? A - Yeah, no, not this project, it was- this project was kind a typical audition and booking process [missing part] it took about seven eight months to find out it was for Far Cry 5, I was like guessing "Oh my god this is Assassin's Creed!" but they finally announced it and I got an email "Congrats you worked on Far Cry 5" and I was like when, when was that, I did that?!
Q - Are you a big videogames fan? A - I love videogames, I'm like a big first person shooters fan
Q - [question sent via chat to the channel] Star and Marco watching a horror movie, how would that go down? A - Oh my gosh, Star would be totally into it, she'd be like "What's the big deal, why is this guy scared, why don't they just hit him with I don't know, a cupcake blast!" and Marco would be like "Uuh Star, uuuh... I think we need to turn this off. Did you hear something in the kitchen? Oh no, what are we gonna do!", you know, it's totally their dynamic.
Q - If you did get to sit down in the writers room, what would want to see for Marco's character development in S3? A - I mean, I'd love to see him. Ok I got to think about what I recorded that I can't talk about, what we actually have in the airing of the episodes. I mean, getting to see him and Star put in different situations that kinda force them to grow, and being put in though spots to see how they'd react I think it'd be really fun, uh, you, whether that means like they kind of- you know the whole first season obviously they're living at homw with mom and dad, same with the second season, now season 3 began and we are on Mewni, like we don't know where we're gonna end up and all that stuff, but I think seeing him put in some difficult situations where maybe it tests his loyalty to Star, or something like that might be really fun to explore, things where we get to know him even better.
Q - We have a lot of people in the livechat crying for Princess Marco's return A - Oh yeah princess Marco, it's so funny. Recently there was a twitter poll about what merch people would like to see, and the overwhelming answer was Princess Marco dolls, so who knows, fingers crossed.
Q - Which episode was the most challenging to record? A - I'm going to say the season 3- either the season 2 finale or the season 3 premiere. The S3 premiere was obviously a four part episodes combined into a movie, but you know we got to see really emotional moments and wanting to do those justice made it like, you know, there was just a lot of pressure.
Q - [talking about incoming projects for Adam] A - [...] we're prepping for this November launch of the rest of S3 so the ADR are coming in quick and we are kicking butt to get all these episodes ready, and I know the crew is going in hard to get all the episodes ready, so the biggest thing coming the soonest. So you know we're going to get excited about all the other stuff later, but the thing everyone should be excited about the most is the return of S3 of SVTFOE, 'cause it's going to be crazyyy. [Interviewer: I can't wait that long] No but you have to 'cause then it's Thanksgiving and Christmas and all the other Holidays and you're gonna love it 'cause then you can watch it over all of those, and then Disney will take some other random breaks and make you hate your life, and you'll get even more later, 'cause that's what they do.
Q - Any desire to see a Holiday special? A - I mean I'd love- S2 we had a Halloween episode, ike Billy West is Hungty Larry, it was so good. Yeah, I'd... I'm down, give me all the special episodes. I'd actually love to see a Dìa de los Muertos episode. [Interviewer: Yeah Disney do it, take my money] Take mine too. And then gave back to me when I record, that's how it works!
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franeridart · 7 years
In the wolf au, is Kirishima dating Denki, hanta, Mina, ect or is just kinda a wolf thing? Not that I mind either way I'm just super curious lol. Also it's so lovely, your work is so sweet.
Anon said:hello fran!! How are you? I hope you’re doing great!! sorry to bother you haha but I wanted to ask something!! So, in your wolf!kirishima comic it says that Denki’s pack and so is sero and mina, does that mean that they’re wolves shifters too?? And will we ever get to see them?? (also is there kamisero? Sorry my weak heart loves them yeet)
Ohohohohohohoho I’m glad you both asked about Kirishima’s pack cause boy do I have answers - okay first things first, Kirishima is only dating Bakugou and he’s the only wolf shifter in the pack (well, Mina is also a shifter, just not a wolf shifter)
In the AU pack dynamics are loosely based on how wolf packs work in the wild: in nature usually there’s an alpha couple (the “alpha male” and his mate) and the rest of the pack is made out of their pups! So by all means it’s just a family unit - once the pups are old enough to fend for themselves they leave the “pack” to form their own family - they’re social animals, so they need a pack to be happy and safe, and that reflects in the AU too. In this universe though it’s pretty normal for wolf shifters to date/marry non-shifters or shifters of other kinds, and when that happens the resulting kids might or might not have shifting abilities, which results in the process of forming a pack being a bit all over the place
In Kirishima’s case, he was born by two non-shifters who had shifter blood in them - as a wolf shifter his wolf side needed a pack to feel well (let’s say, other wolves to play with and learn from and so on) so as a kid he used to spend a lot of time with Fat and Amajiki (both wolf shifters!) who acted as a surrogate pack for the wolf in him - now he’s old enough to have his own pack tho! And while ideally that would mean he builds his own family with another wolf shifter, he ended up falling for Bakugou, who’s a non-shifter and a man, which means the family plan sorta went down the drain. His wolf still needs a pack to be happy tho, and that ended up meaning he latched onto Mina (a childhood friend) and Kaminari and Sero (Bakugou’s close friends) who by this point are as close to him as if they were actual family.
So in theory Kirishima’s wolf side sees the pack as himself and Bakugou as the alpha couple and Mina, Sero and Kaminari as the “pups” - practically though Kirishima’s human side has a perfect grasp on his wolf’s instincts, so all in all it ends up just being five pals loving each other like family, no power imbalance at all (…he does get clingy after his pack members spend time with people outside of the pack, but he doesn’t ever try to stop them from socializing outside of the group and cuddles and general close proximity are all he needs to make his wolf feel better!)
…as you can see, I spent more time on this AU than strictly necessary haha
Anon said: So for the last hour I’ve been browsing your art and have been annoyed that I don’t see an instant like button and have to open new tabs to like your posts. But then I remember that “Follow” button exists. Love you.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much oh my god!!! *O*
Anon said:Do you miss doing bakukirikami stuff?
Hmmmmmmmmm I wouldn’t say I miss it, well, if I did I would just draw more, you know? What I do miss is feeling inspired for it! Sometimes I think “today I’m gonna draw more of the ot3″ even though I don’t have specific ideas in mind, but then stuff happens and I get actual inspiration for something that isn’t the ot3 and I’m the sort of person who needs to roll with the insp as long as it’s fresh or else I won’t ever pick it up again! And that’s been going on for a while so sometimes I’m just like, why can’t I be inspired for the ot3 goddamnit
Anon said:YOUR ART IS ALWAYS SUCH HIGH QUALITY OH MY GOD ur style is honestly one of my favorites bc it’s so unique and so damn good and looks so nice you’re absolutely my favorite bnha artist and one of my faves in general and tbh you’ve inspired me a lot PLUS OKAY all ur comics are fantastic I love all the ideas you get and they come out so wonderful and I always read your tags and whenever u post it honestly makes my day and BASICALLY BLESS YOU YOU’RE WONDERFUL I LOVE YOU AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY
Anon said:Ok but tell me Katsuki wouln’t be jealous of tetsutetsu with him spending lots of time with Kirishima and not expressing it at all like “I’m not jealous you fuck I just think it’s weird y'all spending so much time sHuTtt UP” AAAAAAA help
You wanna know a fun thing, the first thing I thought when I read this ask was, if Bakugou were ever to voice that thought Kirishima would probably just go “aw man come on I don’t say anything about your weird friendship with Todoroki why are you like this about Tetsu” and that would just. End in disaster. Cause Bakugou still hasn’t accepted he has a friendship with Todes. Rip lmao
Anon said:SOOO!!!! MUCH!!! ART!!! RECENTLY!!! BLESS!!!!!!
:O !!!!!!!!!!! Is it more than usual??? I feel like I’m drawing less, actually!!! I’m glad you’re enjoying it, tho!!!!!
Anon said:Thank you oh great lord Fran for your gifts
LMAO this ask made me feel as if I’m some sort of Santa, there you go everyone’s on the Nice List you can all have more Bakushima and Bakusquad hahaha
Anon said:Your blessing of possessive kiri shall be appropriately worshiped
Anon said:Thank you for the blessing that is jealous and possessive kiri he is my sweet child
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m happy you guys liked that, I was just thinking that maybe it was too out of character for him, wolf or not!! But I’m super happy you appreciated it!!!!
Anon said:Did you know your art is a great cure for a bad day? Thanks for always making things that make me smile!
Ahhhhh anon thank you for making me smile with this ask (。’▽’。)♡
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don’t really do angst so I don’t have anything I can give you like this out of the blue, but if you were more specific about what kind of angst we’re talking about…. maybe…….👀 👀 👀
Anon said:you have a way with words, not just art, don’t you? every serious reply you give to an ask is clear and well articulated, and your way of expressing your opinion is honest yet not rude. that’s very rarely seen on social networking sites.
I would never dream of being purposefully rude to my followers, tho! I know you guys don’t mean anything bad ever, and sometimes it’s just unhappy wording or the asker not knowing better! Other times it might also be that the asker’s first language isn’t English and in their tongue the wording is appropriate while it ends up sounding rude in English, how could I know, translating nounces isn’t easy! So I always assume you mean well, being rude wouldn’t solve anything but make the asker feel bad
Thank you for the compliment on my writing, by the way (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) it’s been a while since I’ve written any narrative so maybe it’s not fair to use the term on myself, but I’m a writer maybe more than I’m an artist (in the sense that writing has always come to me way easier than drawing does, I just find drawing more rewarding in a short time frame) so knowing my words are still coming out well enough is always nice!! (。’▽’。)♡
Anon said:You should totally draw a Bakushima Idol AU! (Btw I love ur artwork so much)
:O but I’m not into idols at all, so I have no clue what an AU of that kind would even entail !!! :O :O
Anon said:will you ever draw more dragon kiri? (I just read a fic and I have a Need for this au lmao)
Yep!! I already have a couple of pics in mind, I just need a day in which I feel up for painting! :D
Anon said:What if Bakugou and Kirishima are fighting a strong villain and Baku gets hurt protecting Kiri? Kiri’s in his cooldown period after using unbreakable and can’t use his quirk to protect himself so Baku jumps in front of the villain’s attack to protect him and gets really badly injured because of it and oh no I made myself sad
Oh no anon don’t make yourself sad!!!!! Think happy thoughts, like… actually, I’ve been thinking about this since the fight against Rappa, but does Kirishima’s unbreakable form still have a cooldown period? In the UA file there was noted how after he breaks it he needs a while to get in back up, but against Rappa he just kept on pulling it back up every time it got broken? So?? Was that just the moment’s adrenaline making him able to keep going, or did he actually get rid of the cooldown? If he did he doesn’t have a drawback anymore!!! You go my small rock son!!!!
Anon said:Is there anyone mineta can fuse with and have it actually be stable?
He’s perfectly stable with Kaminari, Sero, Shouji and Tsuyu! (Kaminari and Sero cause they’re friends, Shouji and Tsuyu cause the resulting fusions are the only two Mineta fusions with no sexual tendencies at all. They just. Suppress that side of Mineta completely) He’s more or less stable with another few in the class, but the only perfectly stable ones are those four!
Anon said:My goD,,, I love your art I always make sure to RT it
THANK!!!! YOU!!!!!! *A*
Anon said:bakugou and wolf kirishima is a blessing
Anon said:I need you to not make me ship things when I originally watch a show and don’t ship anything. At first I was pretty content watching BNHA but now I’m into the ships because of your artwork and I’m dying.
Aw anon but this is a mostly shippy blog hahaha and I don’t exactly try to make people ship stuff either lol //whispers but I’m glad I could make you like my ships :O
Anon said:what do u think of,,,,,, kuroyaku? :)
I prefer them as friends! But it’s one of my favs Kuroo ships that don’t involve Bokuto, that’s for sure~
Anon said:More squad+ dorms life pleaaaaaaaase!!!!!!!!
Sure!!! As soon as I get more ideas, I mean I’ve sort of been drawing them being silly like that for a long while now??(like x or x or x or x or x) (actually you can just scroll my bakusquad tag, it’s all them being silly and the usual setting is the dorms l m a o)
Anon said:ooo if youre feeling up to it, id LOVE to see some more of your bakugo uraraka fusion?? god imagine them facing off with iideku, loud angry vs loud nerd
…anon, Baku and Ochako are unstable enough that if they were to ever come across Iideku they would split up immediately lmao the contrasting feelings there are too strong to keep them fused hahaha
Anon said:Can you make tokoyami and tsuyu fusion? I love their teamwork so much!
I have!!
Anon said:Ahh okay, if you don’t think it’s weird then I will never stop yelling and embarrassing myself in the tags because I would shout about your art from the rooftops lol
That!!! Actually makes me incredibly happy!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
Anon said:Here’s a random I love you and your work, and I hope you have a great day!!! (づw ³ ̄)づ
Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!! I hope you’re having a great day too!! ~
Anon said:Fran have you read the latest hq chapter. and have you considered,,, TORA/KENMA (platonic or romantic!!!! both are good!!!!)
I HAVE!!! Anon, my friend, that’s been one of my favorite Kenma ships for ages hahaha
Anon said:Do you like the ship Bakugou x Shinsou?
… nah. I tend to not ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him, sorry!
Anon said:Consider a BnHA and HQ crossover. What quirks would our favorite volleyball players have?
:O but there’s so many characters in HQ, you’re gonna need to be more specific about who we’re talking about, here!!
Anon said:Ok quick question… Now we that we know that you like Kiribaku, Kirikami, Bakukami, Kamisero, Serokiri, Serobaku, Serokiribaku, Serokirikami and Bakukirikami: have u considered bakukirikamisero?? :)) would u ever draw for it?? (i love ur acc bless!!)
Anon said:so u like bakukirikami… and u like serobakukiri… what about serobakukirikami ot4 tho….
Uhmmm lemme see if I know how to word this properly… it is true that I ship every possible couple out of the four of them, and it’s also true that I ship the ot3 separately too (though I always prefer it if Kiri and Baku are together for ~otp reasons~ haha) and I guess I don’t mind the ot4 either? They give me a warm feeling and I love to think about them happy and together all flopped over each other and being affectionate and loving, but all of this can happen with them being in a really close frienship too, right? And I generally prefer them in that sort of relationship
The reason why is mostly that… how do I put this, every couple and trio have their own very singular dynamics, right? Bakugou and Kirishima’s relationship is gonna be different from Bakugou and Sero’s or Sero’s and Kirishima’s or Kaminari and Kirishima’s, they all have different moods and different feelings and so on, which means that they will have different ways in which they’ll develop too, I don’t know if you’re following me. I’m not saying that it’s impossible for all four of them to develop romantic feelings towards all the other three at the same time starting from such different relationships, it’s completely possible and that’s why I don’t mind the ot4 at all, but when I have such a huge playground to enjoy so many different friendships and relationships and dynamics, boiling them all down to the same “they’re romantically into each other” cuts a lot of the fun, for me!
So tl;dr what I mean is that I don’t mind the ot4 and I might draw for it in the future, but it’s more entertaining for me to pick a couple/ot3 and see how the other dynamics shift because of it then just put them all in the same relationship!
Also, I’m a fan of the idea of the four of them ending up being overly affectionate and tactile with each other anyway, so in the end romance or not what’s missing is just the kisses, isn’t it? I don’t draw n sfw anyway haha
Anon said:I would honestly read an entire series dedicated entirely to the Fatgum-Kiri-Amajiki squad.
So would I tbh!!! :O
Anon said:Do you have any rainy day squad headcanons?
I feel like… terrible for this but… anon………… I’m gonna need you to tell me who that would be, exactly omfg I’m not even sure I know what fandom we’re talking about hahah rip meeee
Anon said:Just wondering: what do you mean by the stable/unstable part of the fusions?? ♡
I explained it properly over here, but to make it easy it’s about how easy it is for the fusion to break apart! The more stable a fusion is, the harder it will be for the balance to break and the fusion to come undone~
Anon said:You drew Kiri with his black roots again!!! 🤗 and the way his hair is falling from where he had it sorta tucked behind his ear in that one pic… sigh
I’M!!!!! happy you liked him!!!!!
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