#oh and abt that transphobic comment he makes to Alice before the bath scene
riorangedeezguts · 3 months
hey rio what are your pronouns
"Pronouns, you say, bastard? You mean those made up thingies used by the left to push their pointless political agendas and Big Pharma? Those hormones aren't gonna sell themselves, y'know!"
It's comical to Rio just how unamused you look from that response alone. He lets the silence linger a little longer for maximum effect before changing stances entirely.
"...Kidding, kidding! I know what a goddamn pronoun is, I wasn't born yesterday! I mean, do I look like that oaf Q-taro?"
With that, the mental image of Q-taro digging wax (and potentially what little brain matter he has) out of his ear with a pinkie finger comes to mind, and Rio almost snorts to himself before deciding to move on.
"Keep staring at me like that, and I'll have to forcefully change your pronouns to fuck/you!" He threatens, though it sounded better in his head than it did out loud. Whatever, you want to know his pronouns, right? If you really care that much, you'll disregard his blunder and listen up. "My pronouns, yeah?" He asks. "Eh... honestly, I can't be bothered with all that junk."
Humans are all so predictable to him when it comes to all things immoral and offensive, which he just so happens to be both. At least that combo makes getting under their skin a piece of cake for him, but as the most human of his dad's dolls, it means he's prone to this flaw too.
That's the only reason he gives a morsel of a shit about any of this, right?
"People are alllllll soooo sensitive these days. So what if I'm a guy wearing a skirt?" Suddenly, he throws his hands up in the air, his expression cards falling all around him like confetti. "WHOOPDIEDOO! Why don't you grow a pair and put one on yourself, bastard! Don't tell me you're such a pussy that a piece of cloth is giving you the heebie jeebies! Come on, tuck like a man!"
(sorry for the 10 billion tags in this one btw, just wanted to clarify my thoughts and hcs there for anyone interested ^^)
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