#oh and as of posting this my timestamp on the video is 3:26:01
eldritchteletubbie · 10 months
Still haven’t finished hbomber guy but I’m really angry about James somerton. Like I’m not going to pretend oh I always saw this coming bc no I didn’t. The only reason I didn’t attempt to financially support him bc I can’t afford it.
There have always been a couple of things that made me ick but for some reason I never added them up.
Like I didn’t like the very woe is me attitude he brings consistently or I noticed a couple of time that he would be sexist and dress it up by saying white women which is a pretty common way to get away with misogyny. But for some reason I never put them together which I’m very embarrassed about tbh. Especially bc I had no inkling about the plagiarism issues. I have for the record never seen his twitter or livestreams.
And idk I just wanted to talk about it. It’s stupid how parasocial relationships work and I didn’t think I had a big one there are plenty of his videos I just haven’t watched and yet I feel very hurt by this. And more than that I feel hurt on behalf of those he stole from.
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soft-displacement · 2 months
fuwaprince post summary 21st July
All times are in AEST unless otherwise specified (GMT +10) YouTube videos not reviewed or described below.
1:32 AM: Timestamped 8:07am and on 54% battery, Gary posts a screenshot of a conversation with “Steve”, captioned "What" Gary: “Keep in touch” Steve: “Will do. Just an FYI… there are girls being drugged and trafficked for these gangbang parties at motels. The drug scene is pretty nefarious.” Gary: “I know. How do I get help for that if I suspect it” (Steve types)
1:32 AM: Gary posts photos of the interior of a motel room. Broken glass is visible inside a cupboard. The photos are captioned “Oh god”
1:33 AM: “Human trafficking hitlines please help I need social services or something I suspect is happening bur no crime just evidence I can't prove yet please please please who can help me get help ifl where I rly am”
1:33 AM: “I have a scheduled post in case I don't make it and I'll keep pushing back every time the time passes” 
2:15 AM: faepipedream asks: “How do we help? It looks like you're in danger but idk how to help” Gary replies: “Idk call someone please call the president of America I'm an American from California”
2:26 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/mmymomm The camera points at Ramiro, who is sitting on a slept-in bed.  Gary says firmly, “I don’t wanna die here, I don’t wanna die in the red car, I don’t wanna die in the road. Take me home. Take me fucking, home.”  Ramiro: “You wanna take me back to… Casey’s?”  Gary: “Casey’s? My mother? Where is she!” Ramiro: “She’s home, most likely.” Gary: “Why. What does that mean. (suspicious) You kill her? Did you kill my mom?” Ramiro sighs and looks away, tired. Gary: “Did you kill my mom?”
2:30 AM: Gary posts a video. Ramiro is standing up. https://tinyurl.com/ktakemehome Ramiro: “Let me-” Gary, incredulous: “Let *me* leave! I don’t wanna be human trafficked any more! Let *me* leave!” Ramiro, gently: “Then go!” Gary: “I wanna go back to America! Take me back to California! Take me *back*!”
2:32 AM: “If you read this I didn't die going down thw stairs of sky riders hotel. It's supposed to be in north highlands. That's where the real one is. Help pleaaaseeeee!!! Other women are being harmed. Mutilation and torture by cartel members.” This post is accompanied by a messy selfie and a picture of the keycard for Sky Riders Motel. https://maps.app.goo.gl/DSUsZJHJ2nhumRC7A https://tinyurl.com/skymotel
2:37 AM: Gary posts a video. Ramiro is sitting on the bed. https://tinyurl.com/areweincali Gary: “Take me back to America.” Ramiro: “We are in acare- We are in America.” Gary: “Take me back to California,.” Ramiro: “We are in California. Seriously.” Gary: “No we’re not, you’re lying…”  Ramiro: “Kim.-”
2:46 AM: “Got no place to fucking be”
2:59 AM: “I'm scared they're gonna kill me fuckkk in a sandwiched car crash and if I survive he'll shoot me”
3:01 AM: Gary posts a video. He is in the car with Ramiro. https://tinyurl.com/financialaidd Ramiro: “-bout your financial aid?” Gary: “You guys are stealing my financial aid? Pretending I’m still enrolled in school? Really?” Ramiro: “Wait. What’s that about your financial aid?” Gary: “Wow. What are you talking about. Why are you acting stupid right now, dude, I just checked.”
3:02 AM: Gary posts a video of a hotel bathroom. https://tinyurl.com/murderholes “Notice-? Notice how the frosted glass has three little holes, where it’s not frosted? Notice that? That’s the murder holes. That’s how they snipe us.” (They appear to be Velcro dots.)
3:03 AM: “Buying time posting about it” 3:06 AM: “Anyone else part of the trials?”
3:27 AM: “Fighting for my life lol. Kimberly nechaldas needs help. Look thatr up on YouTube” www.youtube.com/@user-bs5qx5uw2j One video, five shorts. Unreviewed. Backed up.
3:32 AM: “They're going to try and mic up and edit mt audio recordings. Please don't be fooled. I need help. He's trying to force me into more trafficking…”
3:41 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/takeme2theairport They are pulled over on the side of the road. Gary says “Take me to the real airport I wanna go fucking home! (pleads) I don’t wanna be like this, I don’t wanna be attacked. I don’t wanna be killed, I don’t wanna be some guy’s fucking wife against my will - Please! Please. Please! Please I’m fucking scared. I don’t wanna be killed! Ramiro!! [video cuts, perspective jump] -the airport! Please.” Ramiro: “Kim…”
3:44 AM: Gary posts a video timestamped 10:09 AM. Ramiro is driving. Gary: “Ramiro, you can’t gaslight me into thinking that.” Ramiro: [unintelligible, possibly: “It’s pretty far to East Elk Grove”] Gary mutters, “Can’t believe you. Can’t believe you’re still lying with this bullshit.” https://tinyurl.com/muttering20 (Gary’s mum lives in Elk Grove.)
3:47 AM: Gary posts a video, wide-eyed, wearing a black T-shirt. https://tinyurl.com/takemeback2california Gary: “-decision! Take me back to California! Take me back home! It’s July 20th, 10:19 AM on Saturday! It’s Kimberly Nechaldas, please! I don’t want them to hurt me, I don’t wanna be some guy’s wife against my will, I don’t wanna be human trafficked, I’m - of sound mind - I’m just freaking out because I’m being - fucking - [looks out the window] there’s criminal shit going on! Help! Help, please, help.”  Ramiro: [unintelligible, possibly: “I don’t wanna be in the car right now”] (he opens the door) Gary, panicked: “No! Don’t leave! Please, they’re going to shoot me! Ramiro!! Oh my god. Take me to the airport, please. He refuses to take me to the airport, please, that’s where I wanna go, please. Do you make - You’re trying to make me ch-choose how I’m going to die, please. This is not happening. Please.”  Ramiro replies with strained patience: “You’re not dying.” 
4AM: Gary answers my ask from two days ago. soft-displacement: “Can you take a screenshot of your location on Google Maps if you're scared?” fuwaprince: “They're somehow spoofing my location like fuck it doesn't look like my normal maps at all....”
4:02 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/bunnyranch20 “-one wanted me to call that place for housing, when it’s just a Trick Number, to get me into some prostitution home. That person - I dunno who the Fuck that person is, but they literally just rang some - like whorehouse bunny ranch. And -- you all just think it’s generous cause ladies get their own room and really they’re just like, fuckin’, treated like prisoners, dude! Like, literally jail! Stop! That’s- that’s not freedom, okay? I wanna go back to California, I wanna go back home.” (rolls eyes)
4:09 AM: Gary posts a link, which now 404s. https://file.io/eB9nuWZgxR4p https://tinyurl.com/startling20 Gary yells “-once and Fucking Please, Ramiro! Do not act like - just ‘cause you lost your job, cause you fucking lost the hoe, STOP! LET ME GO! LET ME GO HOME!” Ramiro: “Okay! I’ll take-” Gary: (hysterical) “Take me back to California! Take me back to the real-” Ramiro: “THIS IS CALIFORNIA!!”
4:10 AM: Gary posts a link, which now 404s. It was archived though. (Ramiro puts the driver’s seat down to take a nap). The car is parked undercover in an open-air car park. Gary mutters: “It doesn’t make sense dude. There’s no “shuttle to the emergency room” and the emergency room is within walking distance. It’s just crazy.” (zooms in on a blue marquee labelled KP Shuttle Stop) “People who have disabilities,” Ramiro states flatly. Gary pauses, replying: “I saw that bus, dude. That’s not just any bus. That’s, a concentration camp bus. That’s not just any bus.”
4:15 AM: Gary posts a link, which now 404s. https://file.io/TvbAtHRYM6dW Users comment that the link does not work. At 4:18 AM, Gary responds “That's just fucking impossible” At 4:19 AM, Gary responds “I just uploaded it FUCKERS”
4:18 AM: Gary posts a link, which now 404s. https://file.io/L5A6Wg7rQpOR Users comment that the link does not work.
4:28 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/takemeallthewayhome “Ramiro I just told you to take me all the way home and you said no. Really? Really?? Take me fucking home.” “Ramiro says quietly, “I’m not taking you home.” Gary: “TAKE ME HOME!”
4:34 AM: “Call thw coast guard please send help”
4:51 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/choosethewayIwanttodie Gary: “What? You’re abducting me to go to the fucking hotel. And then you’re leaving me in there, against my fucking will by myself. That’s what’s happening? Ramiro: “What do you want then. You want a park? Do you want the side of the street?” Gary: “Where - Are you - To what, you trying to slaughter me in there? To what, you tell me to choose the way I wanna fucking die again? Really? (angry) Really? That’s it? You’re not gonna let me Fucking go? Let me Fucking go!” Ramiro: “alright” Gary: “No! Not outside of the car,” Ramiro: “Alright” Gary: “On the side of the street left for dead!” Ramiro: “Alright! …No. No! This is enough for me - I can’t-” 4:54 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/everysingletimeI Gary: “Every single time. I [follow/foil] your plan to fucking kill me. You try to come up with another one! I only want to go home. There’s no way you’re gonna make me choose how the fuck I’m gonna die here. I’m not gonna fucking die here, take me the fuck home Ramiro.”
5:16 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/iknowmymomisdead Gary: “-drive me to my mom’s and then what? You’re gonna get pissed that I don’t Fucking get out. Cause I know she’s dead and whoever’s in there is gonna Fucking Shoot me! Ramiro: (says something too quiet to hear) Gary: “I want you to take me NORTH! Take me NORTH HOME! NOT to my FUCKING dead mom! I don’t wanna be buried WITH her! Stop! Ramiro looks done.
5:55 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/stopitwiththeultimatums Gary: (at volume) “Stop it with the fucking ultimatums! Stop it! I’m not gonna be your human trafficking sex slave, I’m not gonna be somebody’s wife! Stop it! I’m not going to hospital or the jail, otherwise! And I’m not gonna be dead! (distressed) Stop it! Take me HOME!”
6:01 AM: Gary posts a video. https://tinyurl.com/mymomknew Gary (shaking his head): -gonna gaslight me. My mom knew that I didn’t have a key with a knight on it. Gary, from Sentry, knows - that all the keys in the place don’t have knights on it. I can figure that out, right fucking now, I know the fucking locks that they sold. This right here? (the camera shows a single key on a keyring.) That shit? (Ramiro: Yes.) Show me that shit,” (Ramiro: It’s the knight!) Gary: “That’s not my key.” (shakes head) “I don’t have a knight key. That’s not my key.” (Ramiro: Look at it! That’s a knight.) “Ever since I’ve seen it - that - what does that- that do with anything? (mysterious mocking) “The knight.” Like - I’m supposed to fucking know? (Ramiro: Their logo!) That’s not.. That - What the Fuck logo is that?! You’re bullshitting. You’re bullshitting. And - Stop it! I’m not falling for it, dude! You’re acting.”
No more posts on this day.
0 notes
jse-egopocalypse · 5 years
2016 Egopocalypse Detailed Timeline
now that you got the gist of the egos, we’ll get to the 2016 egopocalypse (from FNAF sister location to Say Goodbye)
so again, i’m putting every video (with time stamps and links to the said video) on this post and some pictures and screenshots that are important and from varies of social media.
(video playlist for this entire timeline is at the end)
Click keep reading to view
1st video: THE START OF THE NIGHTMARE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #1
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timestamp: 4:28
this is the first video anti appeared in. it was for a few minutes until he showed himself in the video.
more anti apperances timestamps:
8:20, 15:29, 20:19, 26:25
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he also said his first line: “Get the fuck back there or i’ll fuck you back there”
33:23, 34:10, 35:29, 36:52, 39:27
and then the outro music was very distorted.
in the description though, there was a weird zalgo text.
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“You’ve waited a long time Now I wake”
2nd video: THEY HAVE AWOKEN... | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #2
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timestamp: 0:01
the first second of the video and anti already wants to pop in to say hi.
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timestamp: 1:19
there’s a very subtle face behind jack.
more anti apperances timestamps:
4:00, 9:09, 9:13, 9:20, 12:55, 16:27, 17:09, 17:12, 18:08, 19:01
then the outro music is still distorted
and another zalgo text was in the description
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“Follow the signs release me”
3rd video: SOMETHING INSIDE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #3
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timestamp: 0:02
2 seconds in and anti’s already showing up.
more anti apperances timestamps:
1:13, 2:35, 5:27, 5:31, 8:22, 8:25
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anti either said: “I am near” or “I am here”
10:43, 10:46, 14:31, 14:42, 17:27
and yet again, the music is more distorted.
there are more zalgo texts and it looks like it’s getting out of hand
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“I see you understand now keep watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfgFNd6D408″
and you see that link right there?
4th video: Sͮ̏̿ͯ̈͐̈́̚̚͏͖͔͞ǫ̆͋͂̈ͯ̂̉҉͕̪͈͎̙o͊҉̛̜͔͚͓͔͈̗͠n̾́͂̾ͦ̓ͥ͏̪̖
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it’s just this with creepy noises and MORE zalgo texts:
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“Very good you may be worthy”
and then anti put up a comment:
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“I’m glad I have your attention now”
5th video:  The Temple Of No!
the first 10 mins was very chill and fun until...
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timestamp: 11:12
and sean looked into the camera and said: “we all know about anti don’t we?” and the facecam glitches.
in 20:37, there was no glitches but he did say “god, there was a weird sound...ticking in my ear. I thought it was in my room...now im weirded out.”
6th video:  PLEASE DON'T KILL ME | Hello Neighbor #2
just almost 10 mins in the video, he showed up randomly.
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timestamp: 9:45
and then the game crashed twice.
7th video: MERGED TOGETHER | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #4
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timestamp: 0:00
and not even a second, anti already glitched the facecam.
more anti appearances:
1:18, 2:40, 3:15, 5:14
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timestamp: 7:30
and he said: “I’m near”
10:05, 10:12, 10:24, 20:11, 22:00
and then the outro...again. was more distorted than the last one.
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after the outro, he said: “oh, i don’t feel so good”
the facecam slightly glitched and...
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he just appeared in full screen in a few frames.
and the description still has the zalgo texts
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“We are together as one now in Five Nights At Freddy’s Sister Location”
“It’s almost time I grow stronger”
8th video:  CHOOSE YOUR OWN GOAL | ClusterTruck #16
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timestamp: 12:41
anti appeared when sean said “thank you to everyone who made a level for me or in commemoration of me...commemoration sounds like im dead”
9th video: GRANNY DAB | Stuntfest #1
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timestamp: 8:34
sean said: “im out, im free, im d e a d”, anti appeared.
10th video: SWIMMING IN POOP | Pipejob (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
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timestamp: 12:17
“hi there, my name’s jack” and he glitches then smiled.
11th video:  ROBOT WARS | Manual Samuel #3
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timestamp: 21:33
the orphange house in the game got blown out and you could hear laughter as he glitched.
12th video: ALONE AND AFRAID | Layers Of Fear - Part 1
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timestamp: 20:30
there was a bit of a glitch...
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timestamp: 20:33
“i don’t like the double face thing”
and there’s anti
more anti appearances:
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timestamp: 22:08
the facecam glitched as the rat ran into the fire. anti laughed and sean said: “what the hell was that weird sound?”
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there’s something in the description though
it says: “it’s time to say goodbye”
13th video: SORE FROM LAUGHING | Stuntfest #2
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timestamp: 2:19
anti showed up as sean coughed and asked: “the hell was that?”
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timestamp: 5:00
as anti glitched, sean said: “ah my eye is twitching.”
14th video: BULLETPROOF CHEST | Mr. President #3
anti appearances:
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timestamp: 11:15
the WHOLE game glitched out including the face cam whilst anti was chuckling
after the outro music
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timestamp: 15:50
he appeared with that iconic grin as sean said: “i like how it gives you smooth jazz in the background, so you don’t wanna kill yourself anymore.”
15th video: SCARIER THAN IT LOOKS | The Cubicle (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
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timestamp: 1:40
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timestamp: 3:47
anti appeared in a single frame...
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timestamp: 3:49
and then anti turned around to look at sean
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timestamp: 7:26
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timestamp: 7:27
after sean said:“what just happened to me?” anti sang: “one...two, anti’s coming for you, and he’s dead” and then the facecam disappeared
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timestamp: 7:32
again, anti appeared just for a split second and disappeared.
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timestamp: 9:16
and then, he just faced us and said: “i have come” and jack just said: “i could have sworn i just heard something.”
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there’s another zalgo texts that says: “tomorrow ends him”
16th video: THE SIGNS ARE THERE | Layers Of Fear - Part 2
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timestamp: 4:39
more anti apperances:
7:51, 7:55, 10:21
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timestamp: 13:03
anti winked at us
20:12, 26:03
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another zalgo text in the description that says: “it’s almost time”
17th video: S̺͍͉͔͉̞̪Ḁ̸̰̮͝Y̶̪ ̳͇̭͍̥̭͉ͅG̕҉̡̦̲O̤̫͖͎̗͜͞ͅÒ̴̬̠̺̪̥͉̳͉̥͝D̨̺̦̯͙͙͔̯͚͠B̸̬̻̝͉͍̻̀͝Y҉̫̝̖̹̝̠͠E̲̩͟͝ͅ
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timestamp: 2:19
sean heard a weird sound, stood up and said “the fuck was that?” and strated to slightly glitch.
he opened the door to his far left and said: “hello?”
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and then he appeared...
more anti apperances:
2:32, 3:18, 3:41
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timestamp: 4:22
sean said: “this smell isn’t making me feel well” and he got a nosebleed.
4:32, 5:32, 6:35
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timestamp: 8:07
“it’s time...to die!”
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timestamp: 8:28
he got quiet and listened to the thud sounds he heard. stood up and said: “i swear to god, i’m hearing something. that is fucking freaking me out.”
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timestamp: 8:43
he appeared again but with black eyes.
and then proceeded on saying: “maybe it’s just the neighbors i’m hearing. sounds like something’s walking around or something like stomping or banging, christ. maybe i’m just paranoid ‘cause it’s halloween” 
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timestamp: 9:09
the video slightly glitched when sean said: “but if you wanna make him look like he’s rotten or decayed”
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timestamp: 9:49
the video slightly glitched again before anti’s shadow appeared
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timestamp: 9:50
and then sean glitched
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timestamp: 9:51
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timestamp: 10:36
before sean finishes his sentence, anti cuts him off and took over him.
- tw: blood and gore -
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timestamp: 10:47
anti slits sean’s throat and killed him.
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timestamp: 11:03
and now, anti has fully taken over sean...with a voice saying “help me”
and then he proceeds with his monologue that we have to say goodbye to sean.
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in the description though, it says: “You wanted me.....well here I am”
- E N D -
moving on to the other social media, before the ‘say goodbye’ video, anti has been taking over sean’s instagram and twitter.
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i know he also took over his tumblr but it has the same vibes as his twitter. (bloody icon and zalgo bio)
and that ladies and gents, is how he died and now he’s in a coma.
coma? i’ll tackle more about that during the 2018 egopocalypse post soon!
HERE’S THE PLAYLIST TO THIS POST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5wG46uK8MEOkOZFY4k9x9tSGECzF9l8z
i hope this is helpful to anyone who didn’t get to experience this or just forgot about what happened during that time of year.
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otdderamin · 8 years
Transcript Ep5 0:1:50 Character Backstories
All of this transcription was done by Critical Role Transcripts. I've merely reformatted it from closed captions to paragraphs, and added the timestamps and links. The longer Critical Role has run, and characters have developed, the clearer it is that the telling of their backstories shows some very core personality traits, beyond the mere history they tell. I hope this serves as a useful reference document for further analysis. Note: Pike's video wasn't introduced until Ep5, making it the first episode to have all of them.
 If you like this transcript, especially this transcript, please consider donating to Critical Role Transcripts, @CRTranscript, to help them provide closed captioning to Critical Role. We'd like to share this wonderful show with as many people as possible, regardless of hearing ability or English language skills.
 Transcript method notes: http://otdderamin.tumblr.com/post/153539301510/a-note-on-my-transcription-method
Full episode: http://geekandsundry.com/critical-role-episode-5/
Full set runs: 0:1:50 to 0:15:12 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=110
 1. Pike - 0:1:50 to 0:03:52 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=110
2. Grog - 0:03:53 to 0:05:40 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=233
3. Keyleth - 0:05:41 to 0:07:43 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=341
4. Percy - 0:07:45 to 0:08:58 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=465
5. Scanlan - 0:08:59 to 0:10:20 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=539
6. Tiberius - 0:10:20 to 0:12:18 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=620
7. Vax - 0:12:20 to 0:13:48 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=740
8. Vex - 0:13:49 to 0:15:12 https://youtu.be/u6QpXDL7E8Y?t=829
9. Trinket - The Saga of Trinket - The surprising first meeting between Vex and her companion
 1. Pike
0:1:50 Ashley: "Pike grew up in the outskirts of town, near the Bramblewood. Her ancestors were a family of deep gnomes with quite an unfavorable reputation. Thievery, destruction, and trickery left them with the curse of the last name Trickfoot. Sarenrae, the goddess of healing and redemption, had other plans for Pike's great-great-grandfather, Wilhand, who left his family at a young age after a dream; a dream that changed the course of the Trickfoot family. Wilhand devoted his life to Sarenrae and pledged from then on that him and his family would live a life of service and devotion.
0:02:27 Ashley: "As a child, Pike seemed to have an affinity to heal. Whether it was animals, people, or even flowers, she felt she had a purpose in making things whole that had once been broken. She studied and learned the ways to heal though divine magic.
0:02:43 Ashley: "She lived a peaceful life, quiet and simple, until one day, Wilhand was captured, and almost killed, by a group of goliath barbarians. One of the goliaths took a stand against the murder of the innocent gnome, and he himself was beaten, bloodied, and left for dead, abandoned by his herd. Wilhand went to Pike for help. She prayed and healed this barbarian as best she could, bringing him back to life. When he awoke, she discovered his name was Grog Strongjaw. After that, they were best of friends, a rather unlikely pair. Little did she know that in a few years' time, Grog would soon return the favor and bring her back from the clutches of death.
0:03:31 Ashley: "After being killed in battle, Pike felt angry. She wanted to be stronger so that it would never happen again. She spent four months at sea training with the men and women aboard a ship called the Broken Howl. Gripping her holy symbol in one hand, and her morningstar in the other, this time, Pike is ready."
 2. Grog
0:03:53 Travis: "Right, Listen up! If you have ale, then you have a friend in Grog Strongjaw! A goliath of towering height and size, this barbarian has an appetite for the two great loves in his life: combat, women, and ale!" Chuckle, "Wait. Easily the brains of the group, Grog is often consulted for his vast knowledge of shapes, colors, and," chuckle, "shiny things! ...Also, ale.
0:04:27 Travis: "In his early years, armed with his two-handed great axe, Grog often enjoyed proving his might amongst the ranks of his family's wandering herd. But after coming upon an unsuspecting elderly gnome in the woods, he objected to the killing such an innocent life. A creature of impulse, Grog felt only pity for this... well, this terrified little thing, and his disobedience cost him dearly. Beaten bloody, and banished by the herd leader, his uncle Kevdak, Grog was abandoned and left to die.
0:05:05 Travis: "Exiled from his herd, it was then that the relative of the very gnome he fought to save, saved him. It was the kindness of a gnome cleric named Pike, that healed Grog, bringing him back from death's edge. And they have remained close friends ever since.
0:5:26 Travis: "Most nights, Grog can be found challenging entire taverns to wrestling matches! Ha! ...or accompanying Scanlan to the nearest house, where you pay for... lady favors. Also, ale!"
 3. Keyleth
0:05:41 Marisha: "A first Impression of Keyleth would leave you with little information on the half-elven druid. You might even think that her social awkwardness due to her sheltered upbringing is kind of sweet." Chuckle, "Of course, it would be unwise underestimate her based on first impressions. Under that unintimidating, petite frame is a vicious beast waiting to be unleashed, whose natural powers have made even the fiercest of champions pee their pants, literally!" Soft chuckle.
0:06:10 Marisha: "Born to the Air Tribe of the Ashari people, Keyleth was raised with a deep love of nature and the elemental magics. It is her people’s inherent duty to protect the delicate areas in Tal'Dorei where the four elemental planes begin to bleed with this realm. Since she was a little girl, she had quite a knack for air manipulation and beast shaping abilities. Well, if you consider Kittens and flying squirrels to be little beasts. Which, I do, "clears throat.
0:06:39 Marisha: "Anyways, it wasn't long before the headmaster of the tribe, her father, Kohren, realized her true prodigious abilities and she was inveterated to succeed him as the next headmaster. Just like that, her jovial childhood was stripped and replaced with endless spell memorization, teachings from ancient traditions, and exceedingly high expectations.
0:07:00 Marisha: "Every druid leader-to-be must embark on journey to seek out the sister tribes, in order to introduce and establish respect amongst the fellow headmasters. They call this the Aramente, or Noble Odyssey. When her father felt she was ready, he set her on the path to truly discovering herself. Not knowing when, or if she will ever return. As she hiked down the mountain towards Stillben, she meditated on the task ahead. Part of the Aramente is proving yourself a strong warrior, a valiant protector, and a wise and compassionate leader. With this knowledge, one thought plays in repeat in her mind: Is she even worthy?"
 4. Percy
0:07:45 Taliesin: "Percy was the third child of 7 children, born to a noble family who lived far to the north in the ancient castle of Whitestone. With so many siblings to share the burdens of lordship, Percy turned his attentions to the sciences, engineering, and naturalism.
0:08:01 Taliesin: "One day, a mysterious couple, named Lord and Lady Briarwood, came to court. During a feast held in their honour, the Briarwoods violently took control of the castle, killing or imprisoning everyone who would stand in their way. Percy awoke chained in the dungeon, only to be freed by his younger sister. Together they fled, chased by the Briarwoods’ men. As they ran, Percy’s sister took several arrows to the chest and fell. Percy kept running, eventually jumping into a freezing river and floating unconscious to freedom.
0:08:34 Taliesin: "He did not remember waking up on a fishing boat. He barely remembered the next two years, as he slowly made his way as far south as possible. Then one night, Percy had a dream. A roaring cloud of smoke offered him vengeance against those who destroyed his family. When he awoke, Percy began to design his first gun."
 5. Scanlan
0:08:59 Sam: "Oh, you haven’t heard of Scanlan Shorthalt? Well, gird your loins, ladies, because he has his eye on you. A talented musician, master of disguise, and dashingly handsome in his own mind, Scanlan sings songs almost as much as he sings his own praises.
0:09:15 Sam: "Born a poor Gnome, Scanlan used his endless charm and soaring tenor voice to croon for coin and support his single mother. One day he was discovered by a half-orc promoter, and joined Dr. Dranzel’s Spectacular Traveling Troupe where he learned the ways of the world, and honed his skills as a bard extraordinaire.
0:09:35 Sam: "A loner much of his life, Scanlan has never quite come to terms with the violent death of his mother at the hands of a Goblin invasion. While his years on the road provided many, shall we say, educational experiences with the opposite sex, deep down Scanlan yearns for the one thing he’s never known: the true love of a fellow Gnome.
0:09:57 Sam: " Still, Scanlan considers himself a lover first, performer second, and fighter distant third. On the battlefield, he’ll support his allies, but rarely draws blood unless it’s to protect fellow Gnome, Pike. Count on Scanlan for a hearty laugh, a rollicking song, and a twinkle in his eye that melts hearts and makes the females swoon.
 6. Tiberius
0:10:20 Orion: "Greetings and salutations. I am Tiberius Stormwind. I hail from a town called Ty'rex, located in the heart of Draconia, born from a politically respected family. At the age of 15, I succeeded in passing the Sorcerer’s Rite, showing prodigy-like control of my magic. The judges and the Draconian high council were amazed at how powerful my spells were for how long I had been training. At 20 years-old, I was the youngest appointed member of the magic guild in Draconian history.
0:10:49 Orion: "For the next few years, I almost went mad from the malaise of being a guild member, as it’s rather boring. However, one day I happened upon a chamber, unused for quite some time. In the room were stacks of books and maps of the surrounding cities and areas around the known world. For months, I would frequent the chamber, and learned of artifacts from legend. After a long period of research, I made a list of artifacts that caught my eye. I brought these findings to the high council and was told that all of the information in the chamber I had stumbled upon was either believed to be fiction or unsolvable mysteries, and hence were lost forever. I found those answers to be unacceptable.
0:11:28 Orion: "A year later I devised a ruse and managed to convince the city council to lend support in me leaving Draconia on a mission of peace and diplomacy for the surrounding kingdoms. Going from town to town and making friends and allies, in and for the name of Draconia. Being a red dragonborn, I had quite the task on my hands in that respect, but it was exactly what I needed so I could explore the world and find these artifacts, as I felt the truth was out there.
0:11:54 Orion: "Some may describe me as buffoonish, but I say poppycock to all that. I am much sharper than most give me credit for. I just don’t pay attention to things sometimes. I’ve also been known to be rather cunning, loyal, happy-go-lucky, and well, dangerous. I can’t help but show my true scales every now and then. But overall, I think I’m quite friendly for a Dragonborn."
 7. Vax
0:12:20 Liam: "Never entirely welcome in the company of elves or men, Vax'ildan learned at a young age to skip past formality, preferring instead to invite himself in your door. Along with twin sister Vex'ahlia, Vax was born by a chance encounter between elven royalty and human peasantry. Raised by their mother in their early years, the twins were eventually sent off to their father in the Elven capital of Singorn. But their cool reception among the Elves there never warmed, and their time in the capital didn’t last.
0:12:50 Liam: "The siblings stole away one autumn night and set out on the open road. After a few years of wandering, they eventually decided to return to their mother, and journeyed back to the lands of their youth. But instead of finding their childhood home, they returned to a pile of rubble. Their mother was gone, their home burned to ash. Pressing the townspeople for answers, they learned of the day the dragon came. With their ties all severed, Vax'ildan and his sister set out to find their fortune together in Tal'Dorei.
0:13:28 Liam: "An outsider since birth, Vax quickly learned to solve life’s challenges in his own particular way, often by sidestepping them entirely. And when his knack for circumventing adversity isn’t enough, the way of blades the elves schooled him in more than makes up the difference."
 8. Vex
0:13:49 Laura: "Like so many Half-Elves, Vex'ahlia has spent most of her life suffering the cool reception of a people who don’t fully accept her. Born of a human mother, and an elven father who only later in life took an interest in their existence, Vex'ahlia and her twin brother Vax'ildan quickly realized the only people they could truly rely on in this world were each other.
0:14:14 Laura: "It was at the age of 10 when the two were taken from their mother, and brought to live in Singorn, the isolated Elven city for which their father was an ambassador. He quietly took them in, but always kept an icy distance, and after too many years of disdainful looks, the pair decided to leave his indifference behind, and set out on their own.
0:14:36 Laura: "Vax took to the cities, stealing small trinkets and learning the ways of the thief, while Vex kept to the woods. She preferred the isolation. Always the keen observer, she learned to hunt and to track, to spy and to shoot. And through a series of fateful events, earned herself a companion in the form of a bear - her own stolen Trinket - to fight alongside her and protect her fiercely. Also, he is adorable, and gives expert massages.
 9. Trinket
The Saga of Trinket - The surprising first meeting between Vex and her companion
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