#oh and before I forget I don't mind it if characters are sexy Camilla is great I love her but it fits her character you know?
dentos-wife · 2 years
Let’s talk about Grima and how the characterization has changed a bit since Awakening, where let’s be honest there’s not much character there. But I feel like the little amount we got only of the Grimas portrays the original character now. I’ve been watching people fight over this back and forth in various places so I did a comparison and brought in some friends who don’t know Fire Emblem for their thoughts.
TLDR version: MGrima is the only one who captures the world ending hateful fell dragon vibe while FGrima has been feminized and softened because she’s the girl version and I hate it when media does this
With their base versions it was more like the Corrins or the Byleths general same message but a squint or you miss it difference
“I am the wings of despair. I am the breath of ruin. I am the fell dragon, Grima. Pay me the respect I am due, and I promise you a painless death”
“I am the wings of despair. I am the breath of ruin. I am the fell dragon, Grima. Pay me the respect I am due, and I will consider granting you a quick death when the time comes.“
Super similar, the boy however comes off as more threatening, no when the time comes or considering it. This is where the tiny differences started
Castle lines
“Ha. You fight for world peace? Stay your tongue. Such pretty little words sicken me.”
“My mind becomes muddy when I try to recall certain things... A side effect of traveling through space and time? Curse this frail body.”
“You fight for the happiness of all the people in this world? Hahaha, tell me... Did you come up with that little motto all by yourself? Go on, you can tell me what your heart truly desires.”
“You show promise, despite being human. If you continue to appease me, I may let you serve me.”
“Rite after rite, and still my memories refuse to return. This is beyond infuriating.. Maybe I'll go start a war to cheer myself up.”
“Wriggle like a worm trying to escape my boot, or die squished like a worthless maggot. Either way, you are little more than an insect.”
“Ugh... My splitting head... I remember nothing of my time in that other world... Nothing at all.”
“How about you stop pretending to be so selfless and tell me what you really wish for? Maybe I can grant it...”
“You show promise, despite being human. Of course, that's like being the smartest worm in the dirt. But still... I see enough in you that I could entertain the idea of keeping you by my side.”
“Memories or no, I will lay waste to the world all the same. You think me so fickle I'd change my mind?”
Still very similar but the male has slightly more personality by laughing and making little remarks here and there that the female doesn’t, still subtle though not a big deal it’s in what you prefer like most with an avatar preference and it’s still the same base character, however the female for whatever reason does come off as softer
Let’s do their confessions
“You are a curious one... You willingly come to chat with me? The fell dragon? Alone? You know full well how I detest humans. They have no qualms asking for divine assistance when it meets their fickle needs... But how quick they are to shun their benefactors once they get what they desire. They become arrogant and make the same mistakes repeatedly, incapable of learning the folly of their ways. They claim their actions are for the good of others, but that's merely a show of self-indulgence. Humans are selfish. And the ugliness of mankind has turned me repulsive. It's the world that wants me to be evil. And yet you claim to need me here? Enough of your lies, worm. How dare you look at me with such a gaze. Do not dare pity me!”
“Come to butter me up some more? How very irksome. I've nothing to chat about with a human. Humans spout their ideals, but it's nothing but lip service. Let's all join together and hold hands, you'll say. We can overcome our differences despite being different species, despite our differing core ideologies. The truth is what you see daily in this place. Day after day, night after night, all you have is never-ending war. One person's satisfaction means another must suffer. That is the truth of all worlds. But my power of destruction is the one true equalizer. If you think there's someone out there capable of leading the world with such high-minded ideas of love and bonds... I'd love to meet them. Hmph. After all that, you still talk your big talk? Very well. I'll watch over you... Right until your bitter end.“
It’s still extremely slight but the differences become more clear here, They’re the same lines but the male is more angry and the female more bitter. However it’s the same character. Granted if it were up to me the girl would just have the boys lines since Awakening they are the same but I get it, no one wants a copy. This was a good way to do the similar but different vibe of them though it still does have the female can’t be as angry stereotype bleeding through. It’s not perfect I’d make her angrier but it could be a lot worse. And then it gets worse…
Let’s talk about the Halloween alts because that’s when everything completely goes haywire. The outfits for one
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Okay so yes this is a silly festival and both are fanservice it’s a fanservice game I get that but which one comes off as a more imposing force? The male’s ears look real his claws look sharp he actually looks like a threat goofy outfit or not. The female on the other hand has costume ears and booty shorts. She looks like a parody of the boys outfit.
She got an outfit like this because she’s a girl. But sadly it doesn’t stop there. The *lines* even sound like a parody
“If I had my way, this absurd festival would not exist...since there would be nothing but ruin in my wake.”
"Trick or treat?" Pah. Try "the utter destruction of the world, or treat." And I do not have a sweet tooth.
“Giving thanks for the harvest? Hmph. Of course you worms would waste time on something so meaningless. Resources exist to be consumed. It's as simple as that.”
“Before you play a trick on me, think hard of the consequences. Surely even a worm like you can imagine it”.
“You think I'm enjoying all this? Perhaps in your complacency you've forgotten the danger you're in.”
“I hoped to find the power I seek at this harvest festival... But it seems that was a mistake.”
“Festivals are nothing more than a brief reprieve from despair. The vain struggle of a worm...”
“Submit or suffer!...Must I say "trick or treat"? How dull.”
“If you intend to play a trick on me, it will be your last. Such foolishness is absolutely intolerable.”
“Costumes are a fool's amusement. Who was it who said it would be enjoyable, again? I'll kill them first.”
But hey I liked MGrima since his debut, loved his personality so I could be coming into this with a bias. So! I asked some friends who knew nothing about FE hey what vibe do these characters give off and is it the same vibe? Here’s their lines have fun. Here’s the result of that conversation
“I know this is not a general way to tell quality but . . . Male Grima dialogues are not only richer but also way longer in both cases lol and honestly? They could very well be saying the same here, the dialogue should stay the same or almost the same here they're supposed to treat the same topic with SMALL variations, since they're supposed to be the same person you know? But each convo seems to be about something completely different. He comes out to me as emo (in the most positive way), while she's supposed to be Btchy Daughter of Actual Evil Boss. He's somewhat menacing, and the way he talks makes him look (from my POV) like a depressing person to be around, a party pooper. YET I guess his words are too strong for a girl's mouth so that's why she gotta be cute about this instead. She can't be too deep or serious, that's not interesting in a girl”
Agree? Disagree?
The confessions are honestly the best example of this problem because one is uh not as deep let’s say
“It seems you possess a grave misunderstanding of the harvest festival, [Summoner]. You may celebrate nature's bounty, but remember that there are winners and losers in every exchange. For you to gain something, someone else must lose it. What brings joy to you casts bitter sorrow upon another. Those without the will or power to resist can only be crushed underfoot. Such is the nature of the harvest. Now you see the world through the Fell Dragon's eyes. Thus, I ask you: Are you the hunter or the hunted? Consider well your path. For my part, I will continue to reap the harvest's bounty through ruin and despair!”
“Enjoy your short lives while you can, worms. Before long, utter darkness will smother you... Although... These sweets are quite palatable. Subtle sweetness with a delicate mouthfeel, I— Yah! How long have you been there, [Summoner]?! What did you hear?! No, nothing! There was nothing TO hear. Yes. I wish to harvest ruin and despair. Sweets harbor no interest for me. But next time the harvest festival comes around, I expect an invitation. Promise me, lest I am forced to destroy this world. You understand...”
From another friend who also knows nothing about FE
“The male one sounds like he's speaking from experience, like he's witnessed or taken part in many wars or other kinds of conflicts, and has crushed people who believed they were more powerful than him with his own hands The female one's personality is closer to a tsundere“
Look at how you can actually get Grima’s personality from his lines and not so much the girl. Now imagine flipping them. The male is the tsundere candy lover and the girl is the ancient old dragon, does that make you realize how weird it is?
MCorrin and FCorrin have matching halloween alts in comparison and even have the same lines with slight differences, they’re like twins
Which is what you’d expect with the literal same character just in a different body. Alas...
Which now brings us to the next alt of all, based off this cipher card
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Boobs! And sexualization to the max, the hehe I’m evil pose? the daintiness it’s so...
Her lines too, she whispers “devote yourself to me entirely” seductively, I bet they will not do that with the male, if they do I’ll eat my words and gladly
So I showed my friend this one’s lines and says hey thoughts?
“the dominatrix fetish is too blatant, but like not in a cool way you know, the classical of a girl that is introduced as this ruthless being of doom but gets nerfed mid-story when she falls in love with the unremarkable plain male prota of this proto harem, and she like . . . Has Been Secretly Soft And Needy All This Time and literally drops everything she's after to become An Ideal Wife for the male prota, picks up feminine interests and hobbies in hopes to be more appealing to him that's the vibes I get from this female Grima or whatever she's supposed to be“
She’s very curious what the matching males lines are going to be
But this brings me to my point why is Grima so different depending on if he has a male or female vessel? It really shouldn’t be this way, in Awakening Grima’s lines were exactly the same no matter if it was MRobin or FRobin because Grima is a murderous humanity hating dragon but since Halloween...man you do not get that vibe from the girl anymore. You do from the boy. I know why it’s like this sex sells yada yada yada. I also know the boy gets some of it like the damage art but that’s damage art, almost everyone has it, FGrima here goes above and beyond that to softening her lines and doing an evil queen vibe and that’s a crime dammit!
Like yeah I know the base does this to both and it’s fine when it’s the fanbase but when CANON does it to only one of them, it’s flat out sexism
MGrima alt based off this cipher card when? If hers was based off the cipher card I doubt he’s sharing her outfit but if he does I demand the same girly pose; it’s equality
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And then once they’re matched up again stop with the Grimas and never bring them out again, we didn’t need this many Grimas go back to Robin. I like Grima I’ll take his alts (no longer the girl unless they stop the uh fetishing tbh I’m a little uncomfortable with this recent one...) but this is a crime for both Robin now. FRobin being an GHB unit has no resplendent and no version in the main pool. She unlike MRobin did get a seasonal to herself earlier this year though. In comparison MRobin has a resplendent but if you don’t count the duo and some don’t because Chrom is the lead, hasn’t gotten an alt to himself since 2017. And since we got FGrima sounds like he has to wait longer for that since MGrima would drop first.
Unless we get an MRobin to go with this FGrima but that opens up even *more* sexualization issues; FRobin is only popular when evil and sexy so that’s the alt she gets while the male gets to be himself? Eeeh that’s really gross. So in that regard I hope we get one more MGrima and they’re shoved in the closet for good, allowing the real Robin’s to shine. Halloween was a neat idea the werewolf represented the Robin to Grima connection in a cool way considering werewolf lore and it was a good alt choice well...for the one who actually looked like a werewolf...
I know this is a problem of female sexualization and FE is not the only franchise where this is a problem but man GRIMA?!
And okay you could argue well M and F Robin are probably the most difference in personality avatars we have and you’re right but that makes it even stranger. FRobin is ever so slightly meaner and harsher than MRobin who is a little kinder. So then why would having Grima take over make MRobin the meaner and harsher one shouldn’t it stay on FRobin?
I only like the characterization on MGrima at this point, Girlma (as I call her) now feels like a completely different character, a toned down female parody of the other and it’s a damn shame even the creature that wiped out all of humanity and sent the world into despair got the “girls need to be sexy or cute” treatment.
Anyway that’s just me, FGrima fans you guys are cool if you like her that’s wonderful don’t take this as an attack or anything I just wanted to write out my thoughts that have been bothering me since the Halloween alts which should have been the final Grima alts but...you know money
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Top 5 Underrated Characters
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Requested by @pink-wants-to-die
Zoophobia has a lot of characters, doesn't it? Because of that, it's easy for a few to slip between the cracks. Either that, or the only way they get popularity is by Vivz going "hey, they might end up in a relationship with a popular character *wink wink, nudge nudge *" (looking at you Elijah ) I say we discuss 5 of them today.
For this list, I'm looking at characters that personally surprise me as to how few people show interest in them. I'm not just talking about fan art. I rarely see them discussed or anything. However, if a character hasn't gotten a lot of attention from Vivz, then to me it makes sense why no one talks about them, so you won't see anybody like. ...I dunno, Penelope. Anybody here know Penelope? How about Koko, or Calvin? No? Didn't think so.
Usual disclaimer. Zoophobia is owned by Vivziepop. This list is entirely my opinion, and feel free to disagree. All I ask is that everyone remains civil to one another in the notes, otherwise I will steal your spoons.
I'm going to break habit and announce my 2 dishonorables together since I put them on here for the same reason.
DM 1 and 2: Camilla and Elijah
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Ok, so it's not so much I feel as though they have no fans, I feel as though they have fans.....that don't actually give a shit about the characters themselves and like them for reasons not relating to their personalities or anything.
Starting with Eli, let's be honest here guys, how many people actually gave a shit about him before we got the implication that he could potentially be Damian's boyfriend? I mean, once in a blue moon, I'll see someone who says they like his character traits or his design, but that doesn't happen very often. Hell, this happened even back when Eli was green and was called Eiglet. Nobody cared about this character that much. We just got the idea that he could end up with Dame, and then the fandom started to take an interest. I find that incredibly disappointing.
With Camilla, I think we can all agree on one thing. Camilla is hot. I see a lot of people going crazy over her design, and the fact that she's a stripper. Sad part is, there's a lot more to Camilla, and Vivz has done several pieces of artwork depicting this side of her, and yet everyone just goes crazy over tits. Again, it's disappointing.
5. Justina
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Ok, so this bitch didn't appear in the comic. Well, she did at one point. Zoophobia originally had this prologue where we meet Justina. However, Vivz deleted this prologue so we can assume that prologue is retconned. You can still probably find re blogs of it somewhere. Still, it makes sense why not a lot of people would know about her, thus why she's at the bottom of the list. However, she still showed up at one point, and fuck it, I see plenty of shit for Mirage who hasn't appeared yet. Also, this is my list.
Justina is interesting to me. She has apparently been exiled in Hell and is forced to watch over dreams, a job she finds tedious. She's also the embodiment of Pride, and mistreats her daughter, Ink. Ok, so reread the second sentence. She got exiled. ...in Hell. A place where there's a bunch of crazies and crime, and that's super loose on rules. This bitch somehow got exiled. Also, the sins run over entire sections of Hell. Justina was a politically powerful figure. So what crime could she have possibly committed to get exiled? Why no one talks about this is surprising to me. Like, can we get some headcannons at least? The other reason I like her, and I know this is petty, but she hates being colourful. Am I the only one who finds the concept of a Vivziepop character despising how colourful they are kind of unintentionally funny? Yes? Ok then.....
4. Kaycee
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Kaycee's lack of popularity or recognition also came as a surprise. She's basically this story's version of the Cheshire cat. She's the puppet master pulling the strings of characters, kick starting the story. And yet she's neither an evil nor good character. She's morally grey, seemingly seeing the whole story as entertainment for herself. She also seems to be somewhat omnipresent, hiding in plain sight, watching shit go down. The first chapter gave her plenty of panels to shine in, and I'm not sure about the rest of you, but her scenes seemed pretty effective. So why did the fandom collectively forget that this character existed? With a character like Kaycee, you would've thought that the fandom would be abuzz with speculation and theories. Not to mention her connection with Cameron. What does Kaycee see in her? What's her end game? Does she want something, or is all of Safe Haven Kaycee's personal doll house? Come on fandom, what's the hold up?
3. Narissa
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Ok, ok, odd choice, I know, and that's partially why she's so low. So why do I think she needs more attention? Because she's high key a major contender for the most badass mom of the comic award. First off, she's the queen of Hell, despite being a mortal and not a demon. She has Lucifer, FUCKING LUCIFER, wrapped around her finger so tight that Vivz has described them as the most lovey dovey couple in the series. On concept alone, I'm already intrigued. And in the comic? Everybody, I want you to look at the panels she appears in, and just notice the body language, posture, facial expression. It could be just me, but Narissa seems to scream "get on your knees before the queen bitch". Also, notice how when Lucifer is full out raging and is about to stab a bitch, while everyone else is fucking terrified, Narissa's just puts her hand up like "Shattup bitch, I'm taking over." Finally, I find her reaction to Damian's actions interesting. I theorized in the past that she may be alright with Dame going to Safe Haven since she kind of gets it, since she experienced something similar in her life, except instead of Earth, she wanted to litteraly go to hell. I think it would actually be really interesting if there were some sort of parallel between Dame and his mum, and that being the reason she lets him do his thing. I see a lot of people give attention to Lucifer and especially Dame, but Narissa is almost always left out. I dunno about you guys, but I vote that we need more Narissa love.
2. Tentadora
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Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah, insert Jessica Rabbit joke here.
In Tentadora's case, I think people tend not entirely get Tenta's character. A lot of people criticize Tenta for not being a good parental figure for Damian despite being so doting to him. And I'm about to blow some people's minds here, but Tenta being a bad parent?
That's the point
Yeah, Tenta is actually a really shitty parent, and this is actually intentional. While she does care for Dame, she spoils him rotten and she's even surprisingly neglectful. She just lets Dame hang on Earth where she knows he'll be in danger. Oh but it's alright. He's happy. That's all that matters right? Even when searching for him, she doesn't take it seriously and would rather goof off than make sure he's ok. This is much more evident in a comic you can find on Vivz's art portfolio. It's done in a way that mimics the Invader Zim art style and stars Dame and Tenta. I'll probably reblog it later, but in the comic, Dame is (as confirmed by Vivz in the description ) not entirely mentally healthy. The kid is litteraly under the impression his dolls are talking to him. And Tenta's reaction? She just tells him he's too old to play with dolls.
I feel that Tenta gets a little too much criticism. Yeah, I agree with the design thing, but a lot of criticism I see towards her personality is criticism I have trouble buying. The whole thing with people asking why she's such a shitty parent is one thing, but there's also the accusation that she not only looks like Jessica Rabbit, she acts like and has the same role as her, when really she doesn't. Look, I don't deny the similarities. But Tenta isn't a clone. She's clearly inspired by and shares traits with Jessica, but she's hardly a carbon copy. Personality wise at least. She's silly, not ashamed of being sexy or inconvenienced by it, and she's far less mature. Can we just. ...I dunno, give the pink robot a break?
1. Zechariah
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Ok, so hear me out. I know I put him on my worst character list. However, remember how I restricted that list to just characters that appeared in the comic? If it weren't for that restriction, Zech wouldn't have made the list. The main problem I had was his stupid decisions. That's it. Also, this character has appeared in 3 out of the five chapters we got. He has a lot of panels to show up in. However, despite this, nobody pays this guy any attention. Except, oddly enough, the NSFW part of the zp community...... Yeah, I don't know either. Still, you rarely see this guy get spoken about or fan works made for him, while characters like Tom who show up once get more attention than he does. I think that this list has shown me how confusing the zp community can be.
Anyway, I'm about to pass out. Hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you think.
I apologize for wasting your time.
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