#oh and i still haven't finished the game so no other spoilers of the guardian
jacquiarno · 1 year
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So co-op has been a terrible time at trying to experience the romance in this game, all the male ones won't trigger and none of the female characters will have any dialogue with me, with one bugging and not being able to be recruited as a companion. I even had a certain companion roast me about my lack of romance.... But with some hope, I thought that maybe our guardian interactions hinted at a potential romance with them and I liked the fact we created them, with mine being really attractive..... Yeah.....
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swordswoman97 · 1 year
Okay having finished the Zora's Domain main quest I have thoughts. Below cut for spoiler reasons and because I have a lot of thoughts.
So Yona. She's sure... There I guess.
Look I'm not the first person on the website to complain about Yona, but I still have things to say. I would however like to preface this with the fact that while I do enjoy Sidlink, it's more in a "oh that's a nice ship" way than an "OMG I SHIP IT!" way. I'm also 100% not a Sidon simp. I get why y'all are so into him, but there are other characters I prefer. However, I definitely understand the frustration with Yona, and I have my own issues with her inclusion.
Now I'm not entirely convinced Yona was included just to spite sidlink ships and even less convinced it was just to spite the people who found him hot. Especially considering, I doubt they didn't see the thirst art for Ganondorf and that didn't stop them from letting the designer go whole hog on making him physically attractive. But I'll admit I can't 100% rule out the possibility that sidlink shippers contributed to that decision.
Instead, Yona almost comes off as just being a narrative shortcut by the devs to try and add some explanation to Sidon not immediately jumping into trying to investigate with the player and possibly to try and make it look like Sidon has changed in the 3-5 years since BOTW which, tbh wasn't even necessary. Zoras live a long ass time, I'd guess somewhere between 300 to 500 years. Sidon and the other Zora not actually changing that much as like people would make sense. In Zora terms it hasn't even been that long. As for the arc thing, you could have gotten the same affect by making Sidon afraid of failing his people or heck, if you wanna keep Sidon's fear of losing more people he's close to, have him know about Dorephan's state and have Sidon afraid that if he doesn't keep the water flowing into that chamber clean, he'll lose his father. Same damn affect.
Then you have Yona herself. For one thing she is so flat. Her only personality seems to be that she's nice and she's in love with Sidon. That isn't a character. Then there's her backstory. While more domains of zora makes sense, it's more the fact that any of these domains are still in contact with Hyrule's Zora's Domain that falls flat. We know Yona and Sidon met before the calamity, but you expect me to believe that any of the other domains kept in contact while Hyrule was crawling with guardians, let alone apparently visited enough for Sidon to not completely or at least mostly forget Yona? Where does she even come from? Across the sea? In the sea? Past the desert? Across that giant bottomless pit surrounding Hyrule on two sides? How did she even get here considering everything else going on?
Plus, one of the new monuments (why were those replaced anyway?) confirms that their marriage was arranged, and makes reference to Sidon viewing Yona as a sister... Nintendo what the fuck?! I don't care if Sidon's feelings toward Yona have become "complicated" or whatever he calls it, Sidon marrying someone he viewed as a sister is fucking creepy.
And then their relationship doesn't even seem meaningful. Now part of it is probably the fact that by the time we see Yona and Sidon interact I was already pretty iffy about the whole thing, but the limited screentime we get with them does not work to sell me on the fact that this relationship is actually romantic. They call each other an almost sickening amount of pet names but that just feels weird due to it. Like, there are times Sidon came off less as actually in love with Yona and more as trying to force himself to be. Like this relationship is way too forced to feel like anything but a slap in the face.
Plus tbh while I haven't finished the game, they might redeem themselves later, Yona is just a part of the growing feeling I'm getting that the devs just didn't consider how things fit into the already established lore. Like, why is Ganondorf knocking around when Hyrule is being founded when Hyrule was very much already a thing when Ganondorf first showed up in OOC. How does Sidon have a childhood friend from another domain with the calamity causing problems for the last 100 years? Why do the sages all have the exact same weapons as the champions? And the same models? Like... were these speeches originally supposed to be given by the champions and they switched it at the last second and couldn't be bothered to make new models? I love this game, I am having so much fun, but this story is just... I have so many questions. I really hope things start making more sense as I get farther in.
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ticklygiggles · 6 years
Kids gotta be kids | Corazon, Law
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A/N: Oh, hey! I'm alive. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this, sorry for the long wait!
Okay, just in case you are not in the One Piece fandom, but you want to read this, I'll give you a quick explanation (warning of spoilers): Law has a serious illness and Corazon takes the responsibility to find a cure for it, so he takes Law to hundreds of hospitals to find help for the kid, but all the doctors are scared of said illness so Corazon ends up burning up all the hospitals they go to. Literally.
Also, Corazon uses a weird make up.
Summary: Law is upset because doctors keep not wanting to help them up, but Corazon is there to make it him feel better.
Warning: Law is a kid during his time with the illness, so this fic has a kid being tickled. I know some of you don't feel comfortable reading about it, so you've been warned!
This is not a pairing!
Words: 1k+ (under the cut)
Corazon sighed when he found Law sitting right where he left him, with his knees up, hiding his face between them, and his arms embracing his legs. Corazon balanced all the fruits in his arms and approached him, making sure to step carefully to not fall.
He still wondered if that would make Law feel a bit lighter.
He placed the fruits in front of Law, but the kid didn't budge, instead, he tightened his arms around his legs. Corazon sighed again and he let himself fall beside Law.
"Law?", he didn't respond. "Law, I'm sorry. I know you are tired of this", he makes a pause, just to see if there was any reaction from the kid.
He was just a little happy to see his thin arms relaxing a bit. "And I know it embarrasses you that I keep burning up every hospital we go to", Law actually lifted his face to that and looked at Corazon, rolling his eyes and showing he was, in fact, embarrased. Corazon chuckled. "But just give me another opportunity, yeah? I'll definitely find a cure to that illness of yours"
Corazon placed a loving hand on top of Law's head. "Just trust me, please. Keep trusting in me"
Law hid his face again and Corazon quickly took his hand off his head, not wanting to make him angry. He waited, for an answer or a punch, he didn't know, he just waited and waited and waited until Law finally looked up at him again.
Corazon was kind of expecting a nasty look from him, even after saying all of those nice things, so he was not ready to find Law's eyes shining brightly in a way he had never seen before, and see a big child-like smile pulling at the corners of the kid's mouth.
The first thing that crossed his mind was that he was probably dead and he was seeing an angel in the form of Law.
He didn't want to be dead, the kid needed him and-
"Stupid, Cora-san", oh, that's not something an angel would say. "I'll trust you", Corazon gasped and placed a hand on top of his chest, relishing into Law's words.
Law simply rolled his eyes, not expecting anything else from his companion, and with a soft smile still plastered on his face, he looked at the fruit in front of him and extended his arm to took one of the reddest apples his eyes had ever seen.
Corazon, on the other hand, was still astonished, looking at his little companion happily take a big bite of the apple.
"Yes?", Law cleans up the juice falling from his chin as he looks up at his guardian.
"Law, do that again?"
Law tilts his head, just adding cuteness into Corazon's heart, and looked to the apple in his hand, then to Corazon, and then back to the apple.
"Okay", he says and opens his mouth widely, going for a second bite.
"No!", Corazon quickly says, stopping Law with his teeth a few millimiters away from the fruit. "Not eating! Smile! Smile again like you did one minute ago!"
Corazon nearly had a heart attack when Law's cheeks quickly dusted with a pink blush and his grey eyes opened a bit wide.
"You are stupid, Cora-san", he says, turning his head to avoid Corazon's gaze. "I do not smile", he bites his apple again.
"C'mon, Law! You just did! And you looked so cute!"
That made Law choke on the juice and the piece of apple filling his mouth, Corazon hit him in the back, scared that he might die.
"I don't look cute!", he gasps when his coughing fit dies. "Stop saying such things and just let me eat!", Law hugged his knees again as he angrily eats his apple.
"Please?", Law turned his face around. "Please, Law", Corazon got closer to him, just wanting to push his limits. "Just a little smile", he moved just a bit closer, almost touching Law. "A little smile?", he moved his arm, elbowing Law in the side a few times, noticing how the boy tensed for the invation of his personal space. "Please, Law?"
Law hid his face on his knees again, hiding his apple between his body and legs. Corazon decided to just keep elbowing him until he heard a muffled sound coming from Law.
A muffled sound... that sounded like a giggle. A giggle.
"Did you-
"Stop poking me!", Law lifted his face, looking at Cora-san and regretting it as soon as Corazon's face lighted up with realization.
It tickled him and he knows it did tickle by that muffled giggle and the way the corners of Law's lips trembled, trying to stop a smile from forming.
Corazon was amazed, speechless and surprised. His hands worked faster than his mind and before he could stop himself, his fingers latched into Law's sides, squeezing up and down the length of them, making the kid shriek and fall back as he giggled and kicked.
"You are ticklish!", he truly can't believe it. "Law, you are ticklish!"
"Dohohohon't tell mehehe!", tickling will not stop him from being a sarcastic little shit, apparently.
Law squirmed and tried to push Corazon's hands away from his sides, but he was just a kid and his strength wasn't enough, even worst when he's laughing against his will.
"Well look at you, you can really laugh, can't you?"
"Stohohop!", to Cora-san's surprised, Law was laughing nearly in hysterics as his back arched and his legs kicked trying to hit Corazon in the face. "Cora-sahahan! Don't tohohouch me!"
"Tell me, Law", he starts as his fingers brushed against a very sensitive spot on Law's sides, right under his ribs, Law let out a bark of laughter, his head throwing back and his body bucking up. "Your sides are a good spot for tickling?"
He smiled when he saw Law's cheeks slowly turning a soft pink. He looked adorable, he had never seen such big smile stretching his lips. His eyes were closed and the laughter pouring out of his mouth was so childish, so genuine and happy. It seriously made his heart melt.
"Corahahahazon!", Law yelled, squeaking when Cora's fingers moved to his child-like tummy.
The laughter died down a little, Corazon noticed as he clawed his fingers, which were long enough to cover up all of Law's tummy and part of his lower ribs, and the kid's laughter turned into giggling.
"C-Cora-san! Stohohop doing this!", Law giggles, trying to push Corazon's hand away. "I'm dyihihing!"
Corazon looked fondly at Law, this kid was very special to him now and he can't stop himself from making him laugh. He really wants to see him happy, but he probably needs to rest now, his face is a bit too red.
"Just one spot", Law giggled hysterically when Corazon's fingers climbed up from his tummy, past his ribs and up to his chest like little spider legs.
"No please!", the stubborn child finally begged. "Plehehehase not there! Not thehehere!"
Corazon chuckled. "Not there? Where? Here in your neck?", Law squeaked and quickly scrunched up his shoulders.
His hands tried to stop Corazon's, but it was useless. Corazon easily wiggled two fingers under Law's chin and lifted his head with no problem, exposing Law's neck to his mercy.
"Ahahaha! C-Cora-san! Wait! Wahahahait!", Law was already laughing loudly, even snorting a little.
Corazon laughed a little too. "I haven't done anything, Law", but he did as soon as those words left his mouth.
He held Law's head up with one hand as the other wiggled around his sensitive neck. Law shrieked and fell into hysterical laughter, his arms and legs flailing around.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle, Law~", Corazon teased. "What a ticklish neck you have here!"
"Nohohoho!", Law laughed out, his head shaking from side to side as much as Corazon's hand left him, his hands curling around his attackers wrists, trying to push him away. "Not thehehere!", he begged again.
"Too ticklish here?", Corazon sofly wiggled his fingers against the soft skin, not wanting to hurt Law. "Are you enjoying yourself, Law?"
Besides all of his bucking and shrieking and begging, Law was, somehow, looking happier than ever. There was no expression of pain in his features and he let his laughter pour out of him without holding it back to look strong and mighty.
Corazon thought that, from the first time in a long time, Law was actually enjoying being a child. He was letting himself be the kid he was, he was letting himself forget about his illness and his hard past and the scare of dying.
And Corazon felt happy that he was helping him to be free, even for a little while.
Law didn't respond to that accusation, of courae, but his cheeks flushed even more and that was enough for Corazon.
"Oh, you know what should I do?", Corazon stopped, letting the kid catch his breath as residual giggles made his body shake. "It'll probably drive you nuts, thought"
Corazon was suprised when Law started to giggle in anticipation. "Dohohon't raspberry mehehe", Corazon laughed.
"Oh no, you discovered my plan!", he easily moved Law's head up, not that he put much of a fight, and leaned down, making Law shriek with laughter. "I haven't done anything, Law", he says and blows a little bit on the exposed skin. "But here I go"
Corazon really didn't need to actually blow the raspberry, as soon as his lips pressed against Law's neck, he was thrown back into hysterics, so the whole raspberry thing was just finish up the game.
"You okay, Law?", Corazon helped Law up back into his sitting position.
"I'm fihihine", he breaths out. "Don't do that ever again!"
"Oh c'mon, you loved it"
"Did not!", he blushed.
"You did"
"Did not", Corazon chuckled and ruffled Law's head.
"Okay, sure. Whatever you say"
Law hugged his knees once again and Corazon got worried that he might misunderstood and Law actually hated it. He was going to apologize, but Law opened his mouth to talk.
"It was- it was fun", he mumbled, his cheeks turning red again, Corazon's heart melt inside his chest.
"I'm glad you think so, Law", he says. "It was, in did, really fun"
Law just nodded and they sat beside each other, enjoying each other's company and waiting for Law's breathing to finally become normal.
"Hey, Law?"
"I think I painted your neck a little bit... I'll have to clean it up", Law started to giggle again and before Corazon could attack him, he got up and run away from him.
"You gotta catch me first!"
Corazon will let him be a kid for as long as he wants to act like one.
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